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wow 42 artillery systems and 5 anti aircraft systems. That's a damn beautiful day guys. those 1200 people in front of the meat grinder will soon increase. because the great leader from South Korea is going to help make minced meat. Actually, that fat donut himself should have led the way because according to legend, that man can do anything


Not sure I'm following you. I think you mean "great leader" from North Korea - who is talking about sending troops to Ukraine as part of the recent RUS-NK defense pact.


North korea ofcource. Sorry 😥


> "great leader" from North Korea. Not only that but also; * Sun of Juche. * The only and unique successor and leader of the Juche Revolution. * Banner of all victory and glory. * Peerlessly Great Man. * Respected Comrade Supreme Leader. Funny how these titles in the form of proverbial "marketing slogans" shows what the regime fears the most. If your marketing campaign has to say you are high quality, then whatever you are selling is anything but high quality.


So... If I were to rule a country I'd be - the bringer of leizure - the man with incredible mental health - the leader in all social skills.


Good Sir, you get it. For further inspiration I give you one of the titles of Kim Jong Il father of KJU; * Dear Leader, Who is a Perfect Incarnation of the Appearance that a Leader Should Have. If Freud were around he would hard cringe and go "Dude, really?"


Good old Rocket Man


NK will deploy engineering units, not fighting units.


Russia is also signing contracts for people to help stock warehouses far behind the front lines. Only for those people to end up in meat waves. I'm not sure how much this "non fighting units" is going to happen.


Has anyone seen more pictures of tank fields in Russia that shows which rate they have been emptied? A year ago there was photos showing 40-50% had been emptied and i would love to see how it looks now.


They are probably still sitting on a lot of tanks. They also might be rationing them. So they are at the point where they don't want to put too many tanks at risk. Essentially now trying to make sure they don't waste them.


They need those also for training. Huge areas what we have seen are pretty much used. Rough guess that 30% was used for parts / not working at all for beginning of war. My optimistic glasses see that they are really getting short for tanks and ifv.


\*still wasting them


Curious to see the recent slowdown in tank and APC losses. The rest of Russia’s equipment is continuing to get slaughtered at the same pace. That seems to indicate that either Russia is starting to run low on those pieces of equipment, or they’ve been ordered to start reserving that equipment more than they were previously, or they simply haven’t been pressing armored assaults lately. One thing is for sure, Russia will not be able to make major future offensives without armored assault. These golf cart and motorcycle tactics running soldiers into fixed emplacements is a recipe for more dead Russians and not a lot else. Slava Ukraini.


Yes the daily average tanks has gone from 10.6 down to 4.7. Been following it for a few months and its a big statistical drop. Its taken longer but APC and BMP are also dropping fast. Certainly looks like a running out or conservation schedule is taking place. We have also seen a large number of t-62 tanks popping up in a few places. not looking good. I suspect its going to be bigger meat attacks and less less vehicles. No matter how big your are you cant keep up with those vehicle losses for ever even just tankers and trucks to carry fuel and ammo if they build 10 new a day at present losses they need to build 40 a day. What people forget is for each active vehicle there are 4 at least in repair or preparation or backup in case there is a failure or breakdown flat tyre etc.


Good points. No doubt why we’ve been seeing so many golf carts and motorcycles lately as well supplementing more traditional vehicles. Would love to see some new analysis on the equipment bases to get some new sat images on what’s happening on the ground.


They're now fielding the **T-54**, so I'm pretty sure the bottom of the stockpile must be near.


Still waiting for the T-34 to show up.


Yanking 6 engines out of Ladas to resurrect the Kubinka Maus right now I'd wager!


China has over 7,000 Type 59 tanks in storage. They may give these to Russia soon.


China directly supplying weapons would raise the stakes a bit.


Especially if the legendary Type 59 found its way onto the battle field. That is a real game changer there.


Throw in those NK tanks as well.


you mean the wooden ones? /s


Not needed. If Russia gets 7,000 Type 59 Chinese tanks it is all over.


Not so sure about that, at least directly anyhow.    Directly giving them causes too much conflict for China w/ the west.  IF they do have serious plans on Taiwan, there will be hesitation to give them, in case That goes south as Russias 3 day invasion has. They may funnel some through NK, but it’s going to really depend on how much China approves of what NK is up to.   China has been annoyed at NK going off script the past few years.  So Chinese approval may or may not be there. With Russian stockpiles being wiped out, China is now going to be the premiere arms supplier for most of the poorer militaries around the world who use ex Soviet equipment


I'd like to imagine the standard russian corruption is at play here. Hopefully they've been reporting that they have more working tanks than they actually have and now it's slowly being revealed


Unfortunately, being corrupt right now in Russia can be pretty bad with how Putin has pretty much iron-handed the administration. Meaning, any signs against Russia would be put down almost immediately. Honestly, I don't have any ideas when North Korea comes in with North Korean goods from the "North of Korea".


>Unfortunately, being corrupt right now in Russia can be pretty bad with how Putin has pretty much iron-handed the administration. Not from corruption. Putin just changed new men to the places where the biggest corruption money flows. Russia also has "corruption trials". This is usually due to a local complaint when there is no water or heat. The Kremlin says that enough money has been distributed and then they throw some local government official under the bus. Then a new, equally corrupt one is replaced and the biggest pothole on the main street is repaired. The people could even believe in the rule of law, but when the same bribes have been paid to officials for decades, it hardly depends on the face and the name of one official what is believed. >Honestly, I don't have any ideas when North Korea comes in with North Korean goods from the "North of Korea". If they have something new to give, they come from China. North Korea has a large field army -4000 tanks -2800 MLRS -8300 artillery -Rounds to shell whole SK Old shit and I don't think any new modifications. 2800 mlrs is kinda huge number for me.


Posted this on /DestroyedTanks last weekend. Whoo boy, that was like dropping mentos into a bottle of soda. Apparently, this 8,000+ tanks stat is a total ukr0 hohol propaganda lie. Or at least according to all the russian bot and russia simp accounts, anyhow.


What number do they put on it? Oryx puts the lower bound of tank casualties at 3173.


The russian bots and simps claim russia actually gained tanks.


I sometimes imagined what Putin would think if he could see this list before the invasion. Would he still go for it? Or just see that lost submarine, and be like “what the fuck?”


It's actually a great question, and I still can't decide what he'd likely do.


He would put himself in charge, like the other bunkerboi, and get double the numbers.


I don’t think his mind could get past the date at the top of the graphic. Little to no resistance was expected. These numbers would probably be incomprehensible to him. With just these stats, he’d never believe Ukraine alone was responsible for those types of losses. The damage done to the reputation of his military would alone be enough to make him think twice. Figuring out that the propaganda was wrong on every level, from Ukraine’s reaction to the strength of all of his military, would be impossible for him to believe. There’s no way he weakens himself like this on such a worldwide scale. Even if you told him he won after those losses, the inability to rebound for another conflict would be more than enough of a deterrent.


I like the steady flow of destroyed anti air assets. Bring on the F-16’s and Mirages


Peter Zeihan mentioned something that didn't make the big news, maybe DD had it on his YT as well. There's only 4 communication centers the Russians use for space/satellite communication (their satellites use special orbits to counter the impact they don't have a global presence) and the one in the West is gone after an attack, so Russia is partially blind in space. This is important when you need spy satellite imagery in real time.


tank kills dropping like a stone. Gone from 10 a day to about 4. #Russia running out.


Bro seeing North Korea shittalk and threaten the US and then have their troops go to Ukraine to fight American made hand-me-down Bradleys is going to be my new favorite sitcom. Popcorn is ready.


We'll see. Many are hoping their assumptions are wrong. Ukraine must not fall, else these motherfuckers will feel empowered to do more. Even the US, with the people that can become in charge. From the Americas to the East, not many are aware of just how big these events are. How this ends will either prove that having the position of being more powerful as a nation gives you the right to do everything or not, UN be damned.


Pretty sure the West has been content to let the Ukrainians grind the russian war machine into dust, However, if the Ukrainians start seriously losing ground, you'll see Western troops on the ground, because the West can't afford to let russia have all the resources in Ukraine.


That's the problem, though, content with grinding. But hey, it's better than providing helmets, thoughts, and prayers.


Yeah, politics is maddening. Without the 6 month drought in supplies caused by right wing idiots in the US congress, the russians make no gains over the last year. I'm convinced that, if the Ukrainians start to lose serious ground to russia, the West will intervene with troops on the ground. Until that happens, they'll keep supplying them with weapons. They have ramped up artillery shell manufacturing in the EU and the US. Russia is going to lose, they do not have the resources the West has, and they are running out of the stockpiled weaponry that has kept them in the war this long.


Less and less tanks. It may be time to add motorcycles and bikes to this list...


They don't have many tanks left!