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Prayin for good rules! ( not for me, but for the PoorHammer guy :P )


I love those guys but as a grey knights player myself I hope we're both good


Hehehe! I hope so as well! Games more fun when everyone can feel cool. That’s my big hope for 10th. Maybe not perfectly balanced but hopefully no huge discrepancy so that everyone feels good about the army they collect


Im pretty sure regardless of what the rules are for Ksons Brad is going to be cynical and bitch lmao. I havent heard them say one positive thing about tenth yet.


That’s my main issue with the Poorhammer, tbh. Every time I try and listen I’m immediately turned off by the attitude.


Their really great for like, off the wall hobby stuff but brad's take on the arks of omen and the lion stuff almost seemed absurd in how off-base it was. I basically just avoid them for stuff that's not models on the tabletop and stick to AdRic for my filling in one what's happening. I'd rather someone whose like "I'm overly optimistic at times but I try to keep it critical" then someone whose just like "Even when its good, it could have been so much better."


Idk some of them are pretty postive


I like Eric he seems like a much more chiller and upbeat guy. Brad is way too stuck up


100%. I went in expecting people frustrated with GWs pricing but still passionate about the hobby who would give me some tips to save money. But it's just so whiny


Peak 40k player with a podcast /s


Fucking love Poorhammer


Yeeeee, tomorrow I will be able to see stat lines that I don’t understand because I still haven’t learned the game!


Just hope they get a dust mop.


Lol don’t feel bad, after a decade i just now learned how to play 9th ed and now its out the door lol


Me, a Drukhari player, just waiting to scroll down to the bottom of the page tmo


At least we enjoy the suffering?


Some would say too much?


I hope you like grey knights too


I am in fact a GK and Drukhari player. The pain feeds me.


Tomorrow will be Grey Knights, Friday will be Drukhari or GSC Edit: I meant after Thousand Sons


Tomorrow (Thursday) is confirmed Tsons and Sunday they confirmed Grey Knights would reveal this week and that leaves only Friday. Drukhari and GSC prolly next week


They probably just dont release a genestealer cult faction focus for a laugh


Sorry, I meant after TS


It could’ve already been Thursday when they said tomorrow! But yes, GK after TS seems likely, then one of the two Xenos on Monday. Then the WarCom FB did say non-codex marines would get a preview next week too, but it isn’t clear if Agents will as well.


Prolly on Monday is my guess


For those who didn’t see the tweet, non-codex compliant SM chapters will apparently get a focus article next week. https://twitter.com/warhammer/status/1661369563311636484




Could this mean harlequins are getting a faction focus? Same with GSC? There’s at least 2 more weeks before release and hopefully they fill it with the lesser/sub factions.


I don't see why GSC wouldn't be getting their own faction focus. Harlequins though are iffy. They barely have any units so a focus would show like 50% of the army, but the Eldar focus didn't mention Harlequins at all so maybe.


Thousand Sons barely have any units too! ;)


but they have their own book, unlike quins :/


Definitely GSC, strongly doubt it for harlequins.


I hope Ahriman can stay on his disk and be playable, I love the exhaled sorcs and Ahriman on discs zooming around.


"Dat's Warhammer 40,000 fer ya, umies." https://preview.redd.it/yffwbj875v1b1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f93d8409bb1ac80d7900d9b22598d7e2aece384


This is the army I'm personally most worried about for 10th. Psykers have been underwhelming for the most part so far, granted we've seen very little. I hope they don't just make them Chaos-flavored Necrons with a resurrection mechanic.


Same. It'll be difficult to keep their flavor as casters in the 10th. Hopefully they figure out a way because otherwise it's the same thing as CSM


They did a good job on the Farseer, so I'm hopeful because of that. I also think the Abominate is good, but that was a low bar. 9th Ed Abom always felt like it was a Psyker as an afterthought to me.


I'm very split on the Abominant. On one hand, it might be a bit cheaper than in 9th, and the two psychic powers might turn out to be quite important. Especially Warp Storms, in combination with the Detachment rule, if you can hit several units you will quite reliably take them below starting strength, which means they have to take battle-shock tests, not just while under half strength. And Vortex Terrors can be used to "snipe" out a priority unit that is not battle-shocked in an attempt to get the army rule bonus on it. On the other hand, while it does have an alright melee, it is certainly no competition for the insane killing power of a Despoiler. By turn 3 when the army bonus kicks in you might already have done enough chip damage to the enemy army that Warp Storms loses one of its main purposes. So why not just bring bigger guns? Or 3 more War Dogs? I really hope for the Tsons players that they end up being way above what we have seen so far in terms of psychic powers.


>They did a good job on the Farseer Eh. The psychic powers are still pretty nerfed and flavourless


It’s 10th, everything’s nerfed. Durability, lethality, abilities, psychic.


The rest of them haven't lost as much flavour as psychic though


>I also think the Abominate is good, but that was a low bar. 9th Ed Abom always felt like it was a Psyker as an afterthought to me. Tbf, I sorta felt the opposite, mostly because that thing had so many weird little exceptions in the Upgrades section it was hard to NOT know it was a Psyker.


Hey I love my cult of time resurrection


I’m assuming most of us know the same thing but going to ask anyway: Any idea when Drukhari will be revealed?


Either Monday or Tuesday if things continue normally (xenos today, chaos tomorrow, imperium Friday which will be Grey Knights, then all that is left is Drukhari and GSC


Non codex compliant marines and Imperial weirdos are still left on the Imperium side


> Imperial weirdos Thankyou for giving me my new favourite way to refer to Imperial Agents.


If there isn't AP on Inferno bolters I'm going to throw a temper tantrum like a 4 year old.


It'll probably get reduced to -1 if I had to guess.


With the sweeping AP nerfs, I would be ok with that. But not 0. Shuriken weapons got to keep -1.


With the sweeping changes to psychic, we should keep ap-2 imo. TS have a lot of reliable, but not overly powerful shooting, and we need the ap to be reliable.


I would agree. I'm not a TSon player but I play GK so I've always been into TSons too for obvious reasons. I'm very pessimistic about psychic (still holding out some hope) so really TSons need to keep the high AP shooting to make the whole thing work. If not in their bolters, then at least their "Smite" better have high strength and AP compared to what we've seen.


I'm guessing all our Psykers are going to get a slightly nastier version of the librarian smite that's going to be called doombolt. And I will be even grumpier if that's not a hard hit when overcharged. I considered that a given. But having AP -2 on our regular troops was amazing and was a big thing that made them good.


On the other hand, AP2 made them good in a ridiculously over-killy edition. So maybe as you say, AP1 would make them good in a much less lethal edition.


I would be ok with it given the general tone of this edition. With AP being lower and less common, AP -1 on all your generic infantry guns may be a bigger boon now than AP -2 was in 9th. I suppose I would try to be optimistic if there was no AP on Inferno bolters anymore, but instead we got something that seemed comparably epic for a generic gun. Like devastating wounds or anti infantry 3+ or something.


Right? The TSons preference for overwhelming firepower is an often overlooked part of their lore. Don't get me wrong, they should be out-shooting Tau or anything like that, but they should be step better at throwing bullets than most marines/CSM.


Bolt rifles get AP-1 don't they? I'd be mad if theyre the same.


You’re a tsons player not a Deathguard player have some tact, sir. Personally I can’t believe Custodes and knights have higher toughness than Deathguard. And the new ork with a 5+ with 1 wound is 28482843 times better than DG termies because it has a 6++. I can’t believe how dirty they did Deathguard oh my god (I’ll buy them off you guys they’re awful after all…)


I really think Plague Marines/ Blightlord Terminators should have a built in FNP of at least 5.


Orks got to keep our ap-1 choppas I'm sure Inferno Bolters will have at least ap 1.


They'd better. Otherwise I have acquired a large amount of salt to assist with how salty I'm going to be.


I'd be fine with it if we either get Lethal Hits or Devastating Wounds on inferno weapons. Both fit TSons, and devastating wounds in particular would help us a lot vs. vehicles.


The Sons of Russ will be watching.


Giggling to myself seeing a group of huge ass Astartes huddled around a little PC screen sceaming "MALEFICARUM!" and other such insults as they watch TS rules roll out.


Too bad they can't read 😂


That’s what we have Wolf Seers to scry the pages for us. They’re excellent at reading bark.


Yeah yeah, but let the cool space marines have fun while you sniff dog piss on some street corner.


Im hoping your primarch comes out next so our factions can both come out of their cave and actually do something in the lore LMAO


God just please make tzaangors worth fielding


*Gives them a 6+ save with a 6++ FnP and watches Deathguard plays all quit the game*


Theres no way it will be good enough to sway all the people who have already decided it will be bad. It really seems like they wont be happy unless tsons get to keep the psychic phase or something crazy like that. I'm hyped though, space wizards are going to space wizard and Im excited to find out how.


I personally expect the psychic to be bad. But I'm optimistic they'll make up for it in other ways, like keeping the high AP they have in some form and some of the durability. (I'm not a TSons player though)


Here's hoping they get flavorful rules! Thousand Sons seem so fun to play but such a chore to paint.


Not too bad to paint. Spray them the trim colour (usually gold) and then fill in the blue by hand


Chore is the right word for it. It's not unpleasant, you just really need to have enough podcasts on hand to outlast how darn long it takes!


This when things start to get interesting


Even though I'm a World Eaters player I wish Death Guard had gotten treated better. I hope Thousand Sons will do better.


Dust boyz bad, bdsm elves good.


I hope it's extremely boring so Auspex Tactics can have a day off, man's on fire with his updates.


Even if it’s very interesting, his voice will ensure it sounds extremely boring!


It’s just going to be a picture of a bag of sand, with dust in the wind playing in the background.


We are fate come round at last


As a DeathGuard player let me guess, armywide fnp?


The two ork asterisk jokes are better than anything the 1k suns preview could have


Can’t wait for this debacle


I really like psykers and in all things concerning warhammer chaos I’m devoted to Tzeentch so even though I don’t play them I really do hope Ksons and Grey knights get some cool rules!


i'm hoping that for factions for which every character is a psyker, they give you choice of psychic powers by having them be character enhancements


Probably too complicated and against the spirit of 10th


i just mean using the enhancement system 10th already has. i dont see how that adds any complexity


Complication, not complexity - choosing enhancements for every unit in your army instead of 3, makes it more for you and your opponent to remember and track.


I don't mean every unit in your army. every unit would have at least 1 power that is fixed (like smite is in 9th). you just get some choice by being able to pick an additional power for 3 of them


The way GW handled Orks, TSons probably going to have a melee boost and Anti Psyker Auras =D




they have being doing imperium, xenos, chaos. So, i guess that after 1000 sons we will have something imperium, and then drukhari


Yeah is Drukhari the last xenos faction left to preview?


Genestealers too


Who all is left after them?


Genestealer Cults, the Drukhari, and some space marine groups like non-codex compliant chapters, and I also think the Grey Knights?


Grey Knights will most likely be Friday. GW likes to pair GK and TS together.


Great, now TS players will have something else to complain about


Didn't Chaos Marines already have one?


...Yes, generic CSM got one.


Yes. Which other chapters are. CSM. There's no reason for so much book bloat.


... Oh, you're just asking for something stupid. ​ Never mind, I shouldn't have bothered.


…Why would ANYONE want to cut 3 fun to play, unique factions?


Because they're not unique. They're CSM with one of: Lots of Close Combat Attacks, Lot of Psychic Powers, more than average close combat attacks *and* psychic powers


…TSons is Psychic Powers the Army, Death Guard have the unique diseases mechanic, and WE is literally “Melee: The Army.”


I want Black Templars


They already have codex from 9th edition. Space marine chapters will have to come after they finish the larger specific faction groups first. In this case, thousand sons aren't really chaos space marines. They're Rubric Marines + chaos sorcerers so it makes sense they come first.


They should really break out the non-codex chapters to separate factions like chaos though. They won't, but they should




Who's left?


Like race specific groups that aren't space marine chapters? Cultists, and drukhari.


I heared that the specific chapter will not receive a faction focus, so there are only gene stealer cult and drukari left right?


Yep. Unless they decide to add more factions like the ones from kill team that aren't valid in 40k.


They said that, but then yesterday they said the non-codex marines would get a preview - maybe one combined preview for all of them, just showing the army/detachment rules?


hype! Bring on the hype!