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Soooo much better than the crap from a few years ago. I was so hyped for it. What a let down...but this version is really good. One of my favorite books too.


I love the slowness, and I love the songs they used, sooo fitting. I knew while I was watching this end would be disappointing. It builds and builds to a point where the anticipation is too high. A bit like Lost. But I feel this one is about the journey, not the destination.


is there anywhere to watch this online?


no idea, I assume not since there was a recent new series.


Never seen this box art before, it seems inspired by the FIRESTARTER book jacket mixed with a wonderfully lurid ZEBRA imprint horror novel…


It's a European VHS, Dutch. Love the cover indeed, and upon Googling it and seeing the different covers, I think I still prefer this one.


Is this the one with Gary Sinese? Im ashamed to admit this is one of the few adaptations I have not seen. I have a real soft spot for some of the cheesy 90’s adaptations like Thinner, Silver Bullet, Cujo. Is this any worse than those 3?


If you liked those three you should definitely watch The Stand.


with Sinise and Lowe yes. You should check this one out. These days, I think this one would count as "slow television"


Really? I remember it being insanely dull even as a 15 year old.. I'd give it a rewatch though