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Probably the repeated searches have triggered something, especially if you're using the same details


yeah definitely seems to be the case and its true ive been running a lot of speculative comparisons. I have read other people get blacklisted in a similar fashion but there doesnt seem to be a solution. I have until 5th August to renew, maybe I need to just stop running quotation for a while longer but I also dont want to leave it too close to the renewal date.


Doing repeated quotes with different addresses & suchlike will have you flagged as a possible fraudulent applicant so they’re now pricing to that risk. Try calling one of them & getting a phone quote & see if you get the same result.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CarTalkUK/s/mbQ10NBxgR This thread might be of interest to you. Seems to be normal practice for that group of insurers to stop providing comparison quotes and seems to be a way of controlling prices. I think looking three months in advance in the future might be the way forward to get a general ballpark figure of what a fair price is.


MSE reckons 21 days before due is optimum date for renewal saving


I think you misunderstood my comment in the context of this post and the one I linked. I was referring to companies such as admiral, diamond etc not appearing on comparison websites when coming to renewal. For some reason they stop appearing about 1-2 months prior to renewal. So checking before this would allow you to see a ballpark figure of what you would have been quoted by them before they disappear. The 21 days thing still stands, but what good is it if the companies are withholding quotes and upping them prior to renewal now? May as well do both and see what you get


If that's the case I would recommend you send your evidence to sites like MSE as a consumer tip as I've never seen that reported and it makes no business sense for the firm to deliberately not appear on comparison sites near renewal when so many people use the cheapest option and simply wouldn't go hunting for firms like that


I noticed the same happen to me when renewing as with this post and the one I linked. Not a bad idea letting MSE know as they could investigate. The evidence would be purely anecdotal at this point and it's tricky to understand, but hopefully they'd be able to pull a lot more data together. It seems they pull the quotes when you're already a customer with them. Admiral, diamond, elephant etc are all part of the same group. What pulling the quotes does is prevents you seeing what they would have charged you as a new customer as you get closer to your renewal date. That's what I believe anyway. It does make business sense from their perspective to do that. I don't think it affects customers who are not with that group of insurers. As you will then get a renewal quote with them eventually, you haven't got a quote to compare to from them on a comparison website and just have the one figure to go off.