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Replace Jeys name in your post with Cena and replace Yeet with You can't see me and you will get a very familiar post that used to be made way back when John Cena was the face of the company. See Jey Uso is the Babyface face of the company. He's sanitary, he's easy to like, he's got a simple catchy catch praise and he's all smiles and colors when he needs to be. He doesn't appeal to you because you're not his characters target audience. He appeals to those people who John Cena used to appeal to, the children and the parents with children. Good thing about today's WWE as compared to yesterdays is that while there is a pure smiling and grinning babyface to appeal to the kids, there are so many different variety of characters on their shows that appeal to other people, so we don't just have Jey Uso being shoved down our throats Cena and The Big Dawg used to be. It's fine of Jey doesn't appeal to you because he's not there for you. You can find, root for and be a fan of someone else who does, because WWE has, for the first time in a long time, given us options.




Always found it odd .. they literally put “main event” moniker on him.. like see he is “main event”.. but … 🤔.. is he though… never gonna be a The Rock level…


Honestly he's not really for me but that's not to say that I don't get why people like him. He has leaned into the fun/funny guy with a great personality angle hard and it's connecting with a lot of people. Sometimes I have to step back and remember that my favorite wrestler was Kane and I'm the weird one not everyone else...


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks his mic skills are mid, he’s an ok in-ring performer, but he lacks a well rounded approach in the ring. He doesn’t have any moves that are exclusively Jey Uso moves, even if he took something and modified it a little and called it something stupid like “The Final Yeet” or “Yeetbuster”. The push was artificial, Roman started telling everyone he was next up, then he defected from the bloodline, so the pop is really an anti-bloodline pop instead of a “Main-Event” Jey Uso pop, and he hasn’t done anything since but have 3.5 or 4 out of 5 performances. He hasn’t had any matches where I’m like “Damn, that was a good show”, it’s just the usual superkick fest with an Uso-Splash, but he’s not done anything with the momentum having lost matches for the World, WWE, and Intercontinental championships in the last year. Maybe he can lose a match for the U.S. Title this year so he can be a grand-slam runner up. More importantly he hasn’t really had any matches to build new guys up, it’s just him losing to established guys for championships. I’m not so sure what the plan is for him, but the Yeet is starting to cool off a bit and with the Wyatt’s back in town, it’s only a couple of months before he’s jobbing to Otis on his way to facing Chad Gable for the IC title.


I do believe WWE has damaged themselves over the past decade where stars have to lose countless times in championship matches before ever actually winning a top championship. Except for MITB winners cashing in, it seems like every new star has to lose a shtiload of times before they even can look serious as a contender. There is only current star I could see Breakking that trend — and actually winning the top championship on their first attempt.


He's winning Money in the Bank so you better get on board. Yeet!?


There's something weird about it that draws me to him, and I don't know why, because I agree with everything you've said. I've been watching for a couple years (after about a 20-year hiatus.) I started right as Sami was joining the Bloodline, and Sami's and then the Usos' eventual break from Roman was such a good arc that I think my love for those 3 is really cemented, and I think since Jey was the one eventually turned on, he's still riding the support that came out of that. But you're right. Jey doesn't really have mic skills. I'd put him below-middling. Jimmy is funnier and more entertaining. Jey is good in the ring, but not a standout. I also HATE the word "Yeet." Seriously, I detest it... it's the first word that really made me feel old. And yet, I went to the Royal Rumble this year and bought a Yeet shirt.... And I don't know why....


I always feel like I'm missing something with Jey too. I love the man's energy and presence and he really seems to be enjoying the spotlight.  He just comes off incredibly basic in the ring.  Great hype man though! I wasn't watching the past few years as well so I missed his Bloodline arc that got him as over as he his.


You mean you don’t get Yeet, super kick, and splash from the top rope? Me either. 




How many more guys need to get over with a limited moveset who don’t do flips before you guys realize that shit doesn’t matter and there is a dieing show on the turner broadcast network flipping all over the place if that’s what you care about.


I also don’t understand that accent he puts on when he’s on the mic. Who or what is he trying to sound like!?


His entrance is good, and his merch isn't branded or a ton of words just one "yeet" so it's wearable casually. They don't care he gasses out after his entrance and is the worst in ring performer on the roster when they can get drunk and say yeet a bunch.


A shirt that says Yeet is NOT a casual wear


It is 99.9% better than a wrestlers face or body on the gear. I wouldn't bat an eye at a yeet shirt, maybe some cockass would.


I guess he’s got natural charisma, he’s pretty energetic which is contagious, and he’s got cool factor. Let’s not pretend Jey wasn’t over before all this yeet stuff.


If my cat is sitting with me when his music hits, I make him dance with me. 10/10. Also, I think pat McAfee puts jey over just as well as JR did for Austin. He gets everyone hyped and having fun.


He annoys the bejesus out of me. I don’t know why but I just don’t like him as a wrestler. I only watch his matches if he’s up against someone I do like. He’s over hyped. I wish he’d yeet off somewhere else. Sorry not sorry




He has natural charisma and is just a cool character. Plus, he still is the ultimate baby face after all the bloodline stuff and needing to earn peoples respect. Admittedly he isn’t as exciting in the ring but that generally matters second to character for most fans.


My only gripe with him is he needs to expand that move set. I’m not a big fan of the constant YEET but that aside I’m good with him just needs to not get stuck in the Cena-esque moves of doom like Roman did. Like yeah you got a good splash and superkick and your animated punch sequence but add in some more man, you got the talent.


I wanna see him do a Rikishi driver to one of his brothers 😂


That would be pretty awesome ! Honestly I think he could even do the Panama Sunrise since Adam Cole isn’t in WWE anymore. Make it the Samoan Sunrise.


In typical wwe fashion, the yeet thing is about 6 years too late




Skibidi Ohio my rizzler


That will be a catch phrase used by a wrestler by 2035 lol


I dont understand the hype behind most of the roster. It’s like everyone’s a midcard now. Wrestling is so different


Essentially the casual fan base loves him, But also crowd loves to be part of the show so when a catchphrase like “yeet” is easily able to be shouted the fans love it, Plus you can put it on a lot of merchandise which means MONEY. But I hear where you’re coming he doesn’t resonate with me like other wrestlers do but everyone has their cup of tea


He’s basically everybody cool Unc


He is like a rapper that can't really rap, but all his music is still fire for some reason. If it could be explained, people would be able replicate it, and then we wouldn't be having a conversation about Jey Uso.


The three years of story telling it took him to get to this point . What you just read books and start at the end bro ?


It’s just me uso


branding man. His branding is awesome. And it makes us want him to wrestle better to match it.


1000%  Rooting for the guy all the way but I just wanna be not bored during his matches.


Cuz he got aura


I think it’s just him as an actual person is cool as shit


I don't get it either. If Jey can be a star then so can Jimmy, so why does it even matter if one is given more of a character?


100% with you, I don’t see the appeal at all. Nothing unique or special to him, find the dude super boring


Same here I just posted about this


Because he proved to everybody he got what it takes to be a singles wrestler. Definitely deserves a mid card championship soon. Maybe IC or US.


So I guess he should change his name from Main Event Jay Uso?


The real question is do you like Eddie Kingston?


He sucks


He’s fucking cool. That’s it.


He did great character work during the bloodline saga and really got the crowd behind him. He’s got a natural charisma about him that really connects, especially with live audiences. The whole “yeet” and entrance thing may seem silly, but it’s no more silly than LA Knight’s “YEAH” or half the other shit that gets over with people. It just kinda happens.


I don't get the LA Knight popularity either...


It’s simple, the story with the Bloodline always had him positioned as the one member with a moral compass. His babyface turn felt organic and fans were ready to cheer for him when that happened. He didn’t just gain his popularity, he’s had it for years. “Left hand man”.


The only thing that comes to mind when I think Jey Uso is 1) Super kicks 2) Frog splash


3. Kneeling throat chop




Gable got killed by the Wyatt 6 apparently


" He’s mid at best on the mic" And that is being kind.


He's got natural charisma, seems incredibly likable, and has an amazing entrance


There are plenty of greats who were never that good at wrestling or promos, but their presentation, character, and how they made people feel about their character propelled them to the top. There are also plenty of guys with great in-ring or mic talent who never made it to the top because they couldn’t establish a character that people cared about. At the end of the day, the most important part of pro wrestling is how well someone can connect with the fans. Without that connection, the matches and promos aren’t worth a whole lot.


The best comment of this channel truly.


I don't get it either. Probably just kid shit I guess. One thing I do know is the 40 yo man yelling yeet is bout corny asl. Tried to get my cousin in on wwe and the yeet stuff didn't do me any favors. 😭😭😭


How many Superkicks did he do this time, officer? Smh


Jey is over because of the fantastic character work he did in the bloodline story. Jey (and Sami) were the heart of that story especially when they were together. Now I wish his character would go back to a little more of the depth he had during the bloodline story but that is what got Jey over. He was doing some really great acting with his demeanor and facial expressions and body language during his bloodline time. But make no mistake people are invested now because they fell in love with him then


I mean it’s about the same as pushing LA knight. Mr mid on the mic and over 40


Mid on the mic. Hilarious. I bet you like AEW


Oh sry I meant mid in ring he only stays afloat with his mic ability. And no I’ve not seen anything aew


Don’t be sorry for your stance. I just don’t think he’s mid when everyone is calling back after he talks.


No I was trying to say mid in-ring but was thinking his mic skills are his best trait. I went to smackdown last Friday and just wasn’t impressed in person either with his match with melo, that guy is gonna be good in a yr or so


I get what you mean.


It’s pretty mind blowing. I just recently got back in to pro wrestling and I just keep thinking…”really? This guy?” He sucks


Yeah this may be one of the greatest tricks the wwe has played . Making this one trick pony into a star rather than setting up the ring for the real wrestlers.


I agree


I dont understand the Hype about this thread


Crowds love gimmicks that they can participate in. There are not many of those at the moment, and Jey managed to full a void.


The Bloodline storyline really made him a crowd favorite. I don't think he's winning MITB tbh. I'm betting on Finn Balor to win and cash in on Priest. Balor will get in via some last chance qualifier. Jey will probably wind up winning the IC title down the line.


Just say you hate sports entertainment and go watch your 60 minutes AEW “classics”


Not everything needs to be put down to tribalism, I’ve watched wwe for 15 years and think Jey uso is mid at best, I’ve also never watched aew


Shares a similar intellectual intelligence as the average WWE fan. Similar to how toddler love cocomelon.


I’m sure you’re just the epitome of intelligence


Um, yes. I grachuated top of my class 🙂


Remedial spelling class isn’t a high bar


I didn't know you could cure things with spelling. They didn't teach that at Playskool


I don’t know why IWC finds it hard to believe that crowd going casuals would rather have someone who makes them feel like having a party rather than someone putting on 20 min matches. Kids and even adults love him because he gets them involved


Younger fans like him. Also raw needs a star. With Cody being on smack down, they need someone to try and main event Raw. There’s plenty of great wrestlers on raw but all are kinda wrapped up in their own storylines . Drew and punk. Gable and zayn, bron and judgment day. Jay is kinda on his own with no real opponent.


He was the unsung hero of the entire Roman Reigns Bloodline saga. Roman isn’t the Tribal Chief without Jey Uso as his right-hand man.


people act like jey uso got all these fans behind him overnight it’s been a buildup for a while


i just think he’s a likable dude


I personally like him. He’s entertaining to watch and his storyline with some of the other stars have really got me to like him more. Plus, for me, it’s funny to hear my son say “yeet” and watch him wave his arms like Jey lol


I do think it is hilarious to watch Pat dance and everything when Jey comes out


This kind of post happens way too often. Not gonna explain why he’s over if you pay attention to the product you’d know.


Depends. If someone watched the product starting with 2024 they wouldn’t know. I started watching again at the tail end of 2022. I didn’t really get to see the rise of the bloodline but just really the SZ story arc. At the time, I didn’t understand why people were saying that Jey should have ended the Bloodline and not SZ (just the chink in the armor, not actually ending RR reign as champ). After understanding what Jey went through and the formation of the Bloodline, it made sense why they thought he should have been the one. I honestly agree with them now and Jey should have been the one to dethrone RR, not Cody Rhodes (don’t like Cody and never really have)


I feel like the storyline he got into with the Bloodline just endeared him to the fans. Will it wear off? Maybe. But maybe he can capitalize and flesh himself out as a more complete wrestler before that happens


For evrry wrestler that getw popular there will be post like this


He’s not for you then, different audience 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ok but give us your take on him. Just saying “ if you don’t like him then don’t watch him” is not a take. Why do you like watching him?


I never said if you don’t like him then don’t watch him


I don't know who you talking about I lost interest when Joe hendry lost the battle royal


I agree. He tries to sound cooler than he is on the mic. Super kick is his only move. He’s not a good wrestler. I honestly think having a catch phrase is the best way to get popular today, regardless of in ring prowess.


Why downvotes? He is absolutely dogshit as a wrestler. Can u imagine the actual good wrestlers in the back that can't get anything going and then they see this fucking idiot just super kicking and doing his dance and special yell. Special oso is what they call him I heard.


When he won the MITB qualifier match, my wife and I both just sighed and said, "Really?" Not excited at all.


You guys are surprised that one of WWE’s most popular stars earned a spot in the MITB match? How is that surprising lol


I'm surprised because he is lackluster in the ring and not excited to watch him ruin another 20 min of a PLE


Most people are though When someone is overwhelmingly popular it’s usually not that hard to pinpoint certain reasons why they’re popular even if they’re not for you That was me with Johnny Gargano back during his NXT. I’m not a particularly big fan, but I could also understand why he was beloved by fellow fans


I could see him winning it all only because right now he doesn’t have a promo or even a rivalry with anyone so they have to do something with him


Have you seen that thing he does with his arms going up and down?




Was huge fan after the bloodline civil war and his raw debut, tag champ with Cody, hell even his king of the ring tournament run was awesome but he hasn’t had a lot of story lately post mania


I like him but the Yeet shit is so old. It was old before he made it his “thing”. I want to see him destroy the nu-bloodline though. Like, where tf is Jimmy?!


It's the journey with Jey Uso! Same with guys like Sami Zayn and Sheamus. They've seen their highs, lows, and everything in between. Jey's journey really truly started once he broke off from the tag team and became his own man, and his character arc during the Bloodline story was so compelling that it's hard to shit on him these days. He didn't seem force fed either, like so many wrestlers that get force fed to the fans. He was the right guy for the right time


I think he's meant to cater to a very specific type of fan. Personally, not for me. But I did enjoy him in the bloodline. before all this yeeting and waving lol fun. But not for everyone.


He’s turnt


Jey is serviceable at all the tools you normally need to be great with. But he is just a damn fun and likeable dude and that fills the gap


He’s fun.


I'm not a huge Jey Uso fan. I don't think he's a great in ring talent, I don't like his promo style, and I think constantly yelling yeet is annoying. I don't like it. But he is fun. I've seen him live, he plays off the crowd well. People like him, he sells merchandise and people want to see him. I'm not the whole audience. I don't hate him. The good thing about wwe when its good is that there will be a performer for everyone.


Because he’s fun! I don’t like his matches per se, but I would pay money just to see his entrance.


I literally took my son to a house show because he wanted to do the wave during his entrance lol


Perfect example of if you act like a big star you'll be treated like one hes all charisma and thats the main factor you need to be a star people want to see him on tv whether hes wrestling or just chilling backstage


I don’t see anything interesting really about his style or character but I’m glad others enjoy it.


That he's fun. That's all. It's wrestling why does everything have to be so serious. Sometimes a guy who says yeet and waves his hands is all people need.  But you can also add being one half of the best tag teams of all time and having 10+ years of good will and connection to the fans and also the Bloodline story.


Mid? Yeah you're like 17.


How does it matter?


I’m 25, but funny enough the people who like Jey Uso the most are children. Mid isn’t a gen z slang, it was originally a black/stoner culture word for below average weed


Jey Uso gives me a Yeet infection


I’ve always liked jimmy better I hope he comes back with a cool gimmick


He’s not main event unless he’s with his brother he’s mid card yeet is cringeworthy but he’s likable


Part of the fun of a wrestling show these days is the chanting and singing with the rest of the audience. That's all the Yeet is, something the fans can chant and that's enough for some wrestling fans


It's just me UCE! Day one ish it's just me uce 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I still agree with everything you are saying but still like him. Why? Because he is likeable. He is harmless and not to into himself like other wrestlers.


I have to agree. He's not terrible, but he's done nothing to make me care. I'd rather watch Rob Conway any day


I like Jey but the "yeet" part makes me cringe so hard.


You forget who he’s related to


To the top with you… Same as that huge girl with no skill…


He just has “it”. Call it aura, call it charisma, whatever you want, but he has an ability to make people care about him and react to him. He’s solid but definitely not special in the ring, so reliable, and entertaining on the mic where again, people react and care. He’s like the polar opposite of Karrion Kross, actual the two are similar in that they’re fine in ring and above average on mic, but one just can’t make anyone care about him and one is Main Event Jey USO.


Yeah. I'm just not seeing "it"


I sense deyeet here.


IWC fans want every wrestler to be a backflipping high flying freak athlete with the personality of a block of wood and as over with the fans as Vince’s late stage booking


Literally the only one I didn’t want to win that qualification match


He's absolutely terrible in the ring, but then so are others who are very over.


He’s so cringe with the yeet shit he should reunite with Jimmy already and drop the yeet and stop calling him main event Jey Uso


Say it with me now: Jey Uso is a VIBE


People are either yeet or no yeet.


Its the outcome of the 3 or 4 year bloodline story. If you weren't invested in that you won't be invested in him. Also keep in mind some gimmicks appeal to kids that won't appeal to adults.


The A word. Aura.


ahhhhhhhhhh it’s so cringe when he says yeet but 😭 we gotta support. I think it’s mostly due to the fact that they’re rakisihi’s sons and they need to make them have some sort of importance/relevance historically in the books due to their family background but I agree w everyone else ab charisma he’s always pretty chill for the most part looks like he’s having fun


I have no issue with Jey Uso but he is extremely limited in the ring. His WrestleMania match didn't help. I think Jey has what it takes, but he needs to evolve his character. I'm sorry, but his current character seems like he is high a lot and he does superkicks constantly. You can acknowledge his entertaining ability while also criticizing his character and actual wrestling skill.


He probably is high


He also had a run with his brother where they put on some of the best tag team matches ever with the new day, so he's definitely not a "bad" wrestler either. He's good not great at everything and is entertaining


In a company and profession about entertaining people, he's entertaining. That's entirely it.


He’s alright he’s got energy. The yeet thing seems abit forced. But everything with names and catchphrases feels abit plastic and fake. But him being a main event player ? Most I see him getting is the U.S. or intercontinental champion but that’s it really.


He’s unfortunately winning mitb so I got bad news for you.


And then cash in on Cody and take the title.


It really does boil down to yeet




He’s definitely energetic. At first I thought he was too corny, and still kinda do, but he’s infectious in an odd way. Plus he’s been in kahoots with Cody


I agree it’s a mixed bag with him and his brother.


Gotta ask the filthy casuals




Dudes the definition of a B+ player as chince mcmahon would say


He was one of the main characters of the most interesting storylines that happened in the past decade, and it was all about his character arc. He's also very easy to like.


I think that’s a terrible reason. We are almost a year away from his solo run and he’s done nothing memorable since then but how bad his WM match was. No memorable promos, feuds or even match spots.


Well, most people don't have a list of "Why do I like this person" they just like them or they don't. He has had extremely memorable promos. In fact he's been coasting off of the Yeet conference with Cody Rhodes for a long time because it was so funny and likable. Jey has an X factor that people love.


We get hype for him because We've Been Down Since That Day One Ish.


Charisma, baby


He’s the perfect Midcarder. When the first hour and a half or hour is over he’s a good burst of energy. The issue is most look at him like the next main event and that ain’t happening at the moment.


Jey isn't in an interesting storyline right now, and that's where I think he tends to shine on the mic. Chad is doing work that the IWC and casuals love, and feud with him (e.g. beginning at MITB) involving the Alpha academy could bring out the best of Jey. Jey IMO has a lot of charisma, and has one of the most interesting character backstory's in the company thanks to the Bloodline. When he's matched with the right people he tends to have praised matches, even with his limited moves (e.g. Gunther). (Also, I think people tend to look at The Rock, Stone Cold and Cena through nostalgia glasses. They are considered legends, yet they all have a limited moveset. Character and storyline investment, along with charisma, means a lot to the WWE crowd.)


I preferred him as Midcard Jay. 


He's still Midcard Jey, just living beyond his means on a sea of fans lapping up a catchphrase. And I don't begrudge him that connection with the fans. He's pulled it off despite never having a good (singles) match that he wasn't carried through by a far more talented veteran worker. He's in the same boat that Jinder was in back during that failure of a title push. A midcard at best guy with a barely adequate set of skills being pushed way above his skill level. The difference is they didn't put the main title on Jey & hope he could pull it off, instead building him up using far better talents like Roman & Sami.


He’s a great example of wrestlers who are just an entrance and as soon as the bell rings, the crowd dies and no one cares. I kind of felt this way towards Seth, minus the fact that Seth is leagues better than Jey in the ring, like it’s not even comparable really.


Seth is one of the greatest wrestlers ever I don’t see how you could feel that way Other than his payback match with Nakamura, the crowd has been hot for all his big matches since 2022 and he’s had MOTY candidates. He even gave Omas a good match


Emphasis on the *felt*. Past tense. I don’t feel that way anymore.


Gotchu, my bad. But yeah I don’t understand how Jey doesn’t add just 2-4 more moves, I know him and everyone else sees the criticism


Me either. Big entrance but that’s it, imo. Better off in a tag team where he’s not the sole focus.


For me it was when he started acknowledging his mid crush on Rhea Ripley and “yeet!” Don’t ask me why…


Jey was great in the bloodline and his character feels like such a downgrade. Everything post mania with him has been a bit weird character wise, cause I enjoyed the stuff with Sami and Cody post bloodline. He’s never been the best in ring but he can be entertaining. I just feel like his post mania booking has been frustrating as Finn in particular feels like he is getting shafted


Merch sales are a big deal. And he's over with a different segment of the customer base. I don't connect with him either. I think his move set needs an upgrade.


You and me both.


I think Jey is a great example of the fact that WWE is a variety show. Same with Uncle Howdy and the Wyatt Sick6. Neither act is going to appeal to everyone. Jey has an act that appeals more to kids and the family friendly crowd like John Cena used to. The Wyatt's appeal to people who like over the top gimmicks and a little goofiness. Cody is a Hulk Hogan "say your prayers and eat your vitamins" type super face right now. Then you have acts like Chad Gable, and Gunther who are traditional wrestlers that focus on in-ring ability comparable to Kurt Angle and Bret Hart. There are always going to be people who can look at any of these acts, and think "eh it doesn't really land with me" and that's okay. The variety is what makes the company able to appeal to such a wide audience because everyone can find at least one or two stars that they do really enjoy. I feel it keeps the product from getting stale. All of my least favorite periods of wrestling happened because the companies allowed all their stars to feel the same. It's part of the reason I stopped watching back in 2011. And it's why I started following the product again in 2020. It's easier to invest in what's happening on my screen.


Amazing comment. Not every wrestler is going to resonate with every fan. I wouldn't call Jey one of my favourites, but I love how he has been able to get over as a singles competitor.


Yea can we just copy and paste this whenever someone starts bitching about someone who's over. There's plenty of space in the WWE for our favorites to get over, sometimes we have to sit through a match with someone we don't like and that's fine. It's a trade off, and sometimes You're gonna like/dislike more than someone else but that's fine.


You need to hide right now. Your comment makes too much sense and reason. They will find you.


Mods ...just pin this to the subreddit.


Well said dawg


Jeys fans aren't mostly kids but keep thinking that mid westerner


I'm not a mid-westerner. I live in California. But I also didn't say his only fans were kids. I just said he appeals to them, as in a lot of younger fans are fans of his. I like Jey Uso, and I'm 28 so I know not all his fans are kids.


Well than you should get it. I'm born and raised in Los Angeles. Jey Uso brings that grit that's somewhat missed of WWE now things are all colorful and flashy but at one point it's was bad words a loud/deep voice and some attitude was all people wanted and Jey harkens back to that fanbase. My bad for coming at you like that. Wasn't very Ucey of me


This is a great take


Exactly, everything is subjective. Like some days, I'll want to watch a banger so I pay close attention to Gunther, but if I'm beat after work, I'll watch Jey and just relax.


Or watch Chelsea Green if you want to have a headache


Sir this is r/wwe. This is not the place for sensible and thoughtfull comments. Please edit your coment and start to fill it with buzz words like "hype", "he is HIM", "GOAT" and "overrated/underrated". Not the place I expected to read this kind of comment. Upvoted.


What he said brother


Yeet XD Edit: it was worth getting downvoted. I thought that was perfect timing for that.


For what is worth, I upvoted you. Made me laugh.


Thank you


To me is why wrestling is so great. Most other sports or entertainment is pretty much the same with small differences. Go watch baseball and only the biggest of fans are going to get that one team is speed based while the other relies on pitching. Either way your watching 3 hours of just that team. Good wrestling promotion say if your not a fan of this match wait 15 minutes


One million upvotes Most of the IWC needs to read this daily


As soon as I started saying yeet in every day conversation, I knew the hype was real