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Every day I am still amazed at how disposable Russian lives are. Hopefully one day soon the Russian public will wake up and stop being slaves.


I doubt it. Putin was able to convince Americans that Hillary Clinton is the antichrist, and that a pathetic excuse of an idiot was worthy to become the most powerful person on earth. Putin's not gonna have any trouble doing that and more on home soil. Russians are doomed.








Trying to dismantle NATO, disrespecting veterans, embracing dictators, separating even young children from their parents, highly uneven and mostly unnecessary tax breaks giving a few crumbs to Average Joe and loafs for share buybacks at the expense of later administrations... just got convicted as a felon for falsifying business records, lost a civil lawsuit bigly for similar reasons, cooking the books. Even the sexual assault case... oh yeez, the list is just endless. I read even the inflation run was partially due to his administrations overspending when the pandemic was technically over in his last year in office. Actually, project Warp Speed was the one thing Trump's administration did well while in office and that helped to end the pandemic. That wasn't about bleach, that was massive financial aid to develop the vaccines his supporters hated so much.




Lol, ok comrade. None of these are highly subjective. And the list the previous person posted doesn't even cover the tip of the iceberg of what Trump has done. And the "both sides are bad" argument is taken directly from Russia's handbook and talking points. Stop watching Fox News and other Russian-backed right wing media; and if you are, in fact, a Russian troll, which isn't that unlikely based on what you're saying, you really need to understand that you're doing your own people a disservice. Nobody benefits from strengthening authoritarian regimes except for those who are directly involved. And if you really want to talk politics - I do not agree with everything the Biden administration has decided to do but their accomplishment have undoubtedly turned the economy in the US around and made it by far the strongest in the world again. Sure, also we are feeling the global downturn that Trump, in parts, has caused, but we're doing extremely well in relative terms. Ask Chat GPT for Biden's accomplishments. As someone who has voted Republican down the ballot until 2018, I have to admit that the current Democrats' economic policies vastly outperform anything current Republicans did or propose. That is, in addition to all the other stuff they accomplished. I personally don't see myself going back to voting Republican while it's Trump's party.


If you do not know what they are referencing the either you are just trolling or you are coming with zero knowledge beforehand. These are pretty well documented things. There is a difference between trying to open up diplomatic ties vs embracing totalitarian government as preferential to a democracy. He has opted to support Putin over his own intelligence community. He admires their power and makes blatant comments about wanting to wield it. He showed us intelligence to Russia against the wishes of the allies and their knowledge. He kept Chinese President Xi as he conducted top secret operations at Mar a lago. He is actively arguing as president he should have total immunity in court. He openly talks about punishing those who don’t support him. He had already demonstrated using the power of the office to try to do that. Legitimately, if you can read project 2025 and think hmm this is a good idea then you may as well as go full fascist and move to Moscow.




Trump, himself, put a truth social post of a word cloud of his speeches and the word used most was “revenge”. It’s well documented by his statements. But yah thanks for confirming to us all that you are just trolling.




When he also says it, promotes content of it, and use it as his default rhetoric then it is pretty damn clear. Like I said earlier you are completely ignorant and been living in a hole for 8 years or a troll. It’s clear now you are a troll


"gUyS i JuSt DoN't GeT wHy PeOpLe DoN't LiKe TrUmP!" go away




Your insults make me roll my eyes, if nothing else. Such a boring response.




"no u"


The guy thinks bitcoins are physically mined, that nuclear bombs should be used to stop hurricanes, and that forest fires happen because we don't go rake leaves among other things. Clinton did more than run a non-profit. She was a lawyer at one of the oldest law firms in the country (Rose Law Firm), an elected Senator and Secretary of State. They were both bad for the country.


Convicted rapist Convicted felon, 34 counts of fraud. added trillions to US debt, during his "presidency"




He was found liable of sexually assault. Most people would consider the sexual assault he did as rape.


They have found 4 more tanks somewhere...


I wonder what the (real) reason behind the low tank numbers lately is.


I think they might be rationing them. Your tanks can't get destroyed if you don't put them in risk.


They're busy building cope cages for the few T-14's that they're gonna unleash on the Western equipment to run rampant across Ukraine with! /s Why yes, I'll have some more punch, please! :-D


wow that has to be one of the lowest tank number i seen in this war. What’s next, turtle lada?


Resurrect the Kubinka Maus is my guess... /s


Is it me or the tanks seems...starts to fail, 4 tanks for two days


Russia had 12,500 tanks before the war and that includes every rusted wreck since 1945 they have lying around. I read estimates that they could salvage around 7500 of them. I don't think 8000 tanks is accurate but even if it's 6000 tanks they should have trouble now to get more tanks fast enough. I wonder whether we will see North Korean tanks in Ukraine soon, they have 6000. But also a lot of really old crap from the sixties.


Remember that awesome youtube video a year or so ago where the guy looked at satellite pictures of the Russian tank boneyards and counted them? Has he done an update or do we have newer pictures of the Soviet tank boneyard to compare? I wish I remembered the name of that youtuber. He did really great work.


Is it Covert Cabal you are trying to remember?


I think it could be. I swear I remember someone talking slower and deeper, but maybe I'm wrong. I'm going to look at Cabal's videos more in depth later. Thank you for putting the name out there 💜


I actually checked his channel when the tank count reached 8000 to see a more recent analysis. But he didn't had one. Forget the name unfortunately, I just searched YouTube to find the channel. That's must also be the channel where I got the 7500 number from.


If i remember correctly the real numbers hovers around 3200+ i think? So ukraine need to hang on for couple years.. Although i think its not possible since trump will soon become president. And europe will turn right. Ukraine really needs to do as much damage as possible.


I think the 3200 number is destroyed tanks with visual confirmation (pictures or videos). Meaning that 3200 is the bare minimum. Of course there will be many tanks that won't be photographed...


Oh yeah true.


Exactly. But the 8000 seems far too high. We would have seen much more really ancient tanks from the sixties if 8000 were already destroyed. And they would have exceeded the estimations how much they can salvage from their stockpile by far. They also need some tanks to secure their country and their murderous dictator in his bunker if a new Prigozhin appears or the people have finally enough if more of their relatives die and the taxes get too high. It would also mean that 3200 are confirmed and 4800 are not confirmed. Sounds quite unlikely to me. The simplest explanation is that Ukraine just inflates these numbers for whatever reason (propaganda, mistakes, both…).


There are T-54s on the front. That's the oldest tank the russians have. Oryx doesn't have access to nearly all the information that the Ukrainians do. Drones are amazing tank killers. If the Ukrainins were doubling the actual numbers of the tanks destroyed, russian would have pointed that out by now.


But with 8000 destroyed there must have been masses of T-54 in the last months already, it's the most manufactured tank in the world and the Russians probably have a lot of them in their stockpile. And if Oryx misses more than half of tanks now why did they miss much less tanks a year and two years ago? I would expect that their ratio keeps around the same but it seems to be much worse no comparing the numbers. That is at least quite odd. The Russians report far too low numbers of their own losses all the time, that doesn't mean anything as they are also lying all the time. Sometimes you just can read something between the lines like Putin talking about ridiculous made up Ukrainian losses and revealing their own losses (10,000 dead soldiers per month) because he said how much more the Ukrainians lose. I don't know whether they have revealed their tank losses but it doesn't matter as the number will be far to low anyway.


Lots of T62s on the battlefield as well, russians are running out of everything. The 3200 number from Oyrx is from Sept 2022. [https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html) russians had 1000s of tanks to start with, and the modern battlefield is unkind to tanks, plus, they quickly ran out of experienced tank crews which caused even more tanks to be destroyed.


Why September 2022? The date of the article is February 24th 2022, the day the war started. It is updated since then but the date above the article doesn't change. If you click on single reports with destroyed tanks you see dates from 2024. So the sum is the current number and not something from two years ago. Do you really think Ukraine destroyed over 3200 Russian tanks in the first seven months of the war?! Sorry, but it's getting completely ridiculous now.


Fingers crossed we see more AAWS go down in the coming days. Bring on the F16s


how and when did a submarine get hit?


On (Wed) Apr 10 2024-Ukraine General Staff-Posted-Russia Casualties were at: 450,080 To this point, casualties indicate an attrition rate of roughly: 1142 per day. If this rate were to continue, a 550,000 total may be reached in approx: 10.45 days over-all, or: 1 week, 3 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes and 49 seconds.


whover thinks those numbers are real is stupid. even the us said its way less so