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Well, that is good to hear.


Best news we have had in awhile. Ukraine loses too many good soldiers just having to sit there getting shelled. Its been too long since they could return the favor.


Hopefully the Czechs can dig up enough from around the world to bridge until US's new automated production line spins up.


The US is already on pace to out-produce the entirety of the EU in 155mm shells by the end of this year. US War doctrine doesn't rely heavily on artillery, so that effort is undoubtedly for Ukraine.


As someone that manufactures the packaging for said 155mm rounds, we are moving at an alarming rate.


Yeah, I have heard some rumors that this is similar to one of the historic WW II industrial feats.  All the stops pulled out and no limit on money.


Anything which grinds Ruzzia down and makes the World that bit safer for our kids is a good thing.


A lot of it is to show the world the USA can still pulverize any country with it's military industry.


The annual US defence budget is *$841 billion*...let that sink in lol


And it seems to be "only" 2.5% of GDP. A testament on how large and strong the US economy is..




To be fair, the equipment should have already been sitting there waiting for this to happen but I’m glad the Ukrainians will get what they need now. We need to be prepared for Taiwan.


Yep, we need to be defending Taiwan, no matter what. China needs to know it cannot just bully and annex countries like russia is and has done.


A lot of it is to show ~~the world~~ China the USA can still pulverize ~~any country~~ China with it's military industry. There's only one war that can possibly completely ruin USA's economy, as well as the entire global economy, and that is China invading Taiwan. A lot of this posturing is to establish the pecking order and prevent Xi Jinping's megalomania from doing something as stupid as Putin.


Arsenal of Democracy baby




I like packaging. What kind of packaging is it? I've always pictured artillery shells being moved in crates, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a more modern method.


Your picture is correct. Wood crates. That are very complex. Lol


Probably still the best way to do it. Wood is stable but somewhat shock-absorbing, and relatively cheap. There is a reason why most of the pallets in logistics are made from wood. Also in the case of artillery or other ammo, the wood can be reused to build fortifications in the field, or as firewood.


Mostly firewood. Lol. My guys got really butt hurt knowing their hard work is mostly burned in the end. Haha


I imagine the wood is treated for rot resistance right? I wouldn't want to be around the fumes of the fire but I suppose there are far worse things that could happen to artillerists over there


Something you can recycle into a warming fire at the front line has to be a bonus...😁


Alarming to who?






Great work!


What was that thing about how the US's power doesn't come from superior weapons or soldiers, but rather unrivaled logistics?


First and foremost it comes from the economic prowess and stability, everything else falls in place then. With enough money, you can not only afford a big army with more than enough equipment, but also you can afford to train it properly and develop better stuff. And if the country is stable and doesn't fall apart every few decades, then you can keep improving your army instead of starting all over every time. The unrivalled logistics stem mostly from the fact that the US are mostly faring war on the world's other big landmass, so it's all about ship and plane, not (only) road and rail. And the overall power comes from all that combined. An adversary knows: The US have good weapons, operated by good soldiers, and they have a lot of them, and they are able to bring them near me in a short time. And I cannot fight back so easily because America is far away and I can't bring the war to them, so I can only decimate their units, but they can build much more than I can. Except Putin obviously, he thinks his Russia is a superpower as well and can take it up with America. We'll see how that goes...


Ya kinda nailed that. Lol That’s exactly why we’re the world’s super power militarily. Our geographical location helps tremendously as well.


Thank you for your service! Keep it up!!


We wish you full warehouses and bank accounts. The arsenal of democracy runs on logistics.


It must feel good contributing to making weapons that will help save Ukrainian lives. You are a legend.


Thank you for that!


I have no idea where you picked up this, which is obviously not correct. The US is aiming for 100k per month by 2025, while Europe is on track for 2 million per year, within approximately the same timeframe.


Where are you seeing the EU is on pace to do 2 million/year on 2024? Passing legislation and initiating the production is entirely different from actually producing the shells.


The biggest 155mm shell producer Rheinmetall is in Europe and massively expanding production in several countries.


I haven't seen EU production numbers anywhere close to that figure.  Best I can tell the US, which barely uses artillery anymore, was producing the same as EU at the beginning of the war.  US invested almost immediately to quadruple production with a new facility.  EU has not broken ground on any major probjects to increase capacity 


'Ukraine the latest ' just had a good segment regarding us/Eu production numbers. Always a good source for info. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzY1ODMwMTJlNzE1ZDUzMDAxNjlkY2RjYg/episode/NjY0NGQ5MjE0ZjYxNTQwMDEyYWJiMzgy?ep=14


https://www.voanews.com/a/without-more-funds-us-unable-to-hit-ammunition-production-goals/7510881.html https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_1495#:~:text=For%20this%20purpose%2C%20The%20Union,per%20year%20in%20January%202024.


Yeah, that supplemental funding passed after that two months article was published and the project is on track. The EU has provided funds to increase components mostly.  Expediting current facilities production. They have not actually done anything with it.  There are no new lines planned in Europe as far as I know.  500mm euro won't do much.  The supplemental on the US project was $3B after all...  Europe's production is stalled around 80k a month as far as I can tell. Russia is producing about 250k, but they are very poor quality.  Accuracy is low due to charge and projectile variance.  Fail rate is high.  They fire impact fuzes almost exclusively.  Impact fuzes proved ineffective in trench warfare during WW I and then proved vastly inferior in maneuver warfare during WW II.  Ukraine doesn't need to match volume of it is sending rounds with guided, proximity, times, etc fuzes.


I’d guess they assumed Europe ain’t also increasing production.


I just watched a video on Russia using glide bombs and how it help win the battle of Avidiivka for them. The fucking EU is still not producing the artillery shells they promised to last year. Why Russia’s Glide Bombs are Almost Impossible for Ukraine to Stop [https://youtu.be/ACTxdBDSasw?si=OuUBYrd6mS6JurS4&t=786](https://youtu.be/ACTxdBDSasw?si=OuUBYrd6mS6JurS4&t=786)


F16s with modern AA missiles and radar should push Russian jets back beyond glide bombs range.  Minimally.


But any weapon the F-16 can carry doesn't have the range to keep it out of range of Russian AA. Its the whole reason Russia is using glide bombs in the first place: AA on both sides are making air force generals keeps their planes on the ground.


F16 should be able to handle Aim 120D with 100+ mile range(160 km+).  Russian glide bombs have a 35 mile (60 km) range from launch.  Then because of their ballistic launch the jet is coming closer into territory.   F16s should also fare pretty well against Russian ground defense systems if the pilots are properly trained, and I believe they are taking the best pilots and training them quite hard for exactly this environment.   F16 has some additional link to surface systems capability I am not entirely familiar with.  If it can provide targeting to something like a patriot system with its air based radar that can easily detect a low approaching jet that opens up a lot of options. Most importantly, that range difference means UA pilots will be expecting over Ukraine territory and recovered.  NATO can trade F16s for S400 systems and their operators all day.  As long as the pilot can be recovered.  Russia can not.  I expect F16s in the air to quickly put an end to Russia's jet based bombing.


Just because they stopped the funding didn't slow down the production that is going on around the US and other NATO countries. The Russians got to feel national pride for 6 months and some even thought because some of their paid for house members production stopped. But with Czech finding and production upgrades Ukrainians will not run low any longer and Russians will have to keep using North Korean shells that keep blowing up their armaments while being used.


Let’s go [Blue and Yellow](https://youtu.be/b0pqgulgRIY?si=VS5GGFk5pqqYSavP)!


Yea and I've been seeing some videos and it sounds like it's not gonna get much better anytime soon. Russia is continually increasing its manpower despite losses and plans to have 600k fighters on the front line. Transnistria, Moldova, Georgia are essentially parts of Russia now or will be. Similar to Belarus and if things get bad they'll fold immediately into Russia and contribute to the war effort. Russia is operating in a wartime economy and is currently cranking out a lot of supplies although I do hope they overextend their abilities to do so and hurt their economy. It's almost a guarantee Russia invades the baltic states at some point. I honestly have so much more respect for France, they're the only major European country actually making credible threats/responses back at Russia directly


If Ukraine falls the only non NATO country in Europe bordering Russia will be Maldova. If Putin invaded any of the Baltic countries it would trigger war with all of Europe and the US, so no therewith be no invasion of the Baltic countries.


If Putin can take the Baltics in a matter of days then that will leave NATO to decide whether it's worth it trying to retake the ground or not. Simple cost vs reward calculation would tell us that the Baltics would be annexed probably. NATO is weary of all out war and that's what's scary. That's also the reason Putler has been able to make these "threats". He's undermining NATO. If NATO members lose faith in the alliance then the alliance has failed. I hope I'm wrong, seeing as I'm sitting cozy in the Baltics... Better than NATO, EU has their own defence agreement that's much more strongly worded than the famous article 5 which states that NATO members will provide any support "they deem necessary" (read ballistic helmets). EU clause reads that EU countries will provide any support at their disposal. (Not exact wording, but you get the picture) Fingers crossed EU countries will seriously start beefing up their defense spending. Cost vs reward for Russia needs to be higher than it is now.


If NATO does not assist Baltics in case of invasion, NATO is over. Why would any other country rely on NATO if there is a real chance they just get abandoned? Why would Poland remain in NATO? Finland? Romania?


The decision to defend every square meter of NATO territory is already taken. All the war gaming is already done. There will be Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian fighter jets all over the Baltics if one russian crosses the border.


I agree. Even if the US takes its sweet time in deciding a course of action. The country's you mentioned will definitely be taking swift action in response . As they should.


> take the Baltics in a matter of days Pretty sure the NATO/US response wouldn't take days. Fire one shell in a NATO country and you'll find out what a NATO Air Force looks like pretty fast. It's not like we need to cross the Atlantic to get forces nearby - kind of a few US bases in the area already.


that's why Poland bought so many Himars and almost all of then will been deployed in northern Poland at border with Ruzzia.


Also, Biden formed a permanent US Military Base in Poznan, Poland. Mess with a NATO country and you're gonna get the stuff that wasn't being thrown out anyhow from some of the biggest air forces in the world.


>If Putin can take the Baltics in a matter of days "And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass when it hopped."


"If Putin can take the Baltics in a matter of days" yes and if I can win 20mill on the lottery Ill never have to work again. Remember, Ukraine was supposed to take a few days too.


If Putin can take the Baltics in a matter of days With WHAT....you are really a clown. Russia was forced to move border troops used to maintain peace between Armenia and Azerbaidjan....Russia has already engaged to the conflict everything available including some troops coming from Siberia, the Chinese border. With Belarus army....Not a chance. The despot here can not trust his own army, understaffed, with hardware totally obsolete.


If Pukin was that stupid that he'd dare invade the baltic states, then his corrupt, crappy army would be annihilated by Nato like Saddam got in Iraq.


Issue now is probably that after 8 months of stalling by various right wing political groups in the west they have lost huge amounts of the artillery that shoots it


Why would they be leaving pieces in range of they have no ammo? Surely they were pulled back. I doubt they lost many due to the shortage


I believe it's a bit beyond left and right. Brazil and Venezuela, for example, are supporting Russia while the Baltics and Poland are supporting Ukraine. There's a massive geopolitical gamble taking place at all sides and not just left or right.


Brazil and Venezuela are irrelevant to this conflict. The only countries actively supporting Russia are North Korea and Iran.


China, as well.


And India


I'm disgusted with Modi. The epitome of 2 facedness.


Well, they're not directly providing weapons to Ukraine or Russia but they play a huge role in this messy geopolitical chess: Brazil buys lots of Russian oil and Venezuela could disrupt Russia's main income if they can export their oil. Again, it's messy and there's always an important gamble being made even if it's on the other side of the globe. Oh and you forgot China, they're the main winners in all of this and they're supporting Russia behind the curtains.


>Venezuela could disrupt Russia's main income if they can export their oil I'm not sure what you mean by disrupt, but Venezuela definitely can't do anything that would affect Russia's oil revenue in a meaningful way. Looks like [Brazil](https://energyandcleanair.org/march-2024-monthly-analysis-of-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-and-sanctions/) accounts for very little of Russia's fossil fuel sales. Also I find it hard to believe Brazil even matters all that much in geopolitics. The other poster is right -- they're irrelevant to this conflict.


The United States is the largest supplier of arms capable of keeping them well stocked, and Republicans are the reason we haven't been able to keep up our end. Don't both sides this shit.


They aren't both siding it, they're saying that geopolitical conflicts can't simply be described by saying left or right. China is nominally left, yet aligned with Russia. Iran is right, while being aligned with Russia. It becomes better to talk about government structure than political ideology. Authoritarian vs pluralistic.


How is china left? Functionally they are as left as the US


Lmao China is left? You realize they gave up trying to be communist a long time ago right? China has state sponsored capitalism, much like Russia, where a small group runs and owns large parts of the economy under the guise of the state. This is why Trump loves Russia and drools over Xi, he sees absolute power and wants it for himself, no matter how disastrous it is for our country


> China is **nominally** left I'd say sponsored is also completely understating the level of control the ccp exerts over it's corporations. If the central government still retains the top down control in a communist state like manner, yet makes use of capitalism at the day to day level, calling it a communist or capitalist state is really underselling the nuance required to understand China.


Brazil &Venezuela 😂😂😂 dumb &dumber supporting alcoholics 😱 ooooohh we very scared 🤪


I agree, but it's the right wing groups in western Europe / north America that are siding with Russia (if anyone is in one of those nations, not always the case)


It depends on the country. The far-right Italian lady is anti-Russia. The far-left in France is pro-Russia (iirc), the left in Ireland is extremely pro-Russia for some reason (I guess they just take the opposite stance of the UK..?).


Optimistic leaders might think that there's an opportunity in siding with the potential that comes from cheap Chinese labor and cheap Russian gas, over the status quo of Western supremacy.


My understanding is that China is attempting to entrench itself as a key exporter of several key goods going forward. The list of tariffs announced by Biden recently on China is a good place to find examples of such products. Electric cars, batteries, solar panels, etc. Not every country can be a net exporter of these products, and some countries may look to china for cheap alternatives compared to other sources. You can get a cheap Chinese electric car for pretty affordable prices right now.


Let them big guns sing, boys!


We should send more just to be safe. But since Ukraine looks like its running out of space we’ll just drop em out the window a little to the east as we fly past 😉


I am proud to be Czech. We stepped up against evil, again!


Respect and regards from the Netherlands.


Well done Czechia! Love from the UK 🇨🇿🇺🇦🇬🇧


You guys more than anyone know the price of appeasing. Bravo.


Great job, I'm proud of you as your northern neighbour as well! Maybe you could sort out Slovakia as well...


You guy's learned the hard way in 1968. Odd the Hungarians didn't in 1956?


They did… then forgot again 🤨


Czechs are OG 🤙🏻


Your president is a rockstar


Prague is awesome. A good time to be a Czech and the west is coming to party. Enjoy. I'll be there from California.


BTW: you're president is pretty hot, too.


In june-july military aid to Ukraine (155mm, u.s.aid, f16, denmark package, airdefence) will be accumulated in a volume that at one point ukraine has not yet received. hot russian summer incomming.


And will need to be maintained at such levels


Yup. 155 production is going into overdrive at a few contractors, and new ones are about to come online. The goal is 100k a month to replenish our supply, and continuing to supply the Ukraine.


The $46 billion should last them for 2024.


June July also marks the month(s) Ukrainian pilots will be flying F16s over their airspace


Good! Now turn all those orks into sunflower food.


The ravenous, depraved spirits of invaders will probably create a 'Triffid' situation with the sunflowers :/


Make it rain!


Block out the sun!




Good, now double it


Double the barrels too.


Same with ATACMS please and thank you


More storm shadows aswell please mr sunak…


Yep, no amount is ever enough..


Send more paladins, 777s.




Faster towards 500k and beyond.


And the west still need to up production by 10 or 20 times what they are at now, to make sure they can turn orcs into sunflower fertilizer.


I know in the U.S. we already have at least tripled production.


Everywhere production is being increased rapidly


Got to get as much supplies to Ukraine before Republicans figure out a new way to sabotage the war effort.


They're working on it. Rheinmetall and BAE have both been building factories and trying to get staff and materials to ramp up production. Unfortunately currently it takes time to get new lines up to the intended new capacity. BAE at least expect that they'll have things in full motion (IE producing the expected number of shells from the new lines) by the end of this year.


Well.... hard limit atm is the propellant explosive production not keeping up and being harder to ramp up.


I know Britain increased theirs by 8 fold


Fire Away!


Make it rain bubba.


We need to continue to push and build factories 🏭 across several EU countries also within Ukraine so they can directly produce high standard shells, Italy 🇮🇹


Some youtuber said there's *still* only one TNT factory in Europe (in Poland). If correct, it's scandalous


Europe needs to build more. Everywhere. We need redundancy.


There was a discussion panel on this topic three days ago at CSIS. The participants represented the British, French, and German thoughts on the subject of European defense production and it was enlightening to get a better understanding of the different countries stances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKvGwFDZfiA


We have plans to build plant in Finland


That's quite the source you got there. "Some youtuber"


We know Ukraine will make good use of it. Bring rain of steel on orcish heads. Slava Ukraini!


Very good news. One would think that after about 3 months, the West would have been able to supply what they need


There were US military leaders who were saying they literally had the stuff palletized and staged and were just waiting for congressional approval to send it. It wouldn't surprise me if the shipments started coming in within hours of the approval.


That's exactly what happened. [link](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-us-begin-sending-military-equipment-ukraine-hours/story?id=109575096)


I'm hoping NATO has learned from the mistake and are making plans to prevent this from happening again. Planning a war effort around short-term political whims is far too unstable.


Putting aside the NATO pact, I am sure if Poland or Finland were under attack the supplies would have been ready instantly


Thats because it would be an Art5 issue and the US/NATO would start shipping their defense stocks not just left-overs and excess production.


If Poland was attacked I’m pretty sure Moscow would be flying a polish flag by now


I would hope so too. Although they're still struggling to produce a million shells a year


Give em hell then boys


I am proud to be Czech. We stepped up against evil, again!


Kudos to the Czech! It’s the only ex-Warschau-Pact country that came out of communism and stayed fully atheist. As a matter of fact, highest atheism percentage in Europe. Whereas ruSSia has gone full christo-fascism, using god to legitimize their war.


You ain’t done yet. Please keep stepping.


Respect and regards from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Now let’s hope the Ukrainians don’t hold back and actually use these shells. Because for too long Ukrainian always had to hold back on their shell usage because of uncertainty on when they’d get new ones. So defenders of freedom FIRE IN THE HOLEEEEE. 🇺🇦


This only means they don't have enough guns


good, now send them over the russian orcs.


>For the first time in years of war, not a single brigade is complaining about a lack of artillery shells Are they complaining about the lack of artillery?


This has got to be good news.


I hope that's true.


Give 'm hell, boys 'n' girls!


About fucking time. Should have never been an issue. The whole of Europe should got it's fucking act together long ago. Makes you wonder if anyone outside Ukraine really cares.


There is never enough artillery shells for Ukraine, the supply of shells and missiles must exceed “enough” honestly.


Ffs, this is how it should be. 155 shells have been ubiquitous around the world for generations: there are countless millions of these things sitting in storage of every nation with a military. Giving them to Ukraine now will help to avoid having to use them later.


Now point them east


Rain steel! Puddle orc blood! Slava Ukraine! Go home Russians!


Let it fucking rip!


And the unnecessarily dead say finally.


Let's get ready to rumble ding ding


Can't wait for f16 to enter chat as well.


and Mette!


Give them hell


Orcs are going to hurt


Never enough


Wow. For the first time? Thats nuts. But the fact russians fire 10k shells and ukr fires 2k shells is absurd. The west needs to make that reverse….BIG time. Wonder which and where they got the shipment from. Or if its a steady trickle now.


Do realize that Ukrainian/Western artillery is much more effective than Russian artillery. The key word is efficiency.


Seems to me the 1-2 punch of 155s with FPVs to follow is making a mess of the meat assaults


That's awesome. Hope the helps keep flowing in and not slowing down. Слава Україні!


If they've achieved this much with a huge deficit imagine the hammering the Russians are going to take now that Ukraine can fire at capacity. Make it fucking rain, boys.


This is going to be a hellish summer for the Russian worms.


Counterbattery game is about to be crazy.


Now the choir of paladins can sing


bombs away! l


Yes! 🙌


The good news is that in the run-up to Mike Johnson's delaying aid to Ukraine on behalf of Putin, Pentagon and NATO officials have been constantly reassessing and staging what aid would be sent in the moment if I heard correctly. So the moment the aid package was passed, this shit was practically one foot in Ukraine already, it would seem.


Is this actually good news? Or does it reflect a lack of artillery pieces after months of attrition for use and otherwise? Genuine question.


That's great but it also should not make us relent on delivering more. Artillery guns are hungry


STEEL RAIN!! Hell yea splash some orcs!


Fuck yeah!


You can never have enough shells. Those who defend freedom need to keep them coming along with additional artillery pieces to deliver them upon those who oppose freedom.


I don't care ... give them more!


I guess better late than never...... make it fucking rain on all those pos.


🇺🇦 🌻



God Bless


Now lay on the hate


Now let’s hope the Ukrainians don’t hold back and actually use these shells. Because for too long Ukrainian always had to hold back on their shell usage because of uncertainty on when they’d get new ones. So defenders of freedom FIRE IN THE HOLEEEEE. 🇺🇦


Let's fucking go.


Just in time to plant those sunflower seeds. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦.


So anyway I started blasting


Thats good I know brilliant increased their capacity by 8 fold


This is legitimately fantastic news


Imagine the effort it will take to clean this all up, when the war is over. That will take decades.


Now make the ruskos explode.


now lets make sure the guns dont wear out those depots are protected with patriot systems


Grind them all !


We must have sent them a shit ton. Love to see it.


["This is out of touch with reality and a result of positive reporting promotion in the top brass"](https://x.com/Tatarigami_UA/status/1791481711047364888)


Czech The shining beacon of democracy coming through 👏👏


Good, let's give them a bunch more just for funzys.

