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The fucking N word.


Noooooo! Holy crap! Instant client fire!!


I'm so white I'm basically blue like. I'm not saying that word ever. I told him to reconsider the name as I'm not saying it and I can't imagine anyone else saying it. Haven't seen him since Btw. The owner was also white and Irish


As an Irish person, we don't claim him 😭😭


Hopefully when he left he got hit by a car?


Truly I'd like to know how the clinic dealt with that. Primary? Nah. I wouldn't even take you on as a client. ER? Your pet can have a placeholder name in the meantime. Immediate fire if anything became problematic.


I told him to reconsider the name as we cannot use that word as it is degoratory. He got quite annoyed and walked out,hasn't been seen since . The file is still there but I labeled it as a random word. I think something like Star?


I'm glad. I would hope that it wouldn't be tolerated at any facility. It's bewildering that some people think that's appropriate.


IT WAS SO STRANGE. I'm white,he's white. We in Ireland. Like?


You treated H.P. Lovecraft's cat?


I took care of a black lab with the same name… old white man owner


Can't believe the owner was an old white man! /s


yup same. it was a black cat too…….. idk where people think it’s ok or funny to name their pet something like that


We had a boxer called that and the female was called Randy bitch.


I've not heard the word randy in ages ,that's a throwback


SAME. It was the first three letters of the word, but she went by Lovey. That client was at my last clinic that had a much different clientele than where I'm at now.


same, we have at least 10 in our system. thankfully they're not current patients anymore 🫠


What the fuck


Knew a white couple who named their black lab a "black person name" so while I give them props for not naming her 'n*gress'... They almost should have. Racism is alive and well.


If there is one word that I hate, it's that word.


This. She "thought it would be funny to yell it when it was time to come inside."


Woah! That’s crazy.


My worst one was "Brown Boy" animal was NOT brown. I too told him to reconsider his name choice, he said he didn't want to stress the pet with a name change


Did we have the same client?! Our client informed us the dogs name was "my n-word" and we were all shocked and asked what we should call him for the appointment. He said by his name. 😳 We opted for something generic instead.


Us too. Except it was piglet with an N. Told the owner there is ZERO way we are calling the cat that name and refused to put it in the chart. She blamed it on her kids.


Was the owner old? I'm Irish as well and it seems like it was not a completely uncommon dog name for black dogs in my grandparents generation.


Yep. We had “Lil N***a.” I was not impressed.


A cat named Daddy. Only because the owner was putting him down & kept really loudly yelling “Oh, Daddy! Oh, DADDY!!!” Made an already uncomfortable experience even more so.


I always wanted to name a cat Grandma/Memaw: “Grandma’s here because she’s peeing outside the litter box.”


I fully appreciate that it was uncomfortable and I'm sorry. I'm also dying laughing.


We had a dog named Daddy and the owner would always moan Oh, Daddy... I hated calling them back to the exam room.




Big titties the 20 yr old cat, big sexy the chichi


Ngl “big titties” just made me cackle.


I got a dog named “Boobies” once but this takes the cake 😅


My cat has started as Benny/Benjamin. A few nickname iterations later, Boob/Boobie is born lol


My cats name is Yubaba, so she also got that nickname.


I worked with a Big Sexy too but it was an English Bulldog...like, the least sexy creature on this planet 😂


Have seen several Tits, Titties, Boobs, and a Nipples.


With all due respect, one of my first cats was named “Chichi”, I was 4 and didn’t know what it meant. 😂 He was the best cat in the world, though.


We have 2 separate "Titty" patients 😂😂


actually lolled. ty


We have a cat that was named Tawny and it transformed to Titty and now she only responds to Titty


I can’t think of a bad one aside from overplayed— but the best one I’ve seen was a no-toothed, cataract 19 y/o yorkie, “Mr. Mfwic” (miff-wick) when I asked for what it meant, or the inspo behind it, I was told it stands for “mother fucker who’s in charge” lol, I still think about it to this day


>“mother fucker who’s in charge” I have a Yorkie and 3 Rottweilers. That's definitely his new go-to nickname bc he's definitely in charge.


It was so fitting for him too. Arthritic as could be, minimal muscle mass, if I recall correctly we were under 7lbs and wore diapers. But let me tell you! Pick him up wrong he’d let you know ;) I can’t look at a Yorkie without him as a reminder. They’re so spunky! I love it


Mine is cuddly as heck with people... but there's no changing his mind that all other dogs are useless and should be wiped from existence. He tolerates them because I tell him to but he doesn't like it.


I literally just blew red wine out my nose.


Cat with FIV named Freddie Mercury 🥲


It's kinda horrible and awesome at the same time


We had one at our local shelter named Freddie Purr-cury and was FIV+ 👀


Noooooooo! Surely the name came first?!?


Shithead, God dammit, Right now, Worthless,  (Unnamed) Because they couldn't be bothered to   Picard Longbottom Vader (just pick one fandom, not all of them)   Any paired pet names bother me like salt and pepper, but the worst was rhapsody and inblue 


Oh I saw a lab named fat bastard, I mean he was a lab so it was accurate but still 😭


I already have a Lab named Danger Powers, my dream has been to have another named Fat Bastard


We had a horse named Fat Bastard. The name fit.


I named my own cat Bitchy. I rescued her when some people moved away and left her. She was a mean ass tortoiseshell and completely earned the name. There was no medical reason for her behavior, she was just grompy. She lived to be old as hell too. Didn’t start being nicer until she was like 18 years old. (I put her name down as “Bob (aka Bitchy)” in her chart in case staff didn’t want to say her name when I had to bring her in to work for things. Nobody had a problem calling her Bitchy once they met her. It was almost endearing. RIP Bitch you are missed.


Isn’t that always how it is? There is something about mean cats where they seem to live forever.


For my cats first two vet appointments he was known as “no name (my last name)” because I couldn’t pick a name for him.


That's different. This was a patient where the owners just didn't care enough to name them.


Poor “inblue”, really got the short end of the stick on that one didn’t they


The worst part is that inblue lived a lot longer then rhapsody.


We SERIOUSLY had a Maximus Aurelius Kal-El TODAY! 😂 I shit you not!!


That would drive me bonkers. I don't know why but I get irrationally angry when people do that. Just pick one fandom per pet.


I was about to say “god damnit” is pretty funny as a name, until I got to the end of the sentence ☹️


Two cats named Shitter and Scratcher…”because that’s what they do” And then a puppy that was surrendered as a stray…what did the finder decide to name it? “Cotton Picker” of course. Immediate name change.


Damn dude. Also “shitter” immediately makes me think of cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation


Shitter’s full.


If Shitter got diagnosed with obstipation we would come full circle!


I've had to call in meds for "AssKicker" numerous times to pharmacies and they either chuckle or get very, very angry at me.


Clitoris, at least it was a female cat I guess? That was a fun name to call out in the lobby!


Fuck I just snorted. You just know a good percentage of men could never find that cat.


We see a cat named Lady Bean. I genuinely cannot think of another meaning.


I’ve had an Adolf at work too. Owner surrendered him. We just changed his name to Dolph because the poor dog already knew his name 😭


Dolph is good because we can just pretend it’s short for Rudolph


White Power.... Legit some lady named her cat that.


I’m going to choose to believe that they ran out of letters before they could add “Ranger.”


Every day I hate humans more.


I’ve seen a few pets named Arian.


That's not even how that word is spelled lol


Right!? Like they were trying to veil their racism or something.


Had a cat named Dickweed. Owner got mad when I referred to it as "he". It was in fact, female. Recently had a dog named Nachodick. The owner had to describe in detail the origin of the name. I was horrified.


...what are the origins...


I second this


it was sexual in nature - regarding dipping one's unit in "flavouring" for their partner. Why they sought to name the dog after this I will never understand.


This isn't bad in an offensive way, but it is confusing to me. This older couple we have gets a new puppy of the same breed from the same breeder, always a male, when the last one dies. They even compare coat colors and whatnot so it's as identical as possible. They then give the new dog same name every time, just adding II, III, IV, V, so on. They're on the 7th one, I believe now.


I knew a family that did something similar, but they just named the dog the exact same name (no number). They also got dogs of various genders, but it was always the masculine name hahah


We had a client do this with their cats. During lockdown when we were curbside, they brought in “Tiger” but neglected to tell us this was a new “Tiger.” We were expecting an absolutely ancient DSH brown tabby and not the young, spry, solid white DSH that arrived in the carrier. We had to sort it out over the phone to confirm it was the right cat. Their reasoning was that the spirit of Tiger had moved into their new cat, so they had to name their cat Tiger because that’s what they responded to. Super bizarre.


Wild, that's so strange to me. Like I know any other dog I ever get will never be my girl now. I wouldn't want them to be. I don't mean to judge, I literally just don't understand the thought process of it, lol


Nah it's weird AF, you're not alone haha


Sphincter. A rottie named Sphincter because his owner said yelling out hey Asshole was inappropriate. Also had a chocolate lab named Hand come in, he was weird. Worst pet with the worst name was a blue healer named Stuka. Stuka was the name of the German dive bombers, the ones with that terrifying wailing sound as they made their decent. Her owner was a big bald scary man who was obsessed Germany and Hitler. That dog had some serious mental/behavioral issues. She would be all over you cuddly and in your lap and suddenly turn extremly violent and attack you for no reason. She would literally explode while just sitting with you calmly and go for your face, you never knew what would set her off. Her owner would freak out over a muzzle of of course. Despite her owner being weird he broke down and cried when he learned she seriously injured a tech and that we could not continue seeing Stuka. We referred him to a animal behaviorist and I didn't see her again before I moved away. My own personal goat I had who unfortunately passed away after having twin stillborns was named UB for Ugly Butt.


Livestock are different. My grandfather had a mare we called HB. When on trail rides we said it was short for Honey Bun. It was, in fact, short for Hell Bitch, a name she earned when we broke her. She was awful.


We have a cat come in called Pussy Galore. We usually just say “your kitty” when referring to it. Makes everyone do the nervous laugh 😂


As a fan of the OG Bond films and lightly veiled sexual innuendos, I approve.


Yes, almost all my co-workers are much younger than I am and I had to explain the origin of the name. Lol


Bella. I hate that name


Sooooo many Bella’s!!!! I blame Twilight.


Believe it or not, it was already a fairly popular pet name before Twilight. But that certainly didn't help the matter.


Cashed Bowl. Covid or Corona.


We had a bulldog puppy that used to board at my old hospital all the time that was adopted during and thusly named ‘Covid’. Ironically, as with many covid pups, they boarded him all the damn time because they didn’t want to keep up with him and all his medical issues.


We see a bulldog named Covid at our clinic too!


Oh we have a few Coronas too. 


Couple clinics ago there was a family that named all of their dogs things like dime bag, bong rip, etc. there was also a family that named their dogs after luxury car brand colors like Chardonnay Pearl Lexus. People are so strange!


We have a Rona at our clinic who was adopted early 2020 during lockdown.


A Golden Retriever named Covid and a pair of vicious Corgis named Tick and Flea.


Not a pet, but my sister went to school with siblings Adolf and Aryan. Mortified.


Ah yes. A constant reminder that people have to go through a lengthy adoption process for pets from a shelter or rescue but can have kids with no prerequisites.


Puppy. Owner brought Puppy in as an 8 week old, and the name just stuck. At least it's accurate...?


This was my childhood dogs name growing up because they let three year old me name the dog 😂


We had a canine patient for a while named Creamy. Probably the most uncomfortable name I’ve personally come across, although I’ve certainly heard some wild and offensive ones, especially online. We did have a lovely cat named Pussy Galore that the kind of prim vet I worked for would only refer to as Ms Galore in the room when he had her as a patient.


There is another comment with Ms. Galore's full name : )


Pets named after celebrities or people. Like the whole celebrity name + pet’s family name: Whitney Houston Williams. Samuel L. Jackson Johnson. Ruth Bader Ginsberg Brown. Julio Jones Smith. “Shortbus”, “Dammitbobby”, “Doodoosnack” Punny names, like a pet named “Unknown” Persons, a Doberman named “Dobi Wan Kinobi”, etc. I’ve seen some really stupid names working in a lab lol


I have a Ruth Bader Ginsburg... they have the same birthday. But we call her RBG or Ribage for short.


I know of TWO Bruno Mars’


We have two patients with the name Taylor Swift and I think it’s so funny bc I’m a swiftie 🤭♥️


Friends of mine from tech school had a client named West that named their dog Easton. I thought that one was pretty clever. Also had baseball fans with the last name Diamond that named their dog Arizona shortly after the expansion team was formed. Oh, and the Jones family that adopted my foster and called him Indiana...named after the character who named himself after a dog.


client currently has a cat called "adolph". i didn't side-eye it till i saw he previously owned a dog called "hitler".


Dog came in overdosed on cocaine. Owner claimed dog licked it off his face . Dogs name is 8ball


My gramma had a black lab in the 50s named Satan.


We got “Ugly” and “Stupid” as a pair, turns out they were a BYB and surrendered the dogs when they were no longer able to be bred.


When I worked for one of the big corporations, you could search the database across all hospitals across the US. Think of absolutely *any* curse word. It’s been used. Or any variation of it. People are weird.


My clinic had a pittie come in named "Uncle Daddy" 😭.


Ok- so unintentional bad name. Kike (heck that sucked to type)- owners named her after a Swahili word, because she was found in Africa and they adopted her(they owned a safari tour business) - it was pronounced Kee-Kay, so different from the pronounciation I went with. But dang. And for those who are younger and haven’t heard this word- it’s a very very very derogative name for a Jewish person.


We had a "Kikey" recently, pronounced Kiki! Wtf


Hah. Same thing at my practice. I don’t think it’s the same people because they certainly didn’t run a safari business. We have huge flags all over the chart to make sure the youngin’s don’t accidentally walk out and yell KIKE in the waiting room because they don’t know it is a slur. We tried to gently explain to the owner that her spelling could be taken the wrong way, but she did not understand and we didn’t push it.


I also had a “Kike” (Kee-Kay) when I first started and it was the first pet I’d seen get euthanized… I drew a heart with his name on a piece of paper and then realized it was a slur and felt stupid. RIP KeeKay tho


This is also a common nickname for Enrique in Spanish - spelled either Quique or Kike (pronounced keee-que).


A cat named Jesus and another named H*tler... The first one was a difficult cat and the second was gentle


Pusse Lips


We also had this...owned by a little old lady.




"Shithead" the cat (owners were shitheads too, so) and variations of "Coke/Kokaine" for white dogs.


Adolf Kitler... the black tabby DSH. Bruh the French bulldog


Sweet cat named Bastard. While he was there we just called him Mr. B


I saw a bouncy young pittie named LB in emergency one time. I read the room and asked, so, does LB stand for Little Bastard? Indeed it did! And, although it wasn't his actual name, I did once have a dachshund referred to (fondly - cough) as The Evil Little Bastard.


2 dogs, siblings named Felony and Misdemeanors


we have cat sibling named felony and misdemeanor at my clinic!


I work for animal protection and they’re two pittes and we get sent out to pick them up when we the owner gets arrested. So far it’s been 3 times since October 2023 🫠


My cat is named The Rat Bastard. I love that jerk but his name suits him well.


White couple came in and named their black cat Django


The 1966 movie called Django the character was white. But I agree it still a bit odd


They could just really like Quentin Tarantino


Nipples, Archie Boo Boo Chicken, Cardinal Lemos, Pain In The Ass (PITA for short), Lefty, Yayo (yes, like cocaine), Noble Stephen, are some of the most silliest ones that immediately come to mind. You’ll never guess how many of those are dogs. I’ve definitely met more than one black cat named “Spook”. Strangely no cuss words or other slurs that I’ve met, not yet at least. I’m the type to give animals ridiculous names though. My dog’s “official” name from his rescue is Beau, but they made the mistake of telling me the humane society they got him from had originally named him Chad… so his full name is Beauregard Chadwick. My frog is Wink the Pirate King. My hamster who passed was Porkchop (because he was “the ham” for the longest time). My best friend also has a cat named David and I absolutely love it.


The clinic I worked at also had a "PITA", He was an anxious weimaraner who shook the whole kennel with panting anytime he had to stay and would lay flat out on the floor when you tried to take him back out.


We have this guy who comes in who has over 80+ cats. At some point I think he gave up on naming them. My favorite? “Uncle’s Gray and White Bathroom.”


Two cats. “Peepee” and “poopoo” he made us announce it (full names, not abbreviated) over the intercom every time just so he could chuckle….


We’ve definitely had the N word for a cat and the woman was desperately trying to justify it. We had never had this come up before so the vets saw it (the once and then it never came back?) but they just didn’t refer to it at all by its name. Otherwise … a black pug called Mr Spookz. I just. I don’t know. The name to me def rang like inappropriate bells right away but we are Australian based and I just? Wasn’t sure if maybe it was a harmless mistake? Maybe the clients don’t know? Idk I went and asked my manager like is this just me and she was like no for sure that is offensive (and she is not the sensitive type).


How did she try to justify the N word as a name?? Genuinely curious lol


Oh gosh it was so bad! She definitely saw my facial expression when I asked for name of pet (she was a new client) and then she was like ‘oh you know it’s just a joke … I’m not a racist … you know we named him because you know he’s black’ like it was awful!!! I was just thinking omg stop talking


What does Mr Spookz mean?


‘Spook’ is a racial slur for a black person, I think more commonly used in the US than where we are (Australia). So that’s why I just don’t know if this was an innocent accident but the fact it’s a black pug too? Idk 🤷‍♀️ just seemed a bit inappropriate?


Oh. Gross ☹️


N*glet and r*tard. The first was my first week at a specific clinic and the patient was being euthanized. The second one was a new patient and I told them that we couldn’t put that in our system. After a little push back, she agreed to R Word.


Trump (no kidding)


One of the best things I had come into the hospital was a dachshund with a collar that had “Weens Against Trump” embroidered on it.


Not the worst name.... but quite ridiculous: A cat named smore. Client last name: Wang. We also had a "Blacky Chan" A crazy anxious husky type mixed breed named "Symbalta". 🤦‍♀️


Here in Brazil people love to make this jokes.


Shitty kitty!😂😂😂


Helped a client with a cat named Blackie


We had a cat at one of my clinics named Hitler 🙃


worst in a funny way: the TINIEST dog I have ever seen, his name was Sexy worst in a horrible way: the most annoying and vicious little pomeranian ever, his name was Hitler who the FUCK names their dog HITLER?? 😭


An intact female chihuahua named Sexy ...we removed a cancerous mass off of her vulva 🥴


Met a litter of rescue puppies named after office supplies. Paperclip and whatnot. Stupid but they run out of names, I get it. But one puppy was named Trash Bags. WTF? Edit: typo


I've met 2 Damnits


Older white guy, lived in a junkyard (not kidding) had two dogs and a cat. One dog's name was Hitler, cat's name is a slur that starts with a K and rhymes with "like". Thankfully he never brought them in, but he had another dog named Poopstick that was treated at our clinic and the ER several times for antifreeze poisoning. All his money went to that rather than routine stuff for the other two apparently.


I've met a "Hitler"


The amount of Hitlers on this post are shocking. Call me judgmental but I’d think the types of people who would name an animal after that sub-human POS wouldn’t even attend a vet but do backwoods tractor supply medicine.


I have seen a German Shepherd whose name is Frog, we also see a mini dachshund name Pumpkin Spice


Queef the cat. That one was fun to call out in the waiting room


Volunteering my own- I couldn’t decide on a name after adopting him from the shelter to get him through heartworm treatment and I ended up naming “Heyu” because I’d just go “hey you” and he’d listen!


"Homophobic", "Blackface", and "Miss Pussy" are ones that I'll never forget


Jaundice the orange tiger kitten.


A black cat named Tar Baby


Harambe the black DSH….


A chihuahua named "Gooch", and a cat named "Toxoplasmosis" (they called him Toxo for short).


We vaccinated Jeffery Dahmer on Thursday. He was the sweetest kitty. When I asked the owner why she chose that name she told me it was because he tends to stare at her


Cooter the cat , but also LOL …. maikai alkane 😑 …. Just cumbersome.




A cat named w****r. The white owner defiantly had special needs but still not cool at all.


Black Panties after the r kelly album. O was embarrassed.


best is still Jawn Clawed Damn Cat!


Chocolate Factory the chocolate lab


Very late to the game, but we have a Dahmer 💀 he was an aggressive bulldog lmfao


We saw a cat named Pussy Love. Her last name sounded like a crude word for penises. The owner always said she just named her that since she was so sweet but we were like, 'nah, you knew what you were doing' 🤣


N-word, variations of poop. Burger King. Pepperoni Pizza. Toaster, Washing Machine, Dryer, Microwave I think “Secret Agent” was cool though and he had a sibling named “Doctor”


We neutered a white cat with a black mustache called "Hitler" the other day. He was a community cat, and that's what the neighbors of the lady who brought him called him. She was so embarrassed. 😂 I told her she should call him "Kitler".


A fellow tech also had a cat she called this name but, to be fair, he was a white cat with a pencil mustache *and* a marking that made him look like he had that haircut. Poor cat genetics. She did eventually change his name to something completely unrelated.


An old cat called “shit rock” lol


Pusse Lips


Lil Fucker. The cat was hospitalized with us for several days. It was interesting.


we have a cat literally named Hitler. he went through 3 different homes of 3 separate clients, got a new name every time, and somehow and ended up with that as his name : /


Sex Swagger Wheelchair That’s all I can think of at the moment


I'm in the south. With the exception of the last one, I've had MORE THAN ONE black cat or dog named: Tarbaby, Spade, Spook, Sambo, and...the actual N word. I fucking hate people.


I don't know if people think they're being witty or we won't get it, or what.


Cat named Little Shit. Dog named White Girl. My favorite though is a clinic regular, a corgi by the name of Boat Triceratops.


In a referral hospital, the cardio group had a Doberman owned by 2 vets named named Didge (as in digitalis). Truth in advertising and, yes, Didge needed digitalis.


An orange cat named trump.


We had a cat named Creamy Dan. The cat was female. 😂 we still talk about her.


The first clinic I worked at, we had a client with a dog named Boner. The client was an elderly lady and I have absolutely no idea why she named him that. But wait. There's more. One of the receptionists had a particular way of calling clients into exam rooms - she'd enter the lobby and ask "who here has a [pet's name]?" When she walked into that lobby and blithely asked "Who here has a Boner?", I got to watch one of our DVMs, a young guy fresh out of vet school with the worst imposter syndrome I've ever seen in my life, whom I hadn't, up until that point, see so much as crack a smile because he was so nervous all the time, laugh so hard he started crying and had to excuse himself to the restroom to get his shit together. (That DVM and I have been fast friends for almost 15 years now. His imposter syndrome has improved, but his sense of humor is, I'm glad to say, exactly the same.)