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He said he was going to destroy the world and he did. Enough said...


Gotta love a villain who can walk the walk for once, not just talk the talk.


Also he earned his everchosen status by being a badass, unlike those 40k losers who got scammed into serving the chaos gods against the empire that literally made them what they were.


That said, what is his goal in AoS? Im not familiar with the lore of it. Destroy Chaos Gods and Sigmar?


He does intend to take control for himself, but in essence, he won in AoS just like he did in fantasy. 90% of the mortal realms are under his control (The control of Chaos anyway), and it's kind of the inverse of Fantasy and 40k. The forces of order, death, and destruction are pushing on their borders and trying to take lands to settle in them. And wherever Archeon isn't actively holding together his forces plot and scheme behind his back to take his place. It's a fun twist, which is one of the 7 I really like AoS. Instead of defending from Chaos, you're actively on the attack against it.


Every time I hear stuff like this about AoS it does sound quite a cool setting, except for the 8 infinite worlds of magic thing which just seems obtusely and unecessarily complex


Tbf, it's just Yggdrasil. As a concept, I don't think it's that complicated and just acts as a springboard for you to make conflicts/realms as wide or as small as you want them to be. You can have small skirmishes outside a city or continent wide clashes that you don't need to be super careful that you're stepping on the toes of the lore. I think the biggest problem has been that there hasn't been a faction on the tabletop for order that's generic enough that allows you to flex the creativity that the world allows you to, until the introduction of the Cities of Sigmar. I hope in the future they'll become as expansive as space marines with each of the main cities being a faction in their own right. You can have the industrial powerhouse that lives unexpectedly in the realm of life that is Gretwater Fastness, the shadowy priests that pray to dead gods of Lethis, the pirate city of Misthaven etc etc. Or you can create whatever your heart desires.


> except for the 8 infinite worlds of magic thing which just seems obtusely and unecessarily complex It's not really that complex, if you can grasp the MCU's pop culture version of Norse mythology I'd say you can grasp AoS.


The worlds aren't infinite though last I checked the lore


How long do you think this status quo will last?


How long does any status quo last? Until people stop buying the models.


I mean, how long before we see the forces of order start taking back territory they lost? My understanding is that part of AoS’s appeal is that it doesn’t stick to an unchanging status quo and that Chaos can be defeated, rather than just held off until it’s inevitable victory. It feels like it would be quite boring if we never deviated from the status quo of Chaos controlling most of the realms.


The current AoS storyline is about the Twin-Tailed Crusade, a joint effort from Hammerhal Gyran and Aqshy as they attempt a joint effort to set up a city. From the start, it's framed that one will succeed, but one will fail, and the storyline is mostly how much it absolutely sucks to be in a Dawnbringer Crusade. In the past, it wasn't even just order in 2nd Editon Nagash went to town with Katakros, his general of the Ossiarch, managing to take and hold the Eight Points. Archeons main base for transportation. And even right now, for 4th editon skaven had a city under Azyr, Sigmars realm, which was thought to be free of chaos. The ramifications are actually pretty big for that, especially with how difficult it is to remove skaven once they've infested an area.


Well we know that nobody is ever going to obtain a complete victory so I feel every should have their share of wins and loses. Except the Skaven because I never liked them.


'The realms' are as infinite as they need to be to make sure you can 'advance the plot' without actually advancing the plot if you don't want to. Just like the galaxy in 40k is and the Old World isn't.


They’ve said that the realms are roughly 3 times the surface area of earth per realm. So it’s massive, but not quite infinite. Big enough to shove in any homebrew you like


As far as I'm aware, his goal is the same as ever. Kill all non-chaos heroes for the glory of the Ruinous Powers and then destroy the world. Only this time there's more worlds to destroy.


I think this time his goal might be more... ambitious...godhood one might wager


Promises made, promises kept


He's Abbadon in competent. And with arms. No but seriously, i like Archaon quite a bit. I like the idea of a "Chosen BBEG who wants to destroy the world", with him subverting the trope by hating his bosses so much, that he wants to unmake existence just to fuck them over. Makes you wonder how much of the Sigmar Priest is still left in him, in a twisted way.


>He's Abbadon in competent. I disagree ! Faibaddon is a harmless weakling compared to Archaon ! I would put him directly in comparison with the true representative of chaos in Wh30k, in other words I would put him on an equal footing with Horus.


He gets stuff done


Cool and interesting character, also has a good design.


Archaon the Everchosen, https://preview.redd.it/dtwblgfmugsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12df2df781e1ae9fdfe331503568d61c2ba4d3d4 Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Archaon.. honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. The way you drive into the hordes and strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch around the blade, and that gorgeous charge. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so I would never have to watch you fail. You had a rough childhood, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the campaign, you're a great leader and father, sometimes I even call you dad. I forvever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day retire. I would sacrifice my ownlife it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you first left the Chaos Realms and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when I watched you win your first corporeal victory in Norsca, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. I just wanted you to return home. Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy came home and I rejoiced. It was a hard year for us baby, but in the next decade you made history happen. You came back from 3-1 and I couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and I heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "PANTHEON, THIS IS FOR YOU!" Not only have you changed the universe and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Archaon the Everchosen.




First ever army was an Archaon mini and some Chaos knight back in the Fantasy days, gotta rep my gloriously luscious, pristinely beautiful king now and forevermore


Keep cooking goat




He does ride the stink horse of doom, so that's fun


Loved him and his story


I see you beat me to my own thoughts


The nu lore is not my cup of tea! Him searching the world for artifacts of power was pretty interesting, but the End times shit ruined it with all the incarnate stuff. I prefer the old "Storm of Chaos" ending, where Archaon gets kicked in the ballz by Grimgor, instead of pulling a McGuffin from under the Faustschlag. That is the big ol' Mountain Middenheim is build on, which is, stated in the lore, holed out like a swiss cheese by Men, dwarves and totally not Skaven. You might think that one of those races with 2,5k years time might have found the third warp gate...


I'm pretty sure Grimgor didn't kick him in the balls, it's a misconception based on the fact in the UK, we use the expression 'Nutting' someone to describe headbutting them, and some people not from the UK thought that meant kicking him in the nuts.


You are correct. It was a headbutt


…in the balls.


I loved that the guy rode a horse in Warhammer Fantasy. No dragon or fancy beast, just a horse and a sober black armour was enough for the Lord of the End Times. Then AoS came along and destroyed what made him cool.


It was a Demon looking like a Horse. 😅👌


Better than the three headed monstrosity


Lore wise isn’t it the same? Drogar has the ability to become what he „eats“, right? I find this really bad ass 🤣👌


>Lore wise isn’t it the same? No. And the miniature is obviously very different too, which is also very important.


He means that it's the same mount, it has just changed form. Which is true in the lore.


I know what he means but that adds nothing to the conversation lmao. The lore could say that Dorghar becomes a cute rabbit and that would make it a good move. I like it much better when it's a horse, both aesthetically and narratively.


It’s a different model because it ate greater demons for breakfast and took their powers as its own. It is the horse (nightmare demon). But yeah its just in a more powerful form and looks a lot different. Archon on drogar (horse) was my first mini that I have bought back in the old days.


I know why it's supposed to be a different mini, I just don't agree with it from an artistic perspective that's all.


The new model is fucking Baller man, that thing kicks so much ass….i love the old horsi too but man saying the new model sucks is crazy


I didn't say it sucks. I don't like it, but the model is obviously well done and I get the appeal. I much prefer the old look of northern warlord, that got replaced by what I consider an overly convoluted and over-the-top sculpt. Which is in general the trend in AoS and why it doesn't appeal to me as much. That is all.


holy fuck, someone else who hates his new mount.


Lmao yeah chaos lord on a dragon nothing iconic or cool about that. Definitely cooler with a plain black horse. I bet you hate butter on your pure untoasted white bread.


I get where the criticism comes from, especially considering Archaon is almost completely eclipsed by his own steed. The new model is a really cool demon dragon, but the focus is pulled away from Archaon himself. Sometimes less is more.


a fair solution would've been smth similar to what they did with teclis: a dismounted archaon walking menacing towards an imaginary opponent while Dorghar is behind him, wings wide open, the tails lashing at the foe and the heads scanning the field looking for the next victim. i think this would've made a much better model, making archaon himself still the center of attention of the sculpt


Okay that's true for any chaos lord riding a dragon, because they're riding a freaking dragon. Putting a man on a dragon will, in fact, pull the attention away from the man. **Sometimes** less is more. The herald of the apocalypse and master of chaos undivided is 300% not one of those times. They just can't win with their own fans. Make a giant centerpiece model for a core faction with incredible design and the feedback is "I liked the plain horse better". Literally ridiculous. There are thousands of Knight on a Horse models and like 2 dragon riders in the entire line and we are complaining that the mount is too distracting? When he rides a 3 headed dragon? Sad and silly. How come Nagash is so tall?! I liked the old short Nagash better. New Magnus is so big and detailed why can't they make him a short pewter gnome thing and stop distracting from his magic with all those giant wings and actual faces?


Now you're just being obtuse and kind of an ass. I never said new was bad, just that it wasn't flawless and that the people who dislike it have valid reasons why it doesn't suit their tastes. >How come Nagash is so tall?! I liked the old short Nagash better. New Magnus is so big and detailed why can't they make him a short pewter gnome thing and stop distracting from his magic with all those giant wings and actual faces? So why do you need strawmen to tear down when "Archaon should be over the top" would have sufficed.


I was being an ass the entire time frankly


You are right. Derpy clown-shoes Nagash WAS better.


I have no defense.




I wish 40k had a chaos warlord as cool as him


I mean, the model is the largest and most intricate one ever created imo. Eventually, I will get it. As a character, Dude is the man.


I named one of my cats after him, my big black chonker.


He's the entire reason I'm even playing AoS. What a friggin stud


happy to see someone else in my same conditions lol


The Everchosen is a really cool name.


He is everything any 40K villain ever tried to be and more, he’s the coolest dude…


Archaon was much better in Fantasy Battle. They did to Archaon like they did to everything in AoS and made it way too over the top. In FB, he was badass and viscous enough, there was no need to take him further than they did. Loved him before the change. Total War made the best Archaon model, in my opinion.


His fantasy battle model was so sick


>Total War made the best Archaon model, in my opinion [Okoii perfected perfection ](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1696155271273149647/0FFBE68DDD47CF555BB1CD77FDE7C1DEBDF468D5/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true)


ah yes the not over the top warhammer fantasy.


It was way less over the top than AoS. People in fantasy were ordinary folk. They had lives and a culture and weren't watching space ma- I mean weird lightning angels fight chaotic demigods every other week. Folk in fantasy went to the pub. Can you imagine people in AoS going to the pub?


> People in fantasy were ordinary folk. The immortal elves, the anthropomorphic lizards, the vampire pirates, the green fungus people, the ratmen, the bullmen, the undead Egyptians. Just ordinary folk. The "ordinary folk" you generalise are just the people of the Empire and Bretonnia, everyone else is not fucking ordinary. Warhammer fantasy is so much more than just normal humans, but saying Fantasy is all normal folk and AOS is all demigods is a nice strawman argument. Is AoS a more fantastical setting? Yeah, of course. But there are so many stories out there about ordinary humans, who go to the pub and have to balance ordinary shit with living in a magical setting. Then there are stories that makes one sympathise with elves and duardin and vampires and chaos warriors, that show it's not, in fact, fighting demigods all the time, people still have jobs, still have "normal" worries, and still have time to go to the pub. Just because you have a shallow puddle's understanding of the lore, doesn't mean it's all one-note.


dont forget Bretonnia has the immortal super knights and then we have giant china-esque ruled by dragons with there giant magical great wall to block the hordes of chaos oh and also the tree people living alongside wood elves (im sorta slowly remembering things to add as writing this)


He's a lil' cutie pie and I love him


I like his hat


He is so overpowered that he is both incredibly boring and incredibly awesome. Also, I think the old model was better overall in terms of sculpting quality. His new AoS model is just too cartoony for my liking. Had they sculpted him better, it would have been a truly incredible miniature.


His old metal model on horseback was leagues better than his plastic sculpt


Sick ass ride


Turn his helmet upside down and u get 👁️👄👁️


Turn his helmet upside down and u get 👁️👄👁️




He got interesting in AoS as his character went from a (kind of pathetic) nihilisitic mentality to a mottal supremacy & Social Darwanist. A man who wish to see mortals once more take their fate back into their hands and gods conform to them notthe other way around He a man who see all his greatest sin and atrocities of the old world (litterally blowing his home reality up) was for nothing morph into a new drive to kill all gods across all reality all while still serving chaos. It the best "Im using chaos to end the use of chaos" that a lot of writter fail to actually make intersting. Especially since he currently in a cold war with the chaos gods themselves


He's just chaos Mary-Sue.


Hard to love character. I say this because, he was so successful, that It feels like, he's going to eventually get wrote in to be killed.


Grimgor should of krumped him


He’s the only one to actually WIN warhammer thats the only important thing ( and technically he was taking over universe’s inbetweb ToW and AOS, along with winning for a while at the start of AOS


Makes Sauron look like an innocent little girl in comparison. While I'll always be on the good guys side, they need bad guys to shine, and here we have the incarnation of what evil is. I unironically really like this kind of evilness


He is a failure re-tooled into Mary Sue by shameless retcons. He was the butt of most good Warhammer related jokes ever since AoS, and devs hated it so much they ragequit on the setting /s. He embodies writers disregard with setting and player base. The jokes were good, though.


What are you talking about  ?  Archaon literally defeated humanity single-handedly, site me a single character who did better than him in Wh fantasy is 40k !?  Not a single demon primarch has accomplished the same insane feat of archaon.


Archie failed to defeat anyone and got headbutted by Grimgor. GW studio had no idea what to do with that, so they reset the timeline back to just before he launched his invasion, spent about a decade pretending they don't remember the guy (unlike the players, who loved poking fun on him), then after said decade retconned the whole thing making him magically win. The only comparable character is Abaddon in 40k. Who has also failed to take Cadia, earning immortal status in memes and jokes as failAbaddon(who has no hands), only for studio going back on whole thing a decade later and deciding he destroyed Cadia after all.


>Archie failed to defeat anyone and received a headbutt from Grimgor.  Tell you anything, and you have never read the novel 《Storm of Chao》 Archaon lost against Grimgor only because he had just beaten Valten champions of Sigmar in a single combat, ah that you have hoomi  specify this detail.  Secondly to bring you back to reality, during the decisive battle Grimgor hit Archaon from behind by touching his genitals !   It's normal that he gets beaten at the end of the day, but that doesn't make him an absolute loser like Faibaddon, because in the storm of chaos archaon had literally succeeded in causing a masterful chaos on the old world itself.  before 《the end of time》He defeated and brought to his knees the last force of the empire of Sigmar and Kislev !  During WH 30-40 the faibaddon he could not even cross the lines of terra in 10,000 of《Black Crusade》 while he held many more soldiers and military means than the space Marine chapters since the end of  the horus heresy.   So please don't compare this absolutely puppet of Abandon, who was stupid enough to have allowed the force of the imperium to drastically reduce the efforts of Huron Lugtf, with the Archaon please!  Even though I understand that you bitterly hate 《end times》 for it's totally wacky bullshit, but even before the end times Archaon was comparable to Horu.  Because the Sigmar had to be destroyed in the 《chao storm》as a reminder.


Ce n'est pas vrai du tout, Archaon est littéralement le meilleur personnage de WH fantasy, encore aujourd'hui il est de loin le représentant du chaos le plus utilisé depuis plus de 11 et 13 ans sinon plus ! Cela n'a jamais été ennuyeux dans l'intrigue, la preuve en guerre totale que la faction a été la plus utilisée depuis le début de l'épisode.  Arrêtez les conneries juste parce que vous le détestez parce qu'il a détruit la déco ! Ce n'est pas vrai du tout, Archaon est littéralement le meilleur personnage du fantasy WH, encore aujourd'hui il est de loin le représentant du chaos le plus utilisé depuis plus de 11 et 13 ans sinon plus ! Cela n'a jamais été ennuyeux dans l'intrigue, la preuve en guerre totale que la faction a été la plus utilisée depuis le début de l'épisode. Arrêtez les conneries juste parce que vous le détestez parce qu'il a détruit la déco !  >Perdu contre Grimgor, perdu contre Sigmar puis gagné "par défaut" car le monde a été détruit.  Tu dis des bêtises dans la 《tempête du chaos》 Archaon a dû détruire l'empire de Sigmar... Tu ferais mieux de te taire et de revenir te revoir s'il te plaît, Archaon n'a jamais été humilié par Grimgor lors de leur confrontation putain de merde arrête de parler de merde noir ! Archaon est venu de vaincre Valten et Luthor dans un duel acharné, Grimgor ne l'a battu que parce qu'il l'avait touché dans les couilles et il était affaibli non pas parce qu'il était plus puissant que lui, pauvre menteur ignorant !  Sigmar n'a pas vaincu Archaon, vous connaissez l'aberration, savez Valten qui il a gravement blessé Archaon dans la bataille finale après qu'Archaon ait vaincu Valten, qui était l'hôte de Sigmar qu'il détenait ne connaît le pouvoir magique que ceux qui ont combattu Archaon pas directement Sigmar, dans le 《 fin des temps 》 pour information valten est battu par Read le roman avant de raconter des conneries totales !  >Il est traduit l'un des personnages les plus ennuyeux de Fantasy et AoS. Il l'a fait, Jack, a perdu beaucoup, a été inefficace pendant la majeure partie de l'histoire de Fantasy.  Archaon a littéralement détruit l'armée de Kislev lors de sa première campagne contre les royaumes de l'Ancien Monde dans la "Tempête du Chao". sais que les guerriers du Chaos ont vaincu l'armée de Volkmark est du sceau de, ose me dire que le kislev est une faction de bas niveau, pauvres escrocs ! Je parie que vous avez regardé Wikipédia de Wh Fantesy au lieu de lire les livres, sinon vous ne diriez pas de conneries.  >Le seul personnage comparable est Abaddon en 40k. Qui n'a pas plus réussi à affronter Cadia, gagnant le statut d'immortel dans des mèmes et des blagues comme failAbaddon (qui n'a pas de mains), seulement pour que le studio revisite le tout une décennie plus tard et décider qu'il a finalement détruit Cadia. Non c'est totalement faux, Archaon avant même la fin des temps il a réussi à provoquer un chaos magistral dans les nations de l'ancien monde, je viens de vous le prouver, abaddon il ne se rapproche clairement pas du niveau d'Archaon en tente comme chef du Chao.  Il ne pouvait même pas conquérir une seule planète de l'Imperium en 10 000 alors qu'il n'avait même pas de primarque loyaliste. En plus de cela, les légions comme la (Dark Angel, Imperial Fist, Ultramarine, Blood Angel, Salamandre) ont réduit le nombre de soldats à cause du codex astartes.  Je sais qui aurait dû permettre à Abaddon de porter un coup fatal au représentant loyaliste de l'imperium, mais non, à la place, il a fait remonter les bretelles par des Space Marines ordinaires de 10 000 ! Archaon lui dans la 《tempête du Chao》 il a pu faire tomber le royaume de Kislev, Abaddon il n'a même pas pu arrêter de simples soldats de l'espace marine qui étaient en infériorité numérique depuis l'hérésie, et il a été attaqué par de vieux space marines à la retraite !


He should have been killed by Grimgor and a new Everchosen take his place.


He should have been defeated by Grimgor and sent back on a crusade to reconquer the North tribes. Grimgor beating someone to defeat is his goal, not to kill anyone. Hence Malakith didn't die.


I just feel GW is too timid when it comes to killing off major characters.


There weren't too timid killing off all our favourite lore and world with the birth of AoS.


GW also has a problem with doing stuff in moderation.


Yet all the characters somehow stuck around lmao


His book ruined him for me, literally died to a horse, then gets mad cause he feels like sigmar owes him a collect call for some reason?


Vardek Crom would have got the job done infinitely quicker


The A-boys have character traits? In either system? Weird. Bad Man leads chaos forces. The end.


This one made a promise that he kept tho. Well considering retconning Grimgor out lol.


Based af. My man made a promise and kept it. When was the last time a villain said he was gonna destroy the world and actually followed through?


Better than Abaddon


Edgelord fantasy Joker with a 2+ plot armour save


Seems like a pretty chill dude, ye


More competent than abandon.




Not a swell chap, that Archaon. A quite dour fellow if I do say so myself.


I felt bad for him in his fantasy novels where he gained some real tragic depth. Since AoS started he’s just kind of in the background. Say what you will about Abbadon but that guys got so many POV sequences that you really feel like you know him and he feels human in a way. Archaon feels like he’d back to being a Sauron knock-off.


My favorite Chaos character bar none


I like him, even if it is for the sole reason to enable Grimgor. I kinda think the story between the two shouldn't have developed where it was. Grimgors moment there was epic as fuck and well deserved, but it didn't really need to become a plotstopper, just a major setback.


Oh i just happened to find all this equipment that was laying around that makes you immortal and can kill anything. Now ill kill the world becuase someone said sigmar isnt real.


He's a chump that got floored by a 'Eadbutt from a real hero.




I think he's an interesting character that needs more development. I like the idea that he hates the Chaos gods and either wants to kill them with everyone else or rise to their power level. There was a fun theory in Fantasy that Archaon was gifted 4th wall knowledge and swore to undo it all. I also think for such a pivotal character, I want to see what he looks like under the helm.


Was also kicked in the nuts by my favorite Ork Grimgor Ironhide


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nervous_Carnifex: *Was also kicked in* *The nuts by my favorite* *Ork Grimgor Ironhide* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He was cooler on Drogo his daemon horse.


Seems like pretty cool guy


Awesome art work


Seems like a guy you could grab a beer with.


Prefer him to armless abbey. He just is a bit cooler.


He threw many Chaos Warbands away. He isn't much in books, back library books that is. He isn't a great leader.


>He isn't a great leader. Ah that's not at all true Archaon is by far one of the best leaders of all WH fantesy, he literally succeeded in trapping numerous garrisons of the kingdom of Kislev and the empire of Sigmar thanks to his ingenuity.


I meant the last part in a perspective of a Be'lakor follower.


Ah I understand you're talking about the novel end time eh, sorry I'm wrong.


He is a bad mother fucker, but I like Be'Lakor better


I like him, but wish he hadn’t returned for AoS. He destroyed the old world and he was chaos’s champion for that. He did it, plus him fighting off against Sigmar is strange because Sigmar is a god and Archaon isn’t. And I hate to say it but Dorghar looks dumb as with three heads, all different colours


a petulant manchild who needs his hand held to kill the weakest bear-loving kislevite.


He did get his nuts/eye bashed in by grimgor


Absolutely the best character in Warhammer


As much as I love model design (perfect Warrior of Chaos) the character is a sore ass, just like Failbaddon. Meh.


If I remember correctly Grim Gore kicked him in the nuts


He said he was going to destroy the world. He failed. He failed so hard that even event designers cheating for him couldn't fix his failure. He then got humiliated by an orc. He's such a fundamental failure that he had to have lore re-created and rewritten just to show him failing less. He was pretty generic before AoS and now in AoS? Who knows? He's not an actual god so he doesn't really matter to anything anymore because evidently only gods matter to AoS plot.


>He said he was going to destroy the world.> Archaon won for your information, I think you confused the evenchosen with the absolute loser who is called the armless general Faibaddon! Archaon won by destroying his original world, and in the storm of chaos he had to destroy his world, but he was attacked by surprise by Grimgor... Archaon was never a loser returned to read the ligth novels , in the end of temp archaon beheaded the grimgor accept for the truth.


So much copium lmao. He's literally one of the most boring characters Fantasy and AoS has. He's done jack, lost a lot, was ineffectual for most of Fantasy's history and then got mary sue'd into "winning" when GW needed to nuke the setting. Lost to grimgor, lost to sigmar and then won "by default" because the world got nuked. What's his main character trait? Self-loathing?


You live in a world very different from reality.


Sure thing love.