• By -


>- Keep treating Russia as an enemy even after the end of the Cold War >- Openly rig Russian elections to benefit puppet candidates >- Try their hardest to destroy Russia over decades >- Try their hardest to encircle Russia with hostile military bases, missile shields and troops >- Try their hardest to coup and unseat Russia-friendly governments all around it >- "**Why does Russia dislike us!?"** The West has, with its own hands, given China, the world's most advanced industrial economy, a limitless, cheap, unsanctionable/unblockadeable source of energy and raw materials for its industry, as well as a firm military partner and a very big market of 150 million people. I am not sure if it realizes how big of a strategic blunder that is, nor how much they will suffer for it in decades to come.


Shhhh, don't interrupt them. (I only feel bad about the sane Europeans and North Americans.) Слава Україні!


These idiots in office are leading us to a major conflict. On top of that, they hate our guts if we don't have the same political views (which is pretty much split 45/55 ATM), and they also expect us to fight for their beliefs, while trying violate our constitutional rights (1st & 2nd amendment). God bless America 🇺🇸, the true Patriots will always fight for our constitutional Republic, not this wannabe EU invention.


You know they're complete idiots when in this sub you have American conservatives, libertarians, Orthodox Slavs, communists, leftists, "image board enthusiasts", Latin Americans, East Asians and Indians all trashing their foreign policy together, despite their opposing views. You'd think it'd give them pause to maybe possibly ponder whether they're the ones who are wrong and got stuff wrong, if so many different factions are calling them out. I also think it's hilarious to think there's likely a bunch of government agency employees who get paid to watch this sub and basically have to go through all these different factions shitting on them together, lmao. I wonder if they ever ask themselves if we have a point.


You might want to take American conservatives out your message. You do realize most of the support for Israel is coming or going to come from american conservatives right ? What is the difference with what conservatives are doing, or want to do in Israel, and liberals and Ukraine. It’s the same exact situation. The only people who actually “shit” on American foreign policy is libertarians because they support neither. Clearly conservatives don’t care about the foreign policy, they’re just selective of who gets what. They cry when Ukraine gets aid, but see no issue sending aid to Israel. They’re hypocrites.


>most of the support for Israel is coming or going to come from american conservatives right Support for Israel is bipartisan. Nobody challenges AIPAC https://preview.redd.it/0wh54jdqep0d1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=460179c91dcd5ab5ea69af2aa7d85689f950b880


Support is bipartisan, but joe Biden makes somewhat efforts to hold back aid. If a conservative like Trump is in office who said Israel should finish the job, you can tell he’s going to support it more than joe Biden.


Biden just puts up insignificant, ineffective theatrics. He is insulting the intelligence of his voters who demand he stop supporting genocide. Same shit DNC and Hillary did in the past.


>but joe Biden makes somewhat efforts to hold back aid You can't be serious.


> but joe Biden makes somewhat efforts to hold back aid No /s?


Yeah, you are also one of them lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/9quash7zep0d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd2e16df7a913810acf7b925319297075b727ee


Maybe it’s my fault for the generalization as some republicans support Ukraine and Israel, same as some democrats.


What part of the spectrum do you think are protesting and actually calling out Israel ? They’re for-sure on in the right side. Only difference is when you go far right extremist you get the neo nazis who hate Jewish people.


[I've included them because of people like Colonel Douglas Macgregor, who are both anti the current US policies in both Ukraine and Israel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZeN0v0eE2U). He's also for strong border security, finding that the most pressing issue the country faces, pro traditional families, and pro freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment, and is also fond of Trump on a personal level. Seems like a conservative to me, just with a different take on foreign policy, although I don't know how he categorizes himself, whether libertarian or something else. I've figured conservative because libertarians are not against trans rights. I don't know how many people like him there are in the country, but the guy is trying to start a movement called ["Our Country Our Choice"](https://ourcountryourchoice.com/). Give the video in the first link a try; you could possibly be surprised.


As a lefty, an actual lefty, I support Ukraine insofar as, I hope they get out of this conflict with a deal they can live with. I don't support sending them unlimited aid. I don't support them joining NATO. I don't support US boots on the ground fighting for them. I also don't support the genocide in Gaza. I think, if you're honest, what you will realize is, you can't really put everything in a neat box the way you'd like to. There is also the issue that the establishment democrats, are right of center conservatives on pretty much everything but some social issues.




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They’re actively threatening sanctions against India and Pakistan. It’s a series of bad moves from Americans.


If they are sane they would immigrate


Yeah, I personally don't get all the Chinese, Arabs, Latin Americans and Indians who immigrate to go offer the best talent their countries have (themselves) to American tech companies. No amount of money would be enough to persuade me. I'd rather contribute to my own country by working from within the borders of my own country, which has a decent and peaceful foreign policy.


Indians don't see brain drain as a problem. A lot of it comes back eventually, it also helps foster diplomatic ties and government to government relations. Most people in the west completely overlook deepening ties between India and the Middle-East (Saudi Arab, UAE...).


I think it's fine, and maybe great, if they come back to put the knowledge and practices they've acquired to use in their home countries, fostering growth of the industries they've worked in, there, in their homes countries. I can definitely vouch for that seems like a great option. I'm probably just speaking from a privileged position, since I'm in Latin America. I'm not sure Indians can work remotely in the same timezones as countries that pay you well. So maybe it's less of an option for them to do that.


Bangladeshi here. to be frank, my country has no future and is driving towards collapse because of corrupt leaders. Since my field is Machine learning and robotics, and most companies are in the West. I'd happily work in China or Japan if I could but they don't like foreigners.


Oh, don't worry. I understand. I was more specifically talking about immigrating to the US to work in a company like Google. I understand it is frustrating to pay your taxes to even more corrupt officials, and have no field to work in, inside your own country. What I'd recommend, if you want to move elsewhere, is to work in a country like Ireland, Switzerland or Austria. They're pretty neutral and nice.


Yeah, sure. UK, USA are not my preferred destinations now. I'd really love to work in Japan or Switzerland, but they have really strict criterias for immigration, nearly impossible.


Where would I go. I am trying to find a PhD position in Asia but its not easy as at all in my field (Drug Discovery), because most of the work is done in private companies


Maybe time to learn Chinese? I bet a lot of companies there would love to learn and get knowledge from the West from a native person. Maybe try emailing a bunch of companies and ask them if they're interested. I work remote from the Philippines now, but I have my own businesses, so I didn't have to deal with that. My life got instantly 5x since I left the U.S. The people here are sane and happy. You feel safe walking the streets anywhere you go. The cost of living is 4x cheaper. Almost everybody speaks English already. Massive upside with no downside. Only problem is the time zone as my companies still work in Western markets, but that's not a big deal.


It is insane that Russians would cheer, becoming a vassal state. I get the whole "nothing but dictators for 300 years," but to just be good with being subservient.


I would be worried about the EU wagging its tail for its master, the US, first. Its a pity such a big block of nations became entirely dependent militarily and heeded the becks and calls of a single country across the ocean. I wonder when it will become subservient economically as well. Sure, Russia is becoming closer, or as snobby westerners say, dependent on China out of necessity. Otoh, the EU willingly abandoned their independence to kowtow before the US long before this war.


Russia believed in powerful Europe but it miscalculated.If only they spent all that time with China.


I guess most countries including Russia are trying to make space for themselves in the new world order. France is no different with Macron talking about \*\*strategic autonomy\*\*. It is not about replacing one hegemon with another.


also telling China for two years that they plan to go to war with it and then in the same breath asking them not to make any alliances with Russia. Even if Russia had nothing to give them, they will still make alliance with us cause that protects them from invasion on two fronts.


No one can invade China right now lol. If China will fight, it will be to dethrone the US, not to prevent an invasion. However, yeah, US foreign policy is the worst ever


They beleive their own cowboy movies.


Very good points. Wish Reddit still had that medal 🥇 gifting system. I too was so confused with the wests approach towards Russia who pretty much licked western boots for 20 years after USSR collapse. Russia was prime to be brought into “the civilized west” all it got was humiliation and continuation of the Cold War. Even on a personal level I liked the west and its people. It was quite hurtful that we (former Soviet people) kept getting villainized. US truly screwed up bringing Russia and China closer together. They could have used Russia in their favor by simply showing them equal treatment or respecting their security concerns.


I mean, around 2000’s, Putin was aiming to even join the NATO, until they dismissed him and laughed at him.


If I remember correctly they did offer him to apply, but entering through the same process than the smaller countries had to go through was beneath Russia, or so it seems. According to George Robertson, defence secretary who led NATO at the time, and if we are to beleive him, this exchange took place : Putin : When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ Robertson : ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ Putin : ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter. I can understand Putin's stance, mind you. Russia was the heir to the USSR and that cumbersome process could indeed be seen as somewhat humiliating. But there's also merits to say that the door wasn't closed at all at the time.


Yeah that's why they gonna ignore all the processes and requirements to allow Ukraine to enter right after the end of the war. If they really wanted Russia into the NATO they could've violated their own procedures.


Sure, but there was no urgency either, and if Russia really wanted to join it certainly could have went through the hassle (Not blaming Russia here, I do agree with you. Both sides haven't really done their best to make things go smoothly). Anyway, in the end it did not happen, and here we are.


>Yeah that's why they gonna ignore all the processes and requirements to allow Ukraine to enter right after the end of the war. That's the fun part, they won't. They just gotta make Ukraine think they would.


One discourse within China is that the US needed to keep Russia as an enemy to screw over Europe. The theory is that the biggest threat to American hegemony was the Euro, and the nightmare scenario was for Russia to integrate into Europe and for China-Korea-Japan to economically unite.


It's actually a pretty perceptive discourse. That is exactly what the US achieved - in one stroke, they utterly kneecapped Europe's dreams of being independent, making them doubly reliant on the US. German industries flee to the US over high energy prices. Europe pays heavily for American oil, American weapons, American protection, and ultimately, American rule over them. And the best part is, in all this, Europeans themselves don't see just how much the US has utterly castrated them. It's poetic.


I think some Europeans do see what happened. This perception will increase in the future. You have to be blind not to see that expanding NATO increases arms sales from US.


>You have to be blind not to see that expanding NATO increases arms sales from US. If watching the public perception of the war in Ukraine has taught me anything, it is that people in the west do tend to meet the stated requirement


US definitely saw a EU and Russia getting closer, as a threat to its hegemony. Brexit was the formation of the US+UK bloc to undermine EU.


Brexit has been known for quite some time as a Russian disinformation mission.


No it hasn't only morons actually believe that. UK politicians had 3 maybe 4 chances to reverse it and all choose "Let's get Brexit done". UK has spend the last 30 years demonizing the EU and then somehow its Russian misinformation because surprise people actually believed all that bullshit.


lol. People actually believe this? 


People know what happened in regards to disinformation. Its kinda wild they allowed it to happen but thats ignorance for ya


It’s even wilder thinking Russian disinformation apparently controlled much of the UK media for decades. Without leaving any solid evidence. 


The UK never has properly investigated this though as its pretty clear many hand outs were thrown around etc. Im sure all the meetings with Banks and Yakovenko were nothing suspicious, same with how Banks gave alot to fund the Brexit campaign. Thinking Russia was involved in the whole mess is so far and off “controlled much of UK media”. Its painfully easy to say something so obtuse when your real meaning is hidden in the sentance.


> Thinking Russia was involved in the whole mess Because this statement is either rather meaningless or just plain dumb. > Im sure all the meetings with Banks and Yakovenko were nothing suspicious, same with how Banks gave alot to fund the Brexit campaign. I mean, they investigated his money sources and concluded nothing illegal happened. But let’s say, for argument, it was actually Russia that completely financed Banks with the explicit purpose of getting the UK out of the EU and destroying the UK. In what universe was that the major driving factor of the UK leaving? Even with that decision almost a decade behind us, there seems no indication anybody was “fooled” by Banks, very few people seem to have changed their minds, etc etc Then compare our (imaginary) Russian influence and compare it with “native” media, “native” politicians (Boris), foreigners like Trump, Obama, or EU leaders, and it’s just extremely obvious blaming Russia is childish at best.


It was actually concluded that Banks and the Russian embassy had numerous more meetings which were never properly investigated. Same as how Boris Johnson just shoved any actual reports on it under the rug before anything major actually came out on it. And no it has not been properly investigated, if the EU being made weaker giving Russia a better stance is not exactly hard to realise why they would want Brexit to happen.


People don't understand what happened.Russia was happy to sell it's resources in Euros which EU can print out of thin air while all the middle east wants dollars for their resources.Russia was also keeping majority of it's foreign reserves in Euros and all the oligarchs were stealing those Euros and taking them back to Europe.This system did wonders for EU. Now, EU has no choice but to buy resources in dollars which it can't print.


We drive them away from europe and germany (Putin had a favor for ger due to his history).... and think that will have no consequences with our neighbor in long run?


Russia only really became an enemy of the West after Crimea and Donbas, we had very solid relations with Russia before then. Clinton never really gave Yelstin all that much help and he left the White House 23 years ago anyhow, so modern America can’t be blamed for that still.




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Can you expand on the rigging of Russian elections? Haven’t read much about that before. While I don’t doubt the west meddling I haven’t really seen that claim come up.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/06/26/russian-election-interference-meddling/ Almost ancient history now


The link is a counter argument to rigging elections


The link is an interview of Bill Clinton telling a journo how they assisted Yeltsin in getting re elected. He goes so far to admit he swung the IMF package for Russia that helped in getting Yeltsin elected. Obviously he isnt going to say anything incriminating 😂


> The West has, with its own hands, given China, the world's most advanced industrial economy, a limitless, cheap, unsanctionable/unblockadeable source of energy and raw materials for its industry, as well as a firm military partner and a very big market of 150 million people. Russia is mostly irrelevant in this equation. When push comes to shove China will never risk losing stakes in the Western market. Because thats where all the money is.


Already a majority of their trade is non-western.


The problem with that is that west already saw China as their biggest enemy.


What should they have done? I think the only correct answer is NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine already in 2014 or earlier.


>intergrate their economy with russia >invest heavily in Russia >have presidents praise them and publicly state "Russia is not our enemey" Also not sure how "the west" has tried to fix Russian elections, that is some insane projection if I have ever seen it, Russia doesn't even have real elections to fix


https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/06/26/russian-election-interference-meddling/ Back when it did




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Don't worry, a lot of other people also don't understand the situation. That said, most of them don't try to appear authoritative at the same time.


> the west gives ussr/Russia 190 billion usd in the 90s. > "The west wants to destroy us!"


Don't take it from me. [Hear it from the man whom the US sent over to restructure Russia's economy in the 1990s, Jeff Sachs](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1097135961). >SACHS: And my point was that the mechanisms that had worked in Poland should be deployed in Russia - for example, a ruble stabilization fund. The IMF rejected that. Well, what that means is the U.S. government rejected that. I believed there should be a debt standstill. The U.S. government rejected that. I believed there should be large rapid financing. The U.S. government rejected that. **And the big difference between Poland and Russia was that the U.S. government viewed Poland as an ally, and it viewed Russia as an antagonist.** $190B is a fantasy figure. [Look up the actual amounts Russia got](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1117290.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiwz5m-j5GGAxVomokEHZ_tC9gQFnoECDAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0w-pIujmaXsg85GQFRPbXL), compare it to what they needed and what Poland/the Baltics/others got on a per-capita level, and the reality is plain - Russia got almost nothing, because the US thought of Russia as an enemy, not a prospective ally. Then do an interesting thought experiment - find out what the US stance was on the Chechen Islamists ravaging Russia in the 1990s, and their views on Russian resources belonging to all of humanity, not to Russians.


> Russian resources belonging to all of humanity, not to Russians Why the anti-West coalition on this sub is so diverse.


That's not how I count the aid. Your paper is about the economic reforms not aid. - first of all no one was obliged to give to ussr anything. (USA had the experience with lend lease from ww2 where ussr paid back ~ 0.5%, or practically nothing. I can give you the breakdown.) USA flew in food and cash on military planes. Check operation provide hope. - the 190 billion donations figure is in current money. Back in 90s the amounts are in half - in that amount USA participated with 5 mill (current money 10) - Germany was the heavy hitter. They gave 65 billion (130 now) - in that amount come all other countries including japan - the problem is that most of that was stolen by the party members, including putkin himself who was in charge of getting western aid into St petersburg Here is a snapshot from Feb 1992: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-11-mn-1603-story.html > **Germany, the most generous donor so far, has sent about 300 shipments worth over $65 billion,** prompting Chancellor Helmut Kohl to call on Japan and other industrial powers to share the burden. And the quote about the putkin style of theft : > Of approximately 80,000 food and medicine packages shipped to Russia in the past two months, only about 10,000 reached their goal, according to Cap Anamur, a German relief organization. So my statement stands - the west gave so much to Russia it is ridiculous to peddle the bs that it wants it destroyed or conquered. Nobody wants Russia. Nobody. And what did Russia do? Made one of the biggest thieves who cased thousands of deaths its king for life. No wonder he nows spends 1000 lives per day to keep his datcha. **Every nation deserves its rulers.**


> Every nation deserves its rulers I can't speak for all of Russian people but I can tell you that overwhelming majority of Russian people does not deserve Boris Yeltsin as their ruler.


But they did. This is a good general life advice: You deserve what you tolerate.


Well I got no beef against you since you sound like a more civilized people than pro-whatever in this sub. But I sure hope you preach what you speak when the time comes.


To Russia or to many of US NGOs?




Much russian victim complex huh? Its not like these came out of a vacuum and russia didnt have their own share of exploits in meddling others affairs


The west has shown inexplicable disdain, resentment and hatred towards Russia, to the point that the average Russian will never forget or pretend like nothing has happened when this war is over. They’re resilient people and will always land on their feet. But Europe is a thing of the past to them. You can’t normalize relations with people who are endemically Russiaphobic and want to destroy you entirely.


Rarely does the anti-war position is actually logically better in terms of future dominance and prosperity for your region (you go for it on moral reasons, not rational ones), and yet pro-war Europeans missed this chance due to their Russophobia and their pushing of war, rather than negotiations. This was one of those rare instances where being anti-war and reasonable, nuanced and accommodating to Russia's concerns was also in the interest of future Europe, as they'd keep good terms with Russia, which is 11% of the planet's inhabited landmass just right next to them, and full of resources. [Russia won't forget everything Western leaders have done since the fall of the USSR](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1cdlyzl/ru_pov_nato_bears_direct_responsibility_for_the/l1d1w7c/). They cannot take Western leaders at their word.




Wat? In which universe did that happen?


That goes for the most of this thread, not only the post you're answering.


Yeah its insane how they construct their victimcomplex and are completly blind towards russian wrongdoings


My only clue is that he's referring to the 90's, that included starvation in their early stages and had absolutely insane spike in death statistics for the country, combined with Western support for Yeltsin and for their intvervention in 1996 elections.


I think you're exaggerating. Giving priority to past grievances over current benefits is a bad policy, look where it led the Ukraine. The Soviet Union was able to forgive Germany; Stalin spoke about the need to do this even during the war. If this is beneficial, the parties will find an opportunity to restore relations.


Dunno what you're on about, as from the West myself I never had anything against Russia and certainly nothing against Russian people. I've been worried by the Kremlin for quite some time (the assassinations in the UK, and the poisoning of Yushchenko) but that was about it. Of course with what's been happening in Ukraine these past 10 years it's become increasingly difficult not to become at least somewhat confrontational, but you can't really try and act like the distrust from Russia comes out of nowhere. In racism and homophobia, the phobia is completely irrational and based on no prejudice. The Russophobia word therefore comes as a bit of an exageration. Anyone has a right to criticise the US, I openly do so, they've been bad actors in countless conflicts, is that Americaphobia though ? Not really. There's no hate for the americans as individuals, but issues I've got with their government, with their geopolitical way of handling things. I have similar views on Russia, dismissing them as phobia is in my opinion quite disingenuous.


Nothing inexplicable about it. They seek world domination.


Ah cmon thats ridiculous. When we have millions of russian citizen living peacefully and integrated among us in europe for decades, we suddenly are racist towards them?


Living peacefully and integrated? Sure. But are they viewed and treated differently today? Absolutely.


Today? Only if they spew their putinist propaganda, they have to accept that we call them out. But that aint discrimination bro. If they just dont talk politics they live the same as the years before


You can call out the Kremlin all you want. But that’s not what ordinary Russians are being subjected to every day across Europe. You’re talking about extreme measures taken against Russian citizens across the spectrum. Imagine demanding an opera singer to make an official statement that denounces the war just to perform or else they’re banned! The absurdity of the mere notion is astounding. Was the same policy applied to American, British or other European nationals during the invasion of Iraq? Or the bombing of Libya? Is the same being demanded of Israelis even though their country is committing a genocide? When did people abandon reason and logic!


> the west gives ussr/Russia 190 billion usd in the 90s. > "The west wants to destroy us!"


Suddenly someone slips 3 decades back and becomes oblivious of what’s happening right now. And what 190 billion was given to Russia in the 1990’s by the west?


Yeah because who did that money go to genius? The people? No just a few select corrupt oligarchs. You gave them bribes not aid, you gutted their industry and allowed the rise of ultra capitalist Mafia bosses who were waging paramilitary warfare in the streets of Moscow Throughout the 90s buying RPGs and Gold AKs using money they extorted from the country as US money came in. You guys practically destroyed Russia in the 90s and you wonder why they may not like you, without a guy like Putin they would have been Libya’d a long time ago.


Very important. I am talking about aid, not economy. These 190b was pure gift - food, medicines, etc. More here https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/8Ie5oDguhP But you are right. Next time - not a single cent. The program should be - all your nuclear weapons for aid.




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Man have you watched Russian state televisoon? Inexplicable is a bit much


I’ve seen actual policies, visa restrictions, bans, comprehensive sanctions imposed, Russian athletes prohibited from international sports, Russian universities being cut off of joint research projects and everything Russian being marginalized! I’ve seen a unified rhetoric coming out of the west that Russia must be defeated, their economy must be destroyed, their development must be curtailed, that they should be isolated and must suffer. I mean we’re taking about palpable steps that the west has taken against every day Russians. How can that be compared to some propagandists on tv lashing out in words of sheer outrage?


Russian athletes were caught illegally doping. We should feel bad that they can’t compete after cheating and flouting the rules that were established years ago and are well known by everyone? Russian athletes, stop fucking cheating. The end. Russia was welcomed in to the international community and instead the Russian elites decided to loot their nation and the state just cheated and was nasty in every interaction with everyone. Sowing chaos around their borders and internationally as much as they were able.


> Russian athletes were caught illegally doping. We should feel bad that they can’t compete after cheating and flouting the rules that were established years ago and are well known by everyone? Russian athletes, stop fucking cheating. The end. And yet they were banned because of the Ukrainian conflict. Something that international sports refrained from doing when it came to Israel that has a genocide case pending at the ICJ. Yea, we’re left with selective outrage and politically motivated decisions, not doping. > Russia was welcomed in to the international community and instead the Russian elites decided to loot their nation and the state just cheated and was nasty in every interaction with everyone. Sowing chaos around their borders and internationally as much as they were able. West isn’t synonymous with the “international community”! The delusions 😂


> Russian athletes were caught illegally doping. [In most cases, bans were overturned. 11 bans were upheld.](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/01/europe/russia-doping-ban-lifted-on-28-athletes-intl/index.html) That's 6% of the Olympic team.


> >Russian athletes were caught illegally doping. We should feel bad that they can’t compete after cheating and flouting the rules that were established years ago and are well known by everyone? >Russian athletes, stop fucking cheating. The end. First, that ban (regardless rightful or not) already expired. Second, looks like you enjoyer of collective guilt, huh? Third, other countries doping as much, but, of course you didn't even know about that, like story with Spain earlier this year.


You mean, after Russia invaded Ukraine?


I mean after Russia went into Ukraine having given diplomacy a chance for 8 long years but no one seemed interested in resolving the conflict, the west were only fixated on freezing it. And non of that changes what I’ve said. You could use the conflict as a justification for the West’s actions, sure. But it doesn’t change the reality of what they’ve done and what came afterwards.


> I mean after Russia went into Ukraine having given diplomacy a chance for 8 long years thats a wierd way to say "yes, after the invasion"


Don’t like context? Pity.


I'm looking forward at seeing your justification of all western and israeli wars which never resulted in a ban. You don't seem to understand that politics has nothing to do with stinky emotional propaganda, but do try to explain why Russia is the only one banned and cancelled.


> I'm looking forward at seeing your justification of all western and israeli wars which never resulted in a ban. im not quite sure what you mean with ban, but to comfort you, i protested against the iraq invasion and my country did not participate. So why do you say things like that ? Why do i need to explain wars for you that im against? what kind of twisted logic is that? > You don't seem to understand that politics has nothing to do with stinky emotional propaganda looking at gaza, your comment sounds hilarious. Sometimes politics is ONLY about, i quote, "stinky emotional propaganda". Because Politics is about directing the public, and guess what, the public has a big tendency to be more emotional than rational. I start to wonder if its indeed you, who does not know how politics work. > but do try to explain why Russia is the only one banned and cancelled. russia is the only land in the 21th century to have annexed land of a foreign state, real imperialism. Thats a pretty solid reason tbh.


What, you don’t like being threatened with nuclear fire every other day? It’s just inexplicable!


Oh come on, even Russians doesn't watch that. Tv is for 60+babushkas.


Buhuu countries don’t like us! Poor us! Russophobia !!!!!1111!! We will never forget that!!! My guy really said inexplicable lmao. Well, we also haven’t forgotten what Russia has done on eastern and Central European soil since…damn it seems like throughout its entire history. A little hint: it was a bit more than sour diplomatic relations. Cry me a river


No one is crying 😂 I’m simply agreeing with the sentiment of change among Russians in response to western hostility, that was expressed in the article. Believe me, Russians are saying good riddance. Who would want to associate themselves with a coalition of countries that were busy these past 3 decades either with destroying entire regions by launching military interventions and illegal invasions or supporting the destruction and the instability waged against any nation that so much as disagreed with the west’s de-facto leader, the US. Yea, we won’t forget the 37 million people displaced by the war of terror either.


It's about time for Russia to stop being in a abusive relationship with the west.They will always hate you because they can't control you.


I have two Ukrainian women and their children living in our village in houses designated to refugees of war. They speak our language pretty well now. We hosted one of the families for a week early in the war while they were being processed and finally given a security home to rent. Absolutely awesome people, strong and self-confident. Reminds me of the Russians I know who're here through marriages or business enterprises, in their characteristics. There's 6 million Ukrainian refugees. Russia brought it's cruelty to our doorsteps, invading a fellow European country.


Ukrainian gov. brought this cruelty to your doorstep. Place an incompetent clown in presidents shoes in a state with highest corruption and nazi problem and this will be the results you are getting.


Both can be true, it's neither populations fault (aka the ones who suffer in war). Russia amassed troop at the borders in 2021 and ignored all the talks from all the Western leaders and still went on with the invasion.


The same western leaders that firstly all agreed to the Minsk agreements? Only to admit later that those agreements were proposed to give Ukraine enough time to arm itself and prepare for war. Russia believed western leaders many times and always got tricked by them. This time it is solving the crisis itself with or without them.


I've seen your talking points three thousand times on here, it doesn't change that Russia started an illegal war after illegal annexations. It's not a good enough justification for full scale war.


Kosovo made all these things perfectly legal again. For crying out loud, looking at these issues through emotionally tinted lenses should disqualify you from having any meaningful discourse about geopolitics.


It's 100% impossible to fully discuss this topic on here because people have their talking points and when you investigate further soon enough they stop responding. If you're willing we can go down through the rabbit hole


Is this rabbit hole going to start to list all the wars Russia/USSR waged to confirm they are, in fact, the worst nation in the world?


No, just Ukraine, Russia and reasoning behind the war. Putin gave a bunch of reasons but mostly on here I see "Nazis" and "genocide" against the Russia population(eastern Ukraine)


>Russia will always hate The West because they can't control them. HTH.


>The West Doesn’t Understand How Much ~~Russia~~ The World Has Changed Much better.


This. Because not only Russia (but because of it), also Global South now understands that West hegemony is over.


The funniest thing I've read about this whole situation in NAFO part of the reddit is China will invade and occupy Siberia. It's the same lot that says and believes Russia is miserably losing the war and that Russia will invade Poland in the same paragraph.


They so desperately want Russia and China to fight against each other because they’re afraid of their alliance.




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China hasn't been in a war for decades.


I am in favor of Russia adapting as a soft power. As with Georgia, for example. Russia is now Georgia's third trading partner. And Russian tourists are enjoying their holidays in Georgia. It's a soft power. Let me remind you that the conflict in Georgia between Georgians and South Ossetia began under Gorbachev (he is revered in the West) and then escalated under President Yeltsin in Abkhazia. And Yeltsin came to the United States and spoke from the podium - God save America. Bill Clinton listened to his jokes and laughed. It's all on YouTube. And then, for America, Yeltsin and Gorbachev were their own sikablyatson and everything was forgiven to them. Just like the execution


Yeltsin, as President of the Russian Federation, received super-presidential powers. TV presenter Vladislav Listyev and singer Talkov were executed


I think NYT neglected a critical piece here, that Russia may now see the China model as a credible alternative to that of the west. If Peter I can look to the west then for similar reasons Putin can look to the east.


Alexander Gabuev (@AlexGabuev) is the director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin. This is all there is to know about this article. Another grant oriented auther whos work is to ensure russias being dominated by the west.


The alternative is nationalist patriotic writers if you want major authors within Russia. But they rarely write something which doesn't already reflect Putin's mindset (who is the main or only source of political decisions in Russia).


The problem lies not in a critic itself but rather in the fact that the vast majority of liberal authers are being sponsored through different grants by western countries. If you are recieving money from other countries you are biased, even if there is no explicit order to make things up, you are not neutral, you have picked your side. To prove my point, you will not find anyone recieved money, who would side with russia on any point long enough to see his grant renewed.


Russia will eventually look to rebuild ties with the west because being cut off from a good sized chunk of the world is simply an undesirable situation for any nation. I’m sure “things will never be the same” and all that, but let’s not be silly here.


Sure but the trust is gone.There will only be a business relationship.


Remember when Japan blindsided the US and then got nuked.




Well I can believe that life in Russia has its pluses and many Russians would never want to live anywhere else. But at the same time, people vote with their feet. How many Russians have moved to the West, and how many westerners have moved to Russia?




idk maybe some of them are. I've met quite a few where I live, none of them seem too interested in going anywhere. And sure, cities like NYC have more than their share of problems, but there are literally 800 different languages spoken there. I didn't even know 800 languages still existed. The west might not be "what it used to be" but until millions and millions of people stop wanting to immigrate here from every country on earth, it's obviously not too bad in comparison.


Russia has been demonized for like a century.It's not easy for ordinary citizens to see the other side.


>Yeah, I'd certainly move from Moscow with its excellent public transportation, low living costs and free healthcare Well, Moscow was excellent and comfortable in USSR times by Soviet standards, "sausage trains" are well known, and it was so intentional. Right now, public transportation outside of Moscow or Spb is utterly horrible. At least, it was horrible some years ago when I was travelling throughout Russia. Services are not that cheap though relative to median local salaries, except those services which are driven by workforce from medieval villages of Central Asia with little to no worker rights. Free healthcare is not more free than elsewhere, private insurance is in demand for apparent reasons. Russia is a middle-income country for a reason and with certain consequences. That's just patriotic bragging which has been on the nationalist rise and widespread for some time as the resentment response.




Sure, no problem, I have a lot more on post-soviet space. xD By the way, I find it quite quirky when some people come to the most compliant subreddit with most pro-Russian frenzy of all, find the most opposing comment and say something like >The comment section of that article is a goldmine lol. while expecting a sort of cohesive uniformity like in Russian parliament? Even in Russia the nationalist rise of patriotic proudness and national unity is not ubiquitous with something like a few % contrarians.




Cool story. I could probably come up with some or just remember poor kids who look for funding for treatable issues through SMS. But it's not relevant. What do you imply with that evidence? That only richest people can afford surgeries in USA? So that there is much less volume of surgeries and other medical treatments in USA than in Russia? That would be nonsense. Why your acquaintance didn't use the insurance in USA nor medicare if they were too poor? Did they use the fortune in Russia which they earned in USA? If I return to my home country, I don't have to work anymore, and I don't have to use our "free" level medicine. All post-soviet countries besides Rostov-on-Don have always had free birth etc basic medical services since 1990s, despite any economic collapse. It has been an ongoing choice and compromise between private and public funding, all countries have to endure the compromise. But I also didn't have to pay for anything in another western country as I pay with my taxes. Even for most drugs which is not the case in Russia. But in the end, I would fare much better in USA with top notch medicine, after all income and expenses. A homeless, unemployed or a disabled person might be better in our country than in USA (but not in Russia, they would have a miserable existence). Horror stories are only about USA, not the western/developed countries, and they are mostly blown out of proportion. All Americans that I know, more or less regular workers, they receive very nice medical treatment and live a very good life even after insurance payments. Also, there is actually a factor which may elevate the availability of medicine in post-soviet countries beyond their means. The training level of medical workers is comparatively low, so I speculate that it helps to sustain more of them. They are also often corrupted and unaware of medical science, but treatment of wounds or other nurse-level stuff doesn't require much. The bar and requirements in North America are very high, maybe too high, and it's a world leader in medical advancements. Some developing countries also support higher bar than they should. Russia is a middle-income country, it has some choices, but it cannot trick the reality.


Ru prob has access to the Chinese electric car BYD Seagull for 10k. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpkvOzmbhVY


The fun part will be down the line when Russia and Europe have a rapprochement because of Russia's role in serving as a bridge from China...


In addition to the article itself, you can read the comments section for it. The level of naivety and arrogance is impressive.


I’m so insanely tired of the brutality and money fixated that our world has become. I would love to live in a peaceful, cooperative and prosperous world instead of all this hatred and killing spree. So many beautiful places and people being controlled by insane creatures that’s ever more hungry for power. The world will never be the same again unless all the leaders from powerful countries and organizations are being replaced by trustworthy leaders who fight for grass on the ground instead of gunpowder.


"painful Western sanctions" ​ Painful for whom? :D


Imagine that at some point Russia and China merge into Soviet Union 2.0. Ain't that gonna be a sight lol.


It'd be ruled from Beijing. I can't see today's Russians being thrilled with that.


Mao offered China to join the USSR and Stalin refused. It's kinda obvious why.


imo china and russia have a backroom deal.....china helps russia and russia will help china when they go after taiwan.


Is that backroom here with us?


Why would china need help with taiwan ?


China isn't energy/food independent they need russian energy should the west sanction china. the bulk of chinese imports come through the strait of malacca.....its understood should china invade taiwan that the west will blockade the strait of malacca choking china's energy imports from the middle east. Hence the pipeline deals made with russia.


>its understood should china invade taiwan that the west will blockade the strait You write very good comedy!


its literal US military doctrine.....all this stuff is already war gamed and thought out by our gov't. Its referred too as chinas "malacca diliemma" You act like I made this up.


there's also a plan for zombie apocalypse ...and it's more realistic and likely to be implemented than blockading china - one of the biggest trading partners AND a nuclear power either of which rules out direct conflict in normal circumstances and when you look up taiwan's status in un or nato, you'll see how far away from "normal circumstances" protecting taiwan is.


I think Beijing has more prospects in the future. Asia is the center of the world. Of course, the United States is trying to compete with Beijing, but it is unlikely that anyone will want to live under the American flag in the future. International contempt is a hard thing. Even if it's not your fault. The only problem of the Russian Federation is that it has insignificant rulers. Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, these rags crawled on their knees before the West for so many years. And they deservedly received a bucket of slop on their heads. It's a pity that this affected ordinary people.


Agree with Asia being the future.


World's most advanced industrial economy? You have to be larping. Russia is mired in endemic poverty and the people live in squalor. They have the highest aids rate in Europe because for whatever reason they are just degenerates. Every country Russia controlled after ww2 was worse off for it and all the statistics back that up.


Expected a interesting anal3got typical propaganda. Yippee


Not worth reading. Nothing new, the usual NYT blah blah.




Mask off moment.


Ironically a reminder that far right and racist views are on the rise throughout all of Europe (this particular gem of a human is Swedish by the looks of it).


This is the gist I get from a lot of comments when I used to browse some of the mainstream subs (Europe, WorldNews, etc). He just said the quiet part out loud. They're always mentioning Russia is not quite European, or isn't really "an European nation". That's why I'm all for Russia embracing Neo-Eurasianism and taking pride in all of the Russian peoples rather than licking the boots of a club they'll never really let them in, trying so hard to fit in. Russia is Russia; they're European, Asian, and also things in between, and they're perfect like that. That is to say, they have fully European, fully Asian, and also many mixed Eurasian populations within their country. Not having to prove themselves so hard to the Western world will also lead to a less bellicose foreign policy, in the long run. Nations and individuals need to accept themselves for who they are, in all of their facets. >Ironically a reminder that far right and racist views are on the rise throughout all of Europe They really like othering other European nations as Asians as an insult. Let's not forget even the Germans got called Huns during the world wars.


What did he say?


Something like many Chinese are descendants of the Mongols, and there's plenty widowed Russian women right now due to the war, so the Horde will be coming back to Russia again, through the surplus of Chinese men who need wives. There was a browser extension to see deleted posts. I'm not sure if it still works after Reddit's changes to their API, but it was a handy tool.


Say hi to your new Chinese dad from me!


He went out for cigarettes. I'm sure he'll be back any moment now.


huh? you okay?


i am just happy that all the single chinese men will find some type of love with a newly widowed russian girl. win win for the people!


Well don’t feel left out. You’re already embracing diversity coming from all the war zones you’ve been creating or supporting in the past 2-3 decades. Before you can even blink your eye, your country won’t be recognizable anymore.


The racist mask comes off. "OH no! Diversity!"


i would be more worried about ukrainian ones still plenty of males in russia https://www.statista.com/statistics/1005416/population-russia-gender-age-group/


This bloke is a Swede, which makes it even more hilarious - guaranteed he's been cucked by a Middle Eastern immigrant and is fuming about it.


yeah so far! but it seems to be less and less of them for some reason...






What a shock this sub is full of racist. I'm so surprised.