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I’d honestly suggest just repeating the whole year, or focusing on specific modules to get them over with and doing the rest of them in the next academic year. GL op lmao


Didn’t know uni offers repeating the year


In my experience if you fail the year you just repeat it, or whatever modules you failed. Definitely worth talking to a tutor or supervisor about it to check the options available to you.


Is this serious?


Sad thing for me is this is an actual reality on my postgrad too. Checked out for like 4 months and am now facing 7 + the Dissertation in the same time period. Thankfully I checked back in, in May, so whilst it’s a shit tonne to do I think I’ll just about survive. Wouldnt recommend it at all though.


You should speak to student support or course tutor


I know it sounds impossible but that's 600 words a day. There are so many posts on here with people writing 20k dissertations in around 2 weeks or even way less. It is doable, I wrote 600 words today in 3 and a bit hours.


that’s assuming he knows the content bud, he has to study first too. so that’s a full day’s work every day for over a month straight and that’s if he starts yesterday


Honestly I know, I'm just trying to give OP some hope.


can do both whilst staying realistic, there is yet time but he’d have to compromise on the level of quality he’d prefer to have as well as dedicating a lot of time towards getting done.


I was just about to say this. There’s a HUGE difference between a dissertation and 10 separate assignments for different modules. If it was a dissertation and he had a month to do it I would say it’s pretty achievable as long as he goes at it full time everyday. Though when you’ve got 10 different assignments most likely on 10 different topics meaning unless he knows the material and what to write on every single one I’d say the chances are slim at best and that’s if he’s okay with getting mediocre to low passing grades


Skipping every lecture is crazy


Yeah I thought there was deadlines in the year?


lmao i skipped every lecture this year, averaged 71%. if you can skip every lecture and sustain it, do as you wish.


sounds crazy but it’s possible if you put in the work out of lectures lol


Honestly just repeat the year. I was in severe depression throughout my final year, missed deadlines etc. and it worsened me. I barely managed to pass. It is not worth it as it takes a toll on your mental state.


More than enough time 🤧


600 words a day is humanly possible


Bro didn’t go to the LECTURES😭 he won’t know the content to write about


If his university lecturers used a PowerPoint and he has access to it then it's doable, the lesson is simplified there and then he'd just need to make sure the citations are written correctly. As long as he uses some actual quotes to show his engagement and not just paraphrases, he should be good to at least pass the modules.


It’s doable, but will he achieve a decent grade? Unlikely. It’s a much better choice to inquire about resitting the year.


5000 words a week is not difficult if you switch off your phone and give it a solid 10-12 hours maximum effort a day.


We’ve reached the point where I can’t figure out if this is serious or not but, if it is serious, no you’re not cooked. I churned out five assignments (12,000 words) in ten days and received 70+ for all of them. It can be done, you just have to accept that you’re not getting much sleep or leaving your house much for a little while. You also need to be very disciplined. Take regular breaks but don’t take the piss. Do something that requires no thought (e.g., watching an episode of a TV show; preferably one that’s 30 minutes or less) during your breaks and avoid scrolling on your phone as you’ll suddenly lose hours without realising. Have decent snacks available too and don’t forget to move around every so often. Good luck! I hope your mental health improves soon.


damn skipping lectures i understand but missing loads of assignments would stress me out like crazy, good luck 🤞


If you know your content, it's achievable, but given what you've said about your mental health - is it worth it? Could you repeat the year?


File a mitigation circumstances request, you’re totally fucked.


Mental health is no joke. Speak to your tutors or student services. Tell them what position you are in and talk to them about repeating the year, starting fresh after summer break. You'll probably find once you've confessed to them about how bad this year has gone you'll feel a weight lifting. Trying to cram a years worth of work in to a month and half-assing it will continue to eat away at your mental health.


Yup toast


University isn't for you and that's okay don't force it look for an apprenticeship or something


Failing to perform in a bad year doesn't say anything about their capability to thrive at uni during a better time.


fly innocent aback illegal reminiscent sand chop murky humorous brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not over till it's over 👍


600 words a day isn’t easy but that’s what you get for leaving it this late, sorry to be blunt. It’s doable, and won’t be as good as if u did it over the year, but certainly doable. I wrote just over 5000 words in 2 days and wasn’t too much of a hassle


take a year out no point forcing yourself through a degree if your mind is not in it. trust me.


I mean if your first year all you need is a 40 and you have a month but maybe balance your time or speak to student support , get some hints to ideas from ChatGPT and find online sources about that topic it should be enough to pass


Ok so today is the 29th, if you start let's say tomorrow the 30th and you spend 2 hours a day on this until the 25th that's 52 hours work time you have until the 25th to do some work. 19,000 Split into 52 hours(2 hours a day from tomorrow to the 25th July), which comes to 365 words a day. This is beyond doable and this is me saying only spend 2 hours each day until the 25th and I say the 25th because so many assignments you're gonna wanna use the few days after the 25th doing some proof checking at least so you know you're achieving whatever goal you have. You should also do more than 2 hours of work a day this is just a basic outline the sooner the better.


I was in a similar predicament and the overwhelm was really stressing me and causing me issues with getting to sleep at night and that in itself obviously had a negative ripple effect with a lack of energy. There was no way I was going to manage it all. If you feel overwhelmed as if you might struggle to complete it all in time, maybe speak to your uni, they might offer an option to do the year again but as an exam only student... so you'd not need to attend lectures, just the assessments. This is what my uni offered anyway and it didn't involve fees.


Do you want the stress of Uni? Is this the right path for you? Do what is right for you, not what you feel you have to.


1 month for 19000, light work tbf


You're cooked unless it's first year. Just push out some quick crap you'll pass


Inbox for "grey" advice


Ur cooked medium rare style u might be well done uf u decide to take longer starting it


Knowing what course and uni would be helpful to assess, even though the question itself isn’t helpful to you. If you go to a top 10/15 Uni, then yes. If you’re doing STEM, then yes, because this requires learning methods of practice which require a significant amount of time on top of the writing. So really this is leaving you going to a below top 20 uni and doing history, languages, English etc. If you fit into that criteria, then you can still do it.


Hull history, good sign ig


You can do that easily with history. Especially first year


You’re fine, you could even get a first if you take it seriously from this point forward.


You can easily write 500 words a day, if you can’t do that drop out


Maybe just try explain to sfe that you need this year of finance annulled bcs of mental health, and redo it


It isn't SFE he needs to dicuss this with but his institution. And it isn't as easy as asking for a resit; they will have many questions. It is up to the institution to allow a resit or a redo of the year, not SFE.


You guys are giving me high blood pressure istg


I'm more concerned with whether you should still be at uni tbh. To let it get to the point where you are having to do 10 assignments means your head isn't in the game and realistically it is not worth you continuing to pursue this in your current state. You should claim extenuating circumstances, provide evidence, a reasoning why you didn't make the Uni aware of x y and z sooner (if that is the case) and see if they will allow you to repeat the year. Provided this is your first year, they may permit it especially since SFE funding generally gives you an additional year. Be realistic with yourself; you're not going to write a 2:1 essay in a month across 10 different assignments.


Honestly need more context. Do you know the material? If you are pretty familiar with the content and just need a couple of hours catch up each day? I would say it’s achievable as long as you go full time on it everyday and maybe every night. Or have you not watched any of the material throughout the semester either? That’s when it will become hard but doable but you might have to skip on some quality and fleshing out of your assignments. But if you knew the content it’s very doable! I have the same deadline as you for my dissertation and I’ve done nearly 4k words in the last 3 days and I could have done way more if it wasn’t for the fact the part I’m doing is a literature review which is a slow process since you have to find and read studies constantly for the points your making. I’ve seen crazier stories on this thread like people doing a whole 20k dissertation in like 4 days so I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet but you do need to get cracking


OP I am in a similar situation. I have to redo a bunch of my assignments and my dissertation, I've got till the 20th July but honestly I don't know if I'll make it due to work and needing to complete volunteering as well. I've had a shitty year mentally, one of if not my worst and I just couldn't bring myself to do the work. Though 19,000 words does sound like a tremendous amount if you do have the time (you really shouldn't be working for in this time) than you can possibly do it. Keep in mind it'll be grueling as it is for me and once you have done it give yourself the biggest holiday in the world as you'll be burnout completely.


What year you in? Also 19k in a month is doable if you make use of scite AI to get articles for you so as to save yourself time searching. Just pay one month subscription for it shit saved my masters degree dissertation and even got a 71 for it. But right now you need to do 1500 words per day and given you may still be struggling mentally I suggest applying for extension else good luck


everyone’s exaggerating, you’re fine, especially if you do a BA and are first year. just don’t procrastinate anymore or you will be cooked. put your essay questions into chat gpt and ask them to plan/structure your essay, saves so much time in being able to start an essay you know nothing about bc it’ll give you bullet points on what to include. at least pass the year if you’re gonna be going into debt over it.


You’re fried, charred and laid to the side xx


It’s probably better to just respect your mental state and start fresh in September. Only because that amount of work on top of an already fragile state, could trigger it off and from my own experience, it’s really not worth it because it can be life threatening. What you could do in the mean time though is get as much resources as you can and try study up over the summer, so next year will be a little easier and allow you time to transition into the following year over a period of time.


If you had a shitty year this year, mentally, who’s to say you wont again the next year. I’ve had some horrible things happen to me at uni, started antidepressants, girl cheated with best mate, got arrested etc. it was a nightmare but I still got it done. You can’t use ur mental health as an excuse again unless you are mentally impaired. I’d suggest you repeat the year and pull urself together and put some metrics in place to have stable mental health. Such as taking medication, having a routine, exercising, etc


Work hard every day 😭 might be possible


Speak to your course and the mental health team about if you can have any support, or resiting


It’s possible…make a plan of what each assignment is about and then do around 600-700 words a day


Nah not yet. You're cooked when the deadline is gone. Get to it and you might save yourself


You will die. But maybe succeed


Message student support, tutors and plan out what you have to do. Then actually make the effort to do that. Same situation unfortunately, best you can do is the above or if you can afford it repeat the year. Don’t drink vodka and put it off another day.


Ask for extensions and work. The hardest part is starting.


Chatgpt or pay someone on fiver to do it all. Don’t be stressed there are ways around eveuthing


Gotta lock in gang. With chatgpt you can easily do it lool


When I went to uni I attended around 10 lectures in 3 years of me being there, left all my assignments while the day before they were due and wrote my 7500 dissertation in less than 16 hours while I was abroad so I wrote half the dissertation on the plane and stayed up until 10am to finish it, it was due at 12. Is it possible? Yes. Is it annoying and a thousand times more stressful? Yes.