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at least 4. and strangely that has been the one i left out. since most of my warframes selected benifit from high duration.


got Trinity one week and zapping demolishers with Energy Vampires even faster than usual kinda hit different!


Necramech Demolishers are susceptible to Energy Vampire?




Sweet.. Gonna have to pull out my negative duration EV Trinity for when I have to farm Cavia standing again :D


I have a min duration nuke trinity build its my crack


Share your build pls


literally I just built strength and the -duration modifier took care of the rest. (Rolling guard helped tho)


"strangely"? Most warframes need at least "some" duration. Most can do their thing with transient fortitude equipped, which is 72.5% duration. To reach that amount in a week where you have -75% duration you'd have to reach 290% duration. That is narrow minded, primed continuity and at least one other mod to almost reach that value. So you need to take your frame, which normally doesn't care much for duration, and built it dedicated for duration, sacrificing at least three mod slots, opting out of transient fortitude and somehow deal with the -range from narrow minded just to make your frames abilities not end before the animation is through. And for frames who do care at least a bit about duration, you already have all the duration mods in them, you can't "fix" them for this modifier. Even with full investment you can just get barely past the 400% mark to get to 100% after the reduction. And to be honest: frames that need duration suck with 100% duration We already have the reduced selection of 3 frames. why narrow it further down with such a modifier? A much more interesting modifier which meets the sameish goal but for all frames instead of only those that do not care much for duration and without completly disabling frames that do: "your frame has halfed mod capacity". (because thats what it is, if you need 3-4 mods to offset that single modifier) There: now you can actually look into what your frame "needs the most" and mod for that.


The alternative is to have a health tanking build and use hunter adrenaline to sustain either frames with channeled abilities or gloom. It's not like you have to compensate for a duration loss. 


great, now i am playing pseudo-inaros with gloom (again) rather than an intersting frame... I still wish they'd just gave gloom a helminth nerf rather than gutting all CC by introducing overguard


Yeah that's always a nope from me. That, and no operator. I dread the day when they're both in rotation. I haven't checked this week. They are both here, aren't they?


None operator with abilities that left


sometimes its better to pick revenant and deal with that modifier that way


Ended up doing that this week. Frame picks were Caliban and an unmodded Gyre, grabbed Revenant and the weapon picks and said fuck it.


My suggestion for other players is to just to bring a weapon that can kill anything in EDA fast (likely an incarnon weapon), and then put survivability mods and vazarin. I haven't had to deal with no operator and not having a decent load out at the same time but this setup has worked all the time so far. Edit - I was away from home and interesting no one pointed out it was no operator this week too. Time to bring out baruuk for the solo clear.


another thing is that the vosfur is very overrated especially with some of the arcane events (gargoyle's cry and the jade shadows event coming up)


Baruuk is my go-to for this modifier, the negative duration is a buff for him. Not this week though, got pretty close to a godroll on weapons+frame this reset. Dante, Tenet Glaxion, Ocucor, and Nikana Prime tore through EDA like wet toilet paper. Ended up skipping the negative duration modifier for the easiest run I've had in weeks.


This is really poor design on DE’s part. At least if they insist on keeping this, mix things up by throwing in the same reduction for strength and range and have it randomly pick one each week or something.


i feel like range could work strength not so much because its much easier to counter


As it stands the duration reduction makes like 90% of meta builds unusable, could hardly be worse


Any frame with an ability duration except baruuk just gets gutted by ab. That's like 70% of the frames in the game.


replace "meta builds" with "warframes". 90% of warframes are either unusable or need to sacrifice 3-4 mods slots to put primed continuity + narrow minded + 1-2 other duration mods. Oh and they also need to swap out transient fortitude and fleeting expertise


You know, that might be whole point, to push people away from meta build.


All it does is push people to pick Revenant, not sure that’s an improvement


I mean, most people picking Rev when they get him regardless of modifiers, path of least resistance and all that. And if you not going for vosfor, no difference between picking rev with AA or just turning AA off. Its not even that severe on most affected frames, but people too lazy to tweak builds.


You misunderstand me. I’m saying that when the duration nerf modifier is on, people default to ditching the vosfor for that week and pick Revenant as their Warframe regardless of him not being one of the three they’re offered with. Seems pretty clear to me this design experiment has been a failure and it would be time for DE to rectify it, saying the issue is player laziness seems to me like just trying to handwave away a pretty clear issue.


It ruins non-meta builds just as much.


"But, but, some random Youtuber told me this was the best build in the whole game!! How am I suppose to be 'competitive' and 'Steel Path ready' if I can't use the 'best builds'?!?!?!" **/s**


Yeah, feels like i've been going EDA for 8 weeks and only last week we didnt have that darn modifier, and why does DE keep putting almost the same Warframe picks besides 1 everytime, at least on my case.


Are the modifiers the same for everyone? I thought they were different for each person


Only frames and weapons are different


Two weeks ago we finally had one that didn't have Abbreviated abilities


atleast i got revenant . i can be brain dead this week


I am fully convinced they put this modifier in so people would adhere to random frames and weapons when trying to get 34 points.


Its unfortunate that we have to deal with it 4 weeks in a row, but in all seriousness there is enough warframes that dont care for that debuff. Incase you have a good loadout and just the warframes suck > swap to rev or dante for extra survival Your loadout sucks balls but you wanna still be useful > The ones above + garuda, trinity or baruuk And there is probably even more warframes dont give a damn really about the reduction.


Baruuk and Revenant reign Supreme But yeah, the modifier is absolute bs otherwise


Just 2 in a row lol. got wisp this week and did it just fine


Has it been that many times? How many weeks of EDA have we even had?


It came out the 1st week of April. So there’s been 10 so far. Over half have had the modifier


It's annoying for sure but at least at the end of the day it's just -50 vosfor and you play a frame that doesn't give a shit about duration.


You don't have to do all challenges


Every week this post gets put up and they just can’t seem to comprehend turning it off.


I honestly think at this point that this community doesn't want a genuine challenge, or anything that pushes them outside the established cookie cutter design they cling to so much. There's so much animosity over a **single** modifier that players have to work around, while other options in the game are constantly overlooked. They want to 'feel powerful,' while still feeling like they've 'earned' that power somehow. It's ridiculous. Warframe is chocked full of various systems and options available to the player. Yet if the options don't match the silo of the meta's demands, all of them end up ignored. It's pathetic meta gamer brain rot at this point.


I don't mind the randomised loadouts and I actually like the idea that you get a week to go back to older content and build the gear you've been given the choice of. It's dishonest however to frame this as players only wanting to meta chase when you can be given the modern, powercrept to shit, incarnon weapons or some decade old weapon never intended to face level 400 enemies, let alone level 400 necramechs. Then on top of that, you have randomly chosen warframes but modifiers like abbreviated abilities that actively kill certain frames from working. Like sure I did a week where I just used some dumb Limbo triple umbral health tank build and it worked fine, it wasn't difficult, but it also undermines the game when frames just exist to effectively be a mini pre-rework Inaros given you bare minimum require a weapon capable of destroying necramechs.


Unless Gear is disabled, you can still invest in an Archgun that will shred Murmur, even at that level. Same can be said about Amps unless that modifier is in play. And I have yet to get a weapon that 'doesn't work at all' against enemies in this content. So either I have the most fantastic luck in the world, or the items you are given *can* work if you put forth the time to make tailored builds to face the challenge.


bro its a game, not a religion or set of life commandments. people play games to have fun. when they don't have fun and don't like the game they just stop and go away, when they don't have fun but do like the game they complain. why do you care if other people have fun? why wouldn't you want them to have fun? why is it that everyone has to have fun the same way as you?


What if I find the challenge fun, eh?  They ask de to take away my fun meanwhile they can always have their type of fun by opting out of the challenge and playing like normal


What a completely disingenuous argument. I've been having fun with EDA each and every week, including this one. And I'm not the OP that's complaining about said mode or modifiers. **Edit:** Blocked after posting your rebuttal? LMAO! What a child...


> And I'm not the OP that's complaining about said mode or modifiers. yes exactly. i explained why someone would complain. because it's not fun. > I've been having fun with EDA each and every week, including this one. that's great and usually many folks that enjoy something they tend to not broadcast it as loudly as the people that aren't having fun. any feedback system tends to have this kind of balance. so it's strange as to why you feel the need to comment on other folks that aren't having fun with just how much you're not experiencing that unfun. you're basically implying in your original comment that everyone has brain rot if they don't enjoy it (like you seem to). it doesn't make any sense at all as to why you posted in the first place if it was in good faith, but then again, when you're telling people choosing to see things differently from you that they have gamer brain rot it's unlikely you came to have honest discourse but rather wanted to do the typical online anonymous gatekeeping and elitism approach.


The insatiable greed of the average Warframe player (it's true, I drink greedy milk despite being lactose intolerant)


Just skip it. You don't need that tiny bit of Vosfor. It'd be nice if they tweaked it to maybe 50~25%, but for now you just gotta make due.


I do all challenges and the guns. The frame is my flex so I don’t get the Vosfor but I don’t get one shot by some random thing


Basically any frame can do EDA, just use a set frame and skip the -75%.