• By -


Hey, at least you got a head start on planning not to show up to their birthdays!


Or worry about spending money on their gifts.


lel, I used to do that. Figured one year I would just send no gift, card or call or anything on Christmas and nobody bothered to reach out to me either. Felt I wasted years of money and time.


Yeah but how much does it hurt emotionally… or is that just me?


Only as much as you let it. For stuff like that I treasure some online friends groups a lot more. Pop in, say it's your birthday, get well wishes from a thousand strangers and a handful of friends.


It does, but it's ripping off a bandaid. Needs to be done. I did it years ago with some "friends", realised I was the only one putting in effort to arrange or visit them. Decided to stop and see how long until someone reached out to me. After about 7 or 8 months, one sent me a message of, "Hey, it's been a while, we should meet up!" Yeah, sure... you going to show any initiative in choosing a date, time, or place? No? Ok, I guess we won't.


I'm at that point now with someone that keeps telling me they miss me, but have time to do all kinds of stuff. I was a placeholder. It was hard to accept this conclusion but I like to keep it real with myself. Next time they tell me this I'm going to have to tell them I don't believe them, but that's ok. I'm my mind the relationship is over. I'm just going through the motions until they realize that.


I'm right with you there. I've stopped using all of my social media accounts due to this as well (aside from my opinions of its toxicity as a whole), but I've kept messenger on just to talk to my gf and immediate best friend. Anyone who feels like it can shoot me a text or a message, but I rarely ever get one. And even then when I do, I try my best to match the energy. I'm starting to realize the real friends are transient really and come from shared interests, and those come and go as well


Take a vacation next year


Fuck yeqh! I plan to myself. I'm 45 and no one has cared about my birthday for years. December 31st. I think I may book an Alaskan cruise... before all the ice melts.


Mine's 12/31 too. I like to think the whole world celebrates my/our birthday. And the so-called holiday the next day is really no more than a day to recover from our birthdays. I'll raise a glass of champagne to you on our next birthday.


I hope they showed up eventually!


I know right?! This really makes my heart ache. I have Friends and things like this would happen all the time and they would be shocked if I told him how pissed off and that they were douches . Go figure , human nature .


I would rather party with the animals in the shelter!


Happy birthday buddy, sorry if it did not turn out the way you first thought. But hey.. it's still your birthday! Love from Sweden.


Happy birthday from Finland! Onneksi olkoon! Denmark, it's your turn...


Denmark here apparently it's mandatory to wish you a happy birthday, so Tillykke med dagen, sorry no one showed up.


No one asked for the Netherlands, but I'm going to wish you a fijne verjaardag anyways.


Nobody asked about Germany either. But here I am. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!


Fijne verjaardag from the Netherlands as well. And I am not from from Sweden. Reddits got your back!


No one asked about America but here I go: 🎢 How old are you? How ooold are you? You look like a monkey and smell like one too! 🎢 Haappy burthdaay!


Happy birthday from Denmark!


Here's more love from Sweden! Happy birthday πŸŽ‚


Grattis pΓ₯ fΓΆdelsedagen!


I'm not from Sweden but this word sounds fun, happy fâdelsedagen OP 🍻


Norwegian salutations! Gratulerer med dagen! Happy birthday and have a good one! Save me a hot dog. Ill put it in some potato tortillas(Lompe), save some shrimpsalad on the hot dogs for the swedes up in here!


I had some shrimp salad today actually. Yes I'm swedish.


And yet another one from Sweden! Happy birthday!


Why all this love from Sweden? Here is some more by the way! Ja mΓ₯ du leva!!


Sorry, that was my bad, I forgot to lock the door again and they just keep getting in.


Here's another one! Grattis pΓ₯ 50-Γ₯rsdagen from Gothenburg!


I’m not from Sweden but I once kissed a lovely lady from Sweden. It wasn’t my birthday, though it was Halloween. Anyway Happy Birthday and I hope this year is better. Maybe get some new friends.


(whispers)That wasn't a lady, although it was Halloween......


Happy birthday from Italy! :)


Happy birthday from the Faroe islands TillukuπŸŽ‚ (happy birthday)


Another happy birthday from Italy! Tanti aguri!


Pura Vida! Feliz Cumpleanos from Costa Rica


From singapore with love. Here's to 50 more.


Some volcanic Love from Iceland! Happy birthday mate, enjoy your evening!


Dang, check out all these birthday vikings on reddit. Awesome. ![gif](giphy|iDUwvh3wrRKE5Pe26V)


Volcanic love, the best kind of love.


Introverts would love this kind of party 🀣🀣


Here’s some sunshine love from California. Not as exciting as Sweden and the priors mentioned before. Make sure to splurge and get yourself a nice dinner


Here’s some love from Georgia… not the country… the state….


Brisket love from Texas


Double on that




Got one on the smoker now. Bring beer


Louisiana here I'll bring a sack of crawfish


I lava you


decide humorous sort smoggy distinct escape glorious gullible joke label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sending some birthday cuddles from the UK


Don’t mind them, they are confused. Have some real b-day love, from Norway!


Happy birthday from louisiana!


If there's one thing that I've learned in life, it's this: Getting people to show up for birthday parties can be hell. If you want 10 to reluctantly show up for an hour or two before they say "well I really should go", invite 100. If you can only invite 5 or 10, be prepared for 0 - 2 to show up. People usually can't be bothered to deviate from their personal weekend schedule...even for a friend's birthday party. Or a bday party for one of their kids' friends. They'd just rather not go. I'm not sure why. So to the OP - put on some music, throw some burgers and dogs on the grill, drink some beers, and happy birthday! P.S. OP - Do the exact same thing tomorrow. More beer, grilling and music. Make a weekend out of it. But this time, don't invite anybody.


True. People don’t know the meaning of RSVP either.


Wszystkiego najlepszego (all the best) from πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±!


Happy Birthday from Puerto Rico πŸŽ‚πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Don’t take them not showing personal.. We are all struggling out here.


Happy Birthday from Wales! I just drove 30 minutes to get to a dark enough spot to get a photo of the Northern Lights...and there weren't any. Enjoy your garden and cook your burgers the way you want them!


Kicking over some love for your birthday from Norway as well. We shall drink in your honour. Hipp hurra for you!


Gratulerer med dagen! More love from norway


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Kumpel! Love from Germany!


No one from Sweden said anything to me about my 40th. Already jealous of OP.


Sent grattis pΓ₯ din fΓΆdelsedag ocksΓ₯ vΓ€nnen, stor kram frΓ₯n Sverige!


I wish I could move to Sweden




Happy birthday from Ireland! 🎈


Absolutely. Happy Birthday. Not from Sweden though. (Wish I was).


Pierogi Love and a very Happy Birthday from Pittsburgh, PA, USA ! β€οΈπŸŽ‚πŸ₯Ÿβ˜ΊοΈ


I'll bring more pierogis! 🀣 Happy Birthday from Pittsburgh!


Gator love from Louisiana!


More greetings from Sweden, ja mΓ₯ du leva pΓ₯ din 50-Γ₯rsdag!


Hi everyone, I thought I’d provide an update and some additional context to address the doubts some have expressed. **More Info:** On January 23rd, I sent out invitations to 132 friends and family members. Many live out of state, but I wanted everyone to feel included. From the responses, about 10 confirmed their attendance, 12 said maybe, and 20 declined. The rest didn't explicitly confirm, but several asked for directions, which suggested they might try to make it. I also made several reminder posts, detailing what I was providing for the party and clarifying that I wasn't expecting giftsβ€”just that everyone bring some food and enjoy the company. **Day of the Party:** Fast forward to the event dayβ€”one of my friends arrived with her two older kids around 1:30 PM. My brother, sister-in-law, and their two kids didn't show up until 5-5:30 PM, which was over an hour after I had planned for the party to wind down. This was mainly so those without family obligations could get home at a reasonable hour. In the end, out of the 10-20 people who indicated they could attend, only 5 showed up, some with kids in tow. It wasn’t the birthday celebration I had envisioned, but it could have been worse. Thanks to those who made the effort to come! **Additional Thanks:** Lastly, to everyone who showed support on my previous post, thank you for all the happy birthdays and well wishes. Your kindness really made a difference!


If 10 people RSVP'd I'd gather 8 of them showing up might sound about right even if you talked to all 10 the day before and they said they were coming. 10 confirmations via email and mail might equal zero. Just my two cents. I'm 44, for reference.


Yep. My formula's about the same. Take 50% of the full invite list. Then minus about 30-40% of the people who said yes and don't count the maybes. Everyone's got too much to do these days unfortunately.


Glad someone showed up eventually.


It sucks no one called, but is there a chance Mother's Day threw everyone off? Some of your friends might have an "oh shit" moment as they remember your party was also this weekend


I genuinely think you invited too many people. 132 is a ton. If I saw a party with 132 invites that is immediately something where I think "they will not even notice if I skip."


For 51 invite every Reddit user, guaranteed you won’t be alone.


Yup, you’ll never be alone again since some of them will never leave.. and then suddenly you long for the day like today πŸ’€


Tifu by inviting redditors to my birthday….its been a week and they won’t leave.


They've already found my emergency rations and the cat food is gone. Send help




I’d rather be alone than spend time with whatever random redditors would show up lmfao that sounds terrible


Most of them never leave the basement though.


That sucks OP πŸ₯² Happy 50th birthday dude, i cracked a beer in your honour, cheers! 😁🍺🍺🍺


Happy Birthday! Where you at? I'll stop by for a couple burgers and hangout with ya πŸ˜€


Looks like maybe Washington.


It does, I’m in Seattle let’s roll up!


Honestly for real it is gorgeous out and I've got nothing to do this weekend I would love nothing more than making new friends and barbecuing for your 50th birthday


I'm down. I am in Tacoma. Let's do this.




If ya'll MFers don't show up and make the national news you suck. Everybody in the area just show up and flash mob this shit.


Man I wish all these people actually pulled up


they all typed this and posted it and didn't move a single inch guaranteed


I think OP would have had to invite them first... And actually be in Seattle or wherever they guessed lol


Don't worry, they're already combing the city for this backyard.


I'm a bit farther south but also totally down.


Tag him and maybe he'll see it!


Sounds like we all just need to throw a Seattle-area party today, where we meeting?


I'm in tacoma and can bring some Mac&Jack.


Puyallup here. Let's do this.


Is this really happening?


I'm in Australia but I really want it to happen with an update. Packed party that old mates shitty friends will be pissed that they missed it. Hope it goes large. Happy birthday OP. πŸ₯³


We should all throw parties respectively around the world, too. I'm in Philly, so someone from Delaware needs to bring the fireworks.


From OP's history it looks like they are in Bremerton. There's still time to catch the ferry!


yooo I'm in Oly. LFG


I’m in Central Washington but it’s beautiful today! Wish I was at a backyard birthday party.


I’m in Everett! Let’s party !!!!


I'm in Washington and it's sooooo nice out today. Any excuse to be outside is a good one!


Where's rainbolt when you need him?


You guys have got the right idea! It’s a beautiful day to make some new friends! Cheers OP; Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday King! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsUJ44ffpnAW7Dy)




Friendships are a two-way street. If this is how they treat you, then fuck em and have some good grub and beer and enjoy your day.


If they treat him this way, I'm not sure why you'd reccomend fucking them.. Sounds kinda weird.


Fucking doesn't necessarily have to involve love.


Ahh so you're into hate fucking I see...


It can be very cathartic.


To assert dominance


Idk why this made me think of this, but I remember a quote from social media making the rounds occasionally. " Stop texting first and see who you stop hearing from ". But if no one texts first, then no one would ever talk


Yeah, this is dumb. Always reach out to your friends. You never know who's on the edge of sanity.




Exactly. And, some people are truly just super busy and tough to get a hold of/make plans with, and it's nothing personal. Also, for myself, I'm a single guy, and a lot of my friends have husbands/wives and/or kids, not to mention jobs, other friends, etc. So, I usually have to be the one to reach out and wedge myself into their busy schedules if I want to see them. Not 100% of the time, but more often than not. If I took it personally or tried to be passive-aggressive about it and wait for them to reach out, there's a solid chance we'd go many months or more without hanging out, and the friendship would falter. But if I suck it up, realize that I'm in a much better position to be the organizer, and make the effort, I still get to see my busy friends and maintain strong relationships.


Exactly. He might be the reason nobody showed up lol.


Yea, I don't know why everyone always sides with the person throwing a pity party for themselves on social media.


It's weird to me too. Like, I always wonder if they invited everyone the day of, or only invited 4 people, or something. No way in hell id ever throw a party that nobody shows up to. I know quality of friends is key but if you invite 10+ people and they all say "yes I'll be there" and they all ghost you, there's a serious problem somewhere.


Happy birthday ! Don’t feel bad, my turnout would be the same, except the wind would blow my chair away and my cooler would tip over, lol


I read this in Eeyore’s voice ha ha


"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference." - Eeyore


I’m 30 and don’t have friends either πŸ₯Ή


I'm 48 and no friends...


36 no friends


47 checking in.




Did we just become friends? No? Ok....


I’d come to your birthday party.


I know better than to throw one.


I can see why you have no friends.


It's my boyish charm and rugged good looks, everyone is jealous of me.




Just turned 32 and no irl near me friendz


44 and my wife didn’t even stay for my birthday party


23 and all by myself


Also 47, also no friends


36 also with no friends… all my good friends are dope fiends now. πŸ˜₯


32, zero friends..not like I don't try, though.


He HAS friends. He just said he invited them ALL. SOME would have to drive a ways. He purchased FOOD for the friends and is waiting. πŸ₯Ή. He definitely needed an RSVP. But that might not have done any good. People who know they're invited yet didn't show are some pretty crappy friends. I'm holding out for a 50 year prank. Shitty prank, but it's better than realizing nobody showed.


I remember one year I invited a bunch of friends to a birthday party at a brewery near me, I believe through the facebook party invite. RSVPs went out, people said they would make it and on the day of my birthday no one showed up. I sat alone at the huge table I reserved and sipped a beer just completed defeated and hurt. About a half hour later a friend texts me, "Hey we are all here, where the fuck are you?" After some confusing texts back and forth I realize I fucked up and put the invite to a similar named place about 15 minutes away, and that everyone was just standing around waiting and confused that there was no table reserved under my name. After laughing my ass off from my dumbassery, I tipped the kind server that was now going to miss out on a big table tip $50 bucks for the fuck up and had them take a picture of me looking sad and alone at my table just for laughs later. I then proceeded to go to the place I sent everyone to and we all had a good laugh. While this is at his house and has a less of a chance of a fuckup, maybe he *did* fuck up and put the wrong date or place to meet. Trust, it most definitely can happen.


55 no friends or family


I'm 23 with no friends


That's the perfect birthday party. ![gif](giphy|26gsobowozGM9umBi|downsized)


Hell yeah. Every birthday I’m like β€œcan I just be alone?” And they think I’m joking. That being said I’m sure some people don’t feel that way.


I truly approve of this message. My main wish for my birthday for the last fifteen years or so, has been that I'm at most given some nice food the day before, and then I want to be left alone. I want to just eat snacks and play/watch what I want for an entire day. If I want to take a two hour nap in the middle of the day, and drink soda and eat cake when I wake up, that's what I'll do.


Happy Birthday Man! Sorry for the low turnout. If they rsvp'd and did not show, ask them in a civil manner why they couldn't make it. From what I can tell, you just got easy insight into who your real friends are. I hope you have a better day <3


Knowing you don't have any friends is probably worse than thinking you have some friends when you don't. I would never throw a party for myself. I prefer to live in the matrix whenever possible. Reality is depressing and I get enough of it elsewhere.


I like to explore new places.


Looks like Washington foliage, where you at and can my 4 year old come with after 5 haha.


Found the geoguessr player




Today I also realized I text basically no one except my wife nowadays. Why have a phone anymore at this point?


For the 2-factor-authentication, of course.


I'm really sorry. The same thing happened to me for my 20th birthday, 17 years ago. Never had another birthday party since then. I guess every person who bailed on your birthday had the same train of thought as my friends - *oh I'm just one person, they won't miss me if I don't show up. Everyone else will go instead*




I'm 36 and I think everyone can literally go fuck themselves. People suck bro. Happy Birthday


Do you still have friends at 50? Goals.


I'm 46 and I've managed to get rid of almost all of mine. One or two really persistent fuckers still holding on though. Same story with the family. Mother and Aunt won't take the hint. I'm hoping by 50 that I've seen them all off. #lifegoals


I invited about 40+ friends to my dad’s surprise 50th & only 11 people showed up. I was glad he didn’t know how many people I invited & seemed happy with those who came but the whole thing put a bad taste in my mouth about how many people claim to be β€œfriends” with us vs. who SHOWS IT at the end of the day.


are you talking like Facebook friends or what? Realistically 11 people is a pretty solid turnout for an adult birthday party. I have a lot of people id consider myself friendly with, but surprise birthday party close? Not really.


Realistically a person with a normal social life can only maintain around 6 genuine close friends, according to a study.


Experience has taught me that most relationships, including both friendships and family relationships, depend HEAVILY on convenience. I.e., most people won't drive more than even 15 minutes to visit most of the people they call "friends" or even their family. At least not on any kind of regular basis.




For real. Let's see if anyone is local enough to celebrate with OP. πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³


β€œ25 redditors found dead today at fake birthday bash set up”


I laughed harder than I should have


They all drank the coolaid OP made. Have we learned nothing over the years???


We have the same friends 🫠


I invited my family for my 40th and they didn't show. Feel your pain dude. Still coming to grips with it myself 8 months later.


Fuck em. Make yourself a fucking enormous triple burger hot dog monstrosity, eat it, enjoy it, maybe have a little nap in the shade, sounds like a great low-effort birthday


It's still early. Maybe it's a prank. Just wait. In the meantime I'm there in spirit. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


218 Luftballons


It was nice of Jon Cena to show up


Damn anyone show up yet?? I would drive if I am close enough. So sorry man.


Did you tell them there'd be punch and pie? On a serious note, don't sweat it man. When my birthday rolls around the last thing I want to do is deal with other people. Happy birthday.


Why do so many people on Reddit have bday parties where none of their friends show up


I don’t know if this applies to OP, but there seems to be a large contingent of people on Reddit that have very superficial acquaintances that they consider deep friendships. So many of these stories seem to involve inviting a bunch of people on social media they only ever casually interact with. If your guest list is only people you’ve hung out with or spoken to in the last month the success rate is going to be dramatically higher.




A friend is someone who can call you in the middle of the night after breaking down an hour away and you’ll go pick them up no questions asked. A close friend is someone who can call you in the same situation and add they think they hit something but they don’t know what and you tell them you’ll be there in 45 minutes with a shovel.


They take a picture before people arrive and post it with a so story for karma. It'd as easy as that. I'm gonna make a post like this in a week and see how much I get


It's so odd. If my friends said they were coming and just didn't show up I'd be calling them concerned that something happened...you know...because we are friends...certainly not posting on reddit.


im coming over across the ocean give me your adress


Happy birthday! Reddits got you! I'll be 41 on the 30th. I axed my friends 2 years ago in June. No one ever showed up, and when they did, they only wanted me to get them weed or dabs. Now, I focus my time on my family, and I couldn't be happier.


If someone asks OP where he lives and actually came to their birthday party I’m gonna scream


many asked and offered but with over 8k comments and 40+ chat requests no way I could get to them all in time and deal with life. I thank everyone for the offer.


You're a gamer and, it appears, a dog lover so if you live in Texas I won't come to your birthday party this time but if you want better friends message me and we might be there by next year. I never ever miss a friend's birthday party. Edit: oop I scrolled and you're in Washington but hit me up anyway I can always zoom if you're cool


No friends as well but I would be chuffed about all the hot dog means burgers- mine all mine!


Happy birthday dude. This is exactly what would happen if I threw a party. You are not alone.

