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My cat loves licking our skin when weve sweated. hes a little weirdo


My cat licks my ankles when I get out of the shower.


"Why do you do that" "I'm thirsty" "You have a bowl of fresh clean water" "This better"


awww. hes trying to save you from the evil water


I used to have a cat who did that, but the cat I have now loves to headbutt her face into worn t-shirts.


As the OP and dedicated cat person, these were videos from my iPhone going back to 2018. We did not constantly give her “bad foods!” And if she did this, it was just for a bit. We lost her last year from a lifetime struggle with Feline Pica. If ppl aren’t aware it’s a mental health issue much like some humans have where they eat and digest plastic and other items. (And there’s no cure)! 14 YEARS my family struggled to keep her safe. It costs us thousands of $$$ to keep her safe. The list of items she ate or tried to eat is over 20-30 + items: We couldn’t even leave framed photos out because she’d lick the coating off of them. So I do not feel an occasional chip or fry a few times a year causes this type of responses. Over beloved Bella had her first surgery at 3 years old, that’s how we discovered her fondness for plastics and other items. Me and my family were run ragged trying to be a “responsible, educated and dedicated pet owner!” Please ask the OP’s of posts was it an everyday or occasional occurrence before you bash them and tell them they caused their pet’s death! I am extremely dismayed and heartbroken with such negative and heinous responses. I was told I was uneducated, but I can truly say I’m not the only uneducated person here…And SHAME on you for bashing and trashing ANYONE without being educated in what they’re doing!


People on Reddit always assume shit. Thank you for sharing both the cute video and some details.


My cat eats beans like a fiend. He will slap a bean burrito out of your hand.


I thought it was only my cat. One time she attempted to steal my bean burrito. She got scared when it splatted on the floor and ran away lol. I guess if she couldn't eat it, neither of us could.


Intentional bean sabotage is diabolical. I try to tell my little demon that he already *has* plenty of beans on his feet, but he never listens.


I'll have to try telling her that next time. She's so food motivated, though. She might wind up eating her sister's toe beans.


Don't actively encourage this, cats are very prone to kidney disease and salt will set them squarely on that path.


Thank you for your heartfelt reply. We did limit this behavior. She had this type of food maybe 4 times a year. And I always made sure it wasn’t prolonged exposure. She passed away at 14 last year from a lifetime struggle with feline pica. If I put the list of things she ate it would fill the whole screen. Some cats chew on plastic and other items, but she digested it. It was a constant struggle that cost us thousands for surgery and vet visits. But, I’d do it all over again to have her back. 🐾🐈😽


I bet you would. I'm sorry for your loss, she was obviously a real character.


OP did say this cat has passed on...




Woah... dude.


The video literally shows him, on multiple occasions, feeding salty treats that are inappropriate to feed to cats. If this was done regularly and not a "end of life" situation, OP might have inadvertently contributed to the cats passing. I'm not sure what's so surprising about that.


It's not the info, it's the guilt trip you administer to someone who's lost their pet.


Thank you. I’d give anyone my shoes to deal with a cat with mental health issues for 14 years. These negative responses from ppl that don’t know the OP, don’t know how many times this happened and then say I probably aided in my cat’s death!?! My heart is broken and I am totally devastated by those naysayers that are nay-educated and if you don’t have anything nice you say, get a life.


That's exactly it. It's an extremely severe tone and not an attempt to educate, also "I hope these videos are it's last days" is a weird take, especially if OP didn't know that salt was bad for cats. I've never heard that before, I learned something today, too.




I get it, I'm a reptile keeper, so I'm used to watching people jump down uneducated keepers throats like this, maybe go address one the many comments down below about people currently doing this, it can't be as common knowledge as you think, and if your sister is a vet, you probably have access to more knowledge than most. My Mum is a programmer and taught me script, that doesn't make it common knowledge.


It is common knowledge not to feed cats or dogs, the most common pets, salty human food. My sister wasn’t a vet when I was 5. I wasn’t a vet nurse when I was 5. But I knew then. If you’re going to have an animal, do your research. Animals ending up in vet care and dying or being surrendered from owner ignorance is astounding. I can “educate” anyone I feel like in the comments but this is clearly an aw cats are cute place with no desire to learn. Then they end up on ca help subs instead of going to to fucking vet. I am so over it and I am so over the excuses I also grew up having reptiles. It is not hard to ask or learn how to properly care for your pets. Or how to ask for help My iguana got too large to care for so we dropped him off on a non native island. How cute right?! No. If you’re going to programme, you’re going to learn. If you’re going to have a pet, you should learn. I don’t think your point was made.


Some people should be guilted and I am not sorry about that. You also clearly don’t understand my comment. Again, someone posted their kid died because they neglectfully cared for them would you be saying this? No.


If the owner contributed to the cat's passing (though I'm not claiming that is the case here), being irresponsible or misinformed about the care of a pet shouldn't be dismissed as a simple mishap. If an owner's actions lead to a pet's suffering or death, its a serious matter. Just as ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, ignorance in pet care is not an excuse, there are plenty of sources to find information. No one is claiming OP is a monster or abuser, feeling guilt in such situations can be part of learning and improving


Maybe some ppl should feel guilty after not giving proper care to their pets?


Maybe there are alternatives to guilt when educating a person? These cat subs are full of some of the shittiest, cruelest people. Not everyone knows everything. There are ways to teach people without being an asshole.


These were videos from my phone some dating back to 2018. And it happened maybe 4 times a year.


Sorry to hear about your cats passing first of all. Cats have very different dietary needs from us, and even small amounts of certain human foods, like potato chips, can be harmful to them due to the high levels of salt and additives (their bodies are really sensitive to these ingredients). It's best for them to overall avoid processed human snacks. Like I said in another comment, not blaming you for the cats passing, Im sure you always had the best intentions and it's great that you cared so much about your cat, but its always recommended to stick with cat safe treats and foods designed for their nutritional needs


You can’t reason with redditors. I’ve been a vet tech, my sister is a vet, I work for the NHS as a nurse and in comms but I don’t know anything lol we who say don’t feed animals food they can’t digest and will get sick from are just dumb 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah I see. Euro view. I live in Europe and it’s sad. Downvotes don’t matter, Reddit hive mind doesn’t matter. Knowing how to be a proper owner does. And you clearly aren’t one either.


Tf does europe have to do with this?


OP lives in Europe and there are different views around the around


OP lives in Massachusetts! Where did you get Euro from? Read my other responses, she DIED FROM A LIFETIME STRUGGLE WITH FELINE PICA! Wear my frigging shoes for 14 years trying to keep her safe. She digested or tried to digest over 20-30+ items! An occasional lick of “salty food” a few times a year did not kill my or cause my cat’s death. Mental Health issues did! I am totally devastated with these negative, hurtful and downright heinous responses. Please ask the OP’s in the future what their posts were about or how often it occurred before you bash or trash them!


👍🏼 one of my parents cats had pica. I meant OC not OP. So you’re a masshole lol again, sorry she died. Maybe it would’ve been different for her. There are SO many things to help pica cats. I just won’t see your side of how you handled things by FEEDING HER SALT. Wear my friggin shoes having dealt with situations like yours day after day after day after day after day after day for years Not one person who knows anything about feline care or health will look at your post and think cute, it feeds the cat salt 👍🏼👍🏼♥️♥️


There’s many sides to every story. This was on occasional licking or nibbling. It’s 3 videos over a 6 years. But LOL I guess it’s the Masshole in me that shone through!


Acting like trash won't make people listen to you, even if you are coming from a good place.


It was a lifetime struggle for 14 years, and she passed from feline pica. We kept her as safe as could be, constantly checking the floor or other areas for exposed plastic and other items. There is no cure for it, and I am a very educated cat owner! We couldn’t even leave framed photos out because she’d lick the coating off of them. There were 20-30 + items that she’d digest, and it was my and my family’s diligence and care that kept her alive until her bowels and kidneys gave out from scar tissue. It was a constant guard and care, and I guess I’m not the only on “Uneducated Person” here.


I’m sorry that happened but giving into her salt addiction was not the best idea. I’ve said a few times I used to be a vet tech, my sister is a vet and I’m now a nurse. I’m not uneducated in feline care at all and I am sorry this happened but no favours were done


We get it you are an annoying utopian with a morality complex


I am, yes. I’m sure you’d hope humans you care about receive better care. I hope animals and humans receive better care. One of my parents cats has pica, so far they don’t feed her salt 🤷🏻‍♀️ And we get it. You hate all animals but cats. It’s clear you don’t actually care about animal care, just people who only like cats


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for being correct.


How dangerous it is for cats? Can something happen even if they very rarely eat salt?


I briefly had to move myself and my cat in with my grandma a couple of years ago. My grandma started feeding my cat ham. Like, a whole slice at a time. At least once a day. Not only did my cat get extremely overweight very quickly, she also developed a UTI within a month, and had to be on antibiotics and painkillers for 6 weeks. The odd small treat is okay, imo. My cat loves french fries so I will occasionally give her a small crunchy one (she loves crunchy food too), but that's like once or twice a month at most.


All I know is Bella has amazing eyeliner


I don't eat much cheese, but I do grate a lot of parmesan for my pasta, and my cat Peanut loses his ever-loving mind trying to find and devour every shred that gets away from me.


My old lady desperately tries to eat anything that's salty, greasy, or fatty


RIP Bella


My old friend Guinness would come running from wherever anytime he heard a package of Ritz crackers being opened, just so he could lick the tops.


Cats tend toward salty and dogs tend toward sweet...in general, of course😻


lol my calico loves sour cream and onion Pringle’s. She will wait patiently for you to flip the chip around so she can get both sides. And yes I know it’s terrible for her but it’s very very rare and she only gets one. She also loves strawberry Twizzlers which is just…. bizarre


My cat will lick the salt from your sweaty legs after exercise. She's insane.


My cat demands ham.


Salt is really really bad for cats


Sound up for Bellas little crunchies


My late cat loved stealing chicken noodle soup broth from my kids when they were toddlers. She was a fiend for the canned stuff and would hear the can opener and then stake out the soup until someone wasn't paying attention. I miss her so much


I can’t give my cat any human food because then she thinks she can jump on the table and help herself. I can’t leave any food out at all. But she loves tomato soup, butter chicken sauce, popcorn and even goldfish crackers if she manages to find some.


Yep, my cat loves me sweaty workout legs.


I have a sugar fiend, specifically fruit


My cat loves to lick salt n vinegar chips, cheese puffs, nacho lunchables (not the salsa) sometimes he’ll do a cronch but he mostly licks now


My kitty used to love licking my brother's head after a shower or after him and my father were done working on a car or outside in the backyard. She also absolutely loved buffalo wing sauce. She'd lick my fingers for an hour after I had chicken wings, and if I tried to take my hand away, she'd grab it, and she had the sharpest claws in the house. Maybe they're playing across the rainbow bridge!


My former boy Pepe loved Doritos, yellow bag.


My childhood cat loved chips, especially salt & vinegar. We trained her not to jump on kitchen counters, but you could never leave any food unattended on a coffee table, or she'd steal it.


One time I fell asleep with a family sized bag of chips on the couch. I woke up to my cat literally inside the almost entirely eaten bag


My tabby comes running whenever he hears me open a bag of chips. I know which ones he likes and turns away. Surprisingly salt and vinegar was a win. 😖


Aww bless. Cat food tastes a bit salty. Umm, I may have licked a bit by accident 🤢🤢


One of my kitties love corn chips.


My cat missy i had for a good 18 years really liked potatoe chips when she was young lol but honestly im pretty sure she would just go crazy over any snacks she saw me eating shed literally try to rip food out my hand not like aggressively but like in a “share please dad” way


Salt can cause kidney failure in cats. Definitely shouldn't be allowing them to lick it off things.


My Turkish Angora is obsessed with chocolate 🤦


My cat doesn't like any people food at all. He'll take a lap or two of tuna water, but that's about it. Except for salt and vinegar potato chips. Any time I have them, he'll come running over to lick all the flavoring off one small chip, even waiting for me to turn it over so he can get the other side.


I had a cat, Karl who one ate a whole bag of salt and vinegar chips I left out overnight… he was a hungry boy


My fat cat loves eating crackers, but to be fair she loves eating anything


No but Heather was so crazy about bacon that she would lick the paper towel it was drained on


One of my boys attempts to steal spicy cheetos... Does that count?


My cat doesn't believe in any human food except tortilla chips (she only gets a tiny piece every once in awhile)


Ah yes. My orange likes the crunch. Tortilla chips and fries are his favourites


My cat really likes chips and crunchy cookies, but she doesn't eat them. I think she just likes to crunch


Mine loves Cheetos.


Yes, I’ve had a cat who loved salt/salty snacks she could lick. Please be careful, because salt is extremely hard on cats’ kidneys, and as we all know cats’ kidneys aren’t exactly built to last. :( Back when the average cat lifespan was 5 years or so, and a 10 year old cat was ‘ancient’, it wasn’t such a big deal; my last three cats lived to 17, 18, and 19, however, and my vet tells me that there’s been a lot of talk in veterinary circles about the enormous number of older cats being seen these days — it is, as my vet put it, almost as if cats’ lifespans suddenly doubled. So it’s okay to allow some salty treats, but try to minimise your cat eating salt as much as possible. My cat who loved salty foods I ended up restricting to once a month at most and a very small amount even then — like one or two licks. Of course, once she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I eased up and let her have her beloved salty food much more often (of course with clean water always available).


My cat likes salt and vinegar Goldfish.