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Ffs that’s a side of method acting that isn’t necessary and horribly unpleasant for the co-stars.


I just watched that clip on Colbert! Feel hugely sorry for Alicia Vikander. I am reminded of the words of Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman: . “My dear boy, why don't you try acting?” I do wish casting directors, looking for someone to play aging Henry VIII, would look for a tall fat aging man *who could act up a storm* rather than going the fat suit route *or* just ignoring the fact that once Henry stopped exercising but continued to eat massively, he got hugely fat.


I’m curious to see what they do with Damian Lewis in the second Wolf Hall season. He was so perfect as young(er) Henry.


Lewis was amazing. He played Henry's sparkling charisma and his underlying malevolence perfectly.


method actors are special - i mean, it's ACTING ffs i always think how someone famous said they were **so** excited to meet jim carrey when he was visiting set of Man on the Moon, but instead he had to pretend he was meeting Andy Kaufman ¯\\\_(•\_•)\_/¯