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Well, that was a boring video.


Yeah, I didn't really like that Mad Max trailer filmed in Mexico...


Yeah the new mad maxico looks under budget


They're hiring local talent to cut costs...


As a former driver, I could drive 8 to 10 hours without stopping. That's a long trip standing outside a door on a truck.


Well, I think that's enough time for him to think about his actions.


You can stop watching after 5 seconds. Nothing happens.


Watching the guy's fear is quite entertaining.


He didn't look scared at all to me, he looked like he was still fully preparing to try and commit crime.


I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to get the drivers attention in order to rob him. He just wanted to be let off.


Yup, rethinking his life.


Doubt. Only this specific choice.


Fair enough.


He has the facial expression of somebody who has changed their mind


And then reviews his entire life’s choices, at length.


Which is how I look most of the time






Peebottles are a thing, just saying🤷


Could always give the Cling-on a little drink after...


Dehydration is dangerous. A good driver always cares about his (blind)passengers.


They can come in very handy. If you ever feel your self getting thirst just reach in a truck driver cab and grab yourself a swig


In miles, hours or distance??? 😂


Miles or distance?


Sure.......miles is a specific number, distance is like across borders! 😂


He is waiting for Brian to save him.


Should have rubbed against the barrier. That will make him let go


I was waiting for the driver to start moving towards the railing the whole time. It's a very anti-climactic video.


Looks like the cab is narrower than the load. By the time you hit the guy, you've already damaged the trailer.


You’re waiting for him to murder someone? Defuq is wrong with you. At this point the guy is absolutely willing to jump off if you slow down enough to let him




Those are not the same. Thieves are scum, but not nearly as much as the others. The danger to the driver is gone. Driving him into a wall is straight up murder. Do you think the punishment for stealing something (let’s say an apple from the supermarket because you’re a poor kid who can’t afford breakfast) warrants death? Are you insane?


If you steal directly from a person you have put their possessions at a higher value than their life or yours so if they die as a result that's their problem. I didn't make them steal but I sure as fuck ain't gonna be a victim if I can help it. And don't try and pander shoplifting with robbing and burglerizing. Swiping a candy bar when no ones looking is just being an ass. Going up to someone with a knife, gun or whatever or sneaking into their house and taking their shit/wrecking the place is completely different and you know it. As someone who's had their house broken into, if I find you creeping around trying to get in you're getting a stomach full of buckshot and 0 remorse. You valued my shit more than your own or my life. That's your problem not mine


You placed thieves and rapist on the same level and said both forfeited their lives. Shoplifting is still thievery I just continued your absurd logic. Yeah if someone comes up to you with a weapon and threatens you, you can defend yourself, that’s not what I’m arguing. I’m saying that the moment there’s no danger to you or your family, killing someone is just plain murder. Im not saying this guy should get a candybar from the truck driver, like call the cops and keep driving until they’re there, or if that’s too much hassle slow down until they can jump off and get some scratches if you can be bothered to deal with the police. But you can’t just kill someone who poses no threat. Also how do you even now this guy was trying to rob the driver and not some illegal immigrant trying to stow away on the truck and is now trying to get the driver to stop? Again im not saying hug thieves. Im saying don’t murder someone who doesn’t pose a threat anymore


Don't break the law. It's that fucking simple. You want something? Get a job. Ask. Beg. Someone will help you. I got my first job at 12 because I wanted something and didn't get an allowance. And the OP stated that the dude tried to rob the trucker, which truckers are not exactly well known for being the most level headed people so the dude was either a complete idiot or was okay with hurting someone so even if he died the world wouldn't lose much. And you think an illegal immigrant would get nice treatment from a trucker who's Truck he stowed away on? He'd be lucky if he got his ass beat Sure not 100% of all thieves should be shot execution style but their needs to be a stricter punishment. Look at Singapore. They whack the fuck out of you publicly for certain crimes and from what I hear it fucking hurts but you know what, they have one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world in a region that is not well known for low crime rates You physically hurt someone else though or fall into one of the other categories though and I'll dig the hole for you myself. Don't fuck with people and their shit. Makes for a longer life


Horse theivin’ used to be a hangin’ offense and there was good reason for it👍🏼 Extrapolate from that whatever you wish


Still is in Texas I believe, same for cattle I believe, don't fuck with a man livelihood. I theif can do just as much damage to a person's life as a murderer in the right circumstances. Sure I will admit a straight up execution for stealing a candy bar is a bit extreme but how about instead public shaming/disciplining? Don't like it? Don't do the crime. Simple as. But on a topic that requires a much more indepth conversation how about fixing societal pressures that push some to resort to a life of crime and get to the root of the issue rather than trimming the leaves, but even with a perfect economy and all that their will always be criminals you can't stop that but, you sure can do something about it


I believe there’s two different kinds of thieves, ones that steal out of necessity and those that steal for the thrill. We glorify criminals in our movies and music so there will always be the thrill seekers even if everyone has enough


Agreed, Duterte encourages people to slap corrupt policemen, sent an entire corrupt station to fight home terrorists, kill drug dealers (also drug users but, they were meth heads who committed a lot of crimes when high). I don't condone killing drug addicts, but that's because I live in a wealthy, less corrupt country that has the ability to take care of and rehabilitate people. Philippines was a different animal, and they did offer rehabilitation. It's much safer now than before Duterte.


So long as no one else is hurt, I fully believe in rehabilitation. You got lost in life and made a stupid decision and got hooked? You get a chance. At least 3. Three strikes, and you're out, though. Their needs to be a serious separation between violent and non-violent crimes. In the justice system However You kill, hurt, rape or, hurt a kid? Steal the livelihood of another person because you were too lazy to put in the effort to work for your life? You won't get mercy. Not from me at least. Also, political corruption is another thing that I believe requires a very heavy punishment. You were entrusted by the people or elected by the people to be their leader, protector, or server, and you abuse that responsibility? You're no worse than a thief taking the well-being of those around you for your own gain Which I know sounds hypocritical given my earlier stance but simply put, you don't hurt someone but are a nuisance to society and need guidance? I'll help you out bud. We all mess up in life. But if you screwing up causes suffering onto someone else ill introduce your head to the ground with my boot


You right though. Every president after Marcus (until Duterte) was charged with stealing money from the state. Some made it out of the country Scott free. Corruption perpetuates corruption.




Yes, once he gets inside. That moment has now passed. If he’s sleeping in the truck and the guy breaks in, I don’t really see a problem with beating the shit out of him, or shooting him if you have a gun. But that danger is now gone.




So you think the correct punishment for trying to rob someone is being murdered after any risk has dissipated? If someone jaywalks should I also just drive into them because they did something illegal?


Straw man fallacy! Does jaywalking hurt anyone but yourself? No, but stealing does.


All I know is that guy could have a gun in is pocket and is just waiting to use it.


Ah yes, lemme rob the guy in the massive vehicle which could easily flatten me in about 2 seconds should the opportunity present itself.


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Fast and Furious style. Like when Paul Walker jumps on the truck and got a shotgun aimed at his face.




There once was a man name of Juan Who robbed for a time to get on Chose a truck for a change to boost up his range But soon found his ass nearly gone


Irish motive? Pretty nice.


Juan tried to say this is my freight, But Seabass said nah we'll do it my way, white knuckles now shaking wind burning his face, as Juan hangs on for dear life down the highway.


I hope that Juan can hold on Just one little slip and he’s gone He’ll be be messed up. But not the guy in the truck He’ll keep trucking on until dawn


He needed the truck to complete a side mission and get that trophy, why the hate LOL


I blame fast and furious


Where's his "family" to save him???


Even though this video literally has a man clinging to the side of a speeding semi, it still managed to be the most boring thing I’ve ever seen.


I was hoping his face would be gone by the end of the video.


At 1:20 he waves at the police for assistance, the guy robbing the truck is most likely the guy driving and not the guy on the side.


So you’re saying the guy driving is video recording himself stealing a truck and showing video of the supposed driver clinging on? I don’t think that is a good idea nor is sharing the video with the public.


All for "the likes" I guess. No. After hearing the audio. The bad guy is the one outside. The driver is describing the situation to 911 / Police. They're in a yellow "torton truck" and the bad guy also have a white 3 ton truck following them. Edit. Not a van following them, but a 3 ton truck


Thanks for confirming


Trying to rob a truck driver is a bad idea too, but I agree this is most likely the would-be criminal hanging off the side of the truck and not the driver.


Looks like you don’t speak Spanish.




Nothing went wrong he was just enjoying the breeze outside.


Other than thinking to himself, “I should have brought goggles.” he doesn’t seem to concerned at all.


Easy breezy beautiful... clinging on to the side a truck.


Guys didn’t even fall and get sucked under the tires of the rig and squished to oblivion 🥱


Trying to rob or got stuck trying to get a free ride?


In some countries, thieves will try to stop your vehicle and hijack it/you. Often done with several cars where they can trap you in a tunnel or on an exit/overpass where driving away is impossible. It’s lawless out there in some areas.


The guy driving was the robber. The one who hawked him and was pointing out the road block up ahead was the owner of the truck


No. The guy driving is the rightful driver. His is describing to 991 / Police what is happening, and taking evidence video.


Nice. No hable espanol.


Turn on the windshield sprayers for added fun


This is not what was happening. The guy was trying to stop the trucker from fleeing. The trucker had hit a car and took off. https://pueblaroja.mx/2023/01/23/hombre-que-se-hizo-viral-por-ir-colgado-de-un-trailer-no-es-ladron/ Can't trust the internets


Tom Cruise looks a bit different from what I remember… 🤔


So this was a waste of time.


What a waste of my time watching this shit video.


I thought he was to auditioning for Tom Cruise's body double in the next Mission: Impossible. Tough luck, he is doing his stunts himself. /s


He was robbing the truck? Looks like just hitching a ride


“Vince - unhook yourself!”


Good hair.


Obviously someone has watched way too many Vin Diesel movies.... or was abandoned by his crew.


Can anyone translate what they're saying?


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Shoulda spartin kicked him


You need to wait until Part 2 comes out to see it go wrong.


Put him into the guard rail, the rate of recidivism is zero for offenders under the dirt.


This is where a tire thumper comes in handy.


Indio feeeo


The trucker gives no trucks


Briaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan help meeeeeee


I thought he was going to jump off to the car like vin diesel




Was he actually trying to rob the truck or did someone just make up a title


Needed a ride to the border.


I like the part where he waved at his friends


Would it be illegal to push him off?


8,000 miles later and he’s still holding on..


Someone was watching the fast and furious movies to many times


Someone was watching the fast and furious movies to many times


Someone was watching the fast and furious movies too many times


We only care how it ends. Was there a splat? We’ll never know.


Don’t watch this video. A picture would have told the same story.


Looks like the robber is having plenty of time to think about the consequences of his actions.


It's the way of the road


This video was a waste of my already meaningless life. Nothing. Happens. Nothing. Went. Wrong.


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Lmao, nah it’s cool bro. I get what you’re saying; fuck thieves forreal. Sorry I got a bit agitated watching the video - I admit I was hoping for the thief to get meat crayon’d.


He just wanted to talk to you about your cars extended warranty.


Fun fact: México's highways lives this everyday . And i don't wanna be racist but the average mexican gopnik uses that ugly jacket


Was this guy trying to rob or just hitch a ride?


robbery or ride?


This is what happens when you live your life a quarter mile at a time.


Still waiting to see what could go wrong.


Looks a tiny bit like Donnie Yen, starring in his next [Action Thriller](https://www.google.com/search?q=donnie+yen+flash+point&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS946US946&hl=en-US&prmd=vin&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiipPGo7YP-AhWIIjQIHXAtDIUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=810&bih=965&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e0cb8bdf,vid:ZkhrJO6sYRs)!


There seems to be a mistake, you cut off the video before the POS falls off the truck.


So unsatisfying


Should have tried to steer closer to the crash barrier to get rid of him


I mean....it looks like he has a seat belt out there. Why not use it??


Drives straight to the police station




Hope it’s a load of oranges bound for Seattle.


Drive to the PD.


Boring crap video


Put your seatbelt on


He feels more like he's just hitching a ride tbh


How to catch .45 with your face 101


Surprised that the driver continued to drive, if the guy fell off and dies won't the driver be up for manslaughter? 🤔


Doesn't sound like it's in the UK, where everyone sucks the dick of a criminal and tells the victim to fuck off, if he dies it's entirely his fault and should stay that way. Trucker has nothing to do with it.


I don't think any real semi developed country's legislation would see it that way..


Just british things, bend over and let them fuck you in the ass then thank them


>Just british things, bend over and let them fuck you in the ass then thank them ​ https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/36-notorious-criminals-jailed-uk-26342341




SEMI Developed... love it. Why has this gem not made it to the top?


Thank you.


😎😁 you are welcome


Different rules in different parts of the World


Do better, OP