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Exactly lol


And this ladies and gentlemen.. is a narcissist.


Strong word... wouldnt use it for just anyone whom has behaved selfish. Narcissistic people dont have the empathy to feel that guilt...


What a 180! You used her/him for your validation and then you want “one day, someone will look out for you the way look out for them”.


After some painful introspection revealed this surprisingly common flaw, it's almost comical how lack of self awareness goes hand in hand with anxiety and fear that their feelings are unrequited- feelings that are often fabricated, which i believe is why such people can be so effective and ignorant of the emotional abuse they inflict. It's easy to be blind to the pain carried by someone when we can't see that even our feelings for them are a lie. Nice guy behavior to a tee, the one part of my past that im truly embarrassed by.


When someone believes that they’re a victim, they end up oppressing the people they believe are oppressing them. It’s a really scary thing to see. And yes, the soul of the person knows that they fabricate whatever reality they want, and the soul responds with tons of anxiety


Oh wow that's interesting. I wonder how she felt? You must've done some serious damage to her. If so, did you do anything to make it right for her?


Well there were several people who I think just enjoyed the creative ways I took cheesy romance concepts and bombarded them obsequiously with what passes for elegant flattery to a teenage boy. I was an incel/"nice guy" before those were defined and known terms used regularly. Those couple girls I chased never officially dated me and I don't blame them. I was surely little more than an annoyance to them. It wasn't until my first serious girlfriend in my mid 20s that I really changed in countless ways and started the journey to where I am now, and while she did have solid boundaries and didn't put up with much of my shit in the beginning, I definitely did hurt her, and I never stopped working to better myself and change since then, in a lot of ways I think that's as close to making it right as we any abuser could get without requiring tremendous grace from the victim. I don't believe making it right should even be hinted at until the abuser legitimately accepts who they are, what they've done, and busts their ass until they prove that they are not dangerous or toxic to be around anymore.


op isnt J


Always the eyes that pulls us in and he had blue eyes that controlled me ughhh. What color was theirs? Praying you find that someone


central heterochromia, brown inside and a ring of dark green, almost looked like the structure of a forest with brown at the bottom and the unfolding sparkly green


It’s always blue isn’t it? 😩 Damn them.


Using people and you like em. Allah will deal with you


To my person: I miss you too


Biscuits and gravy, eh? Sounds more like Pretzel logic..


What do you mean "someone will look out for you like you do them?


ikr? the way ppl DO each other is far from getting it DONE


weird flexes these daya


Damn feels like I needed to read this today.


🤦‍♀️Narcissist….it never ends! lol Bless their hearts!!


I like how you say you sopped them up like biscuits and gravy.


Same I had to laugh a little at that my guys eyes are green but same effect on me when he talks to me all you see is this big puddle he’s freaking hot🥵


Hehehe 🙃


Blue eyes. Always trouble for me


I don’t trust blue eyes anymore




This was painful to read today.


You get to a certain age and realize that so many things that we get upset about are irrelevant. We all have hurt people in our lives. Any hurt I have experienced has made me stronger. It’s also very humbling. I forgive those who have hurt me. I hope to be forgiven as well. Ya gotta let that shit go!! 🫶🏻❤️


Ahem…this is MY life, which you have no clue about yet want to project your feelings upon…so take a back seat. Thanks for the TWO responses. Maybe you should let it go lol


lol…gladly…good luck! 😀


I always got luck. So don’t worry your little intruding, unwelcomed “blessed” head




Someone will definitely look out for your “usefulness”. Good for you.


Funny, my person calls me biscuits.


Always look out for everyone my life your partly right I met someone had stop thing do right thing if wanted start relationship