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I've honestly come to really dislike the idea of proposing at a major event. So the one hand, the nice hand, it's a great memory if she says yes. On the other hand, the bad hand, it's all but forcing her to say yes, even if she doesn't want to. Because who, in their right mind, is going to look at the crowd around them cheering for you to say yes and be able to say no? It's like a social trap. You also have the part of 'well shit, he has the tickets and he's probably my ride home. If I say no, what happens after that?' Nah, miss me with all that BS. If I propose to someone, or they propose to me, it better be just the two of us, in a quiet place, where we are both relaxed.




It’s not supposed to be a good experience.


Those aren't cops, they're security guards


And they make an example, otherwise you have 9 of these scenes every match.


Top flight mafuckin security.


In Canada, we just had a 20+ year police woman try to reason with a suspect at their home. There were 3 police officers at the call. He grabbed a knife and killed her. Other police shot him. Unfortunately in N America, security is taught hyper vigilance due to the possible threat level.


That was a really clean hit tbh. Honestly impressed


impressed by what? the guy was on his knees not moving. Stevie wonder could have nailed that hit.


That was precisely what I thought too. Did they really have to tackle him, good grief!


That's what he gets for being where he shouldn't be.


Sure, get him off the field, but holy hell, does every instance have to go straight to violence immediately?


In this case in particular, I’m sure the guy has seen plenty of other people so stupid stuff in the field and get tackled. Security probably deals with idiot like this on a regular basis, so I can’t really blame them for slamming into this guy as a deterrent for future idiots. It’s like when a kid does something stupid on the playground, they’ll keep doing it till they get hurt.


This is not the right answer. “Let me use excessive force to set an example.” This is where they ask him to leave, and escort him off the field. If I were that guy I’d lawyer up and never work again.


Given how common such events are, I wouldn't be shocked to see the fine print on the ticket saying something like, "I give the Dodgers permission to beat me to a bloody pulp if I go out on the field regardless of whether or not I am threat to people or property."


Just so you know… that writing on a parking ticket saying they are not responsible for your car or belongings.. it’s a lie. When you charge money for a service or product, the charging company has a legal duty for you or your products safety. They just write it down to deter people.


A fair point, but this guy was no less (or more) a threat than your average streaker (who also gets tackled). The fact that he was stationary just made him easier to catch. Which leads me to the point that if it was easy to just lawyer up and sue for excessive force we'd be hearing about such lawsuits every week. Strangely enough, we don't. That implies to me that whatever else may or may not be going on, the security folks have their legal bases covered.


That’s what I was thinking. Probably has a strong case for excessive violence when he clearly wasn’t a threat and already down on a knee


Do something you’re not supposed to do, get a good ol fashion ass whooping. No words, no warnings, just straight MURICA on their asses. Is it /s or s/ to make this sarcastic?




You’re projecting my guy. I didn’t even mention police. There’s not even police in this video, only security. You took my comment and projected it onto police because subconsciously you know it applies there. I hope you have a stress free, positive day!




Fuckin delusional comment. Security are security. If one of these security guards hurt a person in the act of their duty they are liable to lawsuits…unlike police. You think “security are a kind of police” would help them then?




I'm not sure why they didn't just shoot him. Wasn't where he was supposed to be.


Shoot him!? Are you kidding me?! A flamethrower is the correct response


Right. The guy is an idiot, but he didn't deserve that.


That wasn’t excessive.


Nah, this is stupid dude wasting everyone's time so he can make an event about him. I paid to watch baseball, not some fat dude proposing to his fat gf.


People seem to think assault is fine because you have security printed on your clothes. Toss this rat into jail and sue the shit out of them.


You dumbass, that’s the stadium security not police. SMH


Then I wouldn't recommend running onto the field where athletes are about to play a professional game. Kinda got what he deserves.




Professional stadium security is very different from some schlub in the parking lot of a strip mall.


Ya that was completely unnecessary. The guy wasn’t running he had every intention of hurting that guy. Concussions are no joke. Security is a douche


Guy that runs onto the field is a douche. He got what he deserved.


Agreed. Two teams of professional athletes and 20,000 people who bought tickets, have their televised game disrupted by a trespassing narcissistic douchebag. I hope she said Hell No! I say the security guy gets promoted to golf cart driver


Do you have any idea at all how many cops are killed each week just doing their job? If you did you would understand why they shoot first and ask questions later.


Wan't police, just some dumbass security guard who needs a reality check


I don't disagree, but I will add to your statement. Before you ask, you should know the answer. There should be a conversation about future plans, to the point that she knows the man is going to ask at some point in the future. The place and time is the surprise, not the actual question.


Right. My wife and I had already discussed being married in a positive light before popping the question.


As a non-participant, I feel like it's just generally misplaced. It's like proposing to your partner in someone else's wedding: it's taking away the attention from the event to yourself, which I feel is a bit selfish.


Proposal gone right… she dodged a bullet.


I see what you did there


A girl said no to a proposal at Wrigley...2010 or so. Ended up doing the rounds on sports talk radio for a few days. Talk about a major oof moment for the dude.


You should never propose unless you know they will say yes. And if I was a girl and a guy proposed like this and I wasn’t ready to say yes I would definitely say no and have a serious talk with him about where we are because we’re clearly on different pages


There was a vid clip a few years ago of some dude proposing at a baseball game and she said no... I think it was something pre arranged with the field staff too but she said no and walked away. So it happens.


It would make me want to say no even if I was up for it. Maybe a no right now, the a yes later, but given what you'd be put through here, probably erases the chance of a yes


'Come to really dislike'. It's always been a cringey idea! It's soooo self centered and just seems like those people must be oblivious to reality or anyone else.


But back when I was more naive movies and stuff sold it to me as 'this is probably the best way to propose, you make a great memory and have an amazing story to tell.'


Marriage is a devil thing.


I absolutely agree with your thoughts on it and to randomly pop the question at a large event is awful because I have known a couple people who were proposed to as a surprise at a large event or location or around a bunch of people and they said yes in the moment but then broke up with them after when they were together in private. The other side of it though is that something like this should only be done if the couple has disgusted thoroughly and have had open communication that they definitely plan on getting married. Then it's just waiting for when the guy decides to propose.


This is a super common and ridiculous take. Most proposals are a formality. And even if she’s “forced”, she can recant when she isn’t in front of people.


And he sits in jail for a night. What a way to start off a marriage.


I mean, they aren't married yet. Just a fiance.


Yeah. Basically married.


Some people are finances for years, and during that process some even break it off.


Yeah I know. But since this man went to jail for this, then she is THE one for him.


Wtf is wrong with that security guy


He wanted to work at a football stadium but got stuck at a baseball stadium


This was the best moment of his life.


Ive got some theories


Definitely a lawsuit for that one.


I’d hope so yea. Reminds me of that Disney employee ripping the ring away from the proposer at the castle


Yeah except this one cracked his skull against the proposer.


Trying out for an NFL roster spot and is practicing his tackling form.


He want's his paycheck


He is unfathomably based?


It's about sending a message. If they took him lightly, all the other nutjobs would think, "oh look, they just walk right up to you and ask you to leave..," instead now you think twice about getting onto the field now don't you! If she said yes, she's a dumbass and can't be disappointed in her future when he does tons of other dumb shit.


Probably beaten by his daddy and thinks taking it out on low level offenders will make him feel less empty and pathetic inside.




There was a guy trespassing on the field in the middle of a game.


Escort him off. Jeez


The dude was on one knee. Security could have just walked up to him and been like, "Okay buddy, you had your fun, let's go." Instead, they about broke him in half.


Dude has been looking forward to trucking someone for years. Played it out in his head. Practiced his form. Imagined cheers and seeming himself in highlights. Wasn't about to let it go just because the guy is on a knee and not a threat in any way. Dickhead.


Somebody likes their job too much


I explained this video to Chat GPT and it said that it would be considered excessive force and grounds to sue the security guard and its employer.


Well if our new AI overlords think so, then it must be true


That’s scary how almost sentient it seems


He's a complete, attention-seeking idiot and deserved what happened. Having said that, he obviously wasn't planning to run, so the tackle was unnecessary.


Flag on the field, unnecessary roughness.


Fuckin security is a joke. It’s obvious what the guy was doing.


Proposing to security guard's wife/girlfriend.


This is cringe on so many levels, people who do this shit are so annoying


On one hand, looks a bit excessive from the guards. On the other hand, HELL YEA. Propose in private so she can say NO without peer pressure.


That security guard a former cop?


Former high school football player, maybe


He's gonna be back on the roster as first string linebacker after this.


Someone near the end of a 'roid cycle?




That tackle form was perfect.


He made it all about him. That's not a proposal, that's an excuse to become the center of attention


Or perhaps the woman is a massive fan of the sport and was completely appropriate given their unique relationship. Who is to say - Tip: not you


At that moment he realized that he isn't the main character


Was that tackle really neccesary lol?


No but it wasn't necessary to make your proposal all about you, making it very awkward for the girl to say no, put the baseball game on pause for the thousands of people watching, and even more at home. A lot of people are upset by this but how many times has it happened? He knew the risk and he took the chance, if he thinks his 15 seconds of fame is worth getting his shit rocked then let him have it.


What did she say?


Hopefully someone got it on video because buddy on the field is not going to remember going to that game.




Awww he's getting a taste of prison before going again for another 7-8 years


It’s good seeing a doyer fan getting bum rushed


The ring is a bomb!!!! Could be a lawsuit of excessive force although they aren’t cops it doesn’t matter. Physical harm to a non-threatening person(s) is still battery.


I cannot see this enough. I crack up seeing that guard level him. He got what he deserves.


Maybe a touch to much xD


They've saved him from making a big mistake. Heroes


All these comments criticizing the tackle by the security guard. There is a reason they’re taken down hard. It meant to be a deterrent for all the other attention seeking assholes out there. It’s like complaining the the drunk-tank was filthy and uncomfortable. By design, people. By design.


No fucking way is it meant to be a deterrent. It is not even legal and it is a bad look for the stadium. This guy is definitely getting a payout.


“Excuse me, sir. Sorry to be a bother. We have a baseball game being played at the moment and I’m sad to inform you that you must vacate the field immediately. Well, after your proposal, of course”.


The guy is trespassing. Arrest him and ban him from the property. It's no different than being in a store he's been been kicked out of. Security can't just attack them.


No, I think you're missing a really important aspect here. This is SPORTS! HELL YEAH BROTHER! We assault people because we all want to see the ball go from one side of the field to the other!


Lol no chance. He’s gonna pay a fine, not receive money.


The ring! The ring! The ringggggggg!!!!


Reminds me of NFL blitz. “Completely unnecessary but a lot of fun to watch”


A yes results in a tackle, while a no results in a tasing according to proper etiquette. So the tackle is good news


Employee of the month 🤣🤣




I think the security guy said "Yes!"


So stadium security is where people who are [too smart to get hired as cops](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836#.Tw-EgYFkidl) go to be employed?


Well I look at it as the guard didn’t hesitate when it was his time to shine😄 I mean among all his peers and family he’s a hero not to mention all over the news and social media.


Damn what a takedown


I'm pretty sure security was as rough as it is because it is partially meant as a deterrent factor. IMO sends the message pretty quick that if you are going to run out in the middle of the field to do a marriage proposal, you can expect to be tackled just as hard. You want to propose to your girl at the game? Fine, stadiums have announcements for that reason; don't interrupt the game for everyone else, that's just selfish and I don't have sympathy for him.


Probably better off saying no based on judgment alone


They tried to save him from a terrible mistake


That's a hard no.


Honestly, as much as some might say the tackle in this specific incident is “overkill”, I do NOT want weekly on-field proposals, so kudos to the security guard.


Congratulations!... When's the wedding? Oh...3 to 5 years depending on his behavior..


Would love to see how he presents divorce papers


Security did not find this as cute as he did. To be fair, it isn't exactly safe to run out into a sports stadium during play, and that security guard probably had no idea what he was doing. He could be pulling out a gun for all that guard is concerned.


Does all law enforcement / security have a hard on for violence? Bouncers, security guards, cops etc all seem to have tuff guy syndrome


Of course they do. That's why they signed up for the job. This guy has waited for years for the chance to be violent justifiably.


LA fans have room temp IQ


Even so, 227 women said "yes."


Security was like ....noooo broooo, dont do it.


They will never go to another dodger game together.


Ever tried looking for jewellery in grass?


Somebody's getting fired....


The guy who ran on the field? Security did that they always do with fans on the field.


So? It was wildly unnecessary, could've caused injury, most likely resulted in a lawsuit. That "security gaurd" is too much of a liability.


Lol that lawsuit will be dropped in a hurry, and the dude who went on the field will pay out a fine, per the law in California. Might have spent the night in jail too.


He was just trying to create his Fever Pitch moment


This took way longer than I expected


Not sure they had to do him like that.


The security guy got a great video for his Instagram channel.


Why do they ALWAYS go straight for the tackle? I understand taking down a streaker or someone running away/directly interfering with the players. But this guy was close to the edge, far from the players, and on one knee. They could have calmly walked up to this guy, let him have his moment, and escorted him off the field.


Because it encourages everyone to interrupt the game if there are no real consequences. Seeing that tackle, people hopefully will know not to enter the field and waste everyone's time. No one wants to see your dumbass proposal. They are there for the game. Idiots don't learn if they don't receive consequences, and a simple escort means he'll probably do it again, besides encouraging others to do so for their 15 seconds of fame. This already happens way too often even with the threat of force. He absolutely deserved that tackle. Hopefully they don't give the ring back either.


He sent er fully


Lol excessive dicks


Guy was a threat. Should have shot him first just to be sure.


If a cop when that hard on someone who was Not a threat the internet would have lost their shit.


Whats the aftermath from this situation?


The full speed tackle was *slightly* unnecessary


Chargers need to be looking at this linebacker


Security guard could’ve just escorted him out, save the vicious tackle for the streakers. Guy got fucking ROCKED. This is basically police brutality. Security at these places should not be violently tackling people, when there is an option to escort them peacefully off the field. The consequences should be the fines, or even jail time, not “if you enter this field, expect death.”


WHAT A HIT. Hahaha. They could’ve walked up to this guy and just taken him away. But the security guard decided he wanted to send a tape to tryout for the Rams. So he decided to fucking SACK this guy.


That tackle was completely unnecessary. Wouldn’t be surprised if the dude sues the MLB if he got injured.


Thanks, Perry Mason!


It is a selfrish act. People are there for the event. Not you.


Fucked around….


Was the tackling really necessary? I wonder if the security's supervisor goes something like "you weren't rude/brutal enough, what're you think?"


Baseball is great and all, but it’s clear that people really dream about playing football


One of the reasons my proposal to my now wife was special was that it was a very private and intimate moment shared by the two of us. I can’t be the only one who sees public proposals as ridiculous.


U know they are sensative to kneeling in a stadium… dang not that harsh right?


Dodger football stadium.


What did he think was going to happen???


“I’ve been waiting for someone to get on the field all year!”


What an absolute pos for dropping that tackle. Completely unnecessary. Someone for that guy for assault.


What is it about Americans and using excessive force?


Oh, cool, they got an open and shut battery conviction on video.


The tackle was way over the top and unwarranted IMO.


“Are you not entertained?”


Lawsuit so free honeymoon


Btw that security guard is going to get the clothes sued off them. Guy on his knees and you body check him into ground? Yah that’s assault. Was the proposer wrong? Absolutely. Can you just tackle someone, no.