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I remember when a conservative was some guy in a suit talking about how tax cuts would trickle down rather than some dorky edgelord/twerp.


Hard to say which is worse when one of them is better at removing services that we need


When conservatism was Reagan and not Trump, better, but still bad


My brother in Christ he helped smuggle crack into Afro American community and help fund a genocide in nicaragua on the side, he probably is not that much better then trump


Previously you could at least expect them to act like adults. The last guy was running around calling a virus "kung flu" and suggesting they were looking into injecting disinfectants to deal with it.


'welfare queens' would disagree with you


Every US president is a war criminal since George Washington, but under Reagan USA reached its zenith in economic and political power so many westerners look at Reagan like he’s the messiah


Did he even go to UBC?


His LinkedIn doesn’t seem to refer to UBC attendance. Would be hilarious if he was never actually a UBC student. An IRL brigadier.


Psychology student, [per this CBC article](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/abandoning-the-people-s-party-drake-gets-dragged-postmedia-s-politics-milkshaking-high-cuisine-and-more-1.5147118) >Angelo Isidorou is a psychology student at University of British Columbia.


Thanks for finding this and thanks to Mr. Isidorou for leaving UBC off his LinkedIn.


Never thought we had these kinds among us


why the voices just won't stop 


Wasn't that sign the one used when something was "fancy" or "neat"? I've used it like that my whole life, although I'm from South America.... Bruh I thought the white power one was that hand sign looking down :(, have I been making a white power sign this whole time?


It started as a joke that the "ok" symbol really stood for "white power" with the three fingers forming a W and the circle being a P, and then the white supremacists adopted it because it was a joke to "own the libs," and proceeded to make it an actual part of their iconography which removed the joke.


No, there are different contexts. In many cases this means ok, but in the context of someone at a MAGA rally where it's used to refer to white power, it's at best stupid and at worst racist for a communications director to use it. Just like how pointing out someone's height can quickly turn into a Nazi salute if you are in the wrong context!


Or like when you see someone you know at the same rally so you extend your palm upwards like a wave, but with no side-to-side motion, so it's [the "casual heil" per Seinfeld.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuBa8lBHw94)


it means "money" in Asia


It means “F” or “9” in ASL too! It also can mean “ok” in general. But yeah this is not great. I don’t want to be signing in public and have people think i’m into white power.


4chan did a little trolling and told everyone it meant White Power. People bought it. Now it means white power. [[source if you don't believe me]](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/26/764728163/the-ok-hand-gesture-is-now-listed-as-a-symbol-of-hate)


Unfortunately there is an entire generation of angry men, young and old, and it is not going well for us as a community. Met a person in Toronto and from her accounts of the dating scene young men in general are not doing well. I think bumper stickers, Maga hats, people who use the word "alpha" etc are signals of mental health strains. Just my $0.02


There is a study that shows how our generation is way more conservative than our immediately older generation, and we have broken the trend of "younger generations are more liberal". If I'm correct, we are kind of close to boomers in terms of how conservative we are. The Economist published a report about this phenomenon.


I believe the trend is that young men are leaning more & more conservative, whereas young women are continuing to lean more liberal


Thank you for the input u/HolyLolicon


I mean there’s a very good reason for such feelings across such a large demographic. Lack of opportunities, hope for the future, prospect of owning a home, jobs etc If you were a homeless male Canadian citizen in Toronto, illegal refugees, asylum seekers, and all other types of special demographics will get resources before you


It's never been different, socioeconomic pressures have always existed. What hasn't existed before is weaponizing fears by social media, turning men and women alike into slogan repeating, chanting robots devoid of reason. Issues are issues. You can be curious or angry.


Are we surprised


why is this lowkey horrifying lol


he's such a loser


Unfortunately people like him are just winning. I don't think Canadians really care as long as they are promised to buy houses cheaper lol


Bro when did people decide the freaking "ok" sign is now a white power symbol. Gonna get cancelled for scratching my nose when that inevitably becomes the symbol of puppy kickers or sth.


Come on now. What is he OKing in this context? This has been co-opted as an 'edgy' white power symbol after 4Chan said they should use it as one as a joke. Idiots thought it was a good idea and took it from there.


Context makes a huge difference. Using it instead of a thumbs up with someone you know? Nobody’s gonna care. Flashing it while posing with a bunch of right-wing chuds? You’re probably an asshole.


sure but asshole and white supremacist are not the same thing lol.


Not every asshole is a white supremacist, but all white supremacist are most certainly assholes.


Oh yeah. for sure. there's definitely overlap but they still are not the same thing


I saw a 'funny' tiktok about how fire alarm beeps were like a part of black culture, like a 'in my house growing up the fire alarm was always low battery' kinda thing I sent it to my boyfriend cause I giggled at it, turns out that is a racist calling card. I totally didn't realize but now I'm wondering how many silly things I laughed at that were trying to radicalize me


4 Chan was behind the whole 👌 being a white power thing, it's a troll and it doesn't actually mean that. Could be one of those r/movingtonorthkorea situations tho, where people who aren't in on the meme start using it unironically


When 4chan does ironic racism it is already being started by racists pretending to joke and useful idiots who pretend to believe them. Do you think people bringing kekistan flags to Charlottesville were being ironically racist? What drives people to give the benefit of the doubt to someone whose claim to fame is bigotry while wearing a make America great again hat in Canada is, to me, obvious


lol the ok sign is not a white power symbol its just some shit from 4chan or something. It's really dissapointing how many people eat this stuff up with no thinking or research whatsoever


Watch out, the evil huwhite boogeyman is coming to get you!


No https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/s/AwP15XNwb5


I'm not claiming it's a good or bad thing or that it's not affiliated with racism or 4chan which generally tends to be problematic in itself, it's just incorrect that this is a white pride affiliated sign; it's not. a lot of people are responding with "Well it's bad, so!" like ok. great. It is bad, we agree. but the post is still incorrect about what it is


What is the criteria for a "white pride affiliated sign"? It is used by people holding the same beliefs to express those beliefs as any sign would. Do you want it in an organisation constitution or something?


..?? It is not a white pride sign, let's just establish that. it's an "ok" sign that was falsely labeled as a white pride sign, it's not a nazi salute or some kind of swatstika hand signal. Your point about organization constitution is obviously silly


Again, what do you need for it to be one? Do you think this man with a history of bigotry in the picture is just doing an ok sign entirely uninspired by any other meaning?


I don't really know what you're getting at? also, part of the reason the post even mentions the ok sign is because the only other "incriminating" thing they have here is him wearing a maga hat. I do not doubt he has a history of bigotry but I don't actually know that based on the ok sign which is essentially a conservative meme, and him wearing a maga hat - All I've learned is that he's conservative, and yes many conservatives are some level of bigotted. Do you actually know more about this person than the post made, or are you just assuming he's bigotted based on the incorrect info in the post?


I am a reputable bridge vendor




> When 4chan does ironic racism it is already being started by racists pretending to joke and useful idiots who pretend to believe them. Do you think people bringing kekistan flags to Charlottesville were being ironically racist? Refer to the useful idiot bit here. Just a famous bigot hanging out in groups highly enriched in white supremacists making a hand sign he already got in trouble for in the past as meme. The meme being it an *ironic* white supremacist sign, while actively wearing white supremacist slogans of another country.. Doing all of this while a significant chunk of his job is virtue signalling as a politician to be palatable to certain groups of people The bridge is actually free but i will need property taxes as google play cards


I guess anything is a "White power sign" nowadays.


i love foreign influence on internal politics


I am a person of color and I know this guy very well. Great guy. Keep talking whatever you want but we immigrant POCs support free speech.