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they will change all jungle camps to cat camps that hunt down mice


I mean its probably unlikely to be nerfed, unless they will target AP. A lot of Twitch stats are inflated by smurfs and otps, it's not rly like some random diamond bob low can pick it and 1v9.


I just recently pickes up twitch again and i believe that is just people especially in lower elos like where i play for example (some what Gold) cant play against Things they cant See. Thats why imho Things like evelyn Work so good in low elos. There are so many time where you q inside a Bush run next to them and either get a Flash or a kill because they Autopilot so much that they think ok twitch cant be seen He must have Backed to base.


I only play Wild Rift but main Twitch. They nerfed the hell out of his AP because he was being uses to much as jungle.


Riot themselves has said that a low pickrate and a lot of otps dont inflate the winrate in a significant way so I can totally see them nerfing twitch soon


the reason they say that is because they have statistics that provide insight into accounts that we don't have, at least not as clearly as they do, so they can accurately differentiate and make informed decisions. The post talks about general winrate which is what you get from ugg/opgg/lolalytics, some are better than others but it doesn't account for one trick/smurf wr.


No, they clearly told that comments like your og comment is exactly what isnt true. Otps dont inflate general winrate


ur reading 💀


Honestly would not he is fine compared to the thanos champs


I think you're confusing the feel of balance with the on paper balance. Like a 45% winrate Yone feels more OP than a 55% winrate Twitch would - because Yone has a broken kit while Twitch just has broken numbers or items (and an outdated kit). I think what you're getting at though is that Twitch has major weaknesses, which is true - but that's also why his kit is so outdated.


all champs SHOULD have weaknesses but riot are dogshitretarded


nerf ap rat, let ad survive


-5 move speed


Nice try rioter.


It's funny cus I actually made this post because I know Phreak has said before he will visit champion subreddits to see the general sentiment. I thought if he happened to come by here I would rather him see how we would nerf Twitch instead of just doing what the numbers say.


Stop gaslighting an entire bloodline of rats would you question mark my question mark button is broken.


I dont think they will nerf him and i dont think theres even a room to nerf him, twitch's dmg literally comes only from items, they would have to hit those, also twitch is very meta dependant, some time ago he was struggling ish statistic wise and it was only because of how meta was for ad twitch


Lower the R ad bonus, simple as that.


I think that's probably most likely what they'd do considering they've buffed it twice in the past 5 years. Only problem with that is I think AP Twitch is way more degenerate to face and AP only puts 1 point into R, so I could see them mixing it up aswell.


ye let's only nerf ad twitch as if ap isn't far worse for the game/stronger!


it nerfs both, just ad slightly more also AD has better stats still I'm pretty sure


Ad twitch gets balanced mainly through items, AP twitch mainly through the e ratio, if they nerfed BoRK that would be a pretty big ad nerf. *Maybe* Q nerf? It's like one of the most toxic and frustrating mechanics in the game


For AD the only thing that makes Twitch broken is his Q. Nerfing that would probably be reasonable.


Nah, I'd buff him. Give passive an ad ratio and give W grounded with enough AP.


nothing much except nerfing his numbers. Very slightly though


I think that Twitch just requires a small rework tbh. Passive should get an ad ratio, but I don't think straight damage is the way, I think like every 100BAD(/15leth?) should allow you to add another poison stack. Like a 7th stack instead of 6 max if you reach 100 BONUS AD or something. This would make it a lever inaccessible to the ap variant, but make Twitch's E remain relevant on builds that invest in raw AD. I think his Q should give way less attack speed, but increase the poison buildup rate (like 2 stacks/auto). His W is actually like a fine ability, might not do a lot, but that's not what twitch is about. His E I think we don't touch, it works fine. His R should not give flat AD, this part never made sense to me in the first place. It should provide penetration. I'm unsure if I would prefer lethality or %pen, but both would serve Twitch's identity better. Twitch as a champion wants to show up out of stealth, apply as much stacks of poison as possible and then hit E. You want to make the max stacks of E feel like it's worth it to press it, which it often is not. You also avoid the whole stat-check problem, because ad twitch is such a menace because he has a 60%AS steroid that is nearly perma off cd. Twitch, and any other champion that abuses stealth/reset mechanics will always be viable in soloQ, and will always be strong when piloted by onetricks. I still think Twitch needs a small retune, but overall I think his best ability to nerf is his Q AS, not stealth duration. Besides that, maybe a W AP-ratio nerf.


100% agree he needs a mini rework. IDK if you played when Ezreal got his mini rework, but it is like the exact amount of changes I think Twitch needs. Just some small things to modernize the kit and make it feel better to play and play against. Wild Rift Twitch actually has quite a few small changes that are in general much healthier and better feeling (especially because he has specific jungle monster buffs).


I've played regular league since S2. That's exactly what I meant by update, yes :)


-Nerf Q duration and Bonus Attack Speed. -Tune Attack Speed Growth -While we are here give Kog treatment, Make W Missile Speed and animation scale with Attack Speed.


Twitch has been S/S+ tier at 51+ winrate for over a year now, why would you nerf it? Champ is just good for soloq for obvious reasons, in theory the champ is garbage. He has never been picked in proplay for this exact reason. You'd have to turn him into a minion for him to be bad in soloq


Because it's now 53% WR with 10% pick 10% ban. It's better now that it has been in the past couple years - that's why they would nerf it. Also, it being a soloqueue pick is exactly why they would nerf it. They have no reason to care about pro so there is no downside to them. I agree the kit is just outdated, but a high winrate outdated kit is inherently an unhealthy one.


Hes high winrate high pickrate because he counters both meta champs, jinx and zeri along with enchanters being good. This is nothing new and will change once the meta changes again, same happened in last aphelios jinx meta. Also, they have no reason to care about pro? Really? Are we playing the same game? Also, I urge you to search for a single tierlist made by a reliable player where twitch is placed high


I mean they have no reason to care about pro play when it comes to nerfing Twitch, because he's not in pro play - so it would have no effect.


I've always wanted his q to be alot shorter, then increasing on level. (4 seconds + 2per level) to make his trading more exciting but also to let jungle be viable again


I think they would probably never make it shorter than 8 because that's the cutoff for recalling - but if they made it locked at 8 but give more AS I would be fine with that.


Higher mana costs, that would affect both playstyles laning phases


besides the fact his mana costs are big already, if that happened people would just play pom more than they do now and no problem, he can just abuse the regen with his poison


R projectile speed down from 5000 to 3750 or 3500 That’s gonna be a really big nerf (press ghost and run sideways ggeasy)


I don't see them ever touching that again TBH. It's basically not even an ability when it's low.


That would literally just require walking with base boots, no ghost needed.


they did the opposite of that recently-ish and for a reason