• By -


Early in my time with the game I was like "Huh, I wonder what'd happen if I stood where an Excavator spawns?" and got pushed under the map and then glitched and ended up stuck on top of the skybox somehow. That doesn't happen anymore. I still joke with my friends about it cause they could actually see me up there.


Way way back I was running with some friends and we were heading to extraction and I ended up going down. I self revived (back in the limited revives before you started paying for them with plat days) and got stuck in the environment.  It was that hallway under that big ship grineer room with all the big ramps and there's a non functional fan in the ceiling. I ended up stuck in that fan. Apparently my friends could see my feet running through the ceiling so it just looked like wildly kicking feet sticking through the grates. /unstuck could not save me.


Farming plastids for Rhino "Space mom where are you" "Don't be afraid" "This! Is for the tube men!!"


Rap tap tap.


Was definitely scary, and a really cool quest, but why the hell do we have to capture his emotions 9 times total? Also I only had an unleveled mote amp and almost no focus spent so the "boss fight" at the end took forever


You had it easy. Imagine it with NO amp, before amps existed, before Cetus. Your energy to attack and for abilities were shared, your health was only 250, and you had no shields.


Everyone says that was scary, but it just annoyed the hell out of me


Just take Ocatcia and vibe to kpop while invisible


I'm at and gearing up for the new war, now.


Was helping a newbie farm plastids for Wukung, we were a squad of 3, the two of them were friends and talking via discord (I think). We did a few missions, alternating between different planets and mission types. Eventually we started a defense mission, which was the final stretch. After that mission he'd have enough to build the frame. I think we got to at least wave 20 before it happened. HOST MIGRATION. The guy was like MR4 with MK weapons and a starter Volt, there was no way he could extract from a defense mission that high on his own. Me and the other team member extracted and I was talking to him and asking him what was going on. It was clear to me that we'll have to repeat the mission and I accepted it but the guy was optimistic, saying that Volt is a good frame and he'll be able to finish the mission. Then, the weirdest thing happened. The game prompted me to return to my "last session". I have no idea how or why that was triggered but I immediately accepted and was able to help him finish the mission. I was bombarded in chat by both of them, one telling me that some random player is helping and the other just spamming my name, happy that I was able to help him.


Dude! Love that story!! You made my Tenno day!


How amazed I was with The Second Dream. The game turned from randomly killing baddies to having a purpose. My favorite reveal in all of gaming. First time seeing Teralyst and not knowing what it was / how to kill it - but seeing a squad of players decide to take it down - and constantly revive me over and over as I had no idea what was happening. First time Exploiter Orb- I'm randomly exploring Orb Vallis, and someone starts it with me in the cave. I was amazed that thing was hidden from me for (comparatively) so long. Some random guy explaining amps to me.


I remember my jaw hitting the floor when the twist happened there. I was like WTAF is goin on here??!?


me running a relic mission with randoms, and we stumble upon the rare earth river tile, and we all start going 'tf is this?!', and we stuck together for a bit more and helped each other get the parts we were looking for, i miss my river squad


The What?


I will always be surprised to see that rare node. I don’t think that this is used anywhere else, but that river has a current that pushes you downstream. Just a little detail that I’m not sure exists anywhere else in the game!


the first time i encountered the operator ghost during harrow quest, i fucking fell out of my seat when i went into the cockpit and hear " Hey kiddo " in my left ear


I swear they only appear when you forget they exist


absolutely lmao, i swear to god i hear currupted enemies do the man in the wall speak you hear at the end of wispers in the walls when he shows up


The friends I made along the way.


Fair enough. Although I never spoke in chat to them I recall an Ivara that shot a cloak arrow on me. At the time I was new and it blew my freaking mind.


Hitting MR 30 today!


Congrats! Welcome to the new tier of leveling: the Legendary Ranks! How many hours do you have under your belt (in mission)? I had just over 1300 when it hit MR30.


1286 at the moment. I have been off and on for a decade. Nuts


tl;dr friends we made along the way Story: We were a couple newbies running around with pubs, one rando invited us to a clan he was solo building. He guided us as we were usually lost in game progression. He mained Valkyr and was the spearhead for endurance runs during T4 void runs. Whenever we went down, he would revive us. Panicked along the way to hour long runs. It was fun, we eventually got into team speak so he guide us faster, he made personal milestones for all of us newbies and got us cool weapons whenever we reached a mastery rank level. It was between Synoid Gammacor and Vaykor Marelok. Picked V.Marelok for the gun slinging feel. Eventually came to the point where he'd give us a frame of our choosing, I chose Limbo and he asked if I'm sure. I didn't hesitate and years later, I get it now but still no regrets. I still have THE limbo he gave me. I can't subsume it, holds some meaning. There was a time when he said he'll be deployed again soon at South Korea or Japan. We didn't hear from him ever since, his only parting words were that we do what he did for us when we meet newbies. That was 7 years ago. Idk where you are, but I hope you're fine -SM-Infiniteminded We had a lot of great moments.


wow, that is super wholesome! did his account really never comes back online through that 7 years?


unfortunately no :(


To me it's the release day of 'Angels of the Zariman'. It was only one friend and me and we leisurely explored the tilesets of the missions to find the medallions for the Holdfast. We both really adored the design of the rooms. The exploration of every single room, finding all the secrets entrances and the collectibles was so wonderful. The both of use are fans of RPG with wide and open areas. So the Zariman with its wide space and classic secrets (covered paths behind vines and awkwardly placed panels) was a perfect match. We definitely spend 30+ minutes just for the exploration parts. I loved it <3


Farming Pavlov on Lua for 14 hours straight with my best friend on a weekend in middle school. We were trying to get cleaving whirlwind. We did not get it


Hydroid and Zarr are such an iconic duo <3 My best Warframe memory has gotta be fighting the Exploiter Orb for the first time blind and solo. I had recently maxed out Solaris U, and was heading into the vallis just to do some mining, when I wandered into \*that\* cave. I remembered being confused by the weird locked door when I first discovered it some dozens of hours earlier, but this time it opened...and then I started hearing the ghostly echoes of We All Lift Together...and then the dialogue from Zuud...and then I found the thermia condenser button...and then, yeah. Plunged into the boss fight. It took me almost an hour, and I think I only had one or two revives left by the end of it, but I managed to take her down.


What I will remember is when me and my friend take 45min plus to kill lephantis when we just started playing warframe and the wolf of Saturn six boss spawn .wolf is so freaking tanky at released


I started to play the game again on release of Fortuna. I was in a dark place irl and just wanted to play some games to help me get through it all. I still remember, after many years, Eris defense mission (dark sector), just farming there because I got bored of Hydron defense. I would be listening to music as I just killed stuff. Those same songs I listen to now, only ever remind me of warframe and the times I spent playing. They have a sad tone to them and still makes me emotional at times. I enjoyed warframe not because it’s a good game, but because it was there when I really needed something to help me. I still play, but it doesn’t feel the same like it did before. I wish I could go back and enjoy it like I did before. It felt… different. It felt, real…


I cried a lot playing the new war so like.. that entire quest


Are you me? T-T


Excal Umbra reveal Cy's voice and character arc during the whole RJ quest, amazing


My first prime before relics & rework, Ash Prime.


I fondly remember stealing my mothers credit card and getting Ember Prime for an OUTRAGEOUS price in Maroo’s Bazaar 7 years ago.


Intrusive thoughts won lol


“fuck it”


Octavia Prime BP rad run where we got all 4 possible rewards her BP. First and last time I will see 4 gold rewards at the same time.


Off the top of my head: Back when Oberon parts dropped from Eximus, I remember when I got the last part I needed. It felt great. The first time I killed a Hydrolyst all by myself. The first time I managed to complete the "Day Trader" Nightwave challenge solo. Just to name a few.


Accidentally activating liches when farming for kuva weapons, I don’t miss those days at all


My trusty original Oberon carrying my op cor the first time up those staircases I believe it was, and getting stabbed, eventually pulling it out. Since this game has been released I've mained Oberon and he's been my framento do all the story quests


my favourites are definitely the musical moments like We All Lift Together, For Narmer, and Sleeping In The Cold Below


Had to be The Sacrifice when we took away Umbra’s pain and learned that that was what the Operators did. It was very moving to learn that we were the catalyst that soothed the endless madness and pain that Warframes endured.


bro i havent looked at the foundry the same after that were are we storing the bodies


I once made a pun on the warframe reddit that turned into a heartfelt meeting place for Ash stands There was also the time I first killed the stalker and got Despair, when I told my MR 31 friend who just got off Warframe to play something else I then heard the most...well...despair that a gamer has ever voiced. It turns out that's the 1 stalker bp they were missing


This was years ago. I was bored in the plains of Eidolon and I was just messing around. I decided to use my Archwing to fly above the big lake all the way up to the sky barrier then do a melee slam attack into the water. Just as I hit the water I activated my K- Drive and it glitched me under the map where I was able to do unlimited K Drive tricks and earn A LOT of ventkids standing. After a few minutes of falling into the abyss beneath the map it teleported me back to the surface. This was a repeatable glitch that I found and it was really fun. When I was under the map I activated my Arch Wing to see what would happen and it let me fly anywhere even past the sky barrier. It let me fly back to Cetus and go out of bounds pretty much anywhere that was otherwise inaccessible and everything looked really low- polly. I was also able to fly through any walls/ structures, pretty much like no clip. They have since patched the glitch though as I am unable to recreate it but it was fun while it lasted. I'm not sure if I was the only one who knew about it or if other people found it as well but I just randomly discovered it while messing around and I will never forget such a cool experience.


When I first built my Railjack, had limited access to the game and it took over 6 months. Kept plodding away and felt like a big achievement


The moment that Limbo CLICKED for me, my third eye opened and I went nuts building everything for him because I no longer was held back by my mental stops on the frame or what it was capable of.


My group’s first Eidolon kill, we were all completely unprepared and two of us didn’t even have access to our Operators yet. It was an absolute slug fest, all the while we are all cheering one another on. Took us basically the entire night cycle but felt so good taking him down with my buds.


My friend (Loki) and my self (mag) spending 30 minutes trying to beat lech kril and repeatedly running out of ammo because we sucked and had terrible mods.


When I spent an entire month playing conclave to get a weapon skin but had a low mastery rank so I could only get a small amount of points per day.


I think it happened recently. Just 7 days ago, I got an invigoration for Kullervo for +200% strength. Did some defense missions and finally felt like one of those people who just carry the team, letting them get affinity. Came across those people when I was new and was always impressed. But the invigoration dropped today...




Back in the day, somehow, I met a dev in a random game and got to do somewhat of a modest FashionFrame showcase with them (even tho my skins were shit since I was somewhat a noob, but theirs were pretty cool) in their dojo. Honestly they were pretty nice. And to this day I still wear the Jothunhem Syandana they gave me as a souvenir.


I was farming Cryotic to build a Sibear. A random Tenno joined me. We got into a conversation and I mentioned what I was farming for. They gifted me a Sibear afterwards. What a generous soul.


The thing i will never forget are in order: Old UI, before the entire orbiter thing. The scene where lotus is holding us in her arms The little tear of sadness when she left us The pandemic time, when me and my friend spent literally hours upon hours grinding tellurium. Dude had a cracked khora, so we just talked for hours on end, drinking beer and chilling, while his strangledom generated more tellurium than i ever needed.


During the beginning of the game's life. Excalibur 1st was a bit different, you were going in a straight line dealing damage to everything on the way. And i remember spamming that attack leaving corpses cut in half on the way, man how i miss enjoying those little things that seems banal today.


Honestly one player interaction I had with a volt while doing relics with randoms, I was playing Gauss and we ended up going from mission to mission racing to the finish and keeping score


There was a sortie not too long ago on Berehynia(?) and the modifier was "Eximus Stronghold" I think about 98% of the enemies were eximus units, with maybe one or two regular units here and there. Absolute chaos once they started flooding out in the first wave but it was so funnily ridiculous that I was laughing at my screen trying and failing to hold a single interception point.


A time where everybody died in a teralyst fight and the thing was teleporting all over the place, I ran around getting the things up so it doesn't teleport, as they were all spectating me, I took it down solo with a crappy weapon. The 3 players were cheering me on while I was annoyed how they all died without good weapons and a good mech.


My friend and I getting Grendel undergeared and determined. Two guys with a dream and a lot of deaths.


Th harrow quest, litteraly i was under geared, the change of aspect to be more horror, my weapon that was not great at the time, i cleary remember the first message write with blood, the shiver and the instinct telling me : "you will see what true Darkness is" mission completed and mostly now all content talking about Wally is my favorite cotent


My first red crit. It was with the Nataruk, with Zephyr's bonus against Corpus on a survival mission, felt so good I main Zephyr ever since


A time where everybody died in a teralyst fight and the thing was teleporting all over the place, I ran around getting the things up so it doesn't teleport, as they were all spectating me, I took it down solo with a crappy weapon. The 3 players were cheering me on while I was annoyed how they all died without good weapons and a good mech.


A time where everybody died in a teralyst fight and the thing was teleporting all over the place, I ran around getting the things up so it doesn't teleport, as they were all spectating me, I took it down solo with a crappy weapon. The 3 players were cheering me on while I was annoyed how they all died without good weapons and a good mech.


Making Grendel ball go as fast as possible with some friends in the plains


First funny number.


Getting thousands of points in combo on the surfboard thing after glitching under POE


Protea. That mission felt awesome and so did the fight


seeing the whole sun environment of the ballas encounter for the first time


Finding out each frame has a backstorw / leverian. Bonus: You can see hints about how to use your frane the most efficient. Very helpful


The first time that the eidolon came from the sea and the time me and a rhino friend were just spamming shatter storm to see how big it could get


SISTERS !!! Below below we're going where the winds dont blow


Getting spawned in the Granum Void during a void storm thanks to /unstuck


God damn fucking vay hek. Cocksucker I remember when I was new how I couldn't beat vay hek I just couldn't I didn't know why I couldn't.


cicero crisis tethra's doom specters of liberty those were crazy fun tbh


I don't think it's Stockholm but after many times doing the Exploiter, I grew to like Zuud ^(even if they sometimes scary lol)


The "for Narmer" scene.


I’ll never forget the reason I originally quit the game in 2017. A friend convinced me to play and I was having fun for a while, I picked a frame that looked cool, made it all the way to Saturn I think then decided to farm said frame. My friend helped me farm Nekros Prime, and I managed to get all the pieces pretty quickly, nice! Problem was, though, that I needed Nitain Extract to craft him. Back in those days you needed to farm Archwing Interception Invasions for Nitain Extract, it was the fucking worst. I tried and tried and tried but could never find people to help and kept failing on my own and eventually I lost it. I just snapped, uninstalled the game, left a negative review on Steam, all that. It wasn’t until right before Tennocon 2021 that a friend asked me to play with them. I hopped in the game, played a little before getting the first nightwave reward; 150 credits. Checked the nightwave shop and you’ll never guess what I seen… nitain extract. Anyway I’m now LR1, over 3200hrs




The first time I pressed E during Voruna ult. (I fell in love instantly) Rap tap tap. (Rell in general) My friend and I taking down an eidolon for the first time


Two things, One good and One bad. Good: Seeing my friend freak out at the percentage I got my first ever lich at (it was a complete accident as I just mercy killed a cool enemy and got a kuva chakkur at 43%) Bad: The time I was trying to farm prime parts and cryotic at the same time and some player wouldn't allow enough time for enough reactant to drop and told me that he was farming cryotic if I wanted prime stuff to go somewhere else when I asked him to allow enough time for reactant to drop.


Hmm, My first time using a bow,  the dread,  and having cut my target to pices and nailing their torso to a wall. Did not exspect that at all. First time using Titanias Ult without knowing exactly what it does at that point, it was hillarious.


titianias ult is what pushed me out of the melee only mindset, having a good gun changes a man


Y’all remember when the drifter tried explaining the situation to our operator and we were blessed with *that* scene?


When I first finished the second dream back in 2016 and I was just like - what the hell just happened? And of course doing void key defenses for the first time- or seeing EV trin in Draco for the first time or learning how to build saryn spores and learning all the Warframe kits for the first time… 2016 was the best year in the game for me because it was my first year


Starting to shoot a grineer in the face at close range and then he disappeared. Looked up and to the right and he was blasting off again like team rocket after my mate shot an arrow at him.


I was fighting a level 5 Sister (I was gunning for that cycron weapon and I ran into some bad luck guessing the code even with the freebie) and I remember she also had a terrifying element like viral or fire or something on it. I was using my boy Nezha to take her on face to face because I had no friends to help out, I wasn't bout to trust a rando not to 'host migration' me, and I wasn't taking any chances of failing that fight. So, sometime in the middle of the fight, my halo runs out so I throw on another and get to using her as a punching bag again. I watch the number climb as I'm punching her and...I realize I see an 'M' at the end of the number. This girl did the equivalent of 63 million damage in the brief time it took for my halo to finish. Needless to say, I didn't need another halo the rest of the fight and now Nezha is the only frame I bring to fight Sisters and Liches.


Being deathly scared of overshields as a newbie because your shields turned purple when vor weakened them back in the first quest. I kept removing overshields by taking damage on purpose (thought it was vor messing with me after death) until i learned what that colour meant :D


Probably when I loaded into a mission late stalker spawned and I got my first war bp in over 50 runs (estimated maybe more)


The moment I remember the most is my first ever 6x3 eidolon hunt solo and feeling my heartbeat through every part of my body. It was a rush for sure. Also the first time I got jump scared in my orbiter by a carbon copy of myself was also pretty memorable.


Basically host migration 💀


I have a few memorable moments, but the funniest one was when I missed a sleeping Corpus Tech, point blank with a Chakkhurr using Heavy Caliber. I shot once and all 3 projectiles missed the Tech within like 3 metres lol. Another good moment is something that can still be done I think. There’s a cave in the Vallis that has a Corpus ramp leading out of the cave (a K-Drive race uses that cave) and if you charge your jump button and release just before you leave the cave, you’ll bonk your head on the ceiling and rag doll across the map.


acquiring titan prime through a twitch drop


I had a Kuva Lich throw me into a pit but instead of respawning, I fell through the world. Once I respawned, he did it again. My squadmates knocked him down again and he left before I was put back on land. I couldn't even be mad.


One of my best friends got me into it and then I got another best friend into it. The first friend had an ember prime that I was infatuated with. I talked about it quite a few times to both of them. I tried to no end to get it and then gave up. Then life happened and I stepped away from Warframe. 7 years later, life was pretty rough and I was traveling for work. I was by myself and NOT doing okay. I downloaded Warframe to pass the time and the second friend logged on with me after an hour or so. He invited me to his dojo and gave me an ember prime set that he’d kept set aside for me for nearly that entire 7 years. I don’t think he’ll ever understand how significant that was to me at that point in my life. Now I’m an Ember main. I’ve taken ember prime to level cap, from MR6 to LR2, and have completed nearly everything in the game. Warframe was the medium through which I kept and made friends, and I have no idea how I would have crawled out of that emotional hole I was in if not for Warframe.


I saw a wukong player with max range staff wipe a whole room in 1 swing I was awe struck the whole mission and made wukong


“No, that must be a different son.”


Entering fortuna for the first time and that banger of a song coming on and seeing the people work


We All Lift. Thats the moment i knew id love this game.


When I first played in the games infancy, was doing an excavation run with another person. It was on Venus and eventually we just didn’t have the dps to kill them, and this was when respawns cost plat so I knew I had to get out after the second death so I wouldn’t have to pay. I will never forget that moment because I didn’t know what I was doing, me and the other guy had no idea what we were doing, it was just chaos. Good times, kinda wish we could go back so the damage scaling wasn’t too insanely high.


I really wanted Mirage Prime a couple years ago when I was a new tenno but had almost no plat and she was vaulted at the time. My buddy who got me into WF had ONE relic for her BP which is her rare reward and he ran it for me and sure enough it dropped. I had just enough plat to buy the remainder of her parts so that was my most memorable early frame that I worked towards.


Playing banshee when brakk go released and before it got damage fall-off. You had a shotgun sniper that popped pimples easily because of the huge damage and spread


First red crit with my acceltra and zephyr


Railjack release. It was a nightmare.


PS4 in 2018 or so. Farming defense missions against infested for the thing you need for hema research (forgot the name) with 4 ppl from our clan. After roughly 1 hour game crashed for 2 of us, and then the infested overrun the remaining 2 and destroyed the objective. 10/10, „that’s Warframe“ and we did it again. Good times :)


Rap. Tap. Tap.


That time I stab other people's lich cuz (they level up) a few years ago. I was completely clueless about lich thing, and the other 3 was just standing around the downed lich, so I did what a normal person would do. Now that I think about it, I guess they're waiting for more thralls/the lich to despawn


I remember coming home from school, hoping onto Warframe and spending an hour straight in berehenyia pressing 2 on trinity to level weapons


Two(technically three) times in a row, I was doing orokin vault runs and when I completed the mission, the vault was right in front of me


every time i remember having close to 0 damage to lv. 80 enemies and have to relies on a friend to carry me. now i can just breeze through lv. 200 enemies 😙


When I stared years ago and trying to farm resources for Rhino. Asked in chat who can help me and this dude with his Ivara and Opticor took me to one of the void exterminations. I was so amazed by the beauty of the tileset, dying a couple of times because I was standing and staring in amazement. After the run he then proceeded to explain to me *in exruciating detail* everything I wanted to know... Literally every question I had, he just had an information dump in the chat. After a few weeks he saw I had climbed a few MR ranks and asked me a very simple question: "If you could have any prime frame in the game, which one would you like to get?" I told him Ash looked like my type of frame and bam, instantly traded me a full Ash Prime. A few months later, he followed up and I told him I am in the process of wfarming Adaptation. Again, straight up just gave me one after I told him I have been doing arbitrations for over a week. He does not play anymore, but this guy will always be with me. It's because of him I still keep playing the game and helping newer players when I can.


Mine was the first time I one-shot an acolyte with the Latron. Those guys were so difficult to kill, and that stood out so much to me


The Melee 2.0 “The Sword Alone” release. The whole idea of being able to switch to only your melee weapon and do actual combos was such a step up from just walking forward and spamming E. There was a time when the Dual Zorens were peak meta because there was a mechanic called coptering, where if you did a slide attack in midair, it LAUNCHED you forward. Different melee weapons had different launch ranges, and the dual zorens had the best. This was before bullet jumping was even a thing iirc, waaaaay back in the day. Operation: Cryotic Front was a really good time imo and I still have the badge on my Rhino to this day


Accidentally activating my first kuva lich. Didn't even know how or when I did it. Noticed my resources being stolen. Told my veteran friend who laughed in my face, gave me 100 plat and wished me good luck. Still took me a day to get it done. I have a kuva lich phobia ever since. That's still the only kuva weapon I own.


Probably hearing "hey kiddo" in the orbiter. Jump scare moments in non horror media will always take me by surprise


My first playthrough of the Sacrifice and building my railjack And more recently, building my voidrig


One day in 2013 morphics started to drop from every container. It was fixed within the same day, but I haven't had to farm morphics since then. There were other buggy days, but I never got those.


Obligatory Second Dream/Chains of Harrow, cuz they kinds really kicked off the real overarching plot for a game that barely had one prior. Also the New War. That shit rocked so hard. I remember silly early days of playing with my friends. Getting home from school, checking alerts or seeing news about the new weapon they released that week, and then getting into a mission circa "Super Jump" days and coordinating with my friend who would use Radial Javelin and when so that we could kill Ancients when they showed up, and energy was very scarce, and our weapons sucked. When I was in a skype call with my friend and we were both doing Second Dream together, but he had to go AFK and I finished the quest first, and I sat there in silence waiting for him to come back and get to the Operator creator screen. At one point in that chain, I believe we got an actual DE player in the squad. We were doing the missions on public together.


Simple. Lore/story: Second dream, the moment your warframe collapses. That was such a mindblowing reveal to me. Gameplay: Me my brother and 2 friends were playing back in the old days. While loading into a mission a friend had a bug where his game got stuck with a white screen after loading. He was fully functional, could walk shoot and use abillities but only saw white. After he told us his problem my dear little brother goes up to him and proclaims: "Follow the sound of my voice!", while we all sit in a 3rd party voiceprogramm. Which absolutly does NOT help dìscern a direction ingame. Ah we tease him to this day with that story.


A coildrive INSIDE Fortuna, driving around like a some drunken in a tank. The first time the Doppelgänger of my operator was sitting on the codex console after a mission, smiling crazy at me. The sacrifice.


That moment in New War where everything changes. If only the star map stayed that way and kept that new conflict…


I started playing on a whim after seeing a stream of the game, and i was kinda just expecting a fun shooter with robots. I didnt know how invested i was until i was guided to Fortuna for the first time. My first thought was that it was a cool city, then my second is that the music is great! And then i teared up a little realizing that it was a debt internment colony, and that these people were there probably because their parents and grandparents couldn't break the cycle. Its a dystopian capitalist nightmare. But it made me feel kinda inspired. Despite all of the shit, people still have hope for better, and they're unified in their suffering. I was a little suprised that the conclusion to the Vox Solaris questline wasn't Tenno nuking Nef Anyo, but i guess its realistic in that regard; We will struggle, We will fight, but we cant usurp. (That being said, give me my power fantasy and let me kill him for real! I want to squish his suit like a soda can and steal his dale dimmadome ass hat for myself)


The coptering The loading screen with the squad standing next to the defense objective Also unfortunately, the plat revives 😂


While doing some leveling, I came across a weird apparition after swapping to my tenno in game. Don't really know what happened and I've never seen it again. Was like a clear shimmering ghost suspended in air hovering over the game floor. It's on my Reddit feed if you scroll down a bit. Others players in the game could see it during the mission too.


Venus, Kiliken, decade ago. even posted drawing about this in the sub


Coming back from a 3 year hiatus and getting immediately “Hey kiddo”d on login


the first time i heard a terralyst part be broken, i was wandering eidolon at night and some high lvl dude was also there fighting one and i just straight creamed when i heard that sound of hisn kneecaps being broken and wel, me realising i didnt need plat to get other weapons or warframes, i swear i played this game for an entire week without realising this granted i was like 12


Playing with my brother; he doesn't play anymore but it was nice when he did. Sacrifice. Void Kid arc the first time and had my mind melt because my dreams spoiled it. "Hearing" Mag grunt during combat, possibly a hallucination but it made the game feel real Building first prime frame I got as a gift


I still remember the first time I saw an Eidolon when the plains came out, I had no idea what it was or what to do with it but it was such a cool moment when Terry came lumbering towards me. Also a very new memory but one I won't forget, I was with my gf who recently started playing and I had made her wait to do Chains of Harrow until I was with her. Turned off the lights and waited for things to get started. I'll never forget when the first Red Veil soldier came rushing at her and how she nearly jumped through the ceiling


My favorite moment was right after my first platinum purchase. I bought Silva and Aegis and only had flawed and basic mods for my Rhino (not prime) Warframe and my melee weapon. I proceeded to then do the defense mission on Coba and got to round 20 (thought I could go farther, though I died at 21). Edit: provided warframe’s name


First time hearing the Fortuna cutscene I just knew this game was gonna be good good!


Everytime someone does the execute animation on me instead of a enemy. Shits funny.


First time getting an arcane from eidolons , I just stood there because I didn’t know shit 😭😭


Arguing with my dad about how warframes aren't robots while I'm at Cetus and I started the game a day or so before


the moment someone asked ¿why are you doing this mission?(or something like that)and i answered im just doing the starchart.


Was doing a steel path mission going through dozens of enemies per second whole squad runs by a single corpus crewmate we all head back the crewmate sits on the chair for 30 seconds with dead silence coming from all of my teammates I switched the game chat and say you ain't getting paid enough for this shit are you crewmate responds with a nod I switched back to party chat and we leave that one crewmate alive everyone else not so much that one mission is going to stay in my head rent for its entire life