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I can't tell who shot who.


Compressed to fuck


You didn’t catch the pixel shooting a smaller pixel at the other pixel?


That’s what I’m saying. It looks like the guy on the right shot at everyone, also spraying the wall and the tv. So many bullets flying, almost sounded like the gun was an automatic.


Probably had a switch on it.


You can get a gun with a Nintendo on it?


Yeah they sell them illegally on temu as Lego bricks or small metal pieces. I forget which, I watched a yt documentary awhile back on it


Yes. You use the included dock and shoot things and people in the comfort of your living room or just grab the main unit and enjoy same things on the go!


You’ve never heard of duck hunt?


a Cisco 2960?


If you slow the video down you can see when they get into it the guy in green lifts what looks like an smg of some type and the guy in black slaps it away. It's very quick and a hand blocks most of it but you can clearly see the sight and stock. Guy in green still has in on him when he stumbles away but it's harder to see there


That’s not an smg, that’s just an AR without the stock. When he slaps it he drops it on the ground, you can hear it. The guy in black still has his pistol on him which I’m assuming guy in green tries to wrestles for. Most definitely has a switch on it which makes it automatic


When he lifts it there looks to be a collapsible stock on it but I'll admit I don't know enough to judge and it looks like the butt of the stock is gone too. The pistol having a switch would make more sense either way. With the other gun getting knocked away and especially if you consider that the pause from the single shot to auto was probably just the guy switching over to auto


What you see there is just the buffer tube of the AR. It’s what houses the spring to force the bolt back forward after it’s shot. Normally a stock is attached to the buffer tube but gang bangers like to remove them for some reason


It’s a pistol. But considering the context, it likely had a switch installed to effectively make it automatic. Stupid as hell and literally only used by gun nuts on the range and gangbangers on the streets.


Nobody’s using switches at the gun range. Wtf haha


Normal range? No. Dudes from the sticks in a backyard range? Witnessed


Taking something with an auto sear to a range is at the very least, asking to be banned from that range permanently.


The ratio of these which are owned legally compared to illegally is outrageous Which is to say, about 99% of these that you see are in the hands of these gangbangers on the streets. Coincidentally, those same people make up the overwhelming majority of shootings and gun crime


No "gun nut" uses a switch because there is literally no legal context for one unless you are a manufacturer and have one licensed as a dealer sample. Glock switches were invented in 98, there is no way for a private citizen to legally own them, and possession of one is a fat fucking felony.


Ya, no way to get a gun or get drugs illegally, either. Sharp eye, you got there boy lol


"Gun nuts" don't have guns illegally because it jeopardizes the thing they are "nuts" for. Gangbangers with felonies don't care if they get caught with an unregistered full auto because what's another felony if you're already risking going down for murder? The mental gymnastics are actually quite impressive.


There's a lot of hillbillyass gun nuts out there who own unregistered weapons lol Like A LOT


1- TV got shot for sure.


Senseless and shocking.


Insubordinate and churlish.


It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!


Bold yet effervescent!


The guy in the tshirt holding the gun in the beginning shot the guy in the hoodie he started fighting with, he gets up and stumbles to the door then collapses.


Looks like the guy in the green that was trying to stop the guy with the hat.. got shot and died.


And they aren’t best friends. They may know eachother


Apparently the guy in green had his gun taken away by the guy in black. He tried to fight to get it back but was accidentally shot. That was the first shot you hear. Then, in retaliation, the guy in green shoots the guy in black. The guy in green died. Apparently. That’s what I read in a YouTube comment so who knows.


Yeah, green had that "body hasn't registered damage yet" shuffle.


Good call. If you watch it again it looks like he definitely collapsed at the end. Tragic video.




Yeah. Like it sucks that life led them to this point. But as long as the only people hit were the idiots fucking around like that, then no major loss. Bullet could have easily gone through a wall and hit an ACTUAL innocent person.


Oh yeah I agree, when innocents get wasted by a stray round that always sucks. 


Guy in green definitely got shot… based off those bullets I find it pretty hard to believe the guy in black didn’t die as well though… tragic and extremely unwarranted


What sort of shit would make you shoot your friendlike this?


Probably just people that hung out with the same crowd rather than actual friends.


Have you even known a relentless asshole that has enough redeeming qualities to not cut off completely, but can turn on a dime? Some people just can’t control their anger…


“Yeah my buddy shot a guy for seemingly no reason and I fear that one day he’ll do the same to me, but I mean, he does have smash bros on his switch”




I guess that says something about our culture that we tolerate lunatics with anger issues. I can tell you that I have known relentless assholes with anger issues but something always comes up and I gotta bounce when they're around because life's too short to waste time hanging with people who stress you out.


No, actually I do not. There's one I know with anger issues... and I try to steer clear of him. Luckily we don't have guns in my country.


This is the kind of thing that makes me entirely sure that the accepted wisdom of punishing premeditated murder more than murder in the "heat of the moment", is bullshit. The concept is that you put away the person that committed the worse crime for longer, often life imprisonment, because they are more dangerous to society. But how can that be? A person who carefully plans and carries out a murder really, really want to kill that one particular person. It's a situation that is unlikely to happen again because how many times can you really, really want to kill someone for so long that you spend days or weeks of premeditation carrying it out. On the other hand, you have a loose-cannon that killed someone on a complete whim because they got slightly upset for a few seconds. How is this person less of a danger to society, when they might up and kill someone again with such ease and snap judgement?


"Better kill em now because if I think about it too long, it be premeditated" But also, premeditated doesn't mean you have to plan it for a long time. you can plan shit real quick.


Went to high school with a dude who shot his best friend in the head over an argument involving UFC fighters. Dude who died literally just had a kid. People are fucking crazy, man.


you would think two guys who are that passionate about ufc would have settled their differences with a grapple or something.


Father in law tried to chop his best friend up and got 25 years. Some people just have anger issues or are alcoholics and mixed makes it a even worse combo.


Alcoholics have a brand of mean people can't imagine. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I hope you never have to learn.


that's crazy. makes me wonder, was it on live?


Psychotic af


Drugs. With or without alcohol. Culture of hypersensitivity to perceived disrespect and availability/ubiquity of firearms.


absent brain cells. Poor parenting. Low hope for a future.


Testing if friendly fire is on.


It didn’t look like friends to me but more like a drug deal. That’s why everybody has guns in their hands. One of the guys looks like he smells or maybe tastes something in his hand and then says something to the other guy. Maybe that the drugs are bad. Then that guy immediately reacts to somebody else And says something like give me my shit back or smth I cant understand


*Farts in hand. "Do my hands smell like popcorn to you?" *Friend takes a whiff.. "Wtf" *Gets his gun out and starts blasting everyone




Merely socioeconomic realities




Owning a gun makes you more likely to shoot people


to the people downvoting this comment: how do you think people without guns are shooting people?


Having a gun is a good start.


Dumb stupid people.


Stupid dumb people


People stupid dumb.


The total disregard for life baffles me


Reality in a lot of places. Weapons give you a sense of power in a town you'll never have enough money to leave.


Plenty of poor people, and I mean of all colors, are peaceful and have no interest in guns and violence. There's a lot more to this brand of American gang culture. They're mostly impoverished people that the system has failed but they're a subcategory of that, they are exceptional morons and their shitty thug culture is a wasteland and is a burden to the rest of us. They should be called out for it relentlessly and not held to the lowest standards possible.


The system hasn’t failed. The system is working exactly as intended, with the intended result. A few people die, the rest get sent to prison and contribute their labor. And then people get out of prison, and they can’t get decent jobs, and they go back to crime, and they normalize that lifestyle for the young people around them, and the cycle continues. And there’s no reason to make any genuine attempts to improve things because, to policymakers, “they’re just killing each other.” Plus, they get to pat themselves on the back and get a nice boost in the polls for being “tough on crime.”


Yeah, I'm not denying those elements of our system. The American criminal justice system is definitely a for profit system in general, from low level public and private workers and owners all the way up to large corporations that own private prisons and our corrupt Congress that they lobby. The system gets some bad people off the streets which is great but mostly it seems to have an ulterior motive; it contributes to and feeds off of volatility at the street level. The job is to get the salesmen out there and interface with the public, make the arrest, get the person fed into the system, and sell them goods and services like food, clothes, bail bonds, ankle monitoring, drug testing, medicine and medical services, phone call services, housing, etc. The very last thing such a profitable system like ours wants is for crime to dry up. That would be like McDonald's wanting people to not be hungry anymore. There's obviously a sort of equilibrium that is desirable and to sustain profits the standards for what is even considered to be crime have to be lowered enough to maintain that steady state. You don't put marijuana smokers and crackheads into jail to solve crime, you do it to keep your numbers steady.


>The American criminal justice system is definitely a for profit system in general Do you have any idea what percentage of prisoners in America are held in privately owned prisons? Less than 10%. There is no conspiracy from the government to keep people in prison. The simple fact of the matter is that crime pays very well. And when you have an industry that pays very well, and on top of that gives you status, there will be young men who will be attracted to it. Especially in communities/cultures where education and higher education is not valued or even actively devalued. Cultures where being a gangster is seen as more attractive than being a software engineer.


> The system gets some bad people off the streets which is great but mostly it seems to have an ulterior motive Yeah the 13th amendment. If you can convict someone of a crime you can turn them into slaves. Huge massive glaring loophole. Stupid people think slavery is illegal, it's not.


How many shots was that?! Damn!


Sounds like a full auto Glock, man’s got a switch


I agree. Pull the trigger once and the whole magazine unloads. That being said, the trigger may have gone off once on accident due to the struggle causing the whole thing to unload. Regardless, not an excuse for stupid ass bullshit, let alone between friends. Edit: typos.


What would be the point of this? If you miss the first 2 shots, would the rest make a difference? Just feels like taking aim after you missed would give you a better chance to survive.


Yes, I agree. That being said, this usually happens when someone cannot, at least easily, install more than just an auto sear. As to the point of installing an auto sear on anything without a disconnector. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


"That being said, the trigger may have gone off once on accident due to the struggle causing the whole thing to unload." Wut? 




"How many of us have them"


I think Huey Freeman identified a name for this particular type of moment


Literally the first thing that popped into my head seeing this. It's exactly that moment.


Good ol' Boondocks


Slightly related: When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong


*Bigger moment*


Same. You beat me to it.


Loaded guns around while smoking and drinking is a recipe for disaster


Loaded guns around Americans is a recipe for disaster.




Well, this is going to be removed quick fast. Friends don't shoot friends.


My number one rule for my friends. Shoot me once shame on you...


Shoot me twice, you can’t get fooled again!




Boondocks really nailed this shit didn't they?


This should be upvoted




FEMA as number 1 is classic. it dates the episode significantly, but for those who get it, it hits hard.




Basically green didn’t wanna pay beanie, beanie took his pistol. Greenie tried to get it back or get back somehow by grabbing the ar pistol, scuffle ensued, beanie somehow shot green, green milliseconds later dumps the magazine on beanie and stumbles off


Bro wtf do any of those comments say


the top 4 comments have like 1 slang word per comment wym


Its hard to comprehend whats going on when people have AND USE slang terms for literally everything. And its different people using different slang for the same thing. People asking what happened, and you have 4 different people trying to explain it all with different slang dialects


I swear, a sneeze could make these hyperviolent fucking morons shoot each other.




Fucking ghetto. When keepin it real goes wrong.


Motrin, water. They’ll be fine.


Sounds like you were in the marines.




And don't drink the water




Fukin animals


Shocking 😲....not....fuckin idiots


Two dudes are on live. Guy in green grabs an ar pistol under guy on front left. Front left points what seems to be a Glock at him, telling him to put that back. Scuffle ensues between front guy and green guy and moves of camera, ar separated from them , main left gets free and unloads on green. Turns out there was a switch on it






Lack of good parenting. A high number of black Americans grow up in households with only a single parent, typically the mother. Lack of father figures in their lives means they fall into the wrong crowd growing up along with not much discipline mixed with poverty and black pop culture glorifying gang life produces violent morons. Those morons have kids but don't typically raise them, thus the cycle continues. Black American households that have both parents living in the same household or have good father figures to keep the kids on the straight and narrow are drastically less likely to produce violent morons, but that is typically true of households in general, black or otherwise. A lot of people aren't willing to talk about it because they don't want to be labeled as being racist but it's not a race thing, it's a culture/poverty thing.Nor is it a gun issue. Criminals aren't going to care if they buy their guns illegally or not. Bet the one or more used here were bought illegally.


I need to know the backstory or this video is gonna live in my head


who the fuck starts fighting with someone holding a gun


Maybe a bad comment. But what a buncha idiots.


A summary from a YouTube comment regarding this: "For everyone who wondering what happened green jacket got his gun took from the other dude and he tried to get it back, once he tried to get it back the other dude accidentally shot the dude in the green then dude in the green grabbed the other gun and shot him, sadly dude in the green died and the other dude is hospitalized" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA1NZvGjY4M&t=1725s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA1NZvGjY4M&t=1725s) Video posted by u/EntertainmentOk3180


Friends, eh?


That poor tv


"best friends"


Don’t you love when problems take care of themselves?


Thought guns made places safer.


Where could have been if not in America?


I thought for sure the bigger stronger guy in the green was going to take the gun from him and shoot him with it. I had to watch it a second time to make sure that wasn’t what happened. It looks like the guy in green goes down before he made it to the door. And he was the one coming to the other guys defense when the dude pulled the gun on him. I don’t understand why everyone just stood around and didn’t over power the guy with the gun? Especially the guy who originally got the gun pulled on him. Like you know if the guy gets free he’s coming for you again. Sad stuff


Rub some tussin on it


No loss there


Ignorant smh


poor TV


Somebody just caught a case that's going to be hard to fight 🤣


Back in my day, sometimes you'd fight and win, sometimes you'd fight and lose, but you lived to fight another day. Dumb ass kids today are too afraid to take an ass woppin' so they just shoot people. so dumb.




Das dere secund mendment right!






Best Friends Firin'


Friend? Nah that's a walking dead man




I don’t think we have the same idea of what best friends are…


Guy in orange stuck around for longer than I would’ve lol


I don't think you can ever call someone you are willing to point a gun at your "best friend". Meanwhile the news will report it as a mass shooting and have an expose on why guns should be banned. I don't think these fine individuals should hold a fork let alone a gun.


America, you’re fucked up


Yeah no it's really a good idea to just carry guns around isn't it. Makes us all safer.


These are moral, prudent people, aren't they?






Darwin wins again.




Yeah need more back story or was this legit accident?


Why do people hate you for wanting context?




You don’t handle guns like that accidentally. Just like you don’t accidentally drunk drive.


But no, you guys definitely don't need gun control hey.


Damn, if only the good guys had a gun


wtf are you taking about. Two idiots who shot at each other were both bad guys. Anyone who uses guns like that are the bad guys.


...Until someone was shot, they potentially were good guys who just walked up and bought at least one gun without anyone blinking. Everyone is a good guy, until they are not. If only we had any way of evaluating who to sell guns to before people get shot or whatever. Oh well, thoughts & prayers.


No, that’s not how that works. People don’t just get shot. Guns don’t go off on their own. These people were the bad guys as soon as guns were brought into their chaotic, flippant and reckless environment. Anyone who handled, or was ok being in that environment was a bad guy. I’m for gun control of some kind but frankly you’r entire comment is straight up dumb and don’t actually have any grasp on how things work other than literally regurgitating tiresome rhetoric you heard that strikes your fancy. I’m not going to get into the litany of things that is going on with this video but I implore you to think outside of tiresome lines used over and over.


The most disturbing part of this video is that appeared to be nice smart TV. Will Costco still take it back?


Don't hang out with people who carry guns around everywhere. It's a great life tip.


Fucked around; found out. Play stupid games…


An honest enemy is better than a fake friend


With friends like that who needs cops to shoot you.


Darwin Award contenders


Peer pressured till the end


How do people get like this?


Keeping it real in the hood


Yeah everyone should have access to guns


This post will probably be flooded with people being subtly racist, and some blatantly




Why else would you point it out, genius?






It's like you just learned all those words and phrases today and are trying to show off to impress Reddit randos. You can do better my guy.


You seem the most triggered person here




Better bait please. Accusations based on your American centric political views are meaningless to me




Thank you, likewise




It's ok I'm not concerned with votes, it just amuses me to see people of *your* type


Usually people don't point out when people are white. Certainly not as often as they point out they are not white.


When is the last time you heard about a member of a minority community engaged in the commission of a hate crime?