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posting the picture of someone who is not conventionally attractive and saying everyone is beautiful is the most backhanded way to compliment someone. Either compliment her for her achievement or don't say anything at all


I agree people paying too much attention on looks than actual accomplishment besides that she is still a teenager wait for few years and see changes due to hormonals growth girls also glow differently when they enter in their 20s


LinkedIn is infested with wanna be pretentious pricks lol




One of my favourite subReddits. I felt like I was the only one disgusted by the pretentiousness and holier than thou attitude on LinkedIn, until I found my tribe here lol


i hate indians on linkedin, some are trying to be flag bearers of my religion, some are wannabe social reformers while getting their captions generated by chatgpt & some are posting utter crap to gain impressions. why are u even posting a girl without her consent ! get a life


Completely agree.


If i could +2 this comment, iwould


Everyone just yaps on linkedin


LinkedIn influenzas are the absolute worst.


Ugh i can’t wait for body neutrality to take over this stupid bs. Not everyone is conventionally attractive and it’s ok. Luckily we’re all more than what we look like.


100%. As an extremely insecure teen, body neutrality is what has been keeping me going, to be more confident and to work on myself


Yeah there you go! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Body insecurity (along with all other kinds😭) is so common at that age.


thank youu🫂


What is body neutrality?


Lol and I saw a girl ,who bullied me and called gawar for not knowing about waxing and threading( i was away from social media and had strict parents nd there was no jio in my time )in my class 10 and I had thick facial hair which I was not aware of before she started calling me out nd ruined my mental state, giving sympathy ,?? Wtf?? And now she has become flag bearer of feminism on LinkedIn lol


Most of these pretentious people are the ones that bullied us back in the day. They don't care about social issues


Wow what a turn of events I'm sure she must be a champion of women rights 🙄 like seriously, I hate these kind of people my high-school bullies also act like miss two goody shoes on social media and post cringe content to attract simps


Most of these pretentious people are the ones that bullied us back in the day. They don't care about social issues


In her defence, people can and do change. But your feelings are justified too.


No she didn't change,cuz she posted her pic online? I would never want my ugly pic posted online


God I hate linkedin it has become hub of weird people giving unsolicited advices and similarly those influencers who are "sympathizing" with the girl are also hypocrites


LinkedIn folks will post dogshit, if dogshit is trending for some reason. There are millions of desperate people who will use any news possible to make a spin out of it to gain followers


Yeah exactly


These influenzas really thought giving fake तारीफ would help their rep or smth...


They are trying to gain followers


It started with the Instagram troll pages. Everyone who dd this to get shitty engagement online should be blocked and reported seriously.


I don't even remember the last time LinkedIn honoured a report. Misogyny, no problem, Bullying someone, no problem, Plagiarism, no problem, Fake jobs no problem, literal scam job post no problem.


My two cents on this girl's situation. I was raised to not dress well. Idk how else to explain this. Till I got married, wearing lipstick would warrant the "wh*re" label from my mother. I don't know how to explain this to anyone who thinks parents want the best for you. She is probably taught "oh beta looks don't matter, you will learn grooming eventually, everyone is jealous of you" But parents who do shit like this usually set their kids up for failure. Now I am a walking joke amongst people. I usually have no sense of style. I do well when I wear Indian, but western wear is an absolute no no, I look like a homeless butch lesbian or an overweight aunty looking to hide her age. It's brutal. As much as I want to believe in the lie we are fed that "looks don't matter", they absolutely do and she has to somehow try to groom herself or work in that direction atleast, sooner or later.


My mother forbade me from threading, never allowed me to get a haircut, and lipstick was a no no. I feel you girl! However, if you need outfit recommendations, DM me! I’d love to help a fellow girlie out


Aww! Now I am comfortable in my lesbian fashion lol 🤣 but thanks babe 😘


I would rather have a 15 year old stressing over exams and studies than over makeup and dresses. One can learn styling at an age. You cannot reverse academic losses nor can you go back in time to gets on ships that have sailed past. Ik I sound exactly like your mum because my mum was like this and till 10th grade I didn't give a rat's ass to grooming. I was doing good academically not only in my school but on the national level. In +2, I got too much into beautifying myself after seeing all the girls around me and lost a lot of time crying infront of the mirror. The time, effort and money spent on doing stupid shit like makeup and dresses could've been spent on my academics. I failed to crack an entrance exam not because I was not capable enough but because I chose to spend my energy on styling, skincare, dating and shit. I wish I could go back and slap some sense into 16 year old me. Makeup, braces, sunscreen, contact lenses can wait. JEE and NEET won't. I don't regret a single day I spent looking like a homeless slob and not giving a single fuck about my looks and outfit. But I regret EVERY SECOND I spent on watching skincare/haircare/makeup reels, wishlisting stuff I coudl never afford to splurge on, spending whatever pocket money I could save on dumb shit skincare and makeup and crying infront of the mirror thinking why tf I don't look like the east asian supemodel who has tons of money to spend on beauty products/procedures, makeup artists, lighting and editors. So yeah, in the future I would absolutely want my daughter to look like a homeless slob than spend a MINUTE on grooming and stuff. You can ask me why I'm being so extremist about it but the thing is.....this grooming stuff is a slippery slope. It starts with simple things like tweezing and skincare and ends with ridiculous stuff like red-lighht therapy and laser. Pretty much like cigarette. You start as a dare and within a year you're smoking off two packs a day. Better stay away from the entire stuff until you get a good UG degree from a premiere college. I'm in a 'decent' college and I'm back to looking like a slob. No regrets. I would think about skincare/makeup when I can buy it with my own money.


You sound like there are bigger problems you want to address before coming after a reddit comment like this. It is not a slippery slope and nobody asked her to abandon her studies and become a beauty blogger. The bare minimum doesn't hurt anyone.


>You sound like there are bigger problems you want to address before coming after a reddit comment like this. Refrain from making ad-hominem remarks from the next time. That's like one of the most basic internet etiquettes that one should follow. >It is not a slippery slope and nobody asked her to abandon her studies and become a beauty blogger. Considering the amount of teenage girls and girls in their 20s who suffer from low self-esteem due to their looks, I don't see how you even wrote that statement. Like do you not see women around you? How much most women criticize their own looks? What evidence do you even have of it not being a slippery slope? >The bare minimum doesn't hurt anyone. I didn't see maggots on her skin, dandruff in her hair or holes on her clothes. That IS the bare minimum. Anything else is optional and unnecessary for a teenage girl. But thanks to idiots on the internet, her self esteem must've plummeted to Hell.


To each his own, peace!


Yeah, peace.


Armchair activists. Thy are everywhere


This is the kind of thing I would do if I had social media as an 8 year old, with the amount of situational awareness I had back then I would think I’m doing a great thing to help.


Wait for few month that girl will be forced to deck her up and you will see a transition reel or before after.All Members will pitch in too.