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Damn, they did a bigger tank push today?


That or the recent offensive into Russian soil


Straight from the train to the turret toss free throw line.


I was just about to say the same thing


Wow yeah massive uptick there on tanks .


Uh, an aircraft?! What? Where?


On the ground


Over there. And there. And there. And a little piece here.


I heard it was a blue aircraft. One part blew this way and the other part blew the other way.


I'm gonna assume it's the post from late last night/early today of them shooting down an Su-25 with a MANPAD. ETA:https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/KgdiDtA0Zg


That's what I call a Super Friday!


Good numbers today, very successful hunt.


They have averaged 5 tanks per day for 9 days then bang 24. Whats going on must have been a big push somewhere


That's a lot of artillery system wow, how many does Russia have?


don't have numbers atm.. but a shit ton. Their doctrin is built around artillery. You have to keep in mind that even small mortar tubes count as artillery and I think those won't stop to exist, because they are pretty "easy" to produce. But hey.. even russian military says that UKR is "master in counter battery", so I hope for the best that ukraine keeps hitting hard and numbers up.


still gotta train gopniks to use it, and everytime you see arty removed, so are a bunch of trained gopniks


Pre war 19k Let's be generous and say they newly produced like 1-2k since feb 2022. We'll soon see who folds first. Maybe by the end of the year, or early spring.


Those estimates are excluding mortars, that are now counted in the Russian losses. If you would include mortars, the number would be about 25-26k. If the estimates and reported losses and are accurate and UKR can keep up with the phase without Russia getting significant replacement artillery from NK (4 ifs!), Russia will have severe problem during the next winter. Tanks and APV could last until the winter after that, but would become more vulnerable without artillery support. To some degree, Russia probably already has shortage of usable equipment, as putting soviet era pieces into action after decades of neglect requires lengthy maintenance. For personnel, prisons are probably already emptied from usable cannon fodder, and boys from Moscow and st. Petersburg are harder to throw into meat waves. At this rate the count would reach 1M next summer, but winter might be slower, and the real number is likely deaths+injured.


It is not just old equipment that needs maintenance. Artillery barrels need to be replaced with use.


Good point. We don't know the amount of spare barrels.


They are forcing conscripts into signing contracts for Ukraine war so that they can say that there are no conscripts and only contract soldiers. Was it like 200k new conscripts every 6 months.


North Korea is a thing as well 10k plus more systems there.


Don't get me wrong but I somewhat doubt that NK will - produce equipment of desirable or even usable quality and quantity - give Putin thousands of systems, leaving itself 'vulnerable'.


I can't speak to the artillery pieces themselves but the subreddit here has shown the shells from north Korea and even had a clip of a Russian speaker claiming the success rate for those old shells was abysmal. We've also seen numerous photos of blown out barrels which seems like an indicator to me that they are either having a lot of failures or they are overusing the pieces past the service period and wearing out the barrels faster than they can replace them. These aren't conclusive of anything but I think it's a good sign since they are one of occurrences.


I'm not even sure those pictures were of old shells. Their QC is a shoddy paint job. I seem to recall soldiers getting NK uniforms and complaining about how shitty they were too.


Which makes it even worse right? You can't even keep your artillery stockpile in a cool dry place to prevent rust and decomp of the explosions? When your entire army is built around artillery just like Russia? I guess feeding your people does lead to better results who would have thought.




Almost all boxes ticked. Waiting for a day where all boxes including plane, heli, boat and sub a ticked.


24 tanks? The other day it was 4! What's going on over here?!


I saw a YouTube video yesterday, claiming that rebellious Russian soldiers destroyed 57 T-90's at the headquarters naar Kharkiv. Does anyone know the validity of that news?


I saw that video where exactly are the russians going to store and hide 57 t-90 tanks within that area IM sure that a few were destroyed in this incident but I expect more like 5. But if true its a sign that frustration and anger is rising within the ranks but the russians rely on fear to drive there troops forward. They are more scared of the torture and state than being shot by a ukraine bullet.


Since the source was "NIT International", a dodgy YT channel apparently owned by NIT Media, based in Uttar Pradesh, India, I would guess it's a clickbait operation trying to generate an income stream.


Today, they reported about uprisings in Belarus and in Kalinagrad, which apparently wants out of the RF and join Belarus. So yes, they are not reliable.


What YouTube video?


https://youtu.be/KijnyIrSttA?si=1-1qygi471fy9406 This one. I'm on my work, so I had to dodge the boss.


Slava Ukraini


Looks like the tanks lost their game of "Hide & Seek".


Where them choppers hiding at?


Quite a few tanks today. Were these garden sheds are actual tanks? AFU counterbattery continues to do well. The daily planting of russia personnel continues. Another good day for Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!


24 tanks, 60 artillery systems and 21 APC’s destroyed in a single day suggests that Ukranian forces are tactically beginning to supress the Russian advances. The cumulative losses thus far must be having a huge impact on the Russian economy from which they will take a long time to recover!


Does anybody know were I can get accurate results for the Ukrainian losses for analytic purposes? Probably hard to get cus of misinformation or smthn


According to Russia, Ukraine has suffered the following losses: Personnel - 5,472,178,912 Tanks - 93,792 APV - 619,405 Artillery - 1,719,342 Aircraft - 23,429


don't forget 9 Zelensky, 18 Budanov and 12 Magyar




Dudes, russianz sent about 500,000 people in TOTAL, but picture says here that at least 500,000 people were lost alone. There is a ground for thoughts...

