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LED lights fall under Freedom of Speech?


☠️ you gotta admit that’s funny tho


LOL I need a tell-all from Tom's assistant


Scheana making Tom cheating on Ariana about her LMAO


That should be a free space on VPR bingo


Went to a watch party tonight at a brewery where we played VPR bingo!




My husband has always said Scheana makes everything about her ! And whenever she said OCD he goes of course


How is this a new diagnosis? She’s had it this whole time? Everything’s about Schena. Did anyone catch her saying essentially if Rachel cheated with Tom on Ariana she could forgive that, but because of the TRO she will never. Then she’s questioning Lala’s loyalty when she’s not even really friends with Ariana or Rachel.


yes, totally caught that! my eyes were 🙄


Omg right?! Scheana’s selfishness continues to disgust and amaze and delight me all in one moment 


I agree with your husband! I love Scheana, always busting into tears at how this affects HER! But I am glad she’s getting help if she needs it. Scheana’s a character.


Thank you ! Not downplaying OCD on anyone and disorders .She should of gotten help years ago


Was at a watch party tonight and when Scheana said she would have forgiven and befriended Rachel if she had "ONLY" had the affair with Sandoval, but could never forgive her because of a TEMPORARY restraining order.... the whole lounge groaned and looked away from the TVs lmao. Just ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What the actual fuck??


Lmao she is wild. You just know this is who she is and who she has been her whole life (remember her marriage to Shay). I’m no Ariana fan either but so bizarre how that can be her best friend. Scheana is in it for Scheana and everyone knows it.


In fairness to Schenea literally everyone minus maybe Schwartz made this affair about them. Lala and James acted like Tim and Rachel killed their first borns.


In fairness to others, James was Rachel’s recent ex/Tom’s supposedly close friend, and Katie’s feelings were toyed with by Tom, Tom & Rachel just for funsies and then she was gaslit for the entire season with her storyline then being glossed over bc of Scandoval…so while I agree that Lala had no proverbial horse in this race, James and Katie had every right to be pissed. I’d even say Scheana had more of a right than Lala but only bc of the TRO drama. And she’s milking that for every ounce while refusing to take any accountability, so she can have several seats.


Katie had a right to be pissed, James was fucking around on Raquel pretty much the entire time they were together, and admitted to sleeping with Lala more than once during their relationship. And then they made excuses for it because Lala didn’t like her. So, in all fairness, really only Katie has a right to be angry.


I am not in any way negating that James is his own nightmare and that he’d already moved on, I’m just saying that I understand his anger bc this was still a betrayal. I think he should have calmed his ass down, but I don’t begrudge him his feelings over his close friend banging his ex fiancé and lying about it.


I feel like James is pretty over it. He made a scene at the reunion but he was just in it for the attention lol. He hasn’t really talked too much about it.


But where is Rachel’s right to be angry because of his betrayal? Can we acknowledge that?


Of course, but that’s not what we’re talking about in this context.


I respectfully disagree. He’s an awful human being, and I honestly don’t care if he got hurt by this, because he was fucking around on her. He was horrible to her. He was verbally abusive, and at one point he may have punched her in the nose, and we all sort of gloss over that because why? He’s British and he knows how to use a laptop to play music and one time he said poo poo head? Yeah, no thanks.


I get what you’re saying and again, I’m not negating any of that. And all of those things are exactly why he should not have acted out on those emotions. Two things can be true at once.


He used the affair to further verbally abuse her. He was so gleeful about it.


I mean James was engaged to Raquel and brought her into this group soooo lol. Lala is.. Lala 😂 But also in all fairness Scheana is just the worst. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


It’s true. Scheana also had the legal stuff with Raquel. I can imagine it was really stressful for her.


Also, the fans made it about Scheana when they started obsessing about her every move that could be construed as not being sufficiently loyal. Either, you think Scheana can’t hang out in Tom’s room at bravocon or it’s not about her. It can’t be both


🤣🤣 like WAT


Omg now her weight loss LMAO “no it’s called Scandavol”


This killed me🤦🏻‍♀️


Same with Lala


typical 🤣


How has no one corrected Schwartz for the way he says Ariana.




Grinds me every time.




Thought this every time lol


Too many reels from last season. Took up so much of the ep


The juxtaposition between the ultra sentimental TomTom opening to the blahs of the James DJing night killed me lol


I do give Lala her flowers for managing to stay sober for so long, in this environment


Same. I'm currently 6 months sober. The other night was my first time going out with my girls in my new AF lifestyle and it was hard... at first, then I had a blast. But to do it night after night, I'd have a hard time not slipping up. Props to her for sure.


Kudos to you too girl! That’s a really really good start .. I’ve tried, and longest I’ve gone is a week sadly.. in this society and day and age it’s so normalized.. makes it hard


Thank you so much friend! Hey, a week is something to be proud of, and even if you're not on the AF train right now, you're learning and striving to be your best self yet. It's definitely not a linear path! Keep pushing. And if you ever need to vent feel free to message me 🩷


Especially with the custody battle in full force!


Saw her mom and daughter yesterday while just walking across the street (let’s be real, my wife saw them), they look good.


Not gonna lie, the TomTom flashback made me choke up a bit 🫣


same! i was like why am i getting emotional 😅




Does anybody believe that Lala actually cares about Rachel?




Screentime = $$$$


lol no. not at all


She went on WWHL tonight and was saying she regrets ever reaching out. Rachel going on Bethenny’s podcast is what did it for her.


Yeah I don’t think it’s that deep for lala…bravo pays her checks she’s not an idiot. She is saying exactly what she need to say to show bravo she’s loyal & keep the conversation on the drama Rachel & Bethanny aren’t controlled by Bravo anymore and they are/have been airing the dirty laundry.


I didn’t understand what she meant, that going on a random podcast was so insulting to Lala. Lala’s just mad that Rachel didn’t go on *her* podcast and didn’t return to VPR (taking away a season-long storyline). 




I don’t think she cares about one person on that show besides James 


Yeah I came on here because I couldn't believe she did that shit. She hated Rachel. The whole time. So now all of a sudden because she has a somewhat similar situation to that of Randall she reaches out? Katies face when she told Ariana she did that, though. Priceless.


No. She saw an opportunity to get herself a storyline


Lol this ending 😂😂😂😂




HF I died laughing hahahah


Also that whole scene she looked unbelievably beautiful


Scheana is one of the greatest characters in reality tv history. Watching her each season is just pure entertainment


Two words: Kristen Doute


She was born for reality tv


I agree. She stole this episode


Has anyone else noticed how Ariana has always isolated herself from the girls and now she's all up in their grill? I feel for her, but...I guess she realized being a guy's gal doesn't work for you when the guys you're hanging with treat women horribly.


I see both sides of the coin. Sandoval was probably feeding her more BS than we ever saw but she’s old enough to realize that being a girls girl on a reality tv show wouldn’t be the worst thing.


Was NOT expecting Lala reaching out! Wow!


Same. I know Rachel said Lala texted her on her podcast


It’s just so she can keep pushing that “she wasn’t the mistress” or whatever newest version of that is.


She admitted to being a ho tonight. Never thought I’d see that.


My husband paused the tv and said, “did she just admit to it???!!!!” 🤯


It was refreshing to see her growth as a person


I NEED to know where Ariana got the alien cardigan ASAP!


who’s responsible for all these cheesy slo-mo with wistful music shots??? fired pls also wtf is up with lala reaching out to raquel? trying to get her on the show or genuine 🤔🤨


She probably realized what a hypocrite she was but the damage was done. She was awful to Sandoval and Rachel. She’s nuts to believe Rachel would have picked up the phone.


I think it's not about Raquel so much as it is Lala trying to produce a storyline for herself. She's the least tethered to the group right now imo so I wonder if she's worried she'll get her screen time reduced


Omg I thought this immediately. She was overpowering at the reunion now she is completely switching sides because with Rachel gone, it’s the better side to take to get screen time


Yeah it definitely feels like a grab for attention and screen time by it being a controversial move with the other girls…..but also, as someone who’s been a homewrecker and felt immense guilt as a result of the consequences, I could see how her guilt could play out this way as projection. It could go either way for me


Anyone else bored by this so far?


Only cause I've seen so much online already hahahha. But still loving it. It's hard cause they started filming when this was so fresh, and we've been watching it unfold online.


Yes. What a snoozefest.


Where are you watching it? I’m not seeing it on peacock


Peacock doesn't have it until the day after. If you have YouTube TV or other live streaming that's how to watch it today


I was having a hard time not browsing on my phone for most of it 🫣 There’s no one to root for besides Ariana and Katie and the rest of them have crossed over into “not-fun-to-even-hate-watch” and massively self-producing.


Yo, this episode is so lame. I’m so bored. Anyone else!?


I'm watching it now and I cannot fucking believe I'm watching James talk about home decor


I kinda think I might read recaps & skim the episodes, tbh. If scandavol didn’t happen I doubt i would have even watched season 10


I don't blame you. I'll probably still watch but it's definitely a background while playing on my phone show. And even then it isn't great so far lol


His house decor sucks. It’s all cookie cutter boring stuff


I didn't even finish it


Same. I get that Sandoval is the villain but everyone is acting like he’s some master manipulator. Everyone was happy to play ball with him (Ariana) until they didn’t. He’s a cheating asshole. It’s that difficult, that simple. I know they have to talk about him and show the fall out but they gotta move on at some point because 🥱


It was terrible


I hate myself for kind of loving Tom Schwartz’s George McFly look. I wonder if it was accidental or intentional.


I think Schwartz is just starting to look like Crispin Glover as he gets older


Can someone please explain to me like I’m five what Lala has to forgive Raquel for?


Calling her a mistress or something who knows. They’re just trying to build a plot.


But she was. She was the mistress. She was dating Randall, while he was still married, that makes you a mistress. I feel like I’m on planet insane, taking crazy pills, while watching this show 😆


Lmao no I think Lala is apologizing for calling RAQUEL a mistress?? Idk they’re duking it out over whose a bigger mistress. 😂😂😂 also I realize now you said Lala has to forgive Raquel. IDFK they’re crazy. 😂


Ok, but skip past the point Rachel was calling her a mistress while Rachel was being one.


Btw I love your Reddit name. That was such an amazing show.


Thank you!!!


Yeah wth is going on. Too soon lala


What’s with Lisa getting all teary-eyed with Lala acting like somehow she’s being so forthright and forgiving to Raquel. And it’s so good of her to forgive Raquel for what she’s done. Bitch she didn’t do shit to you. And you were absolutely horrible to her, if anyone deserves an apology, it’s Raquel (from LFU).


Welp Ari is about to eat her up any way 🫣


This episode is 🥱😴😴😴😴😴




She makes no sense to me. So now she’s owning up being a mistress and relates to Rachel and instead of saying wow I made the same mistakes and hurt so many people by my home wrecking ways…she wants to defend Rachel bc then she’d be defending herself.


She’s fighting for stardom on a reality tv show. She can fall in line with what Ariana expects from the whole entire cast or she can forge her own storyline for the season. Her bet was Raquel would come back and she would be the only one to film with her and earn herself screentime and storyline. At the end of the day this show feeds their careers. Be the character you want to be.


Agree. Since Lala can't share much of her own life bc of custody stuff and lawyers, she was banking on using Rachel as a storyline. I wonder what direction Lala will take during the season when she realizes Rachel is not coming back.


Actually agree with you on here.




She pissed me off so much this episode


Lala can’t stand not having that spotlight…


The way Lala explained how she feels in the situation has to be one the best redemption moment for her in my book. I felt the feeling of isolation and hits deep. While Ariana has the cast, friends, fans all around her Rachel was getting attacked and labeled, leaving her to check herself in a mental hospital. 🫣


Please don’t fall for this fake storyline. She hates Rachel and is only using this as a way to have her “don’t let them call you a mistress” fake moment from last season. It was supposed to be her big moment last season and it’s why Lala was so pissed Rachel got all the attention when it was supposed to be her “moment.”


I didn’t understand this at all. Rachel…….WAS a mistress. Hell, they both were. What is with all the don’t let them label you bs?


She’s trying to rewrite history. It’s all Lala does. Her circular logic is super annoying.


I view everyone as a character in a scripted show, they each play a part. I can resonate with that feeling of being isolated.


Lala still hates Rachel. She has never softened on her. She’s been asked multiple times about Rachel on her podcast and has ONLY said “you’ll see how I handle it the show.” This is calculated to make her seem better and to promote her own status on the show. She’s exploiting Rachel. Not offering any real friendship. She has always used Raquel to further her own needs. Like sleeping with Rachel’s boyfriend and then calling her a Bambi Eyed Bitch and then using that moment to make money with the palette. Also selling $90 robes that say “Send It To Darrell.” Another moment Lala was a bitch to Rachel over a situation that didn’t involve Lala then she monetized the moment. She doesn’t care about Rachel or her isolation. She’s been isolating Rachel from the beginning.


Lala only likes Lala. When will people realize this.


i feel like it’s fake from her though


Extremely fake. Especially since I noticed a bit of jealousy towards Ariana.


i’ve noticed it too


Yeah exactly. Lala bullied her for years for no reason before Scandoval. Rachel didn’t do anything “to” her with Scandoval either so she doesn’t owe Lala an apology there. Then the cameras are up and Lala squeezes out a few tears. Rachel doesn’t come back. Only thing between that scene being filmed and now is that Rachel chose not to come back on the show and be Lala’s punching bag. And now, wouldn’t it know it, Lala hates her again despite having zero contact with Rachel all this time. 


now she’s claiming that she didn’t bully her


🙄 Of course she is. Calling her a twat, and stupid, and screaming in her face, undermining her relationship, and worst of all fucking her boyfriend - that’s bully behavior to me. Lala’a behavior to Rachel had 0% to do with what she did with Sandoval and Rachel is totally justified to never trust Lala.


right🤣 she’s just saying nonsense because she’s upset that rachel didn’t come to film


Just this past week, Lala said she was proud of her reunion “performance” and it was iconic. So I can’t take her too seriously


Comparing Raquel to her situation and acknowledging that she was on the outs to as well as the phone call yea feels very forced being that production was still trying to get Raquel to return. Sucks that she didn’t but respect Lala for at least attempting to put the beef aside and if it was ultimately fake still respect her for trying to save what will be a horrible season


I wish that were the case, but she's so fake and she's always gone back and forth on trying to draw Rachel in and then treating her like a punching bag again. If I watched this in a vacuum, I would have loved Lala this episode. But it was just cringy.




omg I’ve been waiting on this


Tom Schwartz was such a putz this episode!


Todays the day ladies and gentlemen (and everyone In between)


Is Katie wearing the same confessional outfit as Kyle in Beverly Hills this season? They both look adorable in it.


Yes. I saw a post about it.




Why am I silent crying into my rose right now 😭


Lala comes across so fake, I just can’t


I audibly groaned out loud when she went into the back alley with the cameras right on her to message Rachel. Something she could’ve done literally at any time but waited until she was on camera. Lala had nothing else to show, so her sending a voice message was supposed to be her compelling storyline? 


The after show the toms are just so cringe I was like ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I’m soooo Arianna when I’m angry 🤣 petty petty petty


I understand why Lala doesn't want people to isolate Rachel. But, she should not compare their situations, given that they were the mistress, but.... Lala was not best friends with the wifey / pretend to be innocent. Especially because from what we've seen, Rachel always made a point to criticize her being a mistress and never showed any sympathy towards Lala.


https://preview.redd.it/y8ri3sxvlofc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881b70706edf68e64dcb94924837923245733bbf 🤔


She looks so hot


This treating Ariana like she's special is so cringe.


I remember this was filmed in what the first or second quarter of last year I think?.. I was really put off when they showed Ari up and dancing on a table in TomTom. That was cringe to me. And it was off, and out of character for her. I always wanted Rachel to come back and finish what she started.. it'd be a much better season if she had returned. I'm not into her spewing crap from behind a microphone..


“I always wanted Rachel to come back and finish what she started.. it'd be a much better season if she had returned. I'm not into her spewing crap from behind a microphone..” So basically you would have much preferred to see her on tv get bullied & harassed the whole time. 👍


Of course! lol This is their chance to get proxy revenge on the girls they hated in high school and loser guys they've dated. They like Katie and Ariana because of how bitchy and mean they are on the show. That's the appeal.


& would Ariana & Katie give them (their fans) the time of day if seen on the streets?


Never, ever. Not in a million years.


Everyone always wants to come at Scheana but she’s the most involved with her fans (I have had friends meet Schwartz & Kristen in RL too & said the same thing) Scheana and I used to interact on insta here and there when she was preggo with summer. She is actually one of the few I would like meet in RL tho. Actually Kristen grew up like 20 minutes outside of where I live so she’s in our area occasionally. 😂


I love that! I don't like anyone on this cast because of this overblown Scandoval shit, but if I ever saw Scheana on the street I would def ask to take a selfie with her because she would absolutely be gracious about it. That's star quality! lol


Bro me too 🤣🤣 she’s the one I would want to meet too


Queen of VPR, I don't care what anyone says.


Ariana’s ego will be the season villain. And it’s our fault


Ya think? lol


>Ariana’s ego will be the season villain. And it’s our fault Yes it will. Not my fault of course but you are right.


She doesn’t have a big ego to me tbh.


I get what Lala was trying to say when the girls compared lala contacting raquel to the same as the group contacting randall. However, Lala didn’t contact Sandoval. She contacted Raquel, the mistress. she’s worried about her MH and being manipulated by a narc.


Does anyone think that Ariana and Daniel have chemistry? Obviously it's not something Ariana finds important but they seem like a business arrangement.


Do you think it’s more Ariana or Daniel?


She doesn't seem excited about Daniel. Just jealous about Sandoval.


Oh Mike! you and your hilarious responses!


TBH been saying this since this scandal but: Ariana’s more upset with Tom because he didn’t beg her to stay with him or forgive him after she found out about the affair.


The longest rebound of all times


I’m not up on plastic surgery lingo but what has scheana done to her face? She looks so different but I can’t figure out exactly what it is.


Tom Schwartz was such a putz this episode!


The REAL Sandoval...interpretation. Tom: I am so sorry what I did to Ariana...BUT...we were living different lives and she didn't give me nookie INTERPRETATION: all that matters are my needs and im justified. Tom: Rachel has every right to not come back to film if that's what she needs...BUT...why is she then doing a podcast to talk about it INTERPRETATION: She should not be doing a podcast without me Tom: I know what I did was wrong and I'm so sorry for it...BUT...it wasn't that big a deal cause lots of people cheat INTERPRETATION: All the buts say I'm sorry, not sorry...as long as I can justify, misdirect, and as long people give me hugs, right Schwartz. Swartz: Exactly Tom. We are just two misunderstood mysoginsts and ive never put your wee wee in my mouth...but...could I cause I really love you. Right Sheana Sheana: Well, I'm no true friend to anyone cause I'm a cheater too, but yall went too far and caused me to get OCD.


lala is such a stupid fake bitch like u hated Rachel but now suddenly you wanna call her up and make sure she’s ok? fake as fuck


okay after reading this thread i saw that she said somewhere she regretted reaching out to her but still it feels so mf fakeeeeeeee


Scheana saying she could have forgiven Raquel if she didn’t slap her with a restraining order? With a friend like her who needs enemies ?


I’m sorry, but did anyone else find themselves awkwardly aroused when Schwartz did his Bill Clinton “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” impression? Asking for… a friend, yeah, a friend.


I hope my “like” of that comment is anonymous 😬


Katie has always been hot, but she is awakening the BI in me already.


This will not go well…


What was this? The Lala show? It was just Lala crying about a variety of things all episode….. get it together woman


This is Lalas season.




Let me guess. That was a misogynistic comment right?


Mins isn’t showing a new episode on Peacock, has this happened to any one else?


I think it has to air on bravo first then goes to peacock tomorrow. I could be wrong


Won't be on Peacock until tomorrow (maybe at midnight).


You guys are right, it says that on bravos website. That’s so annoying, all the commercials were so misleading saying to stream on peacock


Lalas amount of intelligence and humility when compared to the rest of the women on this show needs to be commended and celebrated.


This take is delulu. Lala wants simultaneously to be redeemed from the smear “mistress,” and lauded like Arianna as a victim of adultery. It’s all about her.


If I believed it was genuine, I would. This was very obviously a produced moment which is funny because Lala keeps insisting that the cast isn’t influenced by producers.


I don’t understand how more people don’t see her growth but, I also understand her on a Virgo level


I agree


She’s the most empathetic and forgiving by a mile


I’m dying. I did not think I would be crying like this