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Going 50 MPH on State Street with his fiance flopping around in the back on a mattress???!! that dude does NOT love her enough.


Marriage license? ✅. New Apartment lease agreement? ✅. Life Insurance policy updated. ✅. Hold on tight honey…we don’t need to strap it down. 😉




They probably only met a few months ago


When I moved to my current place I transported a big elephant plant in the back of my dads truck. Didn't go a hair over 20mph. My partner was also following behind in the other car keeping an eye on it so it wouldn't tear in the wind. I can't fathom driving that fast with someone lying on an unsecured mattress in the back. That's literally bat shit stuipd.


Haha that was my comment too, dude wasn’t even remotely trying to be careful


I bet he was laughing, thinking it was a funny joke up until she flew out.


Doesn't bode well for the intelligence of their future children.


I told my kids to not ever do something like this, because if they did and died, I would be too embarrassed to go to their funeral.


Hey, Mom! I saw you were on the news once for being a dumbass!


They’ll have at least 6.


Jaxckxyn, Jaeysean, Phynnearytiegh, Typhaennyeah, Kaelyaigh, Mahntaehngha


I remember going to my sister’s high school graduation and seeing all the students being displayed on this screen and my wife and I were joking about which kids clearly came from LDS families based on how their names were spelled


We're in NM now, but in our ward there's one family with five kids and all their names are just anagrams of their parents' names. It's hilarious!


Don’t forget the surprise 7th they have when they’re in their 40’s and name Nephi.


Great minds think alike.


To be fair, they are newlyweds - so I can see the mattress being a priority, especially as a means of facilitating said future children.


You missed the point entirely. Obviously a bed is a must-have when you’re going to live with a significant other, but just using your body in order to keep a mattress in the back of a truck instead of, oh I don’t know, using straps like a normal fucking person, is really idiotic


Intelligence isn't genetic, and they'll have a fun story to tell their grandkids.


I mean......they could be really intelligent but not think things through. Book smarts vs. common sense, ya know?


Meh, they’re still dumbasses. I don’t give a shit if they’re book smart, they’re still dumbasses




I got hit on the highway by an unsecured bed coming off of a truck coming the other way. It fell and bounced sideways over the median and into traffic. I hit my brakes, but so did everyone else. I couldn't swerve or dodge it without hitting another car. I was just grateful I was able to drop my speed so much before it hit me and the adjacent car and that neither of us were hit by the cars behind us. Both my kids were in the car with me. The owner of the bed didn't even stop. I was lucky in that the cops saw the whole thing and chose to help us instead of pursue the asshole. I couldn't get my car out of the road on my own and needed help to call for help. How much care someone uses to tie down loads is my new metric for whether or not someone is a piece of shit.


Someone in my town doed thay way. Matteess flew off the truck in front of them.


What’s crazy is that they were on state street and he was going FIFTY mph. Of course this happened in Provo.


"We don't really have this thing secured well, so I'm gonna lay down on it. Make sure to go about 20 slower than you usually do." "Okay, well I'd usually take the freeway, so I'll just do fifty on state"


Honestly gettimg married to have sex is worse than just havimg sex unmarried. If you view marriage as a passage to fuck and not o represent a union between two people in love who have built a life together you might be Mormon


50 on state is crazy? Lots of psychos in the valley then.


I quit motorcycles after only 5 years because of how careless people are on Utah roads. No matter how skilled you are, there’s nothing you can do about someone’s load flying off their truck and into your face on the highway. Utah feels like a bunch of 12 year olds were given teslas and f150s without any instructions.


Just a few years ago here in Utah a woman lost her husband and toddler in a car accident on I-15 because someone hadn’t secured a dog house in the back of their truck. My parents lost a good friend who died when someone didn’t properly put their boat on the trailer. Horrific.


I’d be fucking pissed if I was on that road. And the news coverage is making complete light of it. Idiots.


Treating your new bride like a tie-down does not bode well for the relationship.


Ratchet straps cost less than an ER visit every time.


Imagine marrying a man with no ratchet straps


Depends on where you live. But I'll take buying ratchet straps over road rash.


Why the hell would she still marry this dude after he suggested her weight would be the appropriate restraining device needed. I’d be 6 feet deep if I told my wife to just sit on something and hold it down.


He was also speeding down State Street with her in the back...what a douche.


If her dad had secured his load, this would have never happened.


He forgot to slap it twice and say yep that's not going anywhere


Secure your loads people, including all your wives and future wives


And secure your husbands, cause they throwin e’rebody out here 🎶


Great comment. Here’s an angry upvote.




No no, they’ve got a point…


I don't see how wearing a condom would have prevented this tragedy.


18 years ago it would have


were they going for a darwin award?


Close, but not quite.


great way to assert dominance early in the marriage though /s


This couple is going to learn a lot of hard lessons that smarter people won't have to learn. I really hope they do alright. Good glory, though...


Who would admit to this?   I’m sure future FIL is proud of his daughter’s choices. Idiots.


Same I couldn’t stop thinking about the in-laws when I first read this, possibly because i know the groom and he is truly the goofiest kid anyway lol


I obviously feel bad for her because that sucks. But also that is really stupid.


I’ve done some stupid shit in my life but damn that’s elite. Also love that he was allegedly driving 50 mph on state st when it happened. “Hey honey, lay on this mattress in the bed of my truck while I literally haul-ass down State St”. I mean jeezus if you are gonna do that at least throw your hazards on and go slow ffs.


They should not procreate


Some people quite literally have the IQ of a rock.


That’s a lot of pictures of the ‘Utah Bride’ and not a single photo of a mattress and/or road. Utah news… I don’t even know anymore


I'm so curious what a mattress looks like


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say those pictures would look a lot like a mattress and a road


*prays* “that should hold👍”


That’s Utard intelligence for ya 🤣🤣


Knew before I clicked that this would be in Utah County


Darwin award runner up right there. Wow.


Just secure your damn stuff people geez!


One time I was driving home from work in Springville and as I was waiting to turn left some guy hauling a trailer with a mattress on the back drove past and the mattress flew off. Mind you, the speed limit was 50mph on this road. It was very, very lucky no one was behind him. I pulled over and started dragging it off the road, he came back and told me that his brother told him that he didn’t need to strap it down. At all 🙄. I was freshly 18 and could not believe that this much older man was this stupid.


She's lucky she didn't die or kill someone else. To everyone talking shit, she looks pretty young. I did some very stupid things. Shit, I still do. Secure your loads people.


she’s like 27 or 28, i think she’s old enough to judge💀


Yeah, these people are grown-ass morons.


she’s 25 or 26, went to hs with her


Has she always been stupid?


point stands lol


Wow, I thought she was a lot younger based on this photo.


maybe acting like a stupid teenager is keeping her looking like one


A lot of people in Utah are in pretty tight bubbles if they are in the church. But also, clean living can keep you looking young to their credit. Drinking, etc, can really age a person lol.


ironically so can getting thrown out of a truck at 50+ mph (i’m guessing they under-reported their speed)


Hahaha. Fair.


These idiots didn’t think of ropes/straps? Some folks would have ropes attached to the bed frame… for convenience and safety when moving.


Came close to being eligible for the Darwin award.




I wish this was a video


Their Instagram is public lmao 🤣


Just so fucking dumb...


Hope she feels like a princess because she’s getting crowns.


What a stupid stupid husband. First off, don’t try something this dangerous. Second, don’t drive 50 mph with your wife unsecured in the bed of your truck…


What husband would allow their wife to put themselves in danger like that?


This is a good reminder that R’s want to remove your right to secure your load… You can register to vote here: https://vote.utah.gov/register-to-vote-or-update-your-voter-registration/ You can find your voter registration info here: https://votesearch.utah.gov/voter-search/search/search-by-voter/voter-info


Just curious, either of these not have to do with birth control?


“either of these” you mean the links? No those are just links where you can go to register to vote or check that you are registered to vote… But if you must know, the tasteless joke here about this unfortunate situation, is comparing an unsecured load in a truck bed, to an unsecured load (a lack of contraception) in a hetero-ish relationship… and our political situation around health care and human rights, which, ever since Roe was overturned and women lost the right to abortion at the federal level, unhinged R’s are working to limit or ban contraception all together at state and local levels on the basis that contraception is a form of abortifacients… …which is an issue people of all genders should care about, safe access to health care affects us all…


I didn’t think I had to put an /s at the end of my statement. My bad. Agree with all of what you said. I was just making another dumb joke. :) Also, registered as a republican and my lord, all the pathetic trump texts I keep getting. 😳. Todays “From Trump: Will you please endorse me? I need to know after my rigged conviction…”. At least they aren’t saying they love me anymore. lol


Lololol damn you got me good, I just thought “well it is r/utah so you never know” 🤣 And that’s a hilarious plea for support, must be so hard for his supporters to believe that everything is rigged against him & them 🙄




From the article: "June 6 marks National Secure Your Load Day, and authorities are taking the opportunity to remind drivers of the importance of property fastening objects in transit to ensure the safety of themselves and others."


I mean it's a decent cautionary tale for anyone who might think this is a viable option in the future


What a fucking idiot. She deserves this.


So dumb


And the reason why he was driving when she should’ve been driving with him in the back is…?


How do you say your inbred without saying your inbred?


Somebody had fun writing that headline. What a doozy!


On national secure your load day too!!!!!


Rope is cheap.


So obviously they're both dumb as hell for thinking this was a good plan, but that aside, what kind of a guy would volunteer his fiance for this instead of himself??? Like ok, we've decided to go through with this idiotic plan, one of us has to lay down in the bed of a truck holding down a mattress with us super dangerous. The other one will drive nice and cozy inside the truck blasting the AC with the comfort of a seatbelt. Dude's not just dumb but a total asshole for putting her in the back.


People who don’t secure their loads are a big part of the reason for the housing shortage in Utah. Secure your loads folks.


She had one job


Could have been a Darwin award.


She’s a keeper


You know you're a redneck if...


What a ridiculous story choice..only in Utah.


This is horrible :( saw this story bouncing around 




What an awful take …


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Common sense is hard to come by nowadays.


I considered posting this article to r/idiotstowingthings they weren't actually towing wondering, but I think it still qualifies


I kept seeing this headline and didn't initially click bc I thought it ended way worse. Reading the sentence about them NOT tying it down and just having her lay on it made me guffaw. Like, come on people, y'all are lucky she only got a busted mug bc you were asking for trouble.


“June 6 marks National Secure Your Load Day” I was dropping loads all over the place 😖


How old is this couple?


Young. Early 20s


She’s a lucky bitch, and not the smartest one either?


Darwin wins again


She’s an idiot!


So much for trying to tie your new bride to the bed (metaphorically speaking). This one is staying attached 😉🫡


She is sped


Sounds like she's god-damn badass.