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One if not the worst modifier ever put to Warframe, this bloody modifier is why I usually put up with other stuff just to have my abilities at full duration. If this worked like one the commenters said as in it would be calculated like negative continuity instead of literal -75% it would more approachable


Would be cool if they made the game mode challenging instead of just annoying as frick.


How would they make a power fantasy difficult?


Why would they take power away from a power fantasy?


Because even in a power fantasy setting, I'd get bored extremely quickly if we steamrolled everything with no effort at all. It's been said over and over, if you don't want challenging content, don't do Archimedean.


i wish it was additive, so instead of current duration*.25 it was current duration-75% edit: fixed *.75 to *.25


I feel like they can't do that because they can't handle negative duration values for frames like Baruuk that completely nuke it down to iirc 13% already.


true, maybe add a cap to it like lowering it to a min of 50% or something. there’s probably better solutions but i feel like like this would be better than what we have now lol. speaking of which, i should go work on my baruuk build, he’s been butied in my arsenal for too long


Irrelevant argument since they can give an upper cap on efficiency, what's stopping them from adding a min cap as well


and they already gave a minimum to combo duration which baruuk players should be well aware of


>what's stopping them spaghetti code probably


People forget that this game is 11 yrs old at this point. Some of the systems that hold up the game's gameplay mechanics are probably RIDDLED with spaghetti code. I can't imagine them making some of these modifiers better without rewriting those chunks of code and possibly breaking other parts of the game.


There is already a min cap on all stats implemented exactly due to this


This would not be a new problem. Warframe has introduced mechanics that went into the negatives before with funky results and they usually get fixed pretty smoothly relatively quickly.


Isn’t it current duration * .25?


yup, fixed it, thanks!


agreed, I could do duration -100% or duration \* 50%. It would be a challenge but not oppressive, as is, I just forego the diamond tier.


It's weird how much the modifiers in this game seem to be built to just hate Duration. Like, your Warframe gets a buff from a Void Fissure for Strength and Range? You get the Dax in Conjunction Survival for Strength and Cast Speed? You use the Lohk Surges for zero cost abilities? Every stat *except* Duration can be buffed. But we go into Deep Archimedea and Duration is the only stat with a debuff? That's targeted. Which for most frames of course means you may as well not use abilities at all, since Duration is so integral to their toolkits. It's basically another Nullifier field except that select frames can bypass it.


It's honestly ridiculous and quite baffling. Like, consider other stats in negative: - Strength renders your offensive and some defensive abilities worse. However - it either makes so you have to recast a bit more (for strips or damaging ones), makes no difference (since we just deal so much damage anyway) or you can just use weapons as a substitute. Most defensive abilities aren't as heavily dependent on strength either. - Range is probably the least oppressive. Of course, it means you cannot cover as much area with most abilities, but in most cases, it would mostly mean just having to move around more, standing closer to enemies - which arguably makes gameplay more interesting. - Efficiency could be a bit rough, but we have quite a lot of ways to generate energy nowadays, so unless a build is reliant on ability spamming and tight energy management, it should be fine - Duration is the one stat most abilities depend on. Not just energy management, but it makes frames cast-intensive, many buffs/debuffs just last too short to be practical, some depend on their power stacking (like Chroma's 3, or Protea's 2). Some abilities require setup through other casts (like Dante 2-3-4 or 3-2-4), some require setup from enemies (like Hydroid 3), or just other forms of setup or functionality (like Gyre 3, needing kills to be maintained). Some frames are extra gimped by inability to recast their abilities (like Trinity 3). Some even scale off duration, even if it's not just ability length (like Nova 1). Worst thing is, Duration just screws like 90% of the frames, helps 2-3 and doesn't affect some, that are meta anyway (like Revenant).


basically, DE doesn't want to incentivize bots/afk farms in their free to play game, and range/duration buffs always enter into that. Some abilities, obviously the concern doesn't apply. But some effects do damage with a lingering duration, and/or go through walls, etc. So letting those stats keep growing means more potential tools for automated farms, that they'd then want to get rid of. So its kinda understandable that it's kinda reined in.


Literally the only buff you can get is the molt arcane that gives a few percent while shields are active, nowhere near enough to even be worth it


It gives 36% at max which is pretty good imo


Considering most people run primed/archon continuity, that means it's an effective 23% increase. If running narrow minded as well it is an effective 18% increase. It sounds good on paper, but it's more like a slot fill than a game changer. If it wasn't additive with mods then I would say otherwise.


Yh but its better for niches scenarios, I had a gauss build that focused in nuking for a while that had low as hell duration, I would've killed for that arcane, it was as desirable as arcane molt and stuff for me


There's also a grimoire mod that gives 60%.


I mean...you can also throw on red archon shards for Duration. That's obviously a kinda crazy commitment a lot of the time but it's not \*as\* strictly bounded for building the way range is.


A lot of game devs struggle with the idea of durations on abilities. Specifically "if it needs a long duration why not just make it a passive?" I'm not sure why devs hate long durations. It's not like there aren't other qualifiers such as energy economy or nullifiers.


They still cope for releasing Primed Continuity, it seems


And Archon Continuity? But not Umbral/Archon Intensify or Precision Intensify?


Tbh I wouldn't mind it as much if the pool of modifiers was bigger so it didn't crop up as often, I like it in small doses but it feels like it comes up too often currently due to the current size of the modifier pool in the game. Then again I'm still waiting for more variety in keyglyphs for Netracells, so I won't hold my breath on that.


Same the modifier is annoying and that’s the point but it’s there way more than it’s not. It should crop up every 4 times or something not 3/4 times


I was surprised they didn't announce some new modifiers with this upcoming update to be honest. Like they've been doing with Duviri Decrees, throwing something in to freshen it up every once in awhile would go a long way.


Another thing I want to mention is that the 'Eroding Senses' deviation is such bullshit. It erodes 100 points of health from the defense objective in mirror defense every second and the 'heal' it gets is only like 500 points of health! Does DE even know how long it takes to get the vosphene glyphs?? The defense objective basically has to take no damage whatsoever in order to make it to the next round which is next to impossible in this game mode.


Throw out Ancient Healer specters, they help a lot with Mirror Defense.


I have mixed feelings about DE balancing a mission around Consumables.


Challenging and tedious are not synonyms and abbreviated abilities is mostly just tedious.


Its miserable. RNG loadouts and frame bricking modifiers are miserable, especially together.


I haven't even tried yet, could you remind me what the big rewards even are please ? Not sure if worth the time


Archon Shards and Legendary Melee Arcanes.


Damn that's completely useless to me personally, already decked out on 3 main frames with tau shards and I love the arcane that increases heavy attack damage after normal hits Motivation killed but I guess it's worth trying on weeks that aren't too crazy annoying


I wanted the legendary melee arcanes from it only to find out duplicate only works on yellow crits… completely useless on my main melee weapon. But it is decent on other weps.


Wait, WHAT!?! Please tell me that is a fucking bug that they will fix because that is bullshit Edit: yah guess that's what base critical hits mean, good thing I didn't spend too micht time getting it that's a near worthless arcane.


I had the same reaction haha. I agree it sucks.


... can we print the first part of this sentence on the foreheads of everyone at DE?


Clearly its challenging enough, as it gives people enough trouble to complain about it every week.


It is quite challenging to have fun with abbreviated abilities enabled


Then don't enable it, it's just some vosfor.


Right, let me disable it in order to roll in with poor quality weapons with a Warframe that aren't helpful for this week. Oh well, that means that I'll have to be carried


Any warframe can be built to be useful, and you have three to choose from.


The text might as well read "Don't get 27 vosphor"


I can live with that tbh. 27 vosfor is like one SP arcane.


On one hand, I appreciate the Abbreviated abilities introduce me to Damage Energy vamp Trinity. On the other, having Abbreviated abilities every week is getting pretty boring. Like, aren't there more personal modifier that they can use instead of Abbreviated abilities every week? At this point, having Abbreviated abilities every week is neither fun nor challenging, especially since majority of frames rely on Duration, bonus point if all of the available frame for the DA / EDA week is Duration based.


Yeah, it's not as bad as people think, there are always workarounds to keep the survivability up (like shield gating, energy tanking etc.), but using these workarounds every week starts to get boring


I wanted to write an essay about this last week. Held off but now it's too much, I need to vent like a Fortuna orphan. Abbreviated Abilities means, except for a scant number of warframes who are not negatively impacted by a negative ability duration score, that your warframe may as well not have abilities. I foresaw a counter to this argument being "EDA modifiers are *supposed* to make the gamemode more difficult, stop complaining that it's hard". No, let me be clear. When I see "Abbreviated Abilities", it doesn't make it difficult. It just means that the choice of Warframe is about to be irrelevant. Because I then just build every warframe the same way; you don't care about ability scores anymore, you just throw on every defensive mod and turn them into a crappy weapons platform. The warframe may as well be a blank canvas, unless you're lucky enough to get something like Baruuk, Atlas or Dante or whatever Last week I had Nyx, Gyre and Gauss. All three get screwed by such a low ability duration (especially as the energy drain modifier was present, meaning spamming your abilities was not reliable). I ended up picking Nyx because at least then her passive meant a little extra layer of survivability. Her 2 was capable of stripping enemy armor for about 3.5s, which was enough to kill some of them. Couldn't spam it though because energy was being drained non-stop half the time. This was not hard - it was just tedious! How about a modifier that's just *all ability scores* are reduced by 25%? Instead of a whopping 75% to one modifier, this doesn't irreversibly break builds, but it does mean that people might have to think about how to rejig their loadout if they need way more strength to get to a full armor-strip, or if they can't sit in their Exalted Weapon mode 24/7 with the reduced efficiency/duration.


Someone else pointed this out but if DE just changed the duration penalty to -75% additively instead of -75% multiplicatively then it wouldn’t be as bad. For example, if Hydroid has 200% duration, the current system will take 75% of 200 duration and remove it, leaving 50% duration. If they changed it, the new math would leave 125% ability duration. They’d need to have a minimum cap (10% should be fine) but if they just did this it would be way more workable. Instead we have this frustrating modifier that, as you pointed out, just turns my frame into a bad weapons platform. It’s very dull and annoying and doesn’t make me feel like I’m doing something challenging and engaging, I feel like I’m doing a chore.


This is really poor design on DE’s part. At least if they insist on keeping this, mix things up by throwing in the same reduction for strength and range and have it randomly pick one each week or something.


Or make one that reduces all three by like 25-40%. It wouldn't feel great but the extra Duration would make some of the worst-hit abilities actually USABLE.


> same reduction for strength I wonder how fast the enemies could get with a speedva build lol


Strength cannot go below 10% iirc so nothing would change for speedva, it would still be 60% speed buff to enemies


I'd honestly rather deal with "strength, range, efficiency and duration are capped at 100%" then deal with this


I find it pretty hilarious how a mode that's supposedly focused on making you use different gear from what you're used to, also has a modifier that makes most frames useless and forces you to use Dante/Revenant which are already overused in general, or niche builds for Trinity/Sevagoth. Very funny DE, very funny.


I mean it made me use Limbo, after two years of leaving him in the closet, so I’d say it succeeded.


I would definitely support nerfing abbreviated abilities to a 25 or 50% debuff, or an additive 75% debuff, but another problem is that the list of personal modifiers in DA is just too short. I'd be more than happy to comply with a heavy-handed suggestion to not lean on duration this week, if it happened like once a month. Instead it feels like it's been in the list of personal modifiers more often than not, since DA released.


We are tweaking this - look toward Jade Shadows patch notes for full info on June 18 (Forum Source: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1399260-please-remove-abbreviated-abilities-from-deep-archimedea/page/2/#comment-13051050 )


Thanks for the tweak, boss


That's a bit better, thanks Reb. It's literally the default 'turn off' modifier because it pretty much destroys most frames (especially when combined with energy drain modifiers, etc). I'm not sure this is the right solution, but it's better than what it was.


Something that continues to strike me about EDA is how uneven the challenge is depending on what RNG gives you. I run as a duo most of the time. I got Mesa with a crap loadout, so I'm thinking, "Okay, Abbreviated Abilities hurts her main defenese and we NEED to have an Operator for revives so maybe this is a 6/8 parameter week..." And my friend gets Styanax. Mesa's Regulators + Styanax's Overguard made for an easy 7/8 run for both of us. We did not even need the Operator for revives. Like, I really like EDA, but as far as challenge goes, it's really uneven from week to week.


I run it solo and thought I could try Mesa as flex option. I got enough duration for the abilities to last 16 seconds, but then the time I needed to kill necramechs, it would drain all my energy. I went with Baruuk because he doesn't care about duration apparently and doesn't need much to survive. First mission is still a pain for solo players, but then calling all the spectres just works.


Yea. A lot of the modifiers aren’t so much as something to overcome but just something that makes you use the free slot on a braindead carry frame because you don’t feel like dealing with dumb modifiers. When 95% of abilities both offensive and defensive are duration based I don’t think cutting my duration down by 75% adds to the gameplay in any way, it’s just boring. Like how the assassination boss has ungodly amounts of health. You’re telling me I can kill level cap thrax in two bullets but I’m going to shoot this thing for 5 minutes straight? Actual destiny boss that makes me groan every time I see assassination. Not because it’s difficult in any capacity but because it’s tedious and mind numbingly boring.


What progenitor do you take on sobek? Tox?


If you’re using it for acid shells saryn the regular sobek is better because of riven disposition. The 180 toxin and 150 multi shot you can get from a 5 dispo sobek riven far outweighs the minor base damage buffs and 60% progenitor a kuva sobek gets on .5 dispo.


Hmmm wonder if they'll end up adjusting kuva sobek dispo and if that will change, since it's always set to 1/5 on release.


They might at some point but it will probably be a while before it’s adjusted enough to be meaningful.




I genuinely think there is that one DE staff that observes which modifiers causes the most misery to the most amount of players then they make sure it comes back the majority of the weeks. On one hand it's annoying, but on the other hand, it's pretty funny how petty that sounds.


There have been a few times where I have such good options for loadouts that I feel like I could go for the extra 50 Vosfor by having everything. Then I noticed Abbreviated Abilities and realized I either need to turn that off or switch to a different frame.


Most of the times Deep Archimedia is not a challenge, it's a annoyance


You can also use your flex slot to turn this modifier off, which is a very reasonable thing to do, although I appreciate it's not a perfect fix. It's also not nearly so much of a problem if it comes up once every two months instead of two times a month. Playing around it once can feel like a challenge, playing around it half the time feels like a chore.


You realize your telling warframe players to give up on loot right? I'm pretty sure half the people in this sub would subject themselves to a police raid IRL just to get another tauforged shard of their pick lol


Honestly either make other modifiers as severe as this one or nerf this one to match the other modifiers


I think it's okay for it to exist, I don't think it's okay for it to be common. Should be something you have to deal with at special occasions when we aren't lucky, not like this.


Idk man I can see with abbreviated abilities, the auricle taking damage over time is what got 2/3 runs failed.


dude i effin love abbreviated abilities, it's the easiest, most free modifier in eda. just go trinity EV build, you cant die (ev refreshes shield gating on every pulse), necramechs die extreamly fast (because % true damage does that) and your weapons literally dont matter since you only press 2. bring 2 archon cast speed shards and the mod (or another combination to hit enough cast speed) + a bit of range with a ton of strength. 300+ preferably (i think i have 350 ish). last week was super heavy on necramechs, and if your group had no damage against them you kinda just lose. ev trinity solocarries public squads so hard with that modifier, everyone has infinite energy, nobody can die, and you do a ton of damage. its as free as it gets.


Could you share your Trinity build?


https://preview.redd.it/dd47qcq6sq5d1.png?width=1777&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b366d93bb416cf9a6c876cb061e73a2f9c4ee58 basically what i'm running rn. cant fit primed sure footed in there because slot#1 is still an umbral. need to swap them to something else eventually since i only play trinity in EDA nowadays anyway. She's just kinda bad otherwise. maybe pub eidolons, but i dont run those anymore either. arcanes dont matter at all, can leave them empty tbh. or maybe put in some other immunities just in case. important is just "some range", max strength, 12% duration and efficiency... doesnt really matter either. (you get 100\~ again anyway from fleeting exp to get minus duration)


Thanks a lot for the build and the tips!


can do when i'm home again.


same applies to sevagoth as well lol


I already did my solo EDA run this week, but decided to try this Trinity again solo and it was so much better than my Baruuk run. I subsumed terror for a brief miliseconds of armour strip and that seemed to help make my guns not completely useless. Eximus necramechs seem to die at a nice pace compared to Baruuk and maybe Mesa. I have to say, it feels a bit weird how fast Energy Vampire lasts and I might set a spam button like for Atlas. First mission is quite difficult solo without spectres, but I only used wisp spectre and on call crew. No ancient spectre for 75% dmg reduction on objective. Also didn't use any spectres on mission 2 and 3.


Eh I enjoy modifying the builds to meet the challenge. Then again, I have created tanky builds so I can run hunter adrenaline for channelled abilities. I'm taking the vosfor home, no flex slot needed. I think it's one of the few remaining challenges in warfrmae and we have a lot of tools to deal with it. The no operator sucks more imo as it's harder to rez, and you don't have access to emergency saving yourself.


Honestly for EDA you mainly just need to ignore what frame you have and build for a bit of survivability as you cant use most of your abilities anyway. Just hope you get one good weapon. If not add an incarnon gun and accept to lose 50 vosfor. If the -75% ammo is there you will want an incarnon anyway to bypass the problem.


My sevagoth lusts for this mod, so I personally am fine with it. But yeah RIP anyone who needs duration


4th Week in a row with it now.


I enable it and pick a duration less frame, like baruk


Dante is your friend :)


Honestly skill issue.


Isnt really noticeable for most frames i find, i think gear embargo or the one that blocks trasference is much worse


What? "My biggest issue is a duration debuff, but I don't want to use my flex slot to cover this weakness". Some weeks you just have to choose either a good frame or good weapon. The flex slot guarantees that. I didn't want to give up a flex slot for a specific warframe one week so I forma'd nezha prime multiple times for that run. Never used it before then. Is changing builds not an option? Not every mod slot needs to be filled. update: at least 20 people don't want to turn off the debuff, choose a different frame, or choose a different weapon. Even the worst loadout can be fixed with one flex slot. Dante doens't need duration if you build for his tome weapon and that still allows you to bring a top tier weapon while keeping yourself and allies alive with overguard. Trinity energy vampire built for negative duration completely circumnavigates this debuff by making it a strength. EV spam will be all DPS you need andd it outperforms most weeapons when it comes to killing necramechs or anything else that has overguard and high HP pools. Titania and mesa also fits into this so what exactly is the problem here?


I completely agree that the modifier sucks but the game mode is suppose to be challenging. Modifiers is suppose to add to that to drive up the challenge. I find it weird to be asking DE for harder content & then ask them to make a modifier easier because we don’t like 1 of them. Also I don’t see Vosfor as a must need resource to the point you would want all of the modifiers on for the very last reward anyway. So you can literally just toggle it off. I mean I’m not sure why beg DE to go easy on us if they are giving us the option to just toggle it off. We aren’t playing DA for Vosfor anyway.


People are asking DE for harder content. Not for tedious content. Netracell are boring, literal snoozefest. EDA are tedious, there isn't difficulty, it's just RNG. Wow you got a good warframe or a good weapon in your rotation? Congrat it's free completion this week. I suggest you try deactivating all personal modifier and bring a real loadout to those mission to see how much of the so called difficulty is just dealing with arbitrary bullshit the dev threw at you. I feel like people like DE could add a play shawzin for 5 hours straight without a mistake mission and you guys would be like "Errrrr acktually the game mode is supposed to be challenging". Ask yourself how many people would actually do EDA for fun if the reward were moved to another game mode.


You guys complain to damn much for a game we play for free. 💀


The game being free doesn't absolve it from criticism.


Criticism isn’t even warranted half the time. You guys complain just to complain. If the game modes have this many issues then don’t play it?


If we didn't complain this game would still have stamina and paid for revive.


I played around that time. Both those times, them changes didn’t come from complaining. Paid revive got changed when 1 person paid tons of platinum for just revives alone. That change didn’t come from complaining. Also I’m not talking about the game itself. I’m talking about modes specifically


Pretty sure you're confusing with the kubrow skin reroll thing. Anyway the point is that feedback is valuable and crying about other people giving feedback is pretty much the only way you can be unproductive in that discussion.


**Archimedea modifiers that I hate and would like to see changed are:** >Abbreviated Abilities (Ability Durations reduced by 75%). This isn't challenging, its just tedious. A total multiplicative of 75% less ability duration messes with so many frames or builds that it is just incredibly banal. Many of the Archimedea modifiers put artificial limits on the players by disabling content rather than any actively challenging modifiers that would make gameplay more engaging. Abbreviated Abilities is the worst one for me. I think it would work better if instead of 75% lower duration it would be 40% lower duration but I would also settle for 50% lower duration. It would at least not make it so severe. >Powerless (All Abilities are disabled until the squad kills 50 enemies). Sure... lets disable Warframe abilities, one of the core gameplay elements until you get 50 kills. Not fun, just a tedious and boring limit that can fuck you over depending on your frame. Id rather just see this get removed entirely and replaced with another modifier all together. >Energy Exhaustion (Lose 2 Energy per second for each enemy within 10 meters of you). Lets take everything bad about the old parasitic Eximus units and apply it to ALL ENEMY UNITS ON THE FIELD... I hate this modifier, it unnecessarily punishes melee builds and forces you to put enemies at distance which is manageable in some missions but its seriously annooying in defensive misisons or in Assassination missions when you are in a unescaple arena with quite limited room to navigate. Uninteresting and unoriginal. I would rather see the modifier changed to that enemy Eximus numbers are doubled and besides their normal eximus ability, they also have the AoE drain ability of parasitic Eximus units. That way you aren't punished unnecessarily just for being near 10 meters near enemies and it would give you a way to dodge the energy drain if you're actually paying attention. >Vampyric Liminus (Slow moving, immortal, Duviri Liminus drain Health and Energy from allies who get too close.) Manageable in some mission types but incredibly annoying in others like in Assassination (when you're at the boss arena), Mirror Defense or in Disruption when near conduits and you're trying to get keys from enemies. They have low visibility and in missions where you are required to stay near something like the mission types I mentioned earlier, a shit ton of things or effects are usually taking place/happening on the screen which makes the Vampyric Liminus incredibly annoying to deal with. I would just like to see their visibility upped a bit (maybe a shadowy effect on the edges of the player screen when one is draining you?) and for them to be more susceptible to CC. Some CC abilities seem to work, some don't and this half working or not nature of the Liminus is just messy to play against. Also good luck dealing with them if they get an Overguard modifier as well... **Archimedea modifiers that I hate to a lesser degree but would also like to see some change:** >Transference Distortion (Transference into Operator and Drifter is blocked). A lot of good builds gets ruined by not being able to use Operator mode and its just an artificial difficulty limit that narrows what you can do rather than giving you any meaningful challenge to overcome. It also removes the ability to revive downed teammates in Void Mode which I actually like because its a clutch that to many players have come to rely on. However its not worth losing your entire access to Operator mode. Instead outright disabling Operator mode, why not just have Operator abilities and Void Mode drain more of the transference bar when used? That way the modifier isn't another cheap disabling limit but on that can require you to be conscious effort into into managing your Transference energy if the increased costs are severe enough. Transference energy regen could also be lessened. >Exposure Curse (Shields are removed). A lot of frames rely on Shield Gating to survive. Entirely disabling shields is just yet another artificial limit that seeks to make gameplay harder by disabling rather than challenge. Not entirely sure what I would change about this one to make shields weaker seeing as we already have a another modifier that increases Shield recharge delay by 500% but Shields should never be disabled entirely. That's just cheap.


People when asking for endgame content: 🤬 The same people when finally given endgame content 😭🤬🤬


Skill issue. I solo'd this week with equinox and a laetum. Also you can just not take it and skip the vosfor


Dude, it's endgame, it is supposed to be hard. Nothing else in this game gets even close to offering a sliver of challenge. I beg you, stop complaining.


But it isn't hard? It's just tedious for no reason. If they make a modifier that make the minimum mission duration in eda 5 hours will you tell us it's supposed to be hard?


Can’t please nobody on here, I just find it so hard to believe that these post are still happening


You could just... not pick abbreviated abilities


"can this be made better?" "Just stop using it 😡" What logic is that, dude? Do you think people with broken bones should just stop using them or smth?


I think ppl forget that it’s literally supposed to be challenging. We can’t keep asking them to make hard content easy for us


There's no way to make challenging content at all. Someone will find a way to skip any so called challenge and make it easy. I play eda solo and just make whatever choice of Warframe tanky with vazarin for invincibility. Then bring an incarnon to make sure I can kill anything. I was running test builds in EDA with the least amount of research points and it's not like level 300 to 400 enemies are super easy to beat if you don't bring cheesy builds.


What's challenging about making 90% of frames unusable?


Making 90% of frames unplayable inst creating a challenge it's just locking you into use the 3 meta frames for everything again


Then TOGGLE IT OFF. Seriously guys. Vosfor isn’t a must need resource


The issue is not that the modifier requires you to select a flex pick its that the modifier is so harsh that you have to 1 of 3-4 frames as a flex pick instead of being able to pick from 10-15 differemt frames as long as you build them unconventionaly to counteract the modifier.


that's what people are doing, but it being disproportionately oppressive compared to other modifiers isn't interesting or good game design. you can work around it, yes, like you say, thank you, we're aware. that doesn't mean the current implementation is good.


Ah yes, even better logic. "This aspect isn't working the way it should, could I please be fixed" "YOU JUST WANT IT TO BE EASY 😡😡" Like, what are even on? Do you hear yourself? It's giving "no one wants to work". Like it's not challenging if you literally cannot do it. Challenge is meant to inspire betterment to overcome it, but if the way a challenge is presented doesn't allow for betterment or to overcome it, it's a failure and isn't a real challenge, it's frankly unreasonable. If you want unreasonable go play something made by From Software.


Well first of all From, unreasonable? Lol. Outing yourself with that one Second, you can mod more duration/efficiency to make almost every frame plenty usable with it.


It's a high level mission in a videogame and it's supposed to be challenging. You can either pick a frame that isn't effected by duration or not pick it and choose the frames provided... Also yes. You aren't supposed to use broken bones. They're broken, that analogy is terrible Yall are acting like this limited choice difficult game mode needs absolute freedom of choice with every aspect when the entire point of it is restricting choice to make the game harder


The main problem is that to constrict choices in this game, making players get different frames to do these, necessarily means that some players cannot do them. Not every player can spend the money or time to acquire the slots or frames required, which fucking sucks, and is really fucking alienating. CHALLENGE is something that can be overcome. A paywall isn't challenge. And you're right. You don't use broken bones. But you don't just let them sit broken, you FIX THEM so you CAN use them, and that was the whole point of the analogy. I thought that'd be pretty obvious but I guess I was being confusing, and I apologize.


Except there's nothing wrong with abbreviated abilities you can quite easily make it negligible on most frames And bringing money into this doesn't make any sense. You have a *week* to build the weapons and frames up and its an "endgame" gamemode if you're struggling for slots perhaps put work into that before complaining about how a single modifier in a single gamemode makes the game too hard and alienating for something you unlock after a VERY lengthy grind


I wish abbreviated abilities became permanent part of EDA just so people finally learned to play around it andthose posts would stop.


Luckily this isn't required content


"Can we get a QoL for \[gamemode\]?" "Just stop playing it"


nothing is *literally* required in this game, but "weekly resetting content with some of the best rewards in the game including some that are largely time-gated" is a hell of a lot closer to required than the vast majority of other content.


Nor is your comment required yet you are here!


Guess everyone agrees with that, cause the gamemode is pretty dead unless you have a premade group, i did DA 5 times already, and i did not have a full group once, twice as a trio, trice as a duo, and that's after multiple tries, i go in, wait 5 minutes, nobody joins, so i leave and do something else for 30 minutes, then i go back, rinse and reapeat until i get at least another person. And i'm talking about normal DA, haven't tried Elite yet, but it's probably worse since it's much harder. I know the game mode is kinda new and locked behind R5 Cavia, but i don't think "lack of endgame players" is the problem here, every other SP+ content is super alive with groups filling instantly, even SP Tyana Pass is more alive lol.


EDA is relatively lively, regular DA is dead because people only play it once, to unlock EDA, which then is ironically easier due to the allowed flex slot- final tier reward is just 50 vosphor so is easily skipped. Flex slot doesnt justify a single modifier cutting away 75% of viable frames though, and thats the issue being presented here.


That's the problem, everyone is playing EDA so DA queue is empty. Had to run duo with my friend to unlock his EDA since nobody else joined DA.


You can just helminth non duration abilities to existing frames y'know? Gloom and tharros strike or whatever.  Use available tools to alter the build and consider augments.  Equinox and qorvex and titania and yareli and dagath and trinity and sevagoth do really well in low duration as well.  It's really not the worst modifier. 


Duration affects the cost of channeled abilities. Abbreviated abilities quadruples the energy cost of Gloom. Have fun with that.


Sorry not sorry, EDA isn't for people who need the game to adjust to them. It's just not the point of this content. It's the hardest of the hard. There's literally 11 years of other content to go play. Go do something else if you don't like it. It's only for 35-40 min a week. This was not for you. This was for us, the ones who have been playing so long abbreviated abilities with limited random selections is the only way left to feel challenged.


I don’t think there would be as many complaints about abbreviated abilities if it wasn’t there every week, expect maybe 2, since EDA has come out. It’s such a shit debuff and it comes around so often. And it’s multiplicative ew.


Yeah, because by far, most people mod for duration. It's a direct nerf to the most popular strat. Yes, it's gonna be there nearly every week. It's *designed* to be hard as fuck from top to bottom. That means nerfing the move more people use right out of the gate. I know a few people complain every week. They will go play ascension next week because it doesn't have these and those of us who enjoy it, will get to have our fun in peace. Realistically, if you look at just the steam player numbers, then compare it to the posts, comments, and upvotes. It's a very small group that has a problem with it. Like I'm only an mr25, and I manage to finish it every Monday morning. This morning 2hr 8min for Archon hunt, 3 netracells, and EDA. That's with commercial, and bong breaks. It's really not that bad, unless you're locked in to one frame, one gun, one weapon. You've gotta be flexible, look at what will work. Come up with a plan and execute. Takes an extra like 20 min to come up with a build that works but if you do, and you bring corrosion, you'll be fine.


People aren’t building duration for no reason though 75% of the frames ability effectiveness is based on how long they run. And people love to list frames that don’t follow this, but who’s to guarantee I’m going to get one every time this dumb thing pops up. It’s all RNG. Most people aren’t doing EDA yet anyways, so you can’t look at overall player numbers you’d have to look at the numbers for people with DA unlocked and then compare that to the number of people who have that unlocked and use Reddit. Basically this post isn’t statistically accurate for how many people hate this particular debuff. Why does it need to be there nearly every week though? You said that like it was absolutely necessity or the game mode will break. It’s not necessary to be there as often as we have it. We want variety with our difficulty, because without variety it becomes boring and monotonous. Same nonsense no duration builds we’ve done. We get it. We don’t want it to be easier, we want it to be more fun, that’s it. And I literally am only locked into 1 frame, and 1 of each weapon, as in most weeks I only have one from each category owned. I’m MR 18 and buy space and really only get rid of shitter and duplicate things, so it’s not like my inventory is barren either. It’s not about difficulty completing it and how long it takes it’s about how much fun it is.


But that's the thing, if it's not fun for you, there's so much other stuff you can do. It is fun for me, and numerous other people who don't want to see a very excellent game mode dumbed down. Again, it takes 20 min to retool for it. Just, change the way you're looking at it. I got Dagath today, did I bother with her horses? Hell no, the blade ability is unaffected by duration, I modded the crap out of it, noticed we were allowed to use gear. Sliced my way through with Clem and a full suite of specters. By the end, the whole team had a full pack out and we whaled on the cavia like it was a regular mission. You gotta learn stuff like spawn control, communication, tactics. Yeah, it's deep deep meta game, yeah you gotta communicate with people who don't want to listen, but that's life. Teamwork makes the dream work. Use the recruitment tab if you have too but honestly. It's just not that challenging if you look at it as a challenge, instead of an obstacle. I'm dropping frames and weapons I haven't touched in years, looking at abilities I never cared about. Finding new synergies and builds weekly. Stuff that's not just overframe or YouTubers. But like, actually fun off meta stuff that works out the box at level 400. Sorry you keep dropping stuff, but you can't just download a guide for this one and buy your way through. This is classic, team based Warframe of a style we haven't seen since keela de thame and I fucking like it, no, I fucking love it just the way it is.


First of all. I’m gonna do it for the rewards. Not happily, but the rewards be rewarding. “Don’t get these 5 archon shards since the game mode isn’t fun enough for you!” Isn’t really a valid argument because nothing else is going to give me the same quality and quantity of rewards. Asking that we don’t see a particular modifier so often out of the random selection of modifiers weekly, isn’t a crazy game changing ask, or asking it to be dumbed down. No one said “fuck this whole game mode rework it!” People are saying bro why does this modifier show up damn near every week? It makes most of our frames useless. And yeah sure it can be a 20 min reconfig but I’m tired of reconfiguring for the same damn thing. Once again just asking for variety. I run with my bf and friends every time if there is anything too annoying or we got absolutely dog shit load outs, we will take turns carrying each other. It’s not about the challenge I could queue solo if I want it’s about the tediousness of the modifier and how often it appears. Not the whole entire game mode. It’s this particular modifier. Basically it was challenging the first 3 times now it’s just annoying. I have never used overframe or YouTube, my most used frame is Yareli, and right now I use the kompressa and nami solo to clear most missions. I am an off meta girly who likes to experiment. I love a little deep meta and innovation, but the same debuff week after week is trash and seems very non experimental if you ask me. It’s not about “I can’t use my meta frames oh no” it’s “I can’t use any frame that I was given as an option with this nonsense or I just can’t pick the nonsense” week after week. You’re basically trying to say I need to get good when I’m trying to tell you it’s not the game mode it’s the singular modifier that pops up too often that makes it unfun, not unplayable. We want hard and fun game modes and sometimes that means small tweaks. Changing this modifier to not appear so damn often, or to be additive instead of multiplicative would not ruin your precious game mode.


If you aren't doing EDA, you don't need the shards. You're doing the thing, to get things that only really help you do that thing better. You can do literally 100% of the content without them, easily. Also, if by now you haven't adapted to it, I really don't know what to tell you. Running power over duration is better in the long run anyway. As for ruining my precious mode? You have no idea what this game used to be like, you used to have to work together, actual mechanics that forced teamwork, this is a pale imitation of what many of us fell in love with. Uncompromising difficulty without being a souls game. I'm sorry you don't see the beauty in 90% of builds and commonly used abilities getting nerfed out the gate. But us old heads are all a bit tired of seeing the same frames, the same builds, the same setup, in the same 3 paintjobs. This calls for a depth of knowledge old timers don't have a use for anywhere else in the game. Leave us to it. You literally don't need the rewards if you're not enjoying EDA.