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The ride could close and I feel like 90% of the guests in the park wouldn’t even notice.


Same with Fast and Furious


No, fast and furious is known as the worst ride by a landslide...so people would notice just for that reason. Jimmy fallon is just mediocre


Thank you! I thought my wife and I had the cold take on the Fast and Furious ride being as bad as it was.


Nah that thing is universally panned.


I think my wife and I agreed that when we were there for our honeymoon in October/November: of the four days we spent at Universal, IOA, and Volcano Bay; plus spending a total of eight more at Disney across all four parks and both the water parks, Fast and the Furious was the worst ride and biggest time waste of the entire trip without question. 🤣


Seriously like at least supercharged had the balls to be bad. Jimmy Fallon is just... Eh.


Honestly, replace Fallon with SNL and update the ride footage every couple of years, or just settle on using classic characters. It would be really cool either way, especially if it was updating with new cast members and such. You can even keep the studio theme and say Fallon is hosting and thus keep the preshow It would be better at least because it’s not such a polarizing person as the theme of the ride


Yes, at least Jimmy Fallon has The Roots.


Completely agree. I’m heading there in September with a couple of friends who have never been and the ride is scheduled to be down while we are there. I’m sad that I can’t make them experience that ride 😂


This is so true, I went on Jimmy Fallon once when it first opened and have proceeded to forget that it exists until I need to go to the bathroom that is over by its gift shop.


I was just there for the first time, and honestly MIB Alien Attack is way worse than Supercharged


I feel like they should keep it because it’s honestly a great spot to go for some AC when the ride times hit their peak around 12pm-3pm.


100%, the queue is charming the first time or two. Also, for younger guests or those with limitations it can handle most if not all guests.


Is it weird that my favorite part of the ride is seeing all the hosts’ memorabilia in the queue? Especially Johnny Carson’s.


I would love an NBC museum in the park. I want to see memorabilia from SNL, the Office, 30 Rock, etc.


No, because that's the best part of the ride. It's why museums exist. Hopefully they'd keep the queue memorabilia somewhere else on display if/when they get rid of the ride.


That’s funny you say that… my sister, who is under 10, really enjoyed it as her first ride at Universal but was really scared originally.




The queue area is fairly big. It could make for a nice lounge with a small gift shop and snack bar.


And if you go on just before the parade, have a great viewing spot as soon as you come out


Change it to Race around the World with Conan Obrien!


Please, Conan's such a more entertaining and interesting guy!


Yes I'm sure Conan can't wait to work at NBC again.


This would literally never happen lol, his section in the memorabilia area is already extremely tiny


In my opinion it should be the Secret Life of Pets attraction from USH, I don’t mind a copycat if we get another proper family dark ride!


Keeps with the Illumination Ave thing perfectly.


Right. Retheme Rip Ride Rockit to something Illumination. Just move Transformers to New York with Mummy. Even rename Music Plaza Stage to like Illumination Ave Stage or something.


And it’s perfect to transition into the NYC area of the park.


That’s a great idea


The entire front and back of the park being kiddy rides is a terrible idea


I go to Universal because it’s more adult friendly, I really hope they don’t get carried away with minion land. They added DreamWorks land for the kids specifically.


They’ve already made HHN suitable for 10 year olds so who knows


Omg yes. I tell people that and I get attacked like crazy saying I’m an idiot. Naw it’s so watered down and soft now, now they want FNF & Ghostbusters, probably the two non scariest ideas ever just to pull in a bunch of kids and families


Rockit, Mummy, Transformers?


That’s not necessarily the front. Mummy’s actually further back & transformers is farther than mummy. Ripride is closest to front of all those 3


I love what they’re doing to universal (park) I’m 23 and most of it’s not for me but my little nephew loves all the kids area, and going with him and watching him enjoy what I grew up going to is the best feeling even though the rides have changed. I’d love for that area to get transformed some more for more kids rides and areas, as long as they keep mummy the mummy.


It's definitely will eventually go but Universal has way too many other bigger priorities (replacing lost continent, supercharge, Simpsons, opening and adding more to epic, etc)


What are they doing with supercharge?


to my knowledge, there isn't much in the rumor mill on supercharge replacement. Mostly because they use the queue for HHN However, people are hopeful because Hollywood is getting a Fast rollercoaster and people are thinking we will get a clone. That clone *might* replace Rip Ride Rockit. That being said, there are more meatier rumors with Simpsons and Pokemon and Rip Ride Rockit with ???? than anything replacing Fast


Anyone who thinks a clone of the Hollywood version is coming Florida are completely ignorant. The Hollywood F&F ride is completely designed with the terrain and structures present there. It would have to be completely redesigned for Florida as the RRR area has its own unique challenges with space.


My thing with Race Through New York is that it's actually a fun 3D attraction. But when it's nestled in with all the other screen/3D attractions in the same park, it becomes a really mediocre experience. Twister (and Ghostbusters comparatively) were much more unique and impressive attractions just for the practical effects alone. When there are 3 other screen based attractions within 20 yards, Jimmy Fallon falls flat outside of its queue.


Not sure how the actual Jimmy Fallon had his contract structured, but I can see a requirement that his ride/likeness appears in the park for a long time, or at least as long as he's on NBC late night.


It’s my favorite, I would be sad!


It is my grandson's favorite!


Same 🥺


Same for my dad, he always goes on it while my mom and I go on the mummy ride and he looks forward to it every time.


Same! This and ET are our favorite family rides. It's always one of our first go to in the park.


I’d love to see some kind of ride/show about Tornadoes or something take its place… wouldn’t that be neat?


A new movie is coming out about twisters maybe they will replace it with that. Maybe some fire, lightening and a flying cow!


Probably more likely discounted to make room for new merch. It doesn’t have the issues that RRR has, which is more likely to close sooner. I doubt Universal would close so many attractions at once while also building a new theme park.


The ride is only 7 years old so still has a lot of life left in it. It costs a huge amount of money to re-theme and replace rides. The lower wait times are because it’s a people-eater. UO uses simulators because of the tiny footprint of the park combined with the need for weather-proof rides. Not much more would fit. Transformers is already a two-story ride. Fallon uses a big screen. It’s also a great family ride and is one that guests can remain in their wheelchair. Those wanting bigger thrills need to accept they have graduated and should visit more thrill parks like Bush Gardens and SeaWorld…or trek to Magic Mountain or Cedar Point. Universal is a family park and intensity will be at the family level. RRR will not be replaced by a Top Thrill 2 clone.


Being two hours from Cedar Point, can confirm we are super spoiled on thrills. Seems like many of the best coasters in the world are all in the northeast. That being said, Velicoaster is a goddamn delight and I’m jealous it’s all the way in Florida.


I recently went to SeaWorld Orlando for the first time and I was very surprised by their coasters. Probably the best coasters I’ve ever been on! I did go to Universal too (also for the first time) and have to agree that the Velosicoaster was a delight :) and Hulk was fun, until it bounced my head between the restraint so much that I felt I was going to pass out. That will probably keep me from riding it ever again but it was a fun experience I wish I could do again.


I’d like to ride those coasters, they look really good. I have a moral objection to Sea World though, unfortunately.


I understand; I’ve learned things since going. I discovered and watched Blackfish for one. But that was all after my visit to FL.


Hey, I don’t shame people for going, I just don’t personally go. It’s more about all the violations they’ve had over the years. I still go to animal kingdom, and they’ve got dolphins. I did go to Busch Gardens a few weeks ago and they are all the same company. Unfortunately realized that after I bought tickets.


We also went to Busch Gardens but I knew they were the same because when we bought our SeaWorld ticket, it offered a free pass to there. I hate some of the things I’ve learned about but to be honest, I had a great time at all the parks and definitely want to go back to them all again but I don’t know if/when I can make that happen. I have been recommending SeaWorld to people if they like coasters. 🎢 I don’t think I’ve ever been to Cedar Point, unless it was when I was little. I can remember being at a couple of parks way back then that I don’t remember the name of or even where they were 🤷🏻‍♀️ I only remember one coaster from back in those days and it was actually 2 tracks side by side with 2 trains that started at the same time and it was like a race - one went forward, the other backwards. Seems like it was somewhere in Ohio 🤔


Get to cedar point! It’s the best roller coaster park in the world. There are some great other parks out there, they always seem to be chasing Cedar Point, though.


I’m shocked at all the folks hoping it leaves. Not a chance. This is one of the few rides that allows everyone on… and is exciting. Young kids love this. They are too young for something like Transformers but Jimmy Fallon is silly, goofy and reasonably exciting. Everyone in the audience ooo’s and aaaa’s (or is laughing) when that big panda throws everyone at the moon. And the giant lobbies & queue system gives folks a break from the heat, lines, etc. It’s filling a perfect niche and it’s also cross promoting one of their active IP. This isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.


Funnily I’ve gone during busy times before, as in days when rides will have a minimum 30 minutes wait on average, and Fallon was still a walk on with half empty or less theaters. How can something be a people eater when there’s hardly anyone going in?


We went 2 years ago and had a 30+ minute wait in the middle of the week. A year before that we had to use their ride reservation deal for that ride. We checked in and they told us what time to return(about 1 1/2 hours later).


It’s honestly the best pure simulator ride in the parks. Better than Simpsons & Minions.


I can’t believe they took out Twister for this. It’s cute once and I like the queue, but it has almost no rerideability at all. Not saying they should have kept Twister, but at least it was a unique attraction. If they are going to have another simulator, at least have several variations. Star Tours is literally my favorite ride in Hollywood Studios for this reason.


Ride aside, Im still baffled on why they even made the ride with Fallon as the main character. Very few people outside the US even know who he is and I’m sure the American Public isn’t thrilled either with the IP.


UK resident here: we know who Jimmy Fallon is.


Just imagine Alton Towers doing a Graham Norton or Jonathon Ross ride


Apparently the execs found it dumb that Twister, a film set in the Midwest, was located in New York and thus wanted something New York based to fit in better and somehow The Tonight Show was picked when no one was asking for an attraction based off a talk show. Heck my first thought for a New York attraction was Ghostbusters and I didn’t even think of The Tonight Show.


I don’t think Universal has the theme park rights to Ghostbusters anymore.


literally lateral integration. NBC studios produces Fallon's show and they wanted some representation in the parks.


I love that ride 😭😭


Yeah Universal has way too many similar feeling screen rides. That's why I prefer Islands 90% of the time except for Mummy. But the Mummy feels like it should be in Islands.


This ride made me sick the one time I rode it. I don’t ever go when I visit. Meh.


Make it a Toonces The Driving cat ride and you can take my money ![gif](giphy|3o7aD2v3Q0tgTE9xja|downsized)


With all the speculation online about Rip Ride Rockit going away, I was wondering (and hoping) that maybe Fallon would be next. Just redo that whole area.


Since rrr is apparently on the way out, they could repair the hole in the old ghostbusters firehouse where the coaster went through and bring back the ghostbusters show in the jimmy Fallon showbuilding.


Race through New York was my first ever in Universal so I would be sad to see it go away, first time was super fun but now it’s okay but it holds special place in my heart.


I’ve visited the parks 4 times and never been on this ride. It just doesn’t look interesting to me.


I rode it once. It's fine you're not missing anything


They should replace it with a new Ghostbusters attraction


I wonder if the footprint of Race through New York and the Hollywood rip ride rocket area around it is equivalent to the square footage for the Secret Life of Pets attraction in Universal Hollywood. 🤔


I wouldn't take a merchandise sale as meaning anything


Fallon isn’t the most fun but it’s an excellent way to get out of the heat lol


It’s cool, but for sure something to skip if you are short on time. Universal has, in my opinion, too many motion simulator rides. Wish they would invest in some trackless rides.


Jimmy Fallon is insufferable. He tries way too hard to be funny. The ride itself isn't great, and I wouldn't care if they closed it down.


I think if they get rid of it there isn’t much they could do with that space. Thats not another simulator or something along those lines. Plus the ride is low thrill but older people and kids can ride it and have fun!


If they close both Rockit (which has been speculated) and Fallon - and perhaps incorporate some of the space at Soundstage 18 (location of the old Blue Man Group show), that’s a solid amount of room to work with - they could probably fit a sizeable ride there.


I wonder if a replacement might be in line with the rumored Rip Ride Rockit replacement.


I can’t stand Fallon so please replace it with anything else.


The pre show with the Sara character part is so bad. It should end with the rapping of the safety stuff


Same. He is the least funny comedian on TV. The way he laughs at his own jokes. The way he melodramatically overreacts to any half assed joke his guests make. His irritating Sara character. I feel like I could go to any amateur comedy club in any small town and find someone considerably more talented than Jimmy Fallon. 




I feel like any replacement of Rockit will include closing Fallon


The gift shop is fun if you’ve been to Rockefeller Center - I was visiting FL again after living in NYC for a while at that time and was like “oh, pretty close”, the ride itself on the other hand..


I do not like it 99% of the time. However, on last visit we rode with a bit of...herbal assistance. A 9000% better ride. Either way, it's better than Fast and Furious: Supercharged.


Went on it enjoyed it my first time in March wasn’t ground breaking


I wanted to thrown up while on this ride the motion simulation was so bad. Good riddance if it goes


Too many similar rides


Will get on that ride every visit to hear Black Thoughts safety rap


I mean, they could just be having a sale on that merch and that's all it is, a sale.


Race Through New York will be around as long as Fallon hosts the Tonight Show. The ride is only 7 years old as well. Men in Black would be my pick as next on the chopping block. Mostly dead franchise, and a very old ride. (24 years old) That part of the park is so isolated from everything else. It should be a Sci Fi section of the park, but they don't seem interested in connecting things together.


Worth it for the intro rap tbh.


I personally cringe at it, it would be cool without jimmy lol. He is not funny.


Bring back Twister, or make a new ride based on Twisters


It would be easy to retheme it into some other theme like ghostbusters or a Godzilla attraction or something


Could it be used as the load building for whatever replaces RRR???


I enjoyed the physical ride. The theme was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever witnessed.


It’s about to be replaced by Race Through New York with Jay Leno.


I lowkey would love a small updated Twister show or ride since they’ve rebooted it


They put clearance Merch in those little impulse shops all the time. It's got nothing to do with Jimmy Fallon closing


This ride seems so out of place with the other properties.


I think it might be merged in with Rockit’s current space to create a new attraction.


i’ve been working at UO for a year n sum change, i have never been to the fast& furious or jimmy fallon ride n im glad i haven’t cuz of the amount of negative comments about it. i would tho go on it just once just so i can join on with the hate lol