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For those who don't want to click, this is yet another rehash of the Two T's podcast... I wonder if she is planting these "tips" to all of the gossip sites that are regurgitating her comments, because if she is, then she is even dumber than I had previously thought. Her comments aren't wise, or thoughtful, or even new, and having them reposted every day while Ariana thrives on Love Island *REALLY* makes Utah Baby Bottle look like a bitter, washed up hasbeen who is desperate to keep her name in the headlines. If she isn't planting these "tips" then someone who totally hates her is doing it.


Oh fully she’s having her PR team send things to rag magazines to spread the word and the timing is wild - fully agreed this is a bad look 😂


Yet another rehash - is what all of these gossip sites are regurgitating, exactly like you said. I don’t know that anyone is planting tips or needs to, rather media sites have AI crawlers that can measure, capture, and help regurgitate content that seems to be entertaining and will draw engagement. We’re in a feedback loop.


Not the Utah baby bottle!


I don’t feel like Ariana thinks that. I think this season was just hard for her to film and she wasn’t enthused about it. That’s fair lol. And she wouldn’t do oooone thing. She fought with Tom several times, so it’s not like she didn’t interact with him. Refusing to have one convo and being angry when people talk to you about sandoval does not equal thinking she’s better than the show lol


Not to mention Lala ran away when confronted about her relationship, so she is the one who refused to film. Ariana filmed, she never refused to do anything besides the crying Miami conversation 2.0 meant to try to redeem Sandoval


It seems to be her MO. Lala’s used to getting what she wants because she screams the loudest. But she also gets rattled when she’s challenged. Any time Ariana’s given it back to her, she’s all shook and flustered.


Yet for some reason continues to brag and yap on about how she thinks she’s a “tough bitch.” Girl, you ain’t shit! And you wouldn’t last a second around the people you so desperately want to be just like. I can’t believe she actually got the words “Thug Life,” tattooed on her body.😭 ![gif](giphy|3o7TKr3nzbh5WgCFxe|downsized)


Like she used to accuse Rachel.


I don’t think that Arianna is bothered at all about what blah-blah is thinking or saying or anything to do with her. Lala is not really her problem anymore. I think the lady, use the word loosely, protests too much!


Exactly. Ariana saved the season and Lala’s constant projection is old. Every time she speaks about someone else, she just continues to tell on herself.


This- and Lala has been running away since her first season on the show. She refused to film (remember Ariana’s birthday when they rented that RV? Like season 3 or 4? Lala went home to Utah because she didn’t want to film with Jax and Brittany.


Like what would Lala be saying if they had filmed Ariana laying in bed with the blinds, shut crying and eating ice cream? Would that have been more interesting to her?


She just should have emailed her the script she wanted her to follow. Her big issue is that nobody acted the way she thought they should. Next time they should give her writing credit since she wants to micromanage their life choices and what they say on the show


I would never trust LaLa to tell me how my action and reactions should be towards a person. She’s not the Jedi she thinks she is. She’s jar jar binks.


LarLar Binks and She3P-Ho.😝




https://preview.redd.it/kmzs22eqq76d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936cf6bf31e6f8a671d4de3bb6c87931005ebef4 😁🥰💋






I don’t think anyone wants to be micromanaged from Lala or anyone else…but yet here she is still upset people didn’t act how she wanted them to in situations that were not about her 🤣


Exactly! She acts like she’s the executive producer and everyone else should bow down to her and follow her script. Arrogant, delusional and so annoying!


She just keeps digging a deeper and deeper hole for herself


I love that for her!


She would call her a wet blanket, like she did last time. No one can ever do right in her eyes. No matter what Ariana did this season, because of Lala’s jealousy, she was never going to win with her.


No! Laligag has to hate on people. She's the one who thinks she is better than all the other cast members. She just screams loud. She brings nothing to VPR'S.


Lala be telling on herself 😆


THANK YOU! I came to the season late and when everyone kept saying it’s okay for her not wanting to film with him I was in total agreement. Then I watched the season and… she did film with him. They even had full conversations. She just didn’t want to have ONE conversation with him and walked out of ONE party and they blew it up like she did something all season. The spin is wild.


I recently finished the reunion episodes (I was on holiday) and the argument with Tom/explanation of how she acted was fair enough. Impossible expectations can’t be met, Ariana faced down a narcissist and was honest about it


Of course Ari does not think that!!!! LaLa's desperation is showing now that Schemer is, predictably, kissing Ari's behind again since their plan to betray her backfired. Now LaLa is out there with the Voms.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) It’s what she deserves and she’s been begging to be humbled since the day she started. Miss “I know when I’m above someone🥴” What a gross thing to think, never mind say out loud.


Whom are you talking about? LaLa, I hope.


Yes, I’m speaking about LarLar Binks.


3 months after someone blew up her life no less. Lala needs to do less.


Lala just needs to say “Ariana wouldn’t have the one conversation production said was mandatory so im pissed at her.” Quit throwing out other shit 😭😂


But she did have several conversations with Tom so what is this one conversation? Are we using the word conversation as a placeholder for forgiveness? It is crazy for production to think that Ariana would forgive Tom within 3 to 6 months. Less time, then it took for Tom to have the affair. Crazy.


I think it's strange that people wanted her to forgive him. If a guy cheats on you, especially to the crazy extent Tom did, how would that even be a reasonable expection? Healthy thing is to think about it less and less over time and move on with your life and your healing. Which is what Ariana did and I thought it was amazing to see.


Production, in all its misogyny, had the Redemption Arc all planned out with the connivance of both LaLa and Schemer. It backfired and LaLa is mad, while Schemer is backpeddling like crazy.


Exactly- you nailed it. It had absolutely nothing to do w anyone wanting to forgive him. They were all just scared to death the show would end bc that’s how producers made it sound. These idiots somehow didn’t take into count what the entire viewing public would think?? And Lala put on the biggest performance at last years Scandoval reunion- she pulled out all the stops and made it about her as much as possible. It’s insulting that she thinks we’re this dumb


I imagine lala is calling Scheana and screaming at her


I would never be able to get past him not attending her grandmothers funeral and sleeping with Rachel while she was gone in their house. The affair was HORRIBLE by itself and she doesn’t have to forgive him ever, but not even being able to support Ariana through what I’m sure was one of the worst days of her life and destroying a safe space to her while she was gone. He’s beyond forgiveness.


And cheating is not even the right word. He didn't cheat on her. He repeatedly and continuously cheated on her. He had a full blown affair with someone they both considered friends. Every time someone is like they've all cheated it's like 1) yes MOST (not all) have cheated 2) just cause others have doesn't excuse the behavior and most importantly 3) IT WASNT JUST CHEATING. It was intentionally thrown in the face of the person knowing she trusted them both so much she'd never question. They basically spent their time giggling about how great it was that Ariana trusted them both so much that they could get away with this for months and months


Right?? She literally screamed at him and called him a dog murderer. That was entertaining. Buuuuut then people had a problem with “how angry” she was. Which is it? Was she boring or was she too angry?


Yeah, watching Lala clutch her hypothetical pearls, anytime Ariana showed even an ounce of anger for very justifiable reasons, made irrationally angry. Does she forget how much she was screaming at the reunion that had aired only a month beforehand? She looked like a moron all season and somehow she’s still keeping at it.


My ex husband cheated on me TWENTY FIVE years ago. I still haven’t forgiven him and haven’t spoken to him in almost as long as they are an EX for a reason.


She should never ever ever forgive Tom what kind of complete BS is that?


Okay, maybe she is. Why is that a bad thing?


Lol yeah, I actually immediately was like "she is." 🤷


It’s a bad thing to Lala because she is not




She is proving she is with getting broadway and love island host .


Imagine thinking you’re smaller than a trashy TV show. Makes me feel bad for Lala honestly, girl needs some self worth.


Lala has taken on the desperate vibe of Rachel in her attempt to be relevant. Imagine if LaLa had spent all last season doing her own interesting things. I would have loved watching her house hunt.


They are definitely both giving off the mistress vibe.


**Mistress BIMBO vibes.😆😘


Yes, and to clarify, I meant LaLa and Ratchett give off these vibes, not Ariana.


Oh, that’s how I took it the first time. You’re good.🙂😘


She IS bigger than VPR. Her current gig with Love Island proves it. I do think Ariana would be wise to keep all her options open bc these things are very cyclical and it’s not like she’s an established actress or anything, but she has transcended VPR in a way others haven’t.


As evidenced by Peacock’s official IG bio being a shoutout to Adriana.


Yeah I was thinking of her too! One season you have a hosting gig, the next you don’t! Also if she wants to do more Broadway beyond Chicago I hope she does. Chicago can be misleading though bc they do a lot of celeb casting, and the role of Roxy is not vocally challenging. I don’t mean this as a knock at all - my point is you can crush the part of Roxy and not be able to do lots of other roles. I am not saying this is Ariana necessarily, just that the role of Roxy is not an indicator of overall Broadway staying power.


She deserves being a host but I think Love Island knows what they are doing with making her host. They know that she gained a lot of following since Scandoval and believed that she would somewhat lead some of her followers to watch the show.


I think Ari has the talent to take on additional roles on Broadway. I would love to see her do Sunset Boulevard, for example.




She gives such good stank face




Well i think at this point Ariana is bigger than VPR. People now know her from Broadway, Love Island, she was on Lifetime. She is known for more than VPR now.


And Dancing w the Stars!


She fucking SLAYED on DWTS.😍 I knew about her injuries but I never once noticed them when she was performing. She has a lot of talent and it’s sad that her loser ex was constantly overshadowing her. So glad she’s finally where she belongs!🥳 The way SchMeana constantly whined about her petty little injuries and missed so many shifts because of a scratched eye, for example, she could never! That and she tried her hand with a choreograph specialist and struggled and failed to do the most basic of dance moves. She was the worst of the three, when she did that performance with Ari as her backup dancer and never bothered to try and work at becoming a better dancer after because she’s lazy and was annoyed that it didn’t naturally come easy to her. Her dance moves, (if you can even call them that,) and entire GAG performance this season was honestly pathetic and gave me hardcore second hand embarrassment.😭


Omg- I read GAG performance and literally thought she was getting sick took a minute to compute the meaning was good as gold! Maybe I shouldn't smoke as much 🤔


It’s cool lol Took me a minute to understand the first time I read it too haha. Love that Reddit is full of stoners and how awesome is it that the acronym for C3P-Ho’s stupid song is GAG.💀 So fitting.🤌🏼


There are so many people out there that do not even watch vpr so would prob only kno her from broadway or love island. Good for her!


I hope for her sake she has the ability to dissociate from the toxicity of VPR and the people in it. Except Katie, who is a true friend to her.


This is what I came to say. I mean, she IS bigger than VPR. No matter how you slice it, Broadway wins this one. She's certainly out of Lala's league. I want Lala to tell us who is doing better than Ariana. Sheana's 12th version of a 10 year old song?? Is it Lala who's crying because she clearly feels she needs Ariana for the show to continue so she can get paid. So she is actually the one who thinks Ariana is bigger than VPR since she thinks it can't go on without Ariana's cooperation.




Lol, I love that I can hear him say this. Such a great movie!


Perfect lmao


Lala just keeps doubling ( tripling? Quadrupling? Quintupling?) down on her comments that the fans hated in the first place... like she thinks we will all change our minds. She's just making people more angry... it's time to Stfu and bake your baby in silence LFU... She doesn't realize that if she goes away for a while, people might stop hating on her... unless the point is to make herself a villain, and actually have relevance when/if VPR starts filming again... she had ZERO relevance in season 11.


LaLa is the sort of person who thinks that if she says it louder, people will buy it. Schemer is the sort of person who thinks if she waffles enough, people will forget her sabotage. LaLa is not doing herself any favors right now.


Ariana is more than VPR, Lala is less than VPR, potato 🥔 potato


![gif](giphy|N89A1jUqdab0kdNl6X) The fact lala can’t stop talking about Ariana and Ariana has said nothing about lala shows that Ariana is actually working on healing. Lala thinks having other people having boundaries makes them a diva but not when she has them shows serious lack of insight. Sometimes when people don’t agree with you it’s because you’re wrong.


The only people who get mad about one having and enforcing boundaries are the ones who stand to lose something and want to take advantage of you. Lala, put your ass away! No one wants to see or hear it anymore.


Can she get a hobby or something lol


i think ariana is her hobby tbh


Ariana does think that lol. She’s been pretty open about how this is not what she’s meant to do in life. That’s also ok. Lala…time to move on. VPR might get canceled, time to find a new income source.


But like.. she is. It sucks that Lala can’t say the same thing about herself, but that’s showbiz baby


VPR is Lala’s whole small world


Lala wishes she got the same opportunities and is salty


If anyone has ever brought “diva” energy to VPR it’s LFU. She had her cast mates sign NDA’s.


How, babe?


I’m so over these magazines taking out the same quotes from the SAME interview on that ONE podcast and using it as clickbait. I get duped every time one of these stupid articles is posted. It’s me, I’m a dummy. TL;DR: LaLa hasn’t said anything new. She hasn’t given any new interviews since 2 Teas in a Pod last week. As always, read additional war’s fantastic recaps instead looking through another one of these dumbass articles with shitty popups trying to twist the SAME quotes to look more sensational and new. Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I can’t stand Lala, but it’s the same with her and everyone else EVERY time.. article after article with old info!! I feel better 🤣🤣🤣


Okay, cool. That's a relief then. I thought she just kept going!


I get it and it is so frustrating! That’s why I always check the comments first now. If I see new information that I might be interested in or think I could learn something new then I’ll check it. Otherwise, TL;DR.😆😘


Maybe LaLa should focus on her own life so she has something interesting to show in camera.


Erm who’s gonna tell her …. 😂


I don't think Ariana has forgotten where she came from but I do think at this point VPR is behind her and maybe she's not bigger than VPR, but she's quite possibly over VPR.


LFU wishes she was “Bigger Than”Vanderpump Rules. Girl, shut up and go suck a bottle




LaLa once again keeping herself in the media by talking about Ariana. I have noticed that just about every day she is spewing venom about the show or Ariana. It's as if her life is boring and she needs to talk about others to keep herself relevant. She needs to stop because it's getting old.


I mean, she kind of is, so there’s that … she’s quite definitely and obviously “bigger than” blabla, which I think is probably the translation here


I'll be honest, I didn't read the article. But why isn't she coming at DJ James Kennedy in the same way? I mean, he's playing at Coachella, Stage Coach, Las Vegas, etc... He gained notoriety from VPR and used it to his advantage to make money moves. Why can't Ariana do the same? I wish someone would shove a baby bottle in this "chicks" mouth. I'm truly tired of hearing her yap about Ariana and Katie. Go bake a baby, baby bottle eyed bitch!


Ariana didn’t ask for ANY of this


She is she’s moved onto bigger and better things get over it


The fans are the ones who are making Ariana bigger than VPR. She obviously has the talent. Lauren or Sheana could never do what Ariana has already done with DWTS and Love Island. They just don’t have that IT girl energy or star quality. 🫶🏻


Well Lala, she is. Hope that helps!


I wish they would just get LaLa wannabe gangster off the show !


The problem is Ariana IS better than the show. She doesn’t have to think it or say it but VPR is stale. The numbers are high bc of Scandoval. If Ariana leaves the show, those numbers plummet. Ariana is hosting Love Island and went quite far on DWTS and is in a loving relationship and has many sponsorships and brand deals and is a guest on shows beyond the Bravoverse! Ariana could quit and be fine, but Lala will be adversely affected by this decision and Blah Blah knows it.


Ariana doesn’t think she’s bigger than VPR, but she actually is. She’s proven she’s more than a reality star, while Lala has proven that’s all she will ever be


It's a self fulfilling prophecy. LaLa and Schemer, with their jealousy and betrayal, have madeAri even more popular and the fans are now invested in seeing her succeed outside of VPR.


She is though….


It’s giving bitter biscuits


Lala’s attempt to try and keep people talking about her. I’m assuming it makes her money somehow. Will try and stop the urge to show her any relevance and stop commenting on her things.


Shouldn’t LFU be running her empire instead of continuing to sweat about Ariana? 🙃


She never had an empire so not sure wtf she’s even talking about and everything she’s done or gained was off the back of someone else. Her Mom, Randull and now Ariana. She thinks she’s hot shit because she came from money and she is undeniably pretty, better before she fucked with her face but still not bad. She needs to wake up and realize that the air of superiority and entitlement is her problem and the only person standing in the way of her success is HERSELF. She wouldn’t know a day of hard work if it slapped her in the face.


I feel like Lala hasn’t watched the show she’s on. I’m no Ariana fan, but her personality has never changed. She’s always kind of been a “cool girl” about things. And I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. I think it’s just how she handles herself. It comes across as superior at times, or even cold, but in general she hasn’t done anything that seems like she is on some power trip the way people act like she is. In reality, she struck while the iron was hot. She got burned bad by her ex in a very public way and a lot of people empathized with that so offers poured in. She took advantage just like anyone else would. If Lala seemed easier to work with, she might also get great offers after what she went through. But she is abrasive and also her situation deals with a much higher level of shady ass man that a lot of people aren’t sure what her knowledge level of was and they don’t want to touch that.


Ariana has never acted that way. Lala did by her second season. She can have a whole seat.


I don’t think she thinks it/acts like it BUT SHE IS 👑


lol she is. Good analysis lala


This article is actually crazy. What the hell is Lala doing? If she ever wants the same opportunities she needs to stop ….


She is.


Girl, stop.


I mean…she kind of is…soooo.


When Lala got with her ‘man’ she definitely had an attitude of being better than the show and everyone around her. Ariana has outgrown a lot of the show I think. Not that she has said it or done anything to show it. She is pulling some big gigs and since she’s a hard worker and legitimately talented it doesn’t show signs of stopping. It just kind of shows how far the show has strayed from its original inception. The show has always been about young people looking for their break and the messiness of them working together


Will this person just shut her mouth ? Seriously. She keeps saying and acting like a shit so everyone tunes in for her paycheck grab. Tune her out and stop allowing her to profit.


It's sad because it doesn't appear that Ariana is a me me me girl. Her reactions on the show (like during the donor party) seem genuine. Working hard to make a life for herself after a decade in Sandoval's shadow is goals and the other women (except for Katie and Ally) should have applauded her instead of turning against her.


The only people who seem to think this are LFU and the boomers on Facebook. I think they are all jealous.


![gif](giphy|5oVt3GSJuXKP6) Wow LaLa. Impressive....NOT.


She is bigger than the show. Imagine being so bitter and unfulfilled in life that VPR is your only crowning achievement. Looking at you LFU🧐


Nah, she's just bigger than Lala Kent.


She is lol


No Lala.  YOU think Arianna Maddox is bigger than VPR and its killing you.


Well.. She is.


Me every time LFU opens her mouth: ![gif](giphy|UCCFl99xBitOg)


Well she is now so zip it Lala


🎶Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate 🎶


I thought lala wasn’t going to speak on it once the season ended?? Can we get that promise please ?


![gif](giphy|3og0ILz1oLrgFRuzny|downsized) Someone pleaseeeee tell Lala to stop speakinggggg


I would like Iyanla to fix lala's life. First she'd have to get a life though...


She would destroyyyyy Lauren


Ummm…shouldn’t they all think that?? Like. They are human beings. Filming takes place a few months out of the year. Imagine your entire identity and self worth being wrapped around you part-time job. Yeesh. Keep telling on yourself.


I mean at this point she kinda is lol. Why you haff to be mad?


She literally is. That's why the show is on pause until her schedule is free again.


For the love of all that is holy I wish people would stop giving Lala a platform. No one cares what she has to say, go let her be bitter by herself


🥱 Lauren, enough. Ariana having boundaries doesn’t make her a diva.


I wish she would just stop talking. Enough already.




Wild projection considering Lala's whole thing her first few years was how she was bigger than VPR.


I think Ariana is a good person and no matter what opportunity comes her way, she will always be humble and not change. That’s what I get from her. Lala needs to stop making Ariana something she is not just because of jealousy.


But at this point she is.


Well well well if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle black 🥴 when delulu Lala got with Randall, SHE thought SHE was bigger than Vanderpump.


Someone put LFU out of our misery, bc this is absurd.


I believe Ariana doesn't think that, although she is bigger than VPR now.


Lala needs to go f:\*k off. She is trying to be relevant and is a delusional soul.


Lala babe, please, go on a holiday or something, take a god damn break from socials. It’s beyond silly at this point and I’m a T.I.R.E.D


Wait… “Vanderpump Rules”? Isn’t that an old reality show that used to air on Bravo?


She really can’t keep Ariana’s name out of her mouth can she…


And the entire audience thinks Lala is unentertaining nasty with nothing authentic going on. I wonder whose opinion matters more?




Lala's signed with one of the biggest talent agencies - maybe instead of talking shit about Ariana, her ass should keep looking for opportunities. And Ariana is bigger than VPR. Just like Stassi is beyond VPR and The Valley. The paycheck is nice but doubt the bullshit, which is often fake, is worth it.


I just read without glasses Lisa vanderpump accuses her of being a burger


Well bitchh she is, compared to you. this is the first real thing you've said in reference to her. And all this jealousy is going to reek havoc on you from now on.. you act like you are needing to wear her skin at this point.. you almost need a restraining order from her.. why don't you learn what grey rocking means.. Ariana has always been bigger than this show.. because she has other talents.. and she's not always bringing people down like you do.. go learn something.. or just cry in your pillow. STOP harassing her SHE CAN"T HEAR YOU. She's busy WORKING, ON A TROPICAL ISLAND!!


Ok lala, I think it’s time for you to let it go. Holding this much hate in isn’t healthy.. right?


I mean she is though…. Her success has transcended VPR and she is no longer dependant on it lol. Stop being a little green monster LFU lol.




Is she feeling “bigger” than VPR or is she just over it? People changes jobs 2-4 years, why shouldn’t she after a decade??


She is.


And even if she thought that, so what? Like truly, so what? Lol


Lala needs to touch some grass. Say something positive about another human being for a change. ![gif](giphy|KanqCs2oHuzKYCXSXo)


bitch, SHE IS!


Pure projection. We know it’s Lala who thinks she should be somewhere better


Isn’t “bigger than Vanderpump rules” what they all should be??


Of course she thinks she’s better than VPR’s. Ariana’s always had a superiority complex. She’s going places and no one else’s but Katie is. They hate it and want to bring her down. Both are true.


Well, she is


Thinking she’s bigger than? Babes are you hosting love island? Playing Roxy heart on broadway? Getting asked to go on talk shows?


Honestly at this point for Lala this is straight up embarrassing. Even if she was in the right.. and im not saying she is.. the relentless shit talk is just sad. Get over it. Let go and move on with your life It now seems glaringly obvious that she doesnt have a single true friend around her. Because if she did they wouldve told her to shut tf up. The more she talks the more she shows that she is just a jealous mess. Lala has singlehandedly ruined VPR for me to the point where anytime i see news about it i just couldnt care less. I just cant even fathom why she is still yapping about Ariana


She is.


Lala honey nobody's gonna pick you 😂


I didn’t click the article butttttt ARIANA IS BIGGER THAN VPR… not sure why blabla can’t comprehend that.


Bahahahaha Lala is just mad because she herself isn’t bigger than the show and she very much wants to be. She wants to build an empire but doesn’t have the brains or work ethic to do it. It’s always seemed to me that she has a confidence issue. Right from the start her plan was to get big by getting stuff from men. She never even tried to build anything herself. She wants nice things but doesn’t understand the type of work to have to put in to get it. She’s a blowhard (pun unintended) but doesn’t really believe she can do big things on her own.


Well, she’s certainly vastly bigger & far, far better than loser Kent.


She needs a hobby


My god - the season is over - why is she still talking?!


Lala is hell bent on remaining unlikeable…


I mean .. she kinda is now. She doesn't need all that drama. She's got Broadway, hosting Love Island, and she did dancing with the stars. Lala is just jealous that people don't want here talents as much.


Idk if Ariana thinks that but I certainly do. And I actually think LFU isn’t good enough to even be on VPR so…


She is lol


But she is!! She’s become bigger than the show that has clearly been crashing and burning since whatever happened in season 8. Honestly I love it for her, she’s having such a glow up and I am here for it 👏


……she is.


I mean, she is at this point.


She is though? Kick rocks, Lauren.


Ariana has been grateful and humble with all of her opportunities. Can you imagine how lala would have been? ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Lala get a grip and pull your head out of your arse already 🤦🏼‍♀️ The jealousy is getting sickening now. Just keep your damn mouth shut already. If you're not happy for her then just don't say anything at all. Stop trying to stay in the spotlight and trying to stay relevant...You showed your true colors this past season when you kept throwing so many digs. You're the one that acts like you're God...Enough is enough!! And you know what Ariana is bigger than Vanderpump Rules and you're so jealous it's making you look extra trashy...


I think Lala thought she was bigger than Vanderpump Rules when she was with Randall and that’s why she kept talking about the Private Jet and hanging out with MGK and Megan Fox. But all of that was a facade whereas Ariana’s opportunities are real and tangible and an actual paycheck.


That’s rich coming from blabla.


Well… she is? 😂😂😂


Is she doing other podcasts cause no one else will listen to hers? Stop trying to make us understand you Blah Blah. We don’t care. It’s time for you to sit in the corner and think about what you did.


Here she goes talking to herself again 🙄 ![gif](giphy|SJk8nWDBrYqtm3DKrb|downsized)


HER show she's been filming for 8 years. LOL get over yourself bla bla. 🙄Ariana has been filming for 10 and you don't get to decide how she handles her heartbreak. So over her comments.