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I have trouble seeing Jo as an amazing stylist, because her personal style is so sloppy. I would not trust her near my hair.


I wouldn’t trust that jumpy energy with a scissor around my face


Right? I enjoy eyesight too much for that.


I find that hair stylists tend to have really bad hair.


I have literally never seen that.


Somehow even the ones that have hair that’s blue/purple and should be damaged still looks amazing. They always have good hair. My last stylist had a simple hair style and it still always looked good.




Doing our own hair feels like work, i wouldn’t say not to trust a stylist with messy hair but going on national television like that is questionable. I always make sure i look put together for my salon, it makes you look capable & people trust you… you wouldn’t like your doctor showing up in crocs and sweatpants.


It’s understandable because doing hair is work for them.


Mine doesn’t lol


Spilling the Jax tea!


He’s a massive douche


EVeryone just forgetting they said the jax/brittany split was fake and just a pr stunt. So obviously wrong


Lala: "This morning, my baby is fully talking." Lisa: "Did she tell you you need a sperm donor?" 😄


Scheana: "It's the story of my life." Lisa: "Change it, then!" 🎯🎯🎯


The sunglasses exchange was...shady 🧐


Maybe they were stolen! 😂


It's so embarrassing watching Sandoval now.


Does Scheana think that Arianna put herself on Dancing with the Stars? She is so delusional I can’t be sorry for her for one second! Also, Scheana, no one outside of people who watch VPR has a freaking clue who you are!


On her podcast she was saying how when she went to Amsterdam no one watches vpr and it was refreshing no one knew who she was except for tourists.. you know she was dying inside. You live to be recognized shesh.


Few people I know would have a clue who any of them are, even post-Scandoval. Somehow they think because they have social media followers (fans?) they think they are big time celebrities! It’s comical.


That smirk after the backup dancer comment— ew, she was better than you then, too


And that performance was on par with Tom's karaoke gigs, so really ariana did her a favor at the risk of humiliating herself lol 


Also like….thats supposed to be your “best friend”👀


Here comes Lala lecturing on how no one should act/make demands that are the exact same actions/demands she made! One rule for thee, a different one for me!


Shes such an asshole its insane


She really really is it’s not even fun me to watch imo 


OMG JO GAVE SHARTS THAT AWFUL HAIR!? I was correct, she is not an amazing stylist.


I think Scheana has poor me’d herself out of any chance on dwts 


Yup, my thought exactly. I certainly wouldn’t want to see her on it after that infantile, selfish comment. Serious delusions of grandeur!


I see the “Ariana is a frigid scorned bitch” narrative is in full swing at Bravo


soft launching jax and brittany’s split?? lol


At first I thought Katie was being a jealous hater when she said Jo gave off “crackhead energy” but now I realize she’s completely correct with her comparison. Wow, it’s a perfect way to describe Jo 😂


Omg yes, at first I was also thinking she was being a hater but I have never seen someone that evokes that phrase *more* than Jo. She is so so crackhead energy it's actually wild. Have you seen her IG stories?? She's even weirder on there!


What’s her IG handle?




I believe every take Katie has. She called Jo a creep, who isn't an easy thing to be labeled as a woman. Seeing Jo, I get it.


She was really cringe..


Katie has a harsh delivery but she can read people. Well, people that aren't Schwartz.


Both things can be a little true.


Haha! Yep! 👍🏻


She's from Wisconsin 😅


Wow this angry montage of Ariana is… not it


Literally 3 times raising her voice in 7 years 🙄 the horror!!!! /s


and each of the three times are in response to MEN LOSING THEIR SHIT FIRST and fucking around. Like come on, producers. Swing and miss.


They are REALLY tryin it with this Sandoval redemption arc 😩


Yeeesss I yelled at my tv with that edit. Like all those times the reaction was because she reached her limit due to a ridiculous claim or behavior from the other person!!


I have a theory that the producers assume a bunch of new people started watching right after scandoval and they're playing to those people who have no idea what the actual history is. It's not even fun to watch qnymore 


It’s the way Ally told Ariana that she would be much happier by March 2024… and now she’s starting as Roxie in Chicago on Broadway 🥲


With a couple of pending lawsuits....


Meh hers will be dismissed. Not Tom’s though.


"I was you know, BAD for her or something." Bad for everyone


Lala was so mad at Schwartz for hanging out w Randall after everything but she's not supporting Ariana putting up boundaries when it comes to Scheana and Sandoval. It's so hypocritical.


Ohhh what a surprise, Schwartz hinting and going along with ideas of marriage, stringing along a woman he JUST SAID he's not into, *only platonic friends with*. Who could've predicted it?!


Crying about being single at 40 and then putting the timeline at 47… 🤨


I think it's true that he didn't want marriage with Katie but he also was too cowardly to break up. I can't with any man who plays victim to the mean woman insisting on marriage. Get the fuck out of here. He wasnt trafficked. Schwartz will always find a way to blame a woman. 


He's actively setting it up to play that game again, right before our very eyes. We can see he probably did the same in the beginning with Katie. People like that who are drunk half the time don't change their patterns much, they stay in pattern, or at least stay longer in a pattern, on repeat. His pattern is not just to go along with it, but to actively suck them in to a false intimacy, a dysfunction. Cowardly, while simultaneously twisting the knife. He likes to feel wanted, while not wanting the other person, so he gets a weird set of secondary benefits, some tangled psychological mess of feeling inwardly superior, feeling in demand, yet secretly aloof, annoyed, and trapped (in a trap of his own making, but he will blame the other). Huge mother issues. You can see the same crap play out in his friendships: look at the pandering/kissing ass, in stark contrast to his viciously cruel insults. Both extremes.


God I’m not ready for this scene


I am shocked they were straight in with it tbh.




She would be hard to hang with.




Omg nooo ! Lol we’re on our way to karate will watch tonight haha


Scheana is DERANGED.


I’m convinced she’s doing this extra shit talking for story! She’s the ultimate producer ! My girl knows how to get everyone talking


It’s the way Lala to trying to make Ariana seem selfish or delusional for putting up boundaries but like… everything she’s saying in that interview clip is so real!


To have Lala saying this TRASH after her stance with Randal is crazy! Ariana was w Tom linger than Lala was with Randal!


Lala went down hundreds for me tonight (kinda like a credit score). If I had been Ariana, I’d have come un-fucking-glued on her!


I love Katie. No notes.


Team Katie 👏👏👏


The way we all found out how weird jo was so fast😂😂 she was on my screen for 2 mins tonight and i was like “oh lord no it’s the final boss of pick mes”


Ariana and Katie are delivering 💯 accuracy in their comments. Can't fight facts.


Katie showing us her broken heart has me 😢


I have never disliked Lala and Scheana more than I do tonight. I also have never liked Katie more


How was it? I have to wait and stream it tomorrow 🙈


Here comes crazy Scheana!


I quite literally cannot endure the overwhelming level of cringe that Jo is. Seriously… I don’t think I can watch scenes with her… it’s so bad


Same. Did you see how uncomfortable Ally was?


What Ariana went through is awful but Lala's situation WAS worse, Katie!


I think they are both just different, I wish Lala would stop comparing her situation to everyone else's.


..also, LaLa was never with Randall for love. It was transactional from the get go. Not so for Arianna, who also spent a decade with Tom. I think For LaLa it was a huge blow to her ego, and I think she thought she was “set for life” because of the daughter…but she should have known better, especially since he left his wife and kids for her. LaLa lacks the ability to truly empathize with others, though she seems to try at times. It’s always a bit off.


Not Scheana being interrogated, at the lunch she's paying for, by the people that didn't want to go to her wedding. 🤣🤣🤣




That whole scene was weird because it reminded me how Katie and Kristina were not friends with anyone last season. It’s like Katie needs a buffer so here comes her sidekick Kristina who needs a little paycheck.


Very true.


Katie always needs backup for any confrontation. I sure hope she's been seeing someone about the dissolution of her marriage because I think it's odd to blame it on Sandoval rather than hold Schwartz to account for not putting her first. I agree with Lala's assessment although I wish she stopped doing the thug thing, it detracts from her message. Ariana doesn't have it as hard as Lala does and needs some perspective, ending a dead relationship is not the worst thing in the world. James's new gf doesn't seem to have pure intentions towards him, it's weird how she doesn't see a future, is so reluctant on everything but has no problems being on the show and living in his house.


ahhh. a sane person.


We're out here! Hahaha. I think Lala was quite mild with Ariana TBF, Katie jumped in when it really wasn't about her or up to her. That actually gave me some insight into what the relationship with Ariana is about for Katie, it's about getting a front row seat to watch Sandoval's life implode- mostly about vengeance because she hasn't dealt with the loss of Schwartz yet. That's why she keeps finding excuses to wind up in his life path, it's sad. Ariana is throwing stones and hiding her hands. She's using fear of losing her friendship/her unleashing the internet mob to hold the other cast mates to ransom, it's sick.




Definitely 💯 it's about her own grudge.


Lala can absolutely be a loud obnoxious asshole, but she was fine there. It’s funny to see people here praising Katie constantly for being “loyal” to Ariana, when it’s so clear this is just convenient for her because it’s aligned with who she already hated. She’s making it about herself as much as scheana is.


Exactly, I hadn't thought of it that way she's just as selfish as Scheana. She's only with Ariana because it's a good vantage point to hate and watch Sandoval from. Didn't she file for the divorce? Why does she still seem to be pining and waiting for Schwartz to choose her?


Katie totally has her own beef with Sandoval and is capitalising on the collected hatred of him, I don’t think all her rage is coming out of a place of loyalty to Ariana. I can see why people would think Lala was being hypocritical but I kind of agree with her if you take that part out 🤷‍♀️ Katie’s always been a nasty mean girl, and her ‘well I don’t like them so nobody should’ attitude hasn’t changed


I can't with Lala. It was obvious early on what the deal was between her and Randall and if her betrayal was worse, we didn't see it and it doesn't change what Ariana is going through. Lala could learn about healthy boundaries from her 


Her betrayal was objectively worse because there's a baby involved though. Taking who you like out of it having a baby with someone means you're tied together for life by an innocent party, having a house together is transitory.


Yeah. I might be more sympathetic if it didn't look like Lala chose to have a baby with an obviously shady guy for money/clout. Agreed her choices have led to a shitty situation.


They both chose the men they were with despite the obvious red flags. Objectively Lala's situation is harder because Randall will always be a part of her life thanks to the kid they share. Holidays will always involve interaction with him, major life milestones will have him around every corner, in short until he dies she's never rid of him. Also it sounds like he was pretty abusive to her. Whereas, Ariana only has to deal with Tom about the house, once that's done they have no ties.


I totally disagree. Randall was not someone she loved. He was someone she saw as a great provider so she could drive luxury cars and fly in PJs. Her heart wasn’t broken, her ego was bruised. the women Randall cheaTed with were not Lala’s good friends, and I don’t think she even knew them. This story plays out every day. That’s why viewers weren’t as sympathetic or shocked (or outraged!) as there were about Tom and Arianna, who endured an incredible betrayal that went on right in her own home for nearly 10mths, with someone she thought was a really good friend. SO much worse.


Lala's world as she knew it was turned upside down, no more PJ's and first class treatment - she now was on her own with a malicious ex and a child to fend for, her situation is so much worse because it doesn't end until one of them is gone. Imagine going to all that effort, only for it to blow up in your face and emotionally scar you like that? Ariana and Sandoval's relationship had been dead since Kristen lost interest, the only thing keeping them together was stubbornness and their brand. It also never came across that Ariana and Rachel were good friends. Rather I would say Scheana was close to Rachel while Ariana was nice to her when they shared the screen together. Viewers were shocked by scandoval because Ariana and Tom never revealed their problems on the show but with the scandal we got to watch the entire thing unfold in real-time ( the producers were playing catch-up to the stuff coming out daily on social media). Another perspective to what Lala said could be because at the time they were filming and having this conversation, Ariana had been with Daniel for three months or so, that may have prompted the conversation from Lala.


Did Jo and Schwartz just admit they’re “fwb”???


I think so?


I wonder if Scheana’s comments about Brock and her not being married forever was editing in the season trailer ..


I really can't stand scheana. And I was a scheana sympathethizer for years. But I was wrong. She is pure selfish. And Ariana would be better off without her.


I’m so annoyed at myself for watching this. But Jo is such a fcking weirdo. I 100% see what Katie was saying. I’m on edge just watching her.


I’m sorry I think Katie is being selfish and self interested? Like I’m not defending Sandoval, but people are allowed to have different experiences with a person. Just because Sandoval was a shit bag to you (which he was!!!) doesn’t mean he was a shit bag to everyone and nobody is allowed to be upset and hurt with him just because YOU don’t like him. And also Katie was a total terrorist to Scheana for years?? I’ve not forgotten when I was bullied in HIGH SCHOOL I don’t blame Scheana for struggling to write off his kindness. Yes, Sandoval is a dirt bag. But Scheanas feelings are just as valid as yours, Katie…


The reason Sandoval's inclusion meant so much to Scheana is because she was bullied out by Katie but that got glossed over quickly lol


Katie’s actually horrific and vile and has bullied people on VPR for years - just so happens pretty much all the cast are scumbags so it’s not a tragedy that Katie’s awful to/about them 😂


I don't think she's an irredeemably awful person and tbh I can relate to how grumpy she is but I think the framing of her and Ariana as better than the rest is really funny.


… but Tom WAS a shitbag to everyone….!!


Jo is American society’s collective karma for chasing Rachel off the show


I think Jo is incredible TV she gives me full body cringe. She's like if an Arrested Development character got dropped into the cast. Ppl should stop criticising her looks tho. It's kinda refreshing to see a face that's not completely over filled and botoxed.


I'm thrilled honestly, she's delivering early 00's mess


katie’s vulnerability and ability to protect herself from harm is to be truly admired. watching her heart be broken by the shitlords around her is devastating. i want nothing but the best for my gal


Honest question- Am I the only person that thinks Ariana is becoming unlikeable as the season goes on? Feels like she’s so set on pushing how hurt she is, while at the same time saying she’s met someone new, she’s so much happier and so much is going right without him. Feel like a lot of what she’s doing is out of spite rather than hurt, and the way she talked about how James should feel really rubbed me the wrong way tonight. Am I the only one?


I could see it being annoying if it was filmed a year later (now), but not annoying when you remember this was filmed, like, months after she found out about the affair (I think?)


i agree with you


Not at all how I feel. I think that level of betrayal takes a lot of time to heal from (though I’m sure there will always be trust issues for her now). This was filmed a few months after she found out! I think she’s being mature and fair and anyone who doesn’t get it, needs to stay out of her friend circle. I seriously doubt most people would be over that in a few months, especially since he’s never shown remorse, continues to badmouth her, and won’t get the f\*\*\* out of the house. Any decent person would leave, if they were the one who committed such a betrayal…in said house!


Idk, I thought Jo was funny. 🤷‍♀️


She's such a weirdo try hard


Love the matching energy of Katie and the cat over her shoulder.


While I agree with her stance, Katie kinda frustrated me this episode. She initiated the conversation about Tom Sandoval on the rooftop and then 0.5 seconds later is saying she's about ready to throw herself off the roof of the conversation continues. It was just confusing to me but I still agree with what she did have to say. I do think a lot of this comes down to Lisa. Lisa is the producer of this show, if she's telling Scheana/Lala/James to start going easier on Sandoval and try to mend fences, your place on the show could seem like it's going to come under question if you don't do as you're bid. I could be way off there for sure, but it doesn't seem completely unlikely. Tom should have been fired but then what would this season have been? It's been a mistake to make it his redemption arc but where else would they have gone this season? Unsure if anything would've been/will be as successful for them as last season was.


I think you’re right and that Lisa and production are trying to manipulate the cast into going along with a redemption arc. Problem is, people are hating it, and Tom‘s complete lack of remorse or contrition. I think this move was the final nail on VPR’s coffin. People seem to be refusing to watch after the last few episodes aired.


Jo wore me out


I’ll probably get downvoted for a couple of these but idc 1) Katie at that lunch with Scheana 🙄 I’ve kind of been indifferent towards her so far but that scene pissed me off. “I’m so happy I left the house for this conversation” like fuck off 😂😂😂 2) Jo is such a pick-me, wanna-be, look at me, pay attention to me, I’m friends with Tom and Tom. Trying so hard to be funny like good LORD she is cringey I couldn’t even watch her. I can’t lie she’s a girl I would probably side eye at a party for chugging warm Guinness cans out of the box and shotgunning Amstel light. Like.. a girl who then gets into a burping contest after and dry palms corned beef out of the fridge. DEFINITELY not a girl who has girls that are friends. 3) LaLa is calling out Ariana and Katie left and right and I’m HERE for it 😂😂


Exactly! Katie always has shit to say. Everyone is always pro-Katie but she's so controlling. If it's not her way, it's not worth it to her.


I don't care about Jo in any way, she can eat corned beef out of the fridge, burp, try hard, be cringey, whatever, she's irrelevant. Other than that, I am with you completely on points 1 & 3. Katie's an asshole, can't stand her, she's the example of what not to be in life, in every way, such a hateful, vindictive person. I can see her mind's wheels turning, so sloowly, always being bitchy. I don't care who she called a demon, when she said that, all I could think was that she's the demon. ::shudder:::


Katie is so miserable it is amazing. She’s like that side character in a mob movie who just says things like yeah boss yeah. Or that dude in a movie who leaves everyone behind without throwing the rope back. Jo may be kinda weird but it’s nice to see Schwartz smile and not be demeaned 


Tell her, Lala, you have a child. Of course it's "more" and a "bit much" to be tied forever by a child to the horrible ex.


I feel like Randall showed his ass a lot more and a lot sooner than Sando and she still chose to have a baby with him because he was loaded. I have less sympathy for her 


Good point, Lala's full of hypocrisies, sure. The situations are different. But I believe she's completely sincere in where she's coming from on this point, and it's coming from the same place as wanting a baby with no babydaddy: that it's a disaster to have to stay tied in endless conflict with these men. Ariana's lucky in that it's only a house. Eventually the house situation will end.


It's true that a baby makes it much more difficult now but from a viewer's perspective it looked like she was making a choice to have a baby with a man of very questionable character for the money/clout while we were shown a love story between Sando and Ariana. Who knows, honestly. Maybe I just don't like Lala because she yells when she argues.


One thing I've always had in mind as I saw how heinously narcissistic, blindly egotistic, and ridiculous Sandoval is, is that Ariana must not be so great herself, if she thought Sandoval was so great. Maybe part of his appeal was her seeing him as a gravy train as well. As you say, who knows. I think the same of her when I see how awful I find Katie, like if Ariana's ok with that, with how awful these people are, she must be a bit like that herself. So yeah, no one's perfect here, and we like or dislike whichever ones at whichever times, but it's always so interesting, to discuss insights into human behavior.


Yeah. If I lived in the land of VPR I would probably also choose later season Katie as my ally but in real life I would avoid all of these people. 


And I have to admit I was mostly snowed by Sandoval. I remember thinking the bulldozer thing really sucked but I otherwise thought he was generally reasonable until the later seasons.


😂 IRL I would --definitely-- avoid all of these people! If I lived in VPR land, I'd only hang out with Lisa's and Ken's pets.


Not necessarily. I think the scars Arianna will be left with are far worse. How can she really ever truly trust again? Plus, Arianna loved Tom, LaLa saw Randall as a means to an end…do ‘t forget how she got the Range Rover! LaLa will get $$ from Randall going forward, and has a mom who babysits 24/7. It can’t be too difficult because she’s already pregnant again!


UGH Kristina Kelly. Noooo. We hates it. It burns us. She's the one who thought it was funny and clever to say, "Do you want a cock? Tail? HAHAHA" Yeeeesh. Just a mean Katie sycophant, with nothing, she's got nothing else, no personality, empty.


Every time she pops up, it takes me a while to remember her name!!! 🤔 ZERO personality.


I think Katie needed a buffer, and Kristina needed a paycheck. She does get paid even if she is only in one scene, right?


She needs that money for her lip balm business. 🤭


She’s the epitome of “stop trying to make fetch happen, it’s never going to happen” 😝


She's never going to be likeable, she initially had a bigger role way back when the series began, but audiences disliked her. Now she's just a stage prop for Katie to use


Stop with the baseball caps. It isn't raining, and they aren't at a game. Do they coordinate what accessory they are both going to wear when going out every time? 😬


She had to hide that ratty hair!


That hair is soooo ratty, for a hairstylist she doesn’t seem to know what a brush is.


I highly doubt she is an actual, in a respected salon, stylist.


![gif](giphy|26u4kr1xrcbYHs13O|downsized) Great Clips?


Katie and Jo are very different people and most would choose Jo. Katie is rain during an outside reception and Jo is a shot as soon as you arrive at the party


Ariana prescribing motives to people that aren't necessarily what they actually believe is certainly something. It's very dismissive and presumptuous. Like you couldn't possibly not know everything.


for someone who took 10 years to realize Tom Sandoval was a scumbag, she sure acts like she’s always had omniscient judgement


We NEED more Katie time.


Do not take this advice.


I fell asleep at the beginning of the episode and I woke up during the part where Jo was at the table with the other 3 girls and I thought Jo was Lala the entire scene until someone directly called her Jo


Does anyone know where in Wisconsin Jo is from?


Kohler, WI Population: 2,192


Is this where like, the brand Kohler, originated from?


small town girls are the worst. sorry to all u hoes


Nah they're just bored 😔


exactly my point, trained to be all up in ur business


I cannot take this Sandoval redemption. I am screaming at my TV. The producers really misread the audience. I wanted Ariana and Katie power bitch season.


How come I like Katie now? I'm so confused. In every other season I couldn't stand the negative and harsh energy she brought. Now I like her. Is it the new haircut? Her split from Schwartz? Her new alliance with Ariana?


I used to like Katie but she seems like she’s outgrown all of these people and is only with Ariana so they can get their shop open and running. She’s obviously done with all of them and has zero patience with anyone. I’m not crazy about the edit Ariana is getting, she’s coming off rather petty with her digging in her heels regarding the furniture. Just sell it all and split the cost, be done with Sandoval instead of trying to do as much as you can not not lose money. Is it more important to pad your bank account (she’s got endorsements and isn’t she still on broadway(?) and shouldn’t her team be trying to get her off VPR and into her own show?) or to cut ties and salvage your mental health? Lisa told Sandoval to humble himself… still waiting for that. Scheana… ayayay. She’s hurt by Sandoval, but Ariana is not the one to talk to about it. She’s got so much going on with herself that I think she really just needs to work with a therapist. Brock is only concerned about not having his MIL always there and getting time with Scheana without Summer.

