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It's funny how this org is all about boycotts and making speech illegal, but they suddenly turn into crying victims when the city wants to boycott them.


Feedum for me but not for thee


Can you point to exactly what speech they want to make illegal? 


For a group calling themselves Unity Canada this is an awfully divisive stance to take. Why are they so triggered by businesses with rainbow flags in their windows that they want to boycott them? Fuck these bigoted snowflakes.


The name is misleading on purpose, they want people to think they are joining something that is bigger than themselves and advocating for a better life for all. No one joins a cult thinking "I should join a cult" same for hate groups.


Par the course for most, if not all, right wing organizations.


Yup. Gotta mascarade as being helpful not hateful.


Lots of rightwing organizations use fear and misinformation to push hateful narratives. FOX news was paid to say all LGBTQ are groomers, now all these organizations who claim to be protecting families and children are pushing hateful rhetoric through fear of children being harmed. The craziest supporters of Trump (Qanon) are pushing narratives that everyone against them are running child sex cults where they harvest adrenochrome. There's assholes here who are pushing white supremist ideologies because some minorities are gonna harm your family.


A lot of your family doctors are voting this way, they don’t care about anyone but their $$$


What family doctors?


You are so right they prey on a vulnerable people. It is sad to see how many they have used to push their agenda and they thow them away like trash.


“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink” George Orwell, predicting the future of right wing naming conventions. We see this a lot in the names of proposed legislative bills.


Orwell predicted totalitarianism, which in all fairness and objectivity, is within the proclivity of both left and right denizens of power positions.


I agree - I’m of the opinion that the current champions of totalitarianism in the western world are right wing.


Lol it's definitely both. If you think it's one or the other your eyes aren't open all the way. Cheerio


Yeah, totally. The right wants to take away basic human rights from women, destroy public education, cut taxes and fill prisons. The left wants socialized healthcare, education and 30 hour work weeks


Freedom, Truth, Unity, Family, etc... are all just giant fascist red flags


Nobody's going to let these floks book an event if they're honest and call it kristallnacht. The name is like a random second choice.


“We need to end division, and the best way to do this is to force gay people back into the closet and bankrupt any business that has gay customers” Cool plan guys.


What a bunch of crybabies


Delicate snowflakes even


I know you don't want to boost them but can you provide a link to where they are calling for a boycott please


I'd like a list of businesses they want to boycott so I can support those businesses. I'm sure it's a long list


They are asking that you boycott any business who supports Pride. Canada Unity June 1 at 12:52 PM • C I have been boycotting this mental insanity from DAY 1. Be great of everyone else did the same!! #4OurKids #EnoughisEnough BOYCOTT 140 PRIDE 2024 DO NOT BUY FROM SHOPS / STORES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO NOT ATTEND EVENTS OR VENUES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES THAT REJECT PRIDE MONTH 12




Damn 140 businesses, ok well gotta spend my money somewhere.


It's gonna be a huge list yeah.


This has nothing to do with 'boosting' and everything to do with transparency. If you're going to make a claim, it's important to back it up with a source, whether you're on the right or the left. 


👆What did they say exactly?


Canada Unity June 1 at 12:52 PM • C I have been boycotting this mental insanity from DAY 1. Be great of everyone else did the same!! #4OurKids #EnoughisEnough BOYCOTT 140 PRIDE 2024 DO NOT BUY FROM SHOPS / STORES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO NOT ATTEND EVENTS OR VENUES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES THAT REJECT PRIDE MONTH 12


Can you please post a link to wherever this is from? Thanks


The level of right wing appologists/rage-baiting trolls hitting these posts is pretty bad. 2SLGTBQ+ rights are human rights, and I hope mods are permanently banning anyone who doesn’t get that.


I’m watching ✔️




This sub is so badly brigaded, I doubt more than half the posters even live here. Which is ironic considering how often they complain about the rest of the country exporting their problems here!


Getting their conference cancelled would be their dream, they run on pure outrage


Yes and no, it would very much feed into their outrage and persecution complexes but it would still prevent them from actually holding an in person conference and get a better, in person grip and support from those who would have attended and reinforce that their hat and division isn't welcome. As much as people have the right to believe and say stuff like this, if I've learned anything from the internet it's that they don't deserve public or semi public spaces to create echo their own echo chambers and spread their hate, it just ends up growing when it does happen.


How dare the discriminators be discriminated against


Luckily, being an asshole isn’t a protected group under the charter. Screw them.


Freedum of religion is, you know the church of MAGA Jesus


Yes, religion is protected: until the moment it starts hurting other protected groups. Then, that protection is null and void.


Really. That's interesting


it would certainly make them martyrs in the eyes of their followers


They love being victimized. I can already hear “the so-called tolerant left” comments being clacked out on keyboards. The best thing we could possibly do is ignore these idiots. They thrive off of negative attention


It's stupid to call for a boycott. People who don't support Pride aren't going to shop at those businesses anyway, and those who do, will.


that's pretty much it.




oh no! you mean they are going to tell their bigoted friends not to go into businesses that celebrate pride with the rest of the city?!?!? How AWFUL. This is literally the trash taking itself out. PLEASE BOYCOTT THE CITY!


I mean 50 miserable bigoted boomers boycotting a couple stores will really impact our economy /s


Be right back, I'm buying *more* pride flags and stickers to make sure the bigots stay the fuck out of my workplace. I don't want to scare the poor little guys if they wander in by accident! 🥺 🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ edit: Flag Shop on Fort St has a ton of different pride flags, stickers, buttons, lanyards, wearables, etc. You can walk in and pay a few bucks for whatever you like, gotta make sure you're on the boycott list for these losers!


This is the proper response 🏳️‍🌈


I’d love to see a few hundred flags plastered around their event space.


How many posts do we need about this conference? You're just giving them free publicity and more attention.


I didn't know who these people were until now. Some kind of evangelical church group? Blah. I don't think we need to pay attention to these folks at all.


Oh no! So anyway. What did everyone have for lunch today?


Homemade sandwich


I agree that love wins but what are they trying to boycott?


Canada Unity June 1 at 12:52 PM • C I have been boycotting this mental insanity from DAY 1. Be great of everyone else did the same!! #4OurKids #EnoughisEnough BOYCOTT 140 PRIDE 2024 DO NOT BUY FROM SHOPS / STORES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO NOT ATTEND EVENTS OR VENUES THAT PROMOTE PRIDE MONTH DO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES THAT REJECT PRIDE MONTH 12 Unfortunately it will not let me post their boycott poster.


So? How do you stop them from talking and boycotting? Let them do what they want.




Yeah like the bar here is basically "don't be authoritarian bigots who fight for the end of democracy and for certain groups of people to have their human rights removed" These We Unify people are the enemy of everyone. They are so heinous and vile that their views are not even worth being spoken aloud, let alone debated on the same merits as the staggeringly progressive concept that people are people and worthy of respect. We have limits on speech here




Let's be civil. Let them keep their conference. Maintain freedom of speech. Ignore them and pretent they don't exist.


>Ignore them and pretent they don't exist. Your privilege is showing.


If that makes you feel better.


That has been my approach. With social media... their voices are no longer fading out like a decade ago. Now they are growing in numbers to a frightening level. I don't have answers, but ignoring them isn't like it used to be.


Doing that has led to this situation. In 2016 I felt safe walking around. In 2024 I’ve had my car defaced with the f word, I’ve been accosted in the street and I only leave my house to work and walk my dog.


From the same people claiming that “The Reclaiming Conference seeks to engage in a civil discourse on all spectrums of ideas, opinions and ideology within a safe environment. Our goal is to bring together speakers, delegates, and global participants to engage in peaceful and respectful discussions”, it seems awfully hypocritical that they would try to boycott anything.


Ugh - this organisation calls itself "Unity". Now they specifically want to exclude people over sexuality - doesn't sound like Unity to me? Unity has always stood for "Why can't we all just agree that I get to do whatever I want, even if it puts everyone else at risk." Fuck these selfish people.


Well said.


I have no idea who and what this group is, although a quick scan of their website, there is some people I would be interested in hearing and some I would not. I suppose much like any conference. While I might not agree with all. some or any of what they are saying, unless they are calling for something illegal, then they should be able to hold a conference. Just like any other group.


They openly spread disinformation across all social media and media platforms. If an organization is hosting an event they speakers they are paying to speak reflect the mission statement of that organization. I have no issue of people coming together to have a convention regarding their beliefs. When they start spreading disinformation and hate towards other people because of their lifestyle choices it becomes an issue. We should be able to respectfully not agree with one’s choices but respect them enough as a fellow human to not spread hate towards them.




Some of their members are banned from countries because of their hate speech. And you want to listen to that? You should make better choices. Other countries have actually banned certain members of this group. Clearly, they are spreading a pretty shitty message to be banned from a country.


Well you obviously didn’t fully comprehend my post, or maybe you inferred something that isn’t there. Which country banned which speaker?


Lauren Southern is banned from the UK.


Yes, she is.  Are you suggesting we follow exactly what the UK does? Should we mimic every act the UK Home Office does? Anyways, is this what you meant by “some of their members?” Either way, i don’t believe we should ban the group from talking, just like I don’t believe we ban other groups from talking. 


And why exactly is she banned? For putting up posters stating "Allah is a gay god." Should someone be equally banned from a country if they in kind put up posters taking the piss out of Christians? Say, "The Pope is a Pedo?" Or the Mormons, "Joseph Smith was a grifter?" Whether we agree with her "social experiment" or not, why should one religion in particular be protected from criticism or mockery? Should the Monte Python gang be banned from Canada for mocking Christianity? What about the South Park boys, they've taken the piss out of everybody, so should they be barred because someone might be offended by them?


surely the only people who would participate in such a boycott are the ones who would anyways.


Lame fake rage bait


Oh, look who slithered from under their rock


Even lamer fake rage bait.


Is Canada Unity actually included in the organization of this? James Bauder is an idiot who can’t plan anything.


Lol. Conservatives really don't like new ideas


How connected is this to PP and the Conservative party of Canada? Seems like they’d be stroking each other off gleefully.


They are smart enough to not have left any breadcrumbs. When you know you know. I hope PP had bigger fish to fry like why he refuses to get his secret security clearance. Many people across the country must obtain their clearance for their job. My husband has his. I had mine as I had to attend briefing as a government employee. What is he hiding and I would hope people stop and ask why won’t the person who plans to be PM refuse to be cleared. Now in my silly little brain I am shocked that it is not a requirement for the leaders of alll parties.


Officially not at all, I'm sure PP loves their support, donations and rallying cries to vote for his party though.


i'm so tired nowadays i'm considering going back in the closet tbh


Do not let them take away your light. We need to suppport one another. I understand how you feel. I am heartbroken and feel we are going backwards not forward.


i know myself and am confident in who i am, i just don't mention pronouns unless specifically asked, there is too much nonsense happening everywhere, its just a pain in the ass to deal with, even the ally side tbh, existing nowadays is politicized to an absurd degree no matter what you do,


You are not alone in your feelings. How do we makes things better is the million dollar question.


To grab your fabulous jacket and go about your day unbothered by a handful of old bigots, I hope


I saw a comment in one of these unity posts about standing around outside using air horns during the event. See how they like it


😂😂 we can’t stoop to their level which is hard but love won at the Anti SOGI 1MMFC they organized in September. We need to keep our cool and be the better people.


The irony of leading with ‘they should not be allowed in Victoria’ to ‘love wins’ is a peak 


Paradox of tolerance. We can't accept hate.


I am assuming you are not aware they are on their social media platforms and media platforms spreading disinformation and discord. They organized a Anti 2SLGBTQIA+/Anti-SOGI protest in September 1MMFC. Thankfully they were out numbered by over a thousand. The love and support from community was incredible. They deny the mass graves found at residential schools. I do not want future harm to my Elders, and my Ancestors. I do not want more hate and fear in my community. Unity is inclusion. I do believe in respect and love. I am able to disagree with one’s choices with out showing hate. I will not discriminate based on age, race, sexuality, ability or gender. We live in a world full of tension, crisis after crisis. If we want to care for our mother(earth) and improve society for the next 7 generations we must learn to work together.


Yet you live in the same city with a sitting council member that supports Hamas?


Source? *How the heck is asking for a source downvoted? First I'm hearing of it, so any supporting source would be great


Pretty sure it was just that guy that downvoted you, and don’t hold your breath for any source. There isn’t any. Controversial stance, yeah but pretty hyperbolic statement he’s making


Comment is flagged "controversial" so more than 1 guy. Feels like brigading more than anything though.


Trust me I’m a mod here, any post like this will bring out all these types. I’ve been doing this a long time lol. So far no brigading just lots of individual idiots. Welcome to the internet:)


Oh, wouldn't it be nice if we all realized that every human emotion, action, feeling, thought, other than novel things due to technology, has already been done. It's already been felt, it's already been thought, it's already been actioned, or inactioned. Nothing is new under the sun, all is the same since time begun. And that includes people who are gay, bi, gender fluid, trans, all of it. It's all been there. So these people are truly, truly weak snowflakes to think otherwise, and to still be talking about it. If you want to hold up some extreme weirdo who says everybody should be gay and everybody should wear rainbow suits around daily and dye their hair into a permanent orange afro because that's how they think everybody should be, well, they're wrong. They're just as wrong as the guy with the gun throwing up a Nazi salute. So stop using extremes as your examples to try to quell what is normal for human behavior.


Its only 640$ for full vip access*


Lol. I say we ought to fundraise to send 2 or 3 of Pandora Street’s boldest and least showered residents to represent the rest of us.


I'll buy tickets


Do we really need a whole pride month anymore


I do appreciate your optimism and I’m guessing from what you see, things seem relatively normal for gay people. But unfortunately, acceptance/support for the LGBT community has actually been declining in recent years. Like you said, there will always be bigots, so there should always be a louder voice telling them to fuck off.


Your comment proves we absolutely do.


Well apparently yes because we still have a lot of bigots around


Their well always be bigots who hate for any reason you could think of. The goal was for a gay person to be just like anyone else, I feel this is a solved problem now


I'm unclear on what you mean by 'the goal was for a gay person to be just like anyone else'.  Can you elaborate?


Like when I interact with a gay person at work or personal life it’s not different than a straight person. It just doesn’t matter any more


You'd be so fucking wrong it's almost impressive 


Go get in their face. F all these protests. Make them uncomfortable. outnumber them. I remember a day when we used to send skinheads and assholes home on stretchers from punk shows. now im an old fart. guess gen Z is too busy vaping to give a F.


That’s what happened at the protest they held in September. It will happen again I am sure of it. The counter protest was full of people of all ages, races, sexuality, gender and ability. It was truly an amazing experience to see the love and support.


You’re not really helping your cause by insulting young people, who, by all accounts are much more active in social justice than you “old farts”


The irony in thinking this generation is more active in social justice BUT they can be swayed by one random Reddit comment that “iSnT hElPiNg”


Groomers big mad


the clergy is usually mad about queer folks, it's tiring


I'm not "the clergy," whatever that is. But, I am a Christian, and I would say to you unmotivated by fear or anger. Value yourself. You are God's creation made in his image, and you have worth.


No hate like Christian love!


You're a Christian and you don't know what 'clergy' means?  


I don't know what "the clergy" means in the context she used it.


you mentioned groomers, so i just assumed you meant the clergy


Church leaders are often the groomers. Glad I could help provide context, good luck out there.


You sure are.


I'm neither twerking in front of children or pressuring the State to silence my political opponents.


Oh the homophobic weasel has to be a victim because they can’t see themselves any other way


Lay off the pot. It's affecting your reading comprehension.


No, it’s easy to read homophobe


I've played chicken with a suicide bomber and won. We are not the same. I don't feel this thing you call fear. You might as well be speaking Greek to me, which would be appropriate as they were pedophiles as well.


Ok, cool guy. 🤦‍♂️


Oh god someone make this a meme


So in this scenario, were you both wearing suicide vests?  But they pulled theirs first? How exactly does this work?


I was a machine gunner on the top turret of a Humvee. We were chased by a suicide bomber. The turret I had was broken and couldn't traverse, and on top of that, the pintle mount had no ammo box, so I only had 30 rounds on a loose chain. We were driving away on a winding road, swerving all over the place. I had to wait until he was right on our ass before I pulled the trigger. I looked directly into his crazy eyes before I put a 20-round burst into him. He blow up in a massive explosion, kicking up our back end, sending me into the air before crashing on my back at the bottom of the Humvee. I was bruised; he was in a million pieces. Total victory


Woah, we got a tough guy over here.


I’ve been boycotting businesses with pride flags in their windows for a while now. Vote with your wallets people!


Man, I love when right wingers self-identify to everyone as hateful assholes. Thanks!


lol. Pretty sure the stores you avoid are perfectly happy with not having you as a customer. I’m thinking about setting this subs icon as a pride flag, will you boycott us too? We’d all really appreciate it if you did


Can you provide us with some examples of businesses you've been boycotting?  


I will pray for you. Life is too short to carry hate towards another.


Thank you, this is our goal.