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He also now gets armor per enemies affected by cold around him and his 1 was buffed to hit more AOE


I wish next on the line of "Its good yes, but it could be better" reworks is Oberon He is good yes, but I want him to be better, stronger with more layers to its kit


his 1 and 2 are such a waste of mod slots (sorry, but it's true) so I'm hoping they gonna make em nicer


I pretty much only use his 1 to break my own globes but that wont even be necessary after the rework in most cases. I was disappointed that Pablo didnt even mention his 2 (unless I missed it) but overall im hyped for his tune up.


His 2 is basically a bigger 1


his 2 is kinda pointless (as of right now, anyway) if you use Shivering Contagion Verglas I just wish you'll be able to completely freeze mobs solid with it, so you can get the various benefits like CC and.... don't you get bonus cirt damage from frozen mobs? Aren't they gonna change how cold works too?


Agreed. After Frost’s most annoying issue being his over-reliance on augments, his second most is the lack of use for half, arguably 3/4 of his kit.


>over-reliance on augments \* banshee just entered chat


At least only Banshee’s 1 needs an augment, with Silence and Sonar she is already pretty strong and the augments add some extra QOL which make the abilities better. Frost on the other hand is mid until you factor in augments; most things good about him comes out of those.


true, I was never brave enough to try out Sonar without the augment though haha


haha yup


I actually like his 2, visually It's very cool and in function also, with the augment it actually crowd controls through overguard, personally wouldn't like to see it fully gone. His 1 tho, if he was released nowadays it would be just built into his globe( the power to destroy it), he needs that done and them to get a new 1 skill.


visually yes it's cool af, I don't find myself using it ever though, especially since shivering contagion is a thing now didn't know about the augment


The 2 working through overguard got nerfed in the last patch along with every other cc that used to affect overguarded enemies.


Yep, so his 2 is useless again


I’ve been echoing this exact idea for a passive rework since I started playing in like 2017/18 Crazy that the exact thing I’ve asked for’s happening lol


It's been ~~84~~ 10 years


If someone told me in 2013 Frost would finally be able to shoot through his Globe 10 years after its release... I would have believed them to be honest. The way some decisions are taken at DE is weird like that, Uni-Vac might become a thing in 2034, who knows.


god please tell me this also effects the hounds and their mod


That would be the true MVP change.


that for the stolen ice bubble and the magnet bubble would make me the happiest tenno


And nekross 4


The passive rework and the snowglobe change are incredible.


What’s the passive rework? Think I missed that lol


It used to - Have a miniscule % chance to freeze enemies that melee you, which was virtually useless, he practically had no passive at all. Now: - Cold status applied via his abilities have increased status duration and he gains armor for each enemy affected by cold from his abilities in a radius around him.


Yeah 10% chance for a melee hit to freeze for 25 seconds, horrible passive. The rework is exactly what I’ve been wanting for him for almost a decade, hope it’ll feel as good as it sounds tho


the fact that his bubble scales off armor, it should synergize well.


So from what i understand it's kinda like a element-based version of Rhino's Iron Skin on a different frame?


There's two separate things here: overguard and armor. Armor is a stat that makes you take less damage to your health. Frost's passive will increase that, essentially multiplying his effective health pool as he freezes enemies. This also has the positive side effect of buffing his snow globes, as their hit points are based on your armor. Overguard is basically an extra "health bar" on top of your health and shields. It doesn't benefit from damage reduction from your armor stat, but it effectively makes you immune to damage as long as you have some. Rhino's Iron Skin gives him a bunch of overguard, and the number he gets is based on two things: his ability strength (based on mods like Intensify), and his armor (based on mods like Steel Fiber). This is a bit counterintuitive because usually armor and overguard don't interact at all, since the damage reduction from having a ton of armor won't make you take less damage to your OG. Rhino is unique in that the way he calculates his overguard is based on armor. But other frames like Dante can gain massive amounts of it too, despite having very low tank stats. For what it's worth, Frost *does* have his own way of generating overguard for himself and his team, via an augment mod for his 4th ability.


Not exactly but similar. Frost snowglobe is directly influenced by Frost armour, as well as Rhino's overguard by his armour. So more armour means stronger snowglobes, and lesser damage to Frost health should that occur.


It's unfortunate that armor is useless when people just build around his 4 augment. But it will help in fringe cases


Well, armor still buffs the snow globes, but I doubt it'll be enough for them to last much longer in steel path.


Frost literally cannot stop winning for one goddamn devstream


Knew it was coming when they said in the last devstream "Warframes that interact with cold status will be updated to reflect these changes too." I've been fine tuning my frost build in preparation, and putting together a cold themed loadout with the tenet glaxion, simulor, and sibear. I'm so ready.


I still wish his 2 did really anything but he's been buffed so much the last few years I can't care too much. He's quite a beast these days. The full package.


I think it'll be handy for freezing enemies if you're running low duration with the changes to cold procs. One cast right now can stack 6 cold procs, two casts should freeze enemies for a good while.


It is terrific with augment. Acolites and bosses slowed to barely move.


Where can I go to see upcoming balance changes?


info from twitch stream, will have to wait for somebody to post the notes from the devstream. patch is June 18th


https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1395463-jade-shadows-dev-workshop-enemy-resistances-and-status-rework-updated-with-may-devstream/ Scroll to the bottom.


And it only took 11 Years.... ![gif](giphy|wVcNP3TnXbl84)


Finally. Now if only this change could be applied to all allies and their abilities it would be amazing. Anyway, it's a ton of buffs for Frost, and he already had a Passive Augment which might stack too.


*Limbo exited the chat*


*Limbo was in the chat in the first place?* ;p


Limbo was in rift chat and just rolled back in.


limbo got a massive rework, it just also sucked lol


It should have been me not him!


Just got him from the foundry, I wonder how amazing he'll be with all the upcoming changes.


The thing about frost is that he isn't great, but there's so much about him that you can make great with bandaids he becomes really good. It's just that in a vacuum he is easily outpaced by damn near every other frame in the game


This is true. On his own he isn’t fantastic but I run a build with his 4 augment and his crit damage against frozen enemies augment and I perma CC the entire field infinitely, have tons of overguard, and do millions of red crits even with bad weapons


Very much the same. I think it's easier way to say it might be just discussing that he has a higher build floor but still a reasonably high build ceiling. Cuz I can't remember the last time I was in danger using my frost. (Since Icy avalanche added over guard probably)


I run 75% efficiency with negative duration and high range, so I can just spam the everloving shit out of his 4. Anything that CAN be frozen, dies super fast, eximus units gets focused, and anything more dangerous can't do shit against the sheer volume of OG the team now has. I love it. And these new changes will allow me to drop globes all over the place for even MORE survivability


It's happening....


Out of every fantastic thing, this is my favorite from the devstream.


GOAT update :D


That takes fucking literal decade


The real stealth rework is Caliban's 2? 3? getting buffed to do more dmg because of the new way dmg vulnerability works. Happy for the Frost lovers out there tho.


Frost enjoyers, arise


Max range Frost is thriving now. Do Limbo next.


Blessed long awaited change. Next can we get Frost Prime buffs? Could use way more base energy (he and Rhino have the lowest of all Primes) and maybe more armor. More shields doesn't really do much for him.


I just hope his 2 also gets something to make it worth not subsuming, it would also be nice if we could get a Ui that shows the health of all his active snow globes cause as of now all we can see is the hp percentage of one snow globe.


Very underwhelming. Especially since the highlight of his "rework" is just a mechanic change to snowglobe that should have been there 8 years ago lol. 1 & 2 still useless. Addition wording for cold procs for frost only. Wooo..... Yeah no. Frost is good atm sure, but was REALLY hoping they'd address his augment bloat. And maybe give him the hydroid touch but with cold. Armor on cold status'd enemies is about as significant as modding for armor right now.... you just don't do it lol. It doesn't increase snowglobe hp in any significant way vs the invuln charge up time. Just a huge missed opportunity, they could have made him have so many more interactions with the cold status. Or make his cold status' stronger / have unique effects, than other frames/players But the big one was hoping some of his augments get baked into his kit so he doesn't have to fucking run 3 of them.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted. I’m immeasurably grateful for these changes, but the capabilities of a lot of his kit are still lackluster without Augs, like you said. The cold buffs help, but it’s not quite enough imo to counteract it, yknow?


Oh thats just how this sub is. Say anything against people's favorite frames and they take it as a personal attack against their dog/cat/child lol. Frost IS good, just clunky atm. Was hoping a mini rework would remove some of the clutter and bake some of his augments into his kit so he has more modding options. And of course, some ACTUAL changes to his 1 & 2 which no one uses except for 1 to pop bubbles that are in the way.


If they greatly increased the damage on 2 I'd be happy. Maybe it'll be okay with the cold changes.


Right? Give him some scaling damage on his 1 or 2.