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I mean, yes, it IS too gorey... But these are *World Eaters*. The lore strongly implies that, 10k years later, they still wear white armor, and what you just did here is the only reason why it looks red. So I'd say it's fine. For any other army it would be over the top to the point of being impossible to take seriously, but for the World Eaters I'm fine with it.


Thats exactly what I was going for, But im just worried it looks wrong. Like Im worried it actually make the paintjob look worse. Like maybe i should have gone a little lighter with it. I feel as though I hid a lot of my hard work haha Its also worth noting that these are my Rampagers. Theres little to no gore on the rest of the army. Theres some minor flecks and such on chainaxes- but I wanted to seperate these guys visually from the army as the absolute mad lads that they are


This looks perfect. Go at least this hard on the whole unit and they'll look like the ancestors of the red khorne berserkers we all know and love. I do think a moderate amount of gore on the rest of the melee units would help this look normal. My own world eaters have at least a spray of red on any model with a chain weapon.


Jackson pollock would point something incredible then splatter all over it.


Is this a 3d print?


the body is, the head, shoulder pad and jump pack arent. head and shoulder is official forgeworld, jump pck is from puppetswar. body is 3D printed - bolterjugend is the artist


More blood for the blood throne. The lack of gore is sure to displease Khorn.


Yeah kinda splattered too... liberally? Like blood splatter axe sure. Face, probably. Boots? Idk bro, looks too over the top. Like trace arm swings and put blood roughly where things would land


Is this a 3d print?


From what I read, OG world eaters who were there during the initial fall to Khorne wear white. Anyone who came after just saw that their storied veterans all were wearing red, and painted themselves the same to seem more experienced.


The more states that they started to paint their armor red, but not everyone did this, so I think after 10k years it should be worse.


I think it’s perfect, plus these are really khorney berserkers so it’s completely in character


_That’s not nearly enough, how will we satiate the blood god then?_ Nah in all seriousness it’s a perfect amount, still reads the model as normal but it’s soaked in blood, perfect!


I would dial it back a little bit for the rest of the unit, though a few really soaked dudes sprinkled throughout the army is a really nice touch


I think lots, if that’s how you want to go, as a concept is fine. The issue is that, it actually becomes hard to put lots on and it still look like a blood effect unless you’re a very gifted painter. It instead starts to look more like “I’ve flicked Blood for the Blood God technical paint at this model” There are certain bits that sell really well here - the right hand side of the right boot reads to me like a guy who has waded through blood and the right axe looks mostly like blood. Other bits (the left thigh being the most obvious example but also the left hand side of the right boot to a lesser extent) look more like you’ve thrown paint at him (that’s maybe a crude criticism so apologies but can’t think of a different way to phrase it). I would also suggest layering different blood effects (eg mixing some brown in their for something which looks a little more like a dried blood as a first layer before going fresh blood as a final layer)


Oh, also, if he is THIS caked in blood then it should be everywhere. At the moment there is a load of blood on the white armour but little on, say, the helmet (unless the photos are showing it poorly). Granted the blood won’t show as well on the red helmet but, even if subtle, I do think it’s needed to sell that he’s just covered. At the moment it’s odd that he’s got absolutely covered whilst simultaneously only covered on the white panels


I would tone it down just a smidge if it bothers you. It doesn’t look bad but it does pull some draw from the mini. That said I think it looks good as it is. Maybe put some on the helmet area as it looks a bit odd it’s all over his front but clean face. As a whole even in the books WE are generally covered in gore and don’t wash it off. One of the heresy books (brain fart and I can’t remember which) actually talks about how much gore they had on them making them smell foul. Only ones I can think of that were worse/same was pre Sang Blood Angels also known as the Revenant Legion.


For me, when people do this with World Eaters it doesn’t quite work, IMO. It looks like he matched through a meat shower instead of fighting in a battle. Yes, gore on the axes makes sense. Gore splattered where the marine would be swinging his axes and where it would naturally splatter. Gore everywhere doesn’t quite work though, and gore shouldn’t just be splattered blood… but viscera, chunks of meat, bits of organs, bone fragments, etc. It’s also don’t to the exclusion of other forms of weathering. Like, he should have battle damage on his armor. He should have dirt on his boots. Exhaust stains on the vents. Rust or patina on parts of armor he’s not maintaining. Dont think it’s ruined, just think you have more weathering ahead.


but,but..blood for the bloodgod and all that…right? Right?!


Honestly looks perfect. I honestly could expect that amount of gore from essentially a chainsaw wielding super soldier. You could probably get that covered from only like 4-5 kills. So I think “is it realistic?” 100% plausible and anyone who disagrees needs to watch a chainsaw cut down a tree and see how much sawdust and woobpulp goes flying. But is it too much? Honestly up to you. I think it looks bad ass, but its all personal preference imo.


It adds a lot of character, looks like he used him jump pack and cannon balled straight into a crowd of Imperial army troopers and they just died on impact.


You could paint it entirely red with the blood paint, and you would still have people here cheer you on for it. But the truth is, at least the way I see it, is that *less is more*. I think this guy would look great next to two models which have less blood spatter on them. That would make this model really stand out in a positive way.


bless thank you


On one hand they *are* the World Eaters On the others hand I think you've reached a point where the model is very hard to read as everything starts to blend together (Especially in the last picture). Its getting a little fuzzy to look at. I think its obscuring the rest of your paintjob, which itself is very technically impressive and shows a lot of skill Maybe have that much gore for a few but not for all?


He looks Happy.


Its obscuring the white almost entirely and hiding the transition from the white>red panels, so I would say its too much.


this is exactly what Im overthinking and worried about- I think he looks a little flat, a lot of the contrast he had before is lost in translation. Im definetly going to tone it down a little for the rest of the squad. I appreciate the bravery in being honest 👍🫡


What would Angron say? :)


He’d probably just sit there drooling and growling post Ruinstorm Nuceria


Honestly i love it and im gonna do the same with my bezerkers for 40k once done, im doing them classic heresy colors


I think he looks perfect


Too gorey? For the World Eaters? Not a chance.


I think he looks great, I’m also curious, what model body is that?


Nah mate, that looks great.


To be honest. Not for me. Its perfect. Id even wager and say try the UHU method!


To be honest. Not for me. Its perfect. Id even wager and say try the UHU method!


This kicks ass. Blood for that guy or whatever




this is actualy me before and after i eat a plate of spaghetti with tomatosauce


he spilled his fruit punch :(


no wonder he is pissed >:[


Looks perfect


I loooooove your gory dude


Nah mate, world eaters without gore is like death guard without grime. Gotta be done


It looks like an artillery shell beat him to the kill.


It's the World Eaters, no such thing.


No, the amount of gore is just right, any more and I think it will blot out the detail. I’ve seen people absolutely DOUSE their model in blood and it doesn’t look very good


The view from the front it looks great. I struggle to see the detail of the chainaxe and arm in the other pic. In reality there’d be chunks of god knows what everywhere, but it’s a model so i prefer to see the details. Ultimately it’s your creation. You do you.


The after looks fucking amazing


E ...not really, i can still see the model , jokes aside its perfect (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


I say the blood makes it look perfect, it really makes it look alot better then no blood at all.


Bloody amazing!


On pretty much any other model, yes. On a World Eater? Well I can still see some armour in under the gore so I think you’re fine.


I think its a little to much on the legs and chest but I think the hands and weapons are perfect


Perfect amount of gore for a rampager dude, definitely tell the nails have bit


For a World Eater this is tame


Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Big fan of those chunky Fummelfinger Marines, just printed some myself for my Alphas. Really dig the gorey version, not remotely over the top.


No, it's perfect How'd you get that effect??


Personally I think it's just the right amount of gore from the battle's i've read about the World Eaters. Being a Khorne Berserker, Blood for the Blood God


God/Khorne I love the white armor that just drowns in blood <3


In my opinion yes. I preferred it without the blood, then maybe gore up the axes.


Looks fine to me. How did you do it?


I agree with everybody else, this is absolutely perfect for World Eaters cause it just shows the barbaric cruelty of war they embody




What woulda have been cool is if you added a bit more blood after every match, until eventually he looks like your average 41st millennia nutcase


Why his hands so small tho? XD Looks great tho. Blood levels is for the Bood God, so perfect! The hands just look off to me.


the hands are scaled correctly! 🥲😅 The armor is just big? I dont understand lol. Hes just primaris/truescaled


Idk, it's just what I'm seeing. It could just be the angle in that one shot where you see the left arm in profile, but it looks tiny compared to the wrist armor. 😂 The wrist joint should be smooth with no visible size difference on either side. Those hands are just too small for those arms. Might need to scale it up in the slicer.


just checked the original artist who designed the files, hands are scaled correctly 😇😅 fummelfinger on the purple site


https://preview.redd.it/fbz2mu9z2rxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b433ef1b3fbb7b5839237d00cb8a56dacb1fb72 Don't know what to tell you. Those is how wrists should look. Hands as thick as the forearm.


I think it looks fuckin awesome.


It’s excessive but isn’t that the whole point? Looks brilliant


lo. it is great. if you're gonna do it, don't be subtle


Too much for my taste.


Brilliant, i love it




Imo less is more, by putting too much blood you're hiding a very nice paint job, putting less in place there shouldn't be much and the same amount as now in places where blood would accumulate would work better So his arms good his chest a tiny bit less cause it's a big part of ur paint job fine his legs and other parts I'd put less too


Right know it looks cartoonishly gorey. But as it has been said before, it's on character with a world eater. I think you can get a more grim and realistic version by darkening some bloody areas, as blood tends to darken has it clots and dries.

