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You know you want that FF


2nd Reg probably has some of the nicest barracks on Lejeune, 6th Reg has the OG catwalk style. 6th Reg also seems to get better deployments, so do with that as you will.


Having been in 3/6 and 3/2 I will say the biggest difference comes down to the barracks and their surrounding areas. 6th Marines you’ll be in the old school cat walk barracks…. Which have their own pros and cons but the cons definatley outweigh the pros. You’d be in the Hadnot Point area…. And I guess Hero’s is no longer there so that is a big con lol. 2nd Marines ( at least 1/2 and 3/2…. Can’t rember if 2/2 moved out there or not to Wallace creek) but anyways….. the Wallace creek barracks for 1/2 & 3/2 are hands down the best at Lejeune all together. I eas’d shortly after they completed the new gate and connector, but I imagine it makes avoiding main side traffic a lot easier. Only con with those barracks is if you live on 4/5th deck and the elevators are broke. I eas’d a little over 7 years ago so commands change, peer groups change, deployment cycles change so don’t wish to make assumption on second hand knowledge since then. Best of luck either way both are solid regs


2d def has nicer barracks, they got brand new ones back in like 2019 in that Wallace Creek area


Roughly 14-15’ they had got them. Don’t quote me just rough time frame from memory


There’s I MEF, III MEF, and the other MEF. 2nd, 6th, doesn’t matter, stuck being service retained irrelevant.