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Last summer was *horrible*. It was also the summer I realized I needed to get a straw cap for my water bottle. Because an earwig decided to crawl into my straw during the night. And I didn’t know util the next day. When I took a big swig. And he ended up in. my. mouth. 🤗🤗🤗




I had the same experience. For the entire day it felt like little legs were scurrying on my tongue.


This happened to my 10 year old last night and I think he's scarred for life.


Oh man, hopefully you got a spare kid?


Nightmare Fuel!


I'm scarred for life just reading this. That's the end of my keeping a tumbler next to my bed at night. 🤢




Im so scared to ask what a earwig is (Just moved here🥴)


[this guy!](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=308f8556c1d25e13&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS931US931&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIKPe5Ru2pdKKaMu5u6VE4aAHUbatQ:1719639451785&q=earwig&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AbzhUJjXv6jRup8eVc0BvPAejbSVM4M1fdmzX32Bj_vMAYidQAISAPZ2ynoun1fyxB2yW2pBtrhxv2vRKlxbsuJ0ITTZVZgtYt0meKIFdPSOYqX7S41HliEvHDFGRRnvn6WBInWykcO6H8cbuk4FWyoUO1wA8_jGlYSKd3NK9Ude92t_7mVkZMtW3QKmJIGp6xE3w3q7xjahm03NgBLI13SvHZGA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3h6mVjICHAxW6q4kEHfujBRoQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=430&bih=745&dpr=3#vhid=bqyfZmHTZ0j2UM&vssid=mosaic)


OMG ew! Im so sorry that happened to you🫣


Yes. We have what feels like millions of them in our backyard patio area and they’ve been destroying all of our potted plants. We’ve managed to kill at least a thousand in the last week with canola oil + soy sauce traps but it feels like they just keep coming.


We have been sprinkling some diatomaceous earth poweder around the edge of our potted plants, and that has helped w/ earwigs and other pests.


It happened to us a couple years ago. I sprayed the outside of all windows and doors with a big spray and the inside of windows with a mix of dish soap and water. Then just vacuumed a ton. They stopped coming in after a few days.


Put out a dish of soy sauce. They love it and will crawl in and drown. I haven't had an issue this year, but don't even get me started on the damn snail infestation..


I use cheap vegetable oil in a Tupperware for my garden. It’s super gross how many dead earwigs you end up with!


I will try that method next time if I remember!


Yes. They hit fast and hard this year. If you have a yard I recommend Spectracide Triazicide. Also kills fleas and once it's placed, watered and dried again, it's safe to let kids and dogs play in the yard again. Picked ours up at True Value but it's also sold at Lowe's. It looks like Spectracide also has a home spray version but I don't have personal experience with that to recommend it or not.


Triazicide is what saved my lawn from earwigs and grubs. They were fucking my front yard up! One application completely killed them all.


Yesssss. Finally called an exterminator. I’m also in Provo. Beeline Pest Control is reasonable. Did the inside and out of our 3000 sq ft townhouse for $129. 30 day guarantee.


Yep. Been setting up oil traps and such. These assholes are everywhere this year, just like last year


YES!! They are absolutely destroying my garden this year!! I’ve made oil traps but it doesn’t seem to even put a dent in them


I'm getting a lot in my apartment. What are some indoor friendly ways to combat them?


Ants!!!!! Ants everywhere 😩




These and flying ants. Keep spraying and they come right back, so all advice is welcome. 


We've had a ton this year and last. I've had a lot of luck using a 7.9% Bifirin spray around my house. I buy the concentrate so that I can mix it differently for indoors vs. outdoors. It was like $20 on Amazon and then I bought a 2.5-gallon sprayer at Harbor Freight for $15. I spray around my foundations, doors, and windows every 45 days and indoors every 2.5 months and that seems to do the trick. I bought that concentrate in the spring of last year and I won't run out until my next treatment in a month so it's pretty inexpensive. We get a few that still get in but they usually die within a few inches of the door or window they came in through.


Set a jar filled with soy sauce and vegetable oil where you see them most. They'll crawl in and drown.


nope, just the usual aphid plague.


I have them like crazy. They usually gravitate towards water. So bathroom and kitchens is where they mainly hang. It means that your house has openings to the outside. Baseboard isn’t caulked is a huge one.


"Baseboard isn't caulked" is a generous way of putting it, lol


I was just wondering about seeing so many. I get quarterly bug sprays done too. I don't wanna go scorched earth but between the earwigs and the swarms of some kinda grasshopper in my lawn I think I'm gonna have to agent orange these things.


Yup. And spiders. BIG spiders. I hate it!!


Like others have said, a bowl of cheap oil and soy sauce will do the trick. I had a few hundred crawling around my basement door and put out two of these traps. 72 hours later and I haven’t seen a single one (alive).