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AD twitch without R tbh


Idk why people still complain about AD twitch, I think he's really busted rn (not on muramana build level but still)


Yeah he's been pretty good for a while even Anton said it, only problem is that you still get jumped lmao


Yeah but unlike other adc you can goof around in stealth and wait Till everyone clumps together and shoot them to death.


thats the problem with all ADCs thou, atleast with twitch you can stay invis for a while before fighting


But twitch gets jumped jumped Its in league players nature you cant tell me that if you saw a twitch and a lets say jhin you would all in the jhin


yea, you still would all in a twitch, but most adcs are the same, your just a walking bait this season, your job is to bait the enemy team so your actual carries can catch them out atleast with twitch, i can q to get close, wait for some cc dump on someone, then pop ult and shred, you cant really do that on jhin and jinx and most other adcs, you have to stay further back and try to weave autos


Martyr rat


nah, the difference with other ADC's is that you can manage to outplay enemy team a lot more easily, with Tristana or Vayne you obliterate a Mordekaiser in his own ult. In contrary to twitch, countless times useless motherfuckers could 1v1 me, them being super behind and playing terribly, and I defend myself mechanically pretty good I'd say... So it's like, idk, AD Twitch is super good only if your supp is good and you can get advantage early on, if not, it's an useless champ.


If you don't all in the Jhin, you die.


Well, it's called spray and pray for a reason Pray you can live and dish out as much dps as possible, death is inevitable!


muramana build on twitch?.. howd he stack that


End of S10. Pretty much every champ could kind of stack it.


it used to stack on autos


damn insane


You can still get body blocked and get your recall cancelled by him.


Me SP with experimental hexplate, bloodsong , terminus and lethal build roaming around jumped people


Ad twitch is the strongest it’s been in awhile lol. If you’re getting jumped n instakilled you’re probably just not playing patient enough and opening too early


Fr he has like a 53% winrate emerald+ rn, kinda crazy


i never even see this champion in low elo. he's so broken that no one plays it. phreak literally only looks at emerald+. what a clown.


Oh boy you’re going to be upset once you find out the average rank of the players in here.. We are here for rat, not for rank.


I wont be, not sure what youre even talking about. trying to sell my accounts actually.


yes cause thats important, kinda hard to balance the game around people that dont have a single clue, also twitch is picked pretty often in low elo lol


AD twitch is fine right now ffs