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I would watch the shit out of a show where LaLa works dirty jobs.


Or a show where Lala lives in a place that is dangerous so she can actually prove how “gangster” she is


I want a show where Charli takes her to Barstow💀


uh oh! dealing in some ugly stereotypes here!


Charli is the one who made the Barstow and Lala comparison.


More likely at this point she does BJs for PJs (pajamas for her kids)




Are you trynna get popped?!






Well, yeah. What other women has ever done that??🙄


Certainly no one I know




BJs for PB&J sandwiches.


I would feel bad for the people that would have to interact with her, I think she is not a nice person or capable of pretending to be one, nor is she witty so the Simple Life/Crappie Lake/ New York type of dynamic would be hard to conjure.


She should do Only Fans


She will. No worries




Sandoval will definitely subscribe, because he like, has her back 1000% or whatever the F he said at the end of the reunion


did you see them exchanging looks at the reunion too? Hey Lala-you like the Tom train so much-take a ride on it. Cuz you couldn't do anything to alienate Ariana more than you already have.


Lala will end up moving in with Tom to save money.


Nah I wouldn’t watch any show she’s in. Better yet, she should get off our screens and work a normal job with no cameras around cuz guess what she’s not a famous celeb like she thinks she is. She’s not “Beyoncé”. A Z list star if that. She should go back to Utah and stay irrelevant


Holy crap this actually looks like her lololol


I think you have a good point that she finally is feeling the pressure. And just because you can afford to buy something now doesn't mean you should. I do think both she and her mom bought the new valley house together, but it's still a lot of house between interest rates, prop taxes and insurance here in CA (I also own in the valley).  But..it was a weird argument to make when everyone on the show depends on this income. They did look a little confused that it was boiling down to that. I think that's why Scheana tried to do damage control like hers was more about insecurity/jealousy than getting another season imo.


>And just because you can afford to buy something now doesn't mean you should.  Exactly this! I'm just a lowly idiot, but even I know the number 1 rule about taking on a huge mortgage is being confident you'll have the income to support it for DECADES. Lala is D and S.


Also I would love for someone to explain to me about how Ariana refusing to have this one conversation with Tom was endangering the show/her paycheck/whatever. I don't get it.


I still don’t get it. I really think Lala is just insanely jealous & can’t admit it, though she kinda did on the reunion.


They keep saying that’s an ensemble cast. If that’s the case, Ariana leaving SHOULDN’T make a difference. As Lisa pointed out, when she got fed up with RHOBH, she left. The franchise goes on. Shaena and Lala aren’t too bright. They bought second homes when they were on a reality show going on 10 seasons. It’s not going to last forever. They had to have known the show was on its last legs. It’s hard to empathize with those that have 2 homes in a market where most people cannot purchase one. Stop trying to make Ariana feel guilty about your poor decisions. Ariana is trying to protect her mental health. True friends would encourage that.


I assume she was thinking that the ratings would be insane if Arianna and Tom actually sat down and spoke, and that would likely ensure at least 1 other season. Thats my guess.


And the funny is that I don’t think the audience really wanted to see the Tom/Ariana conversation as much as Lala thought. They had their convos last season & I think we all just wanted to see Ariana thrive. Anyway, with friends like Lala, who needs enemies?


Obviously, Arianna did her thing and felt it was more interesting without them speaking, Lala and others felt the opposite. Unless it happens next season, we will never know. Refresh my memory, what convos last season? I remember the "I don't give a fuck about fucking raquel", but I don't recall any others. Are you talking about the reunion? If so, I don't consider that a conversation as it was just her screaming the same stuff...which is understandable.


Yeah that one. The one that said “is there anything else you would like to say to me before we never speak again.” And he responded. The very definition of a conversation. Back and forth. He had his conversation and she had her boundaries not that production cared.


I think Lala has always secretly thought she’d be promoted to RHOBH by now lol


See I think this too but she’s committed to looking and being as trashy as possible why isn’t she trying to look the part at least?


The show *could* go forward without Ariana if the other female characters were compelling, but it's Lala and Scheana so they're not. It sucks that Katie is on a good arch but is wrapped up in a show that won't last. I'd definitely keep up with her story line.


And how can Lala call Ariana Beyoncé when Ariana’s house was $1.6M and Lala’s was $3.1M—nearly double. If Ariana was Beyoncé she could afford more than Lala.


My words to live by are just cause you can PAY for something doesn’t mean you can AFFORD IT. People can pay for two homes mortgages, but then when it comes to paying for the Maitenance, varying HOA fees, taxes, insurance, etc, can they really afford it.


I think a lot of this cast forgets who their audience is. A lot of viewers are women who have been through cheating and heartbreak - hence, we related to Ariana. Most of this country does not make the kind of money these people do - hence, we have no sympathy for people who just bought their second home crying about their "livelihood". Read the room, guys!


Yes! At one point Lala claims she “busts her ass” and I was like…when? It’s entitled and insulting to the viewers


She couldn’t even do pretend hostess work lol


I said this same thing on another post. Ariana gave us “reality” bc we could genuinely relate and it reflected our reality. Very few can relate to Lala. Between her bragging about BJs for PJs, having our parents pay for things when we are full blown adults, hosting water tastings, etc.


Imagine hosting a water tasting (at someone else’s house), and a sperm donor picking party (at someone else’s house), and thinking you’re giving content worth televising. The only other scene I can think of featuring lala is when LVP came to that little office and she revealed she was moving forward with a sperm donor. YAWN!


AND THEN imagine ASKING ON CAMERA to use Ariana’s house, with a straight fucking face… while she’s been talking shit about Ariana living there RELENTLESSLY


![gif](giphy|twLUyStsV3aHS|downsized) Lala when she asked if she could use Ariana’s house to taste water


That is THE best fn meme. I can’t stop watching it!! Thank you.




AND THEN claiming she was responsible for the dramatic season ending 


water tastinksk


They also don't make good financial decisions! Especially sandoval! Am i supposed to have sympathy for the man who tanked his financial future because he bought a house that 1 person alone can't afford and then also sink a bunch of money into a tacky bar in the most expensive city in the nation? Or dropping money on random parties? NO! I'd start buying up cheap property in the midwest and rent them out or airbnb them. Become some unethical landlord baron or some shit. There are ways to invest the kind of money they were earning responsibly, but thats not "sexy" like a bar or makeup line or podcast career or singing career.


Didn’t he give thousands to James to propose to Raquel?


Yuupppp. Granted production might have helped but the whole cast says he gives money out like it's candy. He helped out scheana during the pandemic. Which was nice but also... not financially responsible. And also scheana should have the same paychecks but a baby money pit rather than a bar money pit lol


Where the hell was Brock in that situation??? Like I know he's got a history but I'd think his pride would step in before scheana takes a lump sum from Sandoval. Are his earningS garnished that much?


Supporting Brock


I don’t understand how scheana could have been broke enough to need money from Tom during the pandemic. They have both worked on the show since the beginning. How much could she have needed that he had to spare? It’s not like these are working class people who may have needed a couple hundred bucks during hard times


Not as much as he claimed.


Oh don’t forget pays an entire band plus others to be his friends & play non-earning gigs to make him feel like a big boy


Sank his mom's retirement pension on that bar


He was talking about how expensive his hat was


exactly. we might have been younger and less wise but we have lived life and we are not the same viewers we were when we started watching at least i am not. The world has changed, and they expected us to side with Sandoval.


You grew up. Some of these folks are still making mistakes like they are 20 somethings, not in their 40’s. Especially those with children.


Lala is the worst cast member. Closely followed by Sandoval.


Omg you're right! I never really connected it like that and it's so true, we all know the pain Ariana is going through whereas Lala's stuff doesn't resonate with us the same.


But I think we also relate to financial irresponsibility. We’ve all known somebody who makes reckless financial decisions, then complains about money as if they had no control over the situation. Of course Lala is on a whole different level, but I relate to her story in a negative way and want to throw something at her just like I would want to in real life.


Another thought I had about her today is without inserting herself into Ariana and Tom’s situation what storyline did she really have? She’s not allowed to film with her daughter, not sure why scenes of her doing her podcast or other work isn’t ever on the show. Maybe it’s boring and without the drama she created this season we wouldn’t even be talking about her. Also she’s not an original cast member. The cast were friends and worked for lvp before the show she came on later so it’s always been about a paycheck for her


Yep, same with Scheana. If she hadn’t inserted herself into the Ariana/Tom breakup, there was really no reason to even mention Scheana this season. I laughed when she was telling Ariana how she (Scheana) was “in the middle.” Girl, you put yourself in the middle.


Nah scheana did have some storylines this season. Her PPOCD was very humanizing for her, it's too bad she squandered that by being such a shitty human and friend. Also, I think a lot of folks were living for the downfall of her greencard marriage. She finally showed some fissures as they were happening. But she just doesn't have any idea of how to read the room. Fans want to like scheana, we all know this country loves a good comeback story, but instead of digging herself out of the long reputation she built herself, she's only digging herself deeper.


Because at the end of the day, her true self is a mean girl.


I don’t see her as mean at all- just weak and selfish.


Lol i remarked on this in another comment. She literally hosted a water tasting party and a sperm choosing party AT OTHER PEOPLE’S HOMES! She gave us nothing.


Whenever Bravo films someone doing their podcast, my eyes glaze over. You’re right that she’s boring, she just had a loud mouth and is obnoxious AF. If she joins The Valley she’ll just latch onto Brittany’s drama like she was telegraphing on the reunion.


Rand did an interview saying he would not cede full custody because he did not want her to put her on tv, on the show or any other one. For that matter i read he kicked her out. That one i cannot back w other facts but i believe it.


A mom from Utah putting her kid on camera, what could go wrong?! 😅


She never really worked at sur like the rest so imo that's why she thinks she needs to make up storylines. She's been fake from the jump. Someone who was put in to cause drama and wasn't ever friends with any of these ppl. She has no history with any of them so when she comes in saying all this shit, no one can get on the same page because she's not on the same level as them and she never will be.


I LOL'd when she talked about working her ass off. Being a hostess at SUR was her first job and she was already like 25 at that point. And she barely had to even do that job because her real job was being a cast member on the show. Does she expect the normal people who work real jobs watching the show to think her cushy job where she makes a shit ton of money to spend filling her lips by being a bitch to people is an acceptable excuse for her two faced bitter behavior this season?


I think she meant all those bjs was her "working". I'm assuming Randall wasn't the first person.


Correct, have you seen that man? Everything she had came with a hefty price. Having to please the sexual desires of that man is WORK


There are women who have to please a man to have a roof over their heads on top of working shit jobs. She is extremely lucky to have been on the show all these years.


But she did not close the job. He never married her.


Imagine after all that “BJs for PJs” she still was dumb enough to get knocked up prior to getting married. Dum dum tried and true.


He definitely played her.


This is why she's so bitter now. She is embarrassed and ashamed.


The price was fofty. 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😂🤣🤣


I just hear James’ voice saying “fat man!” Lol




It's such a bizarre argument to make. Like, nobody owes it to you to be tortured by their cheating ex on national television so you can make money because you can't create a decent storyline on your own???


Yeah no kidding


She has no audience radar. How do you openly talk about buying two houses off of a show where your job is to attend parties for four months on camera and expect sympathy??


Maybe if Lala had talent she would be able to find a job… but she doesn’t.


I actually don't hate her singing voice, I just don't think she has the work ethic to actually do anything that requires consistent effort and hard work.


We don’t care about your paycheck or your children.


OMG! Lala has a child? 🤣Well shucks I think we all better care.


I want to see her working a 9-5 like the rest of us. Spoiled little bitch she is honestly.


Or being a professional (ex: lawyer) who is never really off the clock LOL she’d have a fucking meltdown


She will get an onlyfans before that happens. I give it 4-6 months until she is selling her body to men again. It seems to be her only skill.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be one bit sad if she had to get a job that isn’t reality tv, influencing or podcasting. Welcome to reality, sis. We owe you nothing.


She said on WWHL that Send It To Darrell helped her buy her new place. Then said on the third reunion ep that it wasn’t just the scandal. Either way, all the new Lala haters who bought those sweatshirts are definitely funding her lifestyle 🤷‍♀️


Funded* She’s up a creek without a paddle now.


And the Palm Springs house What’s up with her businesses ?


Totally agree. Unlike the rest of the cast she never really had to actually work. She said sur was her first job, and it wasn’t even a real hostess job. She was offered a part in the show and literally only was a hostess on camera. I think she has a fucked up sense of entitlement because of this and now she’s floundering.


She 100% thought she was the main character of the show when in reality she was always the tacky loud mouthed culture vulture mistress from Utah… like girl what actually makes you delusional enough to believe ppl actually feel any type of way about you other than thinking you’re a clown… 🤡


I think she was spoiled and entitled all her life. She said her mom would fly her out to Beverly Hills when she would come home crying from being bullied at school. Her mom and dad probably gave her everything and spoiled her so that’s why she’s the entitled monster brat she is now. Lazy and wants the easy way out. Thought she would become a famous actress hahaha like it’s that easy please everyone wants that too who doesn’t want to be famous and rich. If it was that easy we all would be doing it. Thought she would be set for life when she met Randall. Jokes on her HA!


She was very beautiful, but I think her parents must’ve gassed her up SO much in terms of beauty being enough to get you everywhere you want to go. I think when she started dating Randall, his proximity to some good directors like Martin scorcese, I really think lala believed she could “fake it till she made it,” but even in her confessionals you can totally tell when she has a rehearsed line. She can’t even act when she has actual personal stake in something.


Because she's an entitled Gold digger and a brat. She's always been taken care of. She expects everyone to put her needs above theirs because her family does it. She's a greedy monster and truly gives bipolar vibes.


Clap clap clap! Absolutely 💯


ima speak on behalf of the bipolar community and say we don’t claim her! leave us out of it thx ❤️


Exactly this.


I think Lala has more than enough equity if she wants to downsize and live a normal life... I think she wants to live a lavish million dollar lifestyle and that is what she is concerned about not achieving. She could sell her home, buy a modest home in utah and be okay for years and years and years and support her kids off her VPR money. The problem is she doesn't want to shop at target or live in a 1500 sq ft home. She wants luxury


Yep! You have Ariana and Katie in urban outfitters tops and she shows up to the beach with Chanel earrings and Gucci outfits when they go out


She earns over a MILLION a yr for 3 months of work. I refuse to listen to these people cry poor!!!


Does she actually make that much from VPR?


They ( the OG ones ) earn from 1.1 up to 1.6. This includes: both toms, Katie. Scheana, LaLa. Rachel was making in the 4’s. I got all this from some podcast who had a bravo exec on…….


“Work” is a loose term. More like they get paid to be filmed hanging out with each other. That is not work that is chilling with friends while a camera is recording you


2pac never had his mama pay his bills.... or had to suck D to a short, fat guy to get on a private jet.


She’s so gross.


She should do what I do…get a job.


Right lol. But she has no skills.




Well she needs to learn real quick that NOBODY is responsible for her money except HER!


I work in sales, and if someone blamed me for them not making a commission I would tell them to work harder, identify areas of opportunity for improvement, or move on. I don’t know why Lala is expecting a different answer here.


she has two brothers, what the fuck do they do


Wear dreads, act tough and giggle on her podcast


Yes, don’t forget the little yes woman with the squeaky voice on her show.


God she’s terrible too


I got blocked from her pod IG lmao


LOL why!


Lala has always said her mom pays for her stuff. Her apt and car. Maybe her mom cut her off and this is the first time she’s been responsible and feeling nervous? Still absolutely nobody else’s responsibility but she’s acted as if she literally never had to worry about bills being paid until Ariana said she wouldn’t film with Tom.


Does anyone know how her mom seems to have endless money to give Lala?


Don’t judge me but I read BlahBlah’s book and she said her mom received a huge inheritance that helped them when they lost money during the recession. Her dad was also a successful architect or developer (or something to do with building houses) so I’m sure he was able to bounce back after the recession and probably had a life insurance policy. I think her mom also sold the family home in Utah when she moved in with LaLa.


Ah- no judgement!! And thanks for the insight!


I’d like to know this too. She doesn’t seem to work either.


Let’s all do an experiment and walk into work tomorrow and scream at every person in the room that the way they’re doing their job is affecting our pay checks. Report back how many of us end up called into their manager’s office and explained that our work is our responsibility and no one else’s!


Great perspective! It just does not fly anywhere


This is why she doesn’t understand Ariana staying in the house she worked hard to buy and furnish.


Oop! Wake it up!


She bombed her own show because she's petty and jealous. She tore up her own paycheck.


Large overhead and no marketable skills. Of course she is scared shitless to lose this “job”.


I just watched the reunion part 3 and I fcking cannot with lala - an absolute entitled, spoilt self-serving brat. I actually hope VPR comes back with them but she’s not part of the cast - I’m sure she’ll be happy living that quiet life baking her family. Also scheana - some misguided loyalty going on there, and both lala and Sandoval will fuck her over. Unreal.


What do you think will hurt her ego more? Her not being asked back or Ariana and Katie leaving and the viewership absolutely plummets?


Oh that’s a tough one but I think if she weren’t asked back - if Katie and Arianna left, she’d still be in a self delusional bubble of being queen/narrator for the duration of that season. She showed her ass massively and she’s embarrassed now hence her anger, though I guess we’re all “bitches on the street with rabies”.


“If you don’t care about your position on the show anymore that’s fine… I NEED YOU TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT MINE!!!!” REAALLLYYY BLAH BLAH? People should give a shit about you because you’re so kind, loving supportive and giving to people ??? Ummmmm no. You treat people like crap, talk outta both sides of your mouth, are dishonest, a big mouth, and most of all a HYPOCRITE! You called your fans horrible names, YOU. SET. THIS. HOUSE. ON. FIRE. NOW… please don’t go away mad, just go the fuck away. Edit. Spelling.


She’ll be okay. Look at Heidi and Spencer. Have they had real jobs since the hills? She’ll always be able to make money. Her problem is she wants millions and millions of dollars because it’s what she feels she’s entitled to.


Heidi comes from money. 


as did Spencer.


As does Lala


this is true. she came from a family that paid for her bills.


Not that kind of money. 


facts but let’s not tell lala that lol


Did she? I didn’t know that


Yah she comes from Mormon royalty. Those people are fucking LOADED


I had no idea lol


She worked her ass off though. 🙄


She thought she was getting a spin-off. She got pregnant and bought that house thinking she would have her own show. She’s unlikable so no show. Now she’s having a storyline baby and 2 big mortgages. Couldn’t of happened to a nicer person


KARMA kicked her in the ass and I’m relishing every second of it


Lala left half way through a season cuz she couldn’t take the heat. She has no leg to stand on saying Ariana doesn’t care about the show or whatever


This really got me bc it was her breaking the 4th wall in a terrible way. Seems so desperate. Also, Ariana and other cast members have carried the show for years so she could collect that check. The first time she thinks it’s not gonna happen, she shows her true colors.


This is exactly what’s going on! She’s so used to everyone paying her way she thinks Ariana setting boundaries somehow affects her money. That little rant she had showed she’s only worried about herself. She was willing to go against Ariana and her mental health for money. So gross. She also probably realized that Ariana will be juts dandy without the show and is freaking out that she won’t have anything to fall back on if the show ends. She REALLY screwed herself. And I’m loving watching it all play out 😈😅


With you till the last line - she’s driving me bananas and I can’t listen to her anymore. Her pregnancy BS - I’m bringing a new life into the world and I can’t walk off? You are having a baby, women do it every day and manage to work and deal with challenges and having to wear suits to work when it is July and they are 6 months pregnant and all kinds of shit that is way harder than sitting through a show you get paid to be on which is good for you because WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU DO? I mean good for her for making herself relevant this season, but honestly LFU shuuuuut up. Though it’s a close call with the insipid super-couple, Brock and Scheana. Anytime Brock gives people advice they should just Jay Cutler his ass. ![gif](giphy|3LE22WzgNEhJ9ZmDzH|downsized)


Oh trust me I can’t listen to her anymore either!! I’m just happy to see everyone calling her out 😎she swore the fans were in the wrong and “rewriting history” when’s that all she tired to do all season! I’m so happy this season is over lol her, scheena and broke made my blood boil 😤 I’ve never had A show make me so annoyed till this one 😅




I would like to leave the petty reminder that if you have Spotify or Apple Music, please go rate Lala’s podcast. We are continuing to fund this woman as long as she has a platform. She went from the upper 4 ratings to a 3.1. And I feel we can do better than that babes.


that's pathetic.


Already did! And unfollowed her 💖


YESSS. I AGREE. let’s bring it down to 1 star


Well, at least she wanted Ariana to care about her paycheck.


as a poor, i have zero empathy. get a real job or find another old man's dick to suck for gucci slides. idc


Right??, OR choke, I don’t care. 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅


Does she care about mine ???? 🙄🤔🤔


I vaguely recall her mom selling all her Utah property and moving in with Lala. I am going to assume a lot of those funds went to her home purchases. Additionally, she seems to support her mother and one of her brothers financially. I get the pressure but it ain’t it sis.


She’s literally talked about how her mom pays her bills don’t yell at me go away Lol


I was voice texting sorry- but she said her mom pays her bills! Also don’t go away, that wasn’t to you lol


🤣🤣 I was like I’m either going to go full tilt or gentle parenting mode as if my 2 year old was saying that to me


Oh I was saying it to my 18 month old that keeps biting my leg lol


She’s just insanely spoiled.


Frankly, it is so common for reality show cast members to think the gravy train will run forever. Eventually, the show will be cancelled and they shouldn't spend money they don't have. But Lala's ego is too big to take any setbacks into consideration. Tom and Sheana are the same. They are all solely dependent on the show for revenue, whereas James, Katie and Ariana are not. Schwartz is dependent too, but he seems to live within his means. Would anyone really listen to Lala and Scheana's podcasts or go to Tom's shows if they weren't on VPR?


If you’re bad at your job, why should you expect anyone else to care about your paycheck? This is the same in any industry. If you’re incompetent or not good at your job, you might lose it.


She's probably experiencing her twenties now. Most of what we go through in our twenties prepares us to be on our own, especially financially. She never experienced this so now she's in her actual twenties.


I’m living for these comments bc I agree with the drags


Completely agree. I was trying to figure out when exactly it was that she was “ busting her ass”. Never saw it, not even once.


Lala’s whole rant completely missed the mark in that Ariana is absolutely not who she should be directing her ire at! It is not Ariana’s JOB to perform so that Lala can continue getting her paycheck. Ariana was smart to take the opportunities to earn income from what happened. And damn that must have been hard in the midst of still processing that level of betrayal. She articulated well at the reunion how leaving was her being authentic which is what makes the show good. Lala doubling down about her having to confront things on the show that she didn’t want to but that Ariana gets to refuse to film with Tom? Girl, please. Ariana is not responsible for you. Get mad at the producers. I feel like the audience would have eaten that up. Also, grow up Lala and get a job other than the show. You came off as desperate because you need the show money to maintain your don’t-need-no-man schtick. You say you want to be independent but like you’re throwing a fit at your cast mates for not performing to your expectations. So you depend on them.


Lala had no business opening a make-up brand during the time when her own make-up looked like she was just smearing highlighter all over her face.


I am done with Lala


![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8) Get off your fucking ass and work!!!!


I viewed it as she was saying she has done a lot of shit she didn't want to do and had a lot of conversations she didn't want to have because she knew it's better for the show; which is better for all the cast and their paychecks. She's thinking since Arianna is getting a lot of opportunities she doesn't care about contributing to the show any longer and feels it's unfair Arianna is getting a pass on this when her and others have not, and believes the lack of those conversations is going to hurt everyone's paychecks so she views it as Arianna is being selfish.


YUP!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


This is SO👏🏻ON👏🏻POINT👏🏻. None of her coworkers owe her (or anyone else anything for that matter) to keep her paycheck. If the show ends, you can bet BlaBla will point the finger at everyone else but herself. She can’t understand why someone wouldn’t film with someone she “lives” with but I, for one, can’t understand why she can’t talk to and film with someone she procreated willing with. Same difference isn’t it? 🙃


Dear god Lala! If you were my friend or coworker…..that one you keep at least, arms length!! Or transfer departments!


Never wished another person ill, but why is she owed all this wealth? Find a normal job and for all i care sell your house and live in your car, tons of people get by like that and dont need others to survive!


Lala needs to learn the difference between “being real” and PROJECTING


Exactly, I was thinking the same. As a coworker, why should *I* worry about your paycheck? Get a job


Hearing her talk about how far she’s come and getting two houses and how much opportunity she’s had, all while she always had money, didn’t need the show for t but got too much of it because of the show, and I’m struggling to pay rent. I’m all like ._. Like no offense, you have always been way off, stop using the fact that you are a single mom as a reason for people not to be mean to you, and it’s always “you were talking about the business I use to take care of my kids” like it always boils down to her child, as if she struggles with money in the slightest, that one negative comment would put her on the street.


Did her mom really pay for it? I thought she made it up because she knew the women would talk shit if they knew she was a sugar baby…


And the banks giving mortgages out on these homes.  If they watched these shows and truly understood that most of these people are over leveraging themselves on a show that won’t be around very much longer, I don’t think any of these people would have been approved for a mortgage.