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Putin's 3-day war is really working out for Russia the second-best military in Ukraine.


He fumbled hard this one


Artillery kills going crazy the past few week


The things that are supposed to be 25-40km from the front lines, and minimum 10km? You should not be losing those almost as much as the stuff dropping off soldiers to the front lines.


They use a lot of towed 122mm artillery. Even their 152mm has a short distance compared to much of the 155mm given by nato countries. They are simply outmatched in effective firing range. And system like ceasar (especially the 8x8 that can reload one round) and archer can shoot and skoot at really long distances and do it fast. Absolute death for russian artillery if they are close by.


Russian artillery is also very old and has a lot of wear and tear, their ammo is very badly put together too which means their artillery is incredibly inaccurate. They have to fire hundreds of rounds to cause any effect. Ukranian artillery is pretty much just a couple of ranging shots which get spotted and corrected by drones and the job is done.


Not if they're using older guns.


Definitely need more ships and subs, though.


Imagine a western country losing over 1,000 soldiers per day in a pointless war that's going nowhere 


During the Vietnam War we lost something like 20-30 soldiers per day on average, and that was considered to be an unmitigated disaster for the United States... a disaster the russians still love to throw in our face.


Even during the Tet offensive (the most bloody battle of the war) the US lost like 2100 troops. That shook the country's support for the war until it's conclusion. Russia is matching those numbers on a weekly basis. They're ridiculously fucked in the head.


Their *hourly* loss in Ukraine is almost twice our daily loss in Vietnam.


That shook the country or the hundreds of thousands of people the US murdered over there. But you are probably correct that it was the handful of Americans.


As usual with trying to generalize the complexities of geopolitics it's a little column a and a little column b. You had the left side of the political spectrum who became anti war based on principle. Then you had the right who became anti war because it wasn't worth fighting the inevitable and the growing losses of soldiers became to much to tolerate. For extra points you can consider the draft as being universally unpopular and that making it even easier for the US public to come together in one of those rare bipartisan moments. And they stayed together as they shit all over the veterans who came home because they were a symbol of our failure/embarrassment in their eyes and not people who were either serving from a sense of honor or literally didn't have a choice in going. This doesn't even touch on the advancements in technology meaning people could see roughly daily footage from the war for the first time and were exposed to it in real time not months or years removed from the fighting.


That's because western people don't get the Russian mentality. Different mentality, different standards.


No, I think we get a lot of their mentality. They don't value life. Certainly not as others do.


We get it. They have no standards


Every time this report comes out I just stare at the kill count and tank losses and wonder how the hell Russia can keep this up for another month. Russia may have an infinite bodies to use as fodder but the recently leaked footage of hundreds of 62’s heading to the front lines shows just how desperate things are. You can’t upgrade and uparmor a 63 yr old tank for today’s battlefield. I think it’s the beginning of the end for the ground offensive.


atill have the T55/54 to chew through before they have to loot museums T34 mostly went to the scrap heap so these are only a handfull left as far as I know


Wrong. Russia has thouands of tanks left and potentially another 8,000 Chinese Type 59's. Wave upon wave of armor is still out there and Ukraine has limited weapons. All Russia needs is a Trump victory and then Ukraine's ammo dries up again. Russia is playing the long game.


I think you can ignore the type 59s unless north Korea has those as well. China is playing this smart, they are not providing direct military assistance like tanks and APCs, that's why you are seeing the golf carts, they might be providing artillery and small arms ammunition but that comes with a certain plausible deniability that they could have come from north Korea or previous arms deals. Russia is not playing the long game they wanted a quick and brutal war and they didn't successfully seal the deal. The reason you are seeing less tanks is because Russia can't use literally everyone it has and still defend it's borders and have tanks for the parades. This conspiracy about them holding back their best stuff until later is fucking nonsense no one fights a war like that even Russia with the way they value troop lives as less important.


Russia knows that if they keep the war going until after Trump gets into office, the advantage switches to them, likely forever. Trump is 100% behind Putin and the war will take a dark turn for the worse once that happens. China will feel free to send weapons then because Trump LOVES Xi even more than Putin. Those Type 59's will roll into battle by the thousands. All of this will be a terrible tragedy, but I would bet the farm it happens.


I expect Europe would still respond without the US though it would be a huge loss of resources in this scenario.


Agreed, but also the hard right is on the rise in Europe too. Poland, Hungary, France, etc. Europe has the potential to splinter bad. Another angle Putin and Xi are working hard.


It really doesn't matter what game they're playing: they're still losing either way. They're burning through their most capable troops and military hardware at a completely unsustainable rate and politically destabilizing their own country in the process. They may still have thousands of tanks - but most of them they don't have capable crews for and usually don't even run. Were it not for their nuclear deterrent, Russia wouldn't even be considered a minor military power at this point. Even if Trump does get elected it's probable that Russia's military will be so degraded by the time he gets inaugurated that Europe will be able to deal with Russia without US assistance.


I hope you are right, but I would bet big money you are 100% wrong.


Just published today: US officials told the Times that Russia has been able to replenish its troop numbers, recruiting around 25,000 to 35,000 soldiers a month, while Ukraine is struggling to find any new recruits. So with this information, Russia's total number of available troops is largely unchanged while Ukraine's is diminishing every month. The meat wave tactics work. Russia has a 4:1 or 5:1 troop advantage. Once Trump cuts off all Ukrainian weapons, then they are going to be in very serious trouble very very quickly.


Russia isn’t playing the long game, if they did they would be horrified of the future once the war ends… they’ve depleted their soviet arsenal, they have cut themselves off from the global economy and killed hundreds of thousands of it’s childbearing population


Dammit; I had bet on 1500 today! Lazy Russian assholes; DIE FASTER.


At a three to one wounded to KIA ratio, which given how miserable Russian casevac is seems to be both reasonable and conservative, that means that Russia is having roughly a battalion of soldiers being killed each and every single day. Thats a crazy amount of soldiers to have dying each day. A regiment and change each week. A division each month. A couple of armies per year.


Considering the already dire state of russia's demographics *before* the war, this loss rate is a catastrophe for that country.


That's why there are tens of thousands of Nepalese, Indian, and African mercenaries now fighting for Russia.


And soon they'll either be dead or deserted.


Do you have references or links to those numbers? Those troops are certainly fighting for Russia but tens of thousands implies a significant number, like multiple regiments.


Last I read it was 30,000 Nepalese troops signing up for service in Russia. I'll look and see if I can retrieve this. This news was quite some time ago.


I've seen numbers as high as 15000 but most information seems to be around 3000. Certainly less now due to attrition.


Some time ago - more like never.


It is my sincere pleasure to down vote this comment.


Also we gotta remember that seeing casualties as wounded instead of KIA sorta tricks our brains into thinking it's not that bad because the alternative is death. Being wounded can really, really suck. As much work as our VA needs, I don't see the wounded in Russia going on to live normal lives when/if they get sent home. Additionally sometimes enemy wounded can be preferred to KIA since it puts more of a load on the logistics network and a man not fighting is a man not fighting regardless if he's dead or unconscious. I realize that Russian is probably just sending them right back to the field regardless, but for a country that doesn't do meat waves inflicting wounded can be preferred to KIA in some circumstances.


dont forget the wounded that get send back to the front just to die.


That reminds me of my Ranger bro-in-law mentioning that they shoot to wound. That takes 3 guys out of the fight, a kill only 1, he says.


Yeah historically we can see a lot of instances of this. WW2 snipers did the same, vietnam Bobby traps, etc. Unfortunately (honestly probably fortunately in the long run) for Ukraine, Russia does meat waves and doesn't care about wounded so the same strategy can't always be applied


Every day 1000 Russian soldiers are taken out of the fight. I can’t wrap my head around that how similar are those numbers to World War2


You can tell the Russians completely gave up on their offensive. lol. They were losing so many daily and now it’s only like 7