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Seriously who’s dick is Sandoval sucking at bravo


Right!? Yeah, bravo thinks the audience is stupid and plays to the lower half of our intelligence, sure. All in the name of salacious non-thinking dramatic fun. But the shit theyre spoon feeding us each week is progressively more and more insulting.


Which is wild because most of the people I know who watch Bravo are intelligent and in high stress jobs, which is why the silliness and mindlessness can be entertaining. Also they're mostly women. So you're taking a lot of (and obv this isn't the whole audience) intelligent, stressed tf out women, and showing them *this* garbage where a straight white man in his 40s hugely betrays his basically wife and fucks over other friends and then is presented as the poor little baby. It absolutely *is* insulting.


This comment is much more articulate than the one I wrote above. You hit the nail square on the head. I couldn't even finish it. I don't think I'll be back next week.


Hah, you're too kind! I think I'm about where you're at. I would love to see more of Katie and Ariana thriving, but every week is the "poor Tom" week and it's just... too much.


They need to open SAH location in NYC. *Ariana and Katie take New York!* style. Leave all the douchebags and disloyal “friends” in LA like: Bye bitch! ✌️


I would LOVE this. Honestly both Katie and Ariana give more NY vibes than CA anyway.


I agree! Especially with Ariana having done her big broadway stint, and isn’t her bf in NY? I honestly didn’t used to be a Katie fan. But since she ditched 160lbs of deadweight and cut that hair… 😍 I’m kinda swooning 🫠 And I love the way she’s leaning into masc dressing lately, she looks like such a stud. Totally New York vibes. ❤️


It legit makes my blood boil. Even if I didn't like Ariana, it would be annoying the shit out of me. He is so relentlessly obnoxious and entitled and narcissistic. Thats really what i loved about your comment. You hit directly on what was trying but failing to say - I'm a hardworking self-sufficient female and I work hard and relaxing to guilty pleasure tv is my "me time". Guilty pleasure tv does not include watching some whiny bitch baby in the form of a 42yo entitled white male play victim with a TV network readily placating him ans supporting him. I'd rather have a root canal.


Honestly this is so insightful it deserves its own post. They’ve made our relaxing show legitimately triggering for women and that’s why I’m so mad at it. 🤬 I ffwd all of his “what about how everyone else wronged me!? 😭 I’m the real victim 😭” scenes. I just can’t. Fuck you Alex Baskin! You manipulative, exploitative, transparent, misogynist POS. And fuck you Tom too, obviously.


Oh my god yes, exactly this! 🤯 👏👏👏


At this point the show is going to lose its entire audience if they don’t hop off the Sandoval redemption train.. NOBODY is buying it and it’s actually insufferable to watch


Ugh, I deliberately waited til I could read the comments here and I think I’m finally at the end of my nope rope. Won’t be watching anymore. Sigh. RIP VPR (for me, anyway).








Baskin’s probably.


the yoga instructor definitely has an earpiece and alex baskin is feeding her lines


“imagine you never see this person ever again” WOAH BRO WHERE DID THAT COME FROM nice meditation bruhh


Totally fucking delusional! I honestly can't believe she went there


like how the fuck is something thats supposed to be apparently relaxing involving imagining someones death. what the hell????


production really going hardball on scheana cracking first


Haven't seen it yet but always assumed it would be sheana. Bast fraaaaand.


Yea, that was like military precision!


Even going as far a to recruit her husband to manipulate her, like: “You know Brock, if the show ends, Scheana will take a huge loss financially (and apparently she has no savings whatsoever 😳 because she needed a few thousand from Scumbag, who def doesn’t have the money to spare) and you won’t be able to be full a time house husband and recreational golfer anymore.” And to top it off, Brock thinks he’s being slick when he’s the most transparent little bitch for production right now.


Scheana is insane calling Ariana to talk about that scumbag and expecting her to give AF.


Ariana is better than me because if my friends told me that they need to be friends with my cheating ex I’d be hanging up, exposing secrets and throwing drinks we aren’t friends anymore


That is the show I actually want to watch 😂


Lord I pray this is a slog to watch


This is so stupid and obviously a production plant. We can't force them to interact so we'll FORCE them to interact. It's so obvious what's happening here.


Scheanas lips are extra ducky


Her bottom lip is out of control.


Lalas upper lip from that underneath cam angle is straight spooky


When she was crying during the mediation - WHOA. Looked like fucking rubber rafts


I thought so too.


What is going on with her chin? It’s disappearing. Maybe it’s the bottom lip taking over.


Yes! all the lips on tonight’s episode are working my last nerve.


also super interesting that he said he couldn’t break up with Ariana blaming her mental condition and is now using the same excuses for himself


While diminishing Rachel’s mental health struggles.


Lol at Scheana “and I wasn’t even mad that she got dancing with the stars even though she knew that I wanted dancing with the stars”


My eyes rolled so far back in my head... like of COURSE.


Same! 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Spoiler: >!I think Scheana’s going to let us know how everything is adversely affecting HER!<


everyone last year when lala and scheana were going hard on scandoval: this affects them too!!!!! this year when scheana says it was hard on her after fans enabled her: how dare she??? its not about her?


The difference is sheanna acts like she’s the one that was cheated on.. yes it affects everyone but it does not affect everyone equally


no shes not shes saying its been hard on her. and you are taking that as her saying ‘i was basically cheated on’


This is a good point.




Totally, what a campaign!




Honestly yes. So brutal


Damn this season is dark and over produced


Why am I getting weird vibes from Lala and Sharts?


My bf is convinced they have hooked up or will soon, I can see it. 


Surprise he’s the daddy!


Yes absolutely. Especially when he was complimenting her by the pool at James’ party


At the v least there’s def an attraction


who is editing these scenes lol but im dead they included scheana telling ariana tom sucks


Scheana's OCD is probably torturing her about her friends and her feelings. Having hate in your heart is a lot and exhausting and she's probably trying to heal her feelings on her teens and not Ariana. But I am hating this Pro Tom arch because hes a douche.


Knew it. Scheana: Why can’t I have a moment where it’s about MEEEE???




Feels like 90% of this season has been about Sheena's feelings, I'm about ready to melon ball my eyes out and shove them through the doors of bravo


The scream i scrumpt when she said that, i cannot.


I'm hate watching at this point.


Good for Lala for calling out that Tim isolates


Nvm what the actual fuck are we watching


This is so overdramatized.


Sandoval’s never seen a blue jay?!


He tells such weird lies


I bet it is NOT the bluebird of happiness.


That legit made me lol


No Sandoval....you are ruthless hurtful villain ....you utter POS.


These two jackasses lying in bed scrolling through their own mentions is making me allll dead


Scheana was. Lala said it was a bad idea and asked why tf would she do that. Lala gave plenty of other reasons to irritate and piss me off but that was not one of them.


Tim sticking to the talking points of “no malicious intent,” “Rachel and I never meant to hurt anyone!” then leading into “but we were so maliciously and cruelly attacked for 5 months,” “Rachel and I were the real victims!” Did anyone see Schwartz literally shrinking in his seat and headbutting Tom’s shoulder to get him to STFU. Why is Schwartz so committed to course correcting Sandoval every time he puts his fat foot in his stupid mouth?


And Tom’s petulant “k dude” to Brock and Schwartz trying to change the conversation. Infuriating that Tim is a f’ing fool and Schwartz is so committed to Sandoval’s redemption.




I’m PHYSICALLY UNCOMFORTABLE watching Tom’s “rewatching” of the movie of his life……..


It's all so gross.


Production working overtime on these insane edits


bravo bravo FUCKING bravo


I need more Denise in my life at all times.


I gagged.


You are not a friend Sandoval. You just want back “in.”


I'm so bored.


I'm sick and skipping it, sounds like nothing much happened anyway


Does anyone believe anything that comes out of Tom’s mouth?




The parts where he explains how he’s the real victim seem genuine


He does. That’s the scary part! When he denied Brock’s allegations about his camp spreading rumours about Brick banging Rachel, I knew Tim knew that happened and probably ok’d it but I also knew that he truly believed his own lies that it never happened and followed up with the polygraph comment. He is scary, honestly.


Lol I think it’s safe to say I made the right decision on canceling my subscription 😂


You don’t vent about your sad sad loss to Ariana and expect her to sob for you! Jesus. Vent to others.


WHAT !?! LVP MET/SPOKE WITH RACHEL AT LENGTH?????? I thought Rachel claimed LVP never spoke?


That was my first thought too!


someone is lying.


I bet that’s a tricky edit.


WTF is Lala wearing on the Gondola.




That entire episode made me feel so uncomfortable. This was like a psychological experiment in gaslighting a tv audience. Stop with the s*icide narrative and move on from it. This man is legitimately a creep and about to actually get fucked in court for being a creep. I thought seasons 8-9 were bad, but this is insufferable.


Honestly, following the double whammy NYT/lawsuit backlash, I wouldn’t be surprised if they leaned into the mental health narrative and have him check into a facility.


I can definitely see that. It's also what he should've done when this all went down. It's weird watching them prioritize filming him while also alleging that he's so vulnerable. It's the natural dark evolution we should expect from bravo


He’d have to agree and I don’t think he would have at the height of Scandoval but he might now that his redemption arc has failed so spectacularly.


The forced contact through the “meditation,” the forced hug on lala, he is literally using coercion right before our eyes to force their forgiveness. NONE OF IT IS CONSENSUAL!


I’m just glad Katie seems to be out of range because what they did to her last season was painful.


“This wasn’t done with malicious intent” needs to removed from all other scenes, episodes, interviews, etc.


OMG.   The last few mins.   Fuck LALA.  SUCK SCHEANA.   They jealously.   


"I AM HAPPY FOR HER BUUUUUTTTTT DANCING WITH THE STARS WAS MY DREEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMM" God she sucks. It's not even about losing saggyballs as a friend it is jealousy over DWTS


That was the purest scheana moment I’ve ever seen. Scheana may have been the spark that started the VPR flame (by being the rachel, lol) but i don’t think she realized there are a ton of people more interesting than her that got onto the show and her true colors are coming out. The only reason I would even want scheana on my screen is because of her delulu.


Idk can we just dead this show I’m over it. Stop giving this guy Tim air time and money. I want to see them all go bankrupt and have to work customer service jobs and live in basement apartments.


Stop watching.  It’s the only way.  


Agreed. I think that was my last ep lol. Just can’t listen to Tom whining anymore and Scheana crying about how she wanted DWTS.


We gotta stop watching. Starting now I will only listen to podcasts lol.


CLASSIC SCHEANA. I knew she was going to be the shitty friend she’s always been and yet I’m still disappointed. ![gif](giphy|10r5FjbPV6lhAI)


Watching the aftershow on YouTube and seeing negative comments about Ariana and Katie... are theses sandoval redemption edits winning people over?


Probably so. People can be so stupid.


Please tell me no one here at least is falling for this crap.


I’m not and not many others on Reddit seem to be but the ppl on Fb are stupid af and I heard IG is not much better.


This is awful. Make it stop.


Lisa opening a restaurant, cliques, Scheana being iced, Sandoval yelling at women and Schwartz avoiding it all…seems like classic VPR?


Timmy hates lala cuz she at one point had more status than him in the friend group (when she was with Rand). He hates women with more power than him, stassi, lala, and eventually Ariana


Pretty sure Sandoval hates Lala because she showed him what Ariana really looks like while having an orgasm


That's probably why he was so petty about it afterwards




Damn 😂




That’s not even a niche noodle


saria on the live trying to finish the bottle when sheanna makes it about her is iconic and memeworthy. i died from laughter


It was Brock’s best episode by far. He was trying for the show 


Anyone else notice how weird Scheanas neck has been looking like extra strained or muscley?


Her SCM muscle is very tight to the point it's all knotted up like that. Can come from stress or bad posture (staring at phone all day). Probably a combo of both.


Yesssss!!!!! I noticed her neck during the Season 10 reunion when she was drinking in the trailer. I have never seen anyone's neck look like that before. Thank you for noticing!!! I don't feel alone about this!!!!


I really am about over this season.. and I’m sorry but I can’t stand Scheana


I couldn't stand Katie in previous seasons but I'm enjoying her this time. She's less miserable and I like how supportive she is to Ariana. I like the haircut too, it really works for her


Here’s why this show isn’t working anymore, beyond the Sandoval redemption arc: Katie and Ariana are great and have been involved obviously in past drama in the show, but on their own they’re not great reality TV. And I don’t mean that as an insult. I think Ariana kills it on talk shows, apparently is great in Chicago, etc. And Katie seems like she’d be great to be real friends with. But the people on this show who POP and were born for this reality biz have always been: Kristen, Lala, Stassi, Jax and (as much as I hate to say it) James. The rest (and I lump Sandoval and Schwartz into this) obviously factor into the drama when there’s cheating, group storyline drama, etc. but not enough to be outrageous and like hilarious and I die to watch them. These are grown adults who no longer need to hang out. Ariana refuses to be near him which I get. They don’t work at the restaurants. It’s done.


NEVER FORGET - this redemption arc is gross and irresponsible. https://preview.redd.it/1u08fiftcumc1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11360c58f2a2137cf8699e73b1e9d62f7e00b175




GO LALA FOR PUTTING SANDOVAL IN HIS PLACE!!!!! That’s the way to manage a narcissist, and then WALK THE FUCK AWAY AND DISENGAGE. Sandoval is terrifying, scary, disgusting, creepy, ALL OF THE ABOVE. He isolates, and he grooms. LALA WAS SPOT ON. stay the fuck away from him. EVERYONE.


Then she goes and hugs him after his fake ass apology. Did she seriously just fall for that “I misunderstood bs?!”🤯🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t think she fell for it. I think she just wanted to get out of that environment as quickly as possible and that was her identified way of doing it.


I’m not so sure about that and I’m saying this based on the small amount of the after show that I am able to watch on YouTube. I was also watching old seasons last night and Lala looks like a fkn moron for attacking Scheana and Brick for all the same shit that she was doing with Rand. Cut to the reunion, “I can’t believe Randall did this to me.😭😭” Sorry but you kinda asked for it and you took it too far by attacking others for doing the same shit as YOU. Lala is a rules for thee but not for me and I just can’t with her bs anymore.


When Tom said “I’m taking accountability”, who else literally yelled “No you’re not!” at the tv, in perfect unison with Lala? 😅😂


im confused why fans really think a cast full of cheaters is going to hold anger and crucify a cheater forever like they all are still friends and filming with james despite kristen accusing him of abuse… we really are going to hold them to being mad at tom?


Right! I think what actually sucks about this season and this "redemption arc" is that they're all overdramatizing how angry they are at him because that's whats been fed to the audience, and now they have to use these really corny tactics to move past it. Lala's not even pretending she's mad at him for anything to do with Ariana. She's mad about something he said to her, that's pretty bland compared to 90% of things that come out of her mouth.


When did Ariana ask her friends to hate Scumdoval?


They really ruined what could have been a great season. Bravo must really think the audience has zero intelligence…like we all were just going to fall for the “poor Sandoval “ spin…


-I knew it was real when Brock took his glasses off -Brock and Schwartz being sweet with each other on the boat scenes and by the lake so cute! -stop trying to push this sandwich shop it’s not happening and if u have a problem with someone just tell them (hiring scene) -I just hate Katie and that shes pushing this negative energy on Ariana -I love lala -Tom’s confessionals are just getting funnier and funnier because they are hypocritical. Also Tom need therapy like actual therapy and time off of the show -scheana scrolling through social media makes her OCD worse it doesn’t do good for her either way I’m glad that she has Lala for support -why has rachel constantly denied speaking to Lisa when she’s claimed that she did??!


i thought ariana and tom were doing the book together not that he intruded? she made a whole ass reddit account to tell the fans that when they started ragging on him interfering with her book


I remember (memory is hazy so I could be wrong but) she was doing it by herself but he got an attitude about it and said he has more years being a bartender, etc… so it became both of theirs


thats what they said on the show but then she created an account on reddit and told everyone on here that her book didnt get the greenlight but then they came up with one together and that did. so she was either covering for him then and lying to make them look better orrrr thats what happened and shes going back on it now


Oh I had zero clue about that… interesting


Someone in the thralls of a relationship w a full-on narcissist bend over backwards protecting the narc’s image.


I don’t think Scheana is making up how much she’s been hurt. I know she’s made things about her when they weren’t but this part is about her friendships. And I fucking hate Sandoval. He’s a sociopathic liar.


I actually felt so bad for her. Those weren't fake tears. Girl won't mess up those lashes on fake.


R u kidding me? Schema makes Everything about her, to Ariana even! I'm over this show. Schema knows 4 a fact as she likes 2 say, bc she is one of the hoes that the whole cast passed around. Brock run....


Yall are gonna be off with my head but… I love Brock 🫣


He just needs to stop apologizing to Sandoval.


For me he’s just there tbh. I wouldn’t mind if he left or stayed (on screen that is)


I enjoyed him here. So much of this was corny, and hes just like the plain spoken guy going "lets just get this done and get it over with"




I kind of don’t mind him myself.


Sheana has her issues, but he's trying to keep her in check. I know everyone hates him because of child support, yada yada, but I don't think he's that bad. Out of all the boys on the show (note boys, not men) he's the closest thing we have. He's not perfect, and hopefully they stay strong and provide a loving environment for Summer. But he's sure as shit more of a man than the Toms or James.


Men don’t slap women and abandon their children


He's trying to redeem himself. I'm willing to give it a chance. I'd rather a brock redemption arc than a Sandoval one 🤷‍♀️


Him with the budgy smuggler




Pickle tie guy seems odd.


This Show is so fake worst season of Vanderpump It's like watching a Trainwreck show should be.camcelled. what a Joke.


In the episode, the after show and watch what happens live they keep referring to Sandoval’s apology to a Scheana… it’s infuriating that no one’s is screaming at the top of their lungs the fact that he literally never used the words “I’m sorry” in the entire conversation. Especially Scheana..


Also am I going fucking bonkers or is James the most logical coherent voice in the afters show interview with Scheana and Lala!? Kinda loving everything he has to say ab it


God forbid Scheana does some meditation which will help her anxiety


The problem is production set this.. It's not organic. She is the most anxious person in the group. What about her mental health? Fuck Sandoval.


I’m not a fan of Scheana but she looked so uncomfortable from the moment she sat on the mat


her trashing Ariana last 2 minutes is a VILE LOOK!


Her saying “can’t this just be about me for ONCE” as if she doesn’t make every single situation about her


Yep. I saw the immediate panic on her face the moment their guide said they were going to couple up. She makes me feel bad one moment and then opens her mouth about how it’s all so hard on her and the shit she said to Ariana?!🤯 She never fails to piss me off.


Yeah, I got whiplash from her this episode


Same. We should sue her ass for emotional distress!🤣🤣💀 **I’m obviously jk.😝


Preach Brock. 😆


i feel like saying ‘i wont be friends with you if you are friends with my ex’ is toeing the line on ultimatum vs boundaries but just phrasing it to imply the other person has a choice. boundaries shouldnt affect other people’s life or force them to make a life choice  obviously she has free will but its def a grey area for me


It's sticky, because everyone's choices affect someone else's life in some way. Even if Ariana made her boundary more porous, she may still have other totally reasonable hard lines (ultimatums) that could possibly make Scheana sad. Like, say she accepts that Scheana can be a mutual friend for them and trusts that nothing she says to Scheana will ever be shared with Sandoval, but she still doesn't want to attend events where he is. Scheana might see this as an ultimatum that makes Ariana unfair and restricts her choices / affects her life, because her choice would be to keep everything like it was before Sandoval fucked Ariana over. E.g., why can't you just be in the same room as him, you're making me choose, etc.   Nothing you do can please everyone, and the only actions you can control are your own. If she agrees to keep Sandoval tangentially in her life through mutual friends, she always has to consider him. Will he be at this event? If I say this about my life, will it get back to him? What is he saying about me to my friends? I get the feeling she just wants him out of her life and her headspace entirely, and it's a reasonable thing to want given what he did to her. It'd be a shame if she has to distance herself from his friends who were also her friends, but if it's the only way she can move on, then... I mean, that's sometimes how breakups in friend groups go, particularly when there's misconduct and it wasn't an amicable split. Hardly crazy or unreasonable, even if it's sad. 


The boundary is limiting Sandoval’s access to her. Not sharing friends with him is how she enforced that boundary. Given the living situation and forced circumstances during filming, it seems valid as one of the few areas she can control his presence in her life.


its a bit hypocritical to enforce other people’s decisions on friends based on ‘access’ when she and tom have lived together for over a year at this point lol she isnt following her own boundaries and is giving him the most access to her. so everyone else is supposed to follow that for her? a boundary would be more like ‘dont talk to me about him and dont talk to him about me’


It’s about not having to worry about anything she shares with friends getting back to him, the only way to guarantee that is by not having mutual friends. I don’t blame her for not leaving the house because I wouldn’t vacate either, until the plan for dividing it was legally in place. Which is why I said friendships are one of the only areas she can enforce the boundary.


Clearly people have not learned about the term flying monkeys, which is very disappointing, considering how often the word narcissist is so rampantly thrown around, on this subreddit.🤦🏻‍♀️


yeah it’s absolutely wild


Especially they all make their living by being on this show together


‘i dont want to give him access to me’ ‘oh hey roomie’




Ariana can make whatever choice she wants as far as who to be friends with, but her willingness to drop Scheana so quickly tells us (and Scheana) she doesn't really value their friendship. So, why should Scheana give a shit either?


Was there only two after show episodes tonight?? Thats all I can see I thought they usually had more


I already cancelled my Hayu but damn if this ep so far isn’t solidifying that decision


This episode should be entitled: “Sheana: Would You Like Some Ice With That Whine?” Every public place this group visits always ends with an embarrassing blow up. And I still can’t stand Schwartz!


Agreed… and that’s what reality TV basically is… manufactured drama with sneaky morality lessons


I love how he set up the journal shot. Torm is a doursche


what is around brock’s neck like the braid of hair?


bravo with the sound bytes. sheana never said “i still fcking hate you” and it’s so damn obvious. VPR is showing its desperation for drama that no longer exists


Why is Scheana so triggered?