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Looks more like he smears shit over his face


He apparently also smells like literal shit.


Why would an elderly fat man who eats nothing but junk food and wears the same clothes day after day smell?


Why would he still be alive?




And shoving high powered flashlights up his ass. Actually, he probably likes that.


I hear it’s both “Enlightening and insightful”


Damn he's foul.


He drinks the same serum that Kissenger must've used.


Is that the blood of children?


They were the ones harvesting adrenochrome all along!


Of course nobody is drinking kids blood, BUT... if anyone was it would obviously be Republicans\\conservatives and Trump, again, obviously, would be at the front of the line and would not give a shit about killing kids and drinking their blood. It's the fucking conservatives that turned their backs on the Catholic church priest plague of sexually assaulting children.


They don't drink it. They get their blood replaced with the blood of children via transfusion. I wish I was joking.


I mean, it is literally **always** projection with the right, so...


what do you mean? He's in better shape than me. He's 3 inches taller than me, and only 10lbs more! How many strong, healthy 80 year olds that are 6ft 3 and 215lbs? (this is all sarcasm, and revising the absurd health release from his doctors back in October/November of last year)


IIRC those stats are from when he surrendered to the courts somewhere to book himself in. This was immediately followed by a tweet going on about not surrendering, containing the mugshot photo of him surrendering.


We talking about the Trump mugshot where Trump looked constipated? Always remember, have a bowel movement before surrendering yourself to the authorities.


https://preview.redd.it/6yo3cvrum0dc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c5b805314ce648bcf3525d43f1c026ab610e29c He’s been working so hard on his figure that there’s been no time for his face!


Looks like a Norman Rockwell updated Americana cover


Hey, round is a figure!


So what you're saying that he's not in shape, but a shape?


He gets plenty of cardio when he chases the cart full of McD’s into Marred Lago.


That AI food looks whacky but also delicious. Gimme a slice of that mega roll.


It's like half turkey, half roll.


Have you heard of the Doni Diet? You eat only half you food and then you throw the rest at the walls.


What makes this unbelievable is the lack of McDonalds on the table.


And the salad!


There have been a lot of reports that he wears a diaper because he's unable to control his bodily functions, and he shits himself all the time.


Yes it was first reported well ahead of his 2016 race, so it wasn’t a random smear campaign.


Hehe… smear




Oh you know his diaper bag is full most of the time


And talks shit


Came here to say something like this. Dude looks like he let an Oompa Loompa butt-blast his face.


No clue how to "butt blast" a face, but it's effing hilarious!!


Before you fart, pucker your butt to hold it in, it feels like when you pinch off a loaf before it's done. Do that a couple times. When you're ready to ass blast, you force it out, and it blasts out of your butt hole like a shot gun. You'll get shorter farts, but they'll usually be louder, and if you're bare assed, have a good chance of spraying fecal matter in a shotgun fashion, moreso if you bend over and spread your cheeks. The more spread your cheeks, the wider the spray. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk. Tune in next week when I address the best foods for cleanses. Hint: Taco Bell is but just 1 part of it.


Username checks out


He looks ill as fuck.


Apols for replying to your message but it’s the first one I’ve seen which isn’t about literal shit. Has anyone worked out / explained why he chooses *such* a terrible form of ‘tan’? I’m Irish / Swedish and get spray tans but omfg what is this monstrosity of face paint? Why doesn’t he get a proper spray tan? Why doesn’t he get a proper make up artist? Why does he choose this every day when he is so widely mocked and so clearly vain? The hair bouffant thing is bonkers but I can at least rationalise the swirl on top is to hide the balding & the yellow is because he dyes it ‘blonde’. The suits I think are just poor taste akin to a soprano wannabe… But the face colour which seems to come off with sweat & never goes into his eye creases - I cannot fathom. This and his nazi rhetoric really upset me.


You aren’t the only one with the very same questions, friend. With the amount of money he claims he has, it’s wild that he lets himself look like curdled milk with orange coloring added. I don’t believe any of us will ever really know




Ah - I see him more as the strange man who keeps his coat on at the public library, shuffles around, aggressively rubs his thighs, smells bad & randomly shouts out weird things like he’s a billionaire, or about swamp people to his ‘audience’ AKA the coffee machine.


You can’t hide the ills you have done or the anxiety you have. They manifest themselves physically through tics or other musculofascial changes and contorsions. Trumps very physiology is changing because he knows he’s guilty. He knows he lies. He knows his legacy is shit, quite literally now. The body reflect the mind, and oof - it’s looking rough.


Amazing how he when 4 years a president showing no signs of the stress most presidents show but is now showing it as finally he is finally having to deal with the consequences of his actions.


It's pretty easy to be president when you spend most of the day watching TV and have everything simplified in a way that even a small child could understand. It's also easy when you don't care about the impact of your work.


Who knew sin was so orange?


He's into golden showers so you might be on to something.


It's not that he likes pee; it's that he likes gold.


Yeah he looks like a turd that was dragged over a blonde rug


And 1/3 of our country revere him in a messiah like status. That face....


Was going to ask if someone mixed shit into his spray tanner.


This is honestly gross as all hell. Why hasn't anyone told him that he looks like someone smeared diarrhea on his face?


Because he’d fly off the handle, pelt them with ketchup, fire them (even if they don’t work for him, he’d try to get them fired), and then go on a lifelong vendetta tour against them… and he still wouldn’t stop smearing orange on his face anyway.


Man this reminded me of Trump sending photos of his hands to the guy who called him a "short fingered vulgarian" for *decades*. such sheer pettiness is truly awe-inspiring.


IIRC the original insult referred to the depth of trumps pockets and the fingers too short to reach the money, not paying his bills etc, so the one who smells bad missed the point entirely.


Must have hit a sensitive point with the hands, then.


Well you know what the say about men with small hands... They wear small gloves. More seriously though, Trump's ego is more than fragile enough to believe someone is calling him small-dicked. I'd say that I'm surprised he didn't start sending dick pics to prove him wrong but he probably does have a small dick.


Article here because LOL it's great: [https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/donald-trump-short-fingered-vulgarian-220359](https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/donald-trump-short-fingered-vulgarian-220359) RIP SPY mag -- the greatest publication ever


> ....I'm sure he wants to just kill me — with those little hands." ​ Fucking Gold!


And it was all before Photoshop. Those graphics were composited by hand! Café Luxembourg ads with *zaftig* women. Anthony Haden-Guest, partier *extraordinaire* and winner of *Spy's* Iron Man Decathlon two years running.


Annotated with gold sharpie, no less


One of my favorite jokes is to say “I have presidential hands” whenever talking about gloves or guns or anything hand size makes a difference. I’m a 5’9” man and wear a woman’s small glove.


Pretty much. It's the whole "The Emperor has no clothes" thing, except in this case EVEN IF you did tell the Emperor he was naked, he'd just yell at you and keep being naked anyway.


Somehow becoming even more naked in the process.


LOL, no doubt. Everything about this man defies logical explanation.


Somebody probably has. BUT, he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. That means he's perfect, and incapable of being wrong about anything, ever. So if someone tells him his self-applied makeup looks awful, that means he isn't perfect. Well, obviously that CAN'T be true, so THEY have to be wrong. Which means he looks great, and so he keeps doing it. (Both my mother and MIL are varying degrees of NPD so I'm kinda of used to the thought process.)


> Narcissistic Personality Disorder often referred to as "the answer to a question everyone wishes they didn't have to ask."


*Just* NPD? The dude is a Cluster B elemental.


"Cluster B elemental" cracked my shit up, thank you for that.


I would argue that he coalesced all the worst of NPD's as his most ardent supporters.


I'm fairly certain that this is why he went on that weird crusade against LED and fluorescent lights in favor in incandescent bulbs. Because in most newer lighting, he looks harsh and VERY orange, but in warmer incandescent lighting this would probably almost look OK. Well that and he probably got paid off by some crony with stock in a bulb manufacturer.


It pisses me off to no end to think that his "I don't want to wear a mask" thing was just around not wanting to smudge his makeup, and because of that his followers latched onto "masks are against freedom!", which made the pandemic a *lot* worse than it needed to be.


I've seen multiple people speculate that his makeup and hair stylists hate him.


Apparently they have to constantly give him fresh shirts, because his shitty orange makeup makes a ring around the collar so often. I suspect that was a big part of his crusade against masks too, since it would mess up his "look."


Cassidy Hutchinson reported that that was exactly why he didn't wear a mask when going into a manufacturing plant during the height of covid


He does his own hair & make-up. Like he'd ever let anyone see him in a vulnerable state like a plain face or his body so a tailor can make a suit to flatter said body. He looks awful because the stress of 5 trials is finally getting to him so he's getting sloppy.


An Apprentice producer said he looks like Riff-Raff from Rocky Horror without his hair done in that special Trump way. It all goes over his head into a bouffant. (When he accidentally saw Trump getting ready like the officer who saw Darth Vader putting his helmet on in that little spinning room.) And then Bronx Colors Swiss concealer (orange) for that orange look. Oh and Depends for when he flies into a rage at the drop of a hat -- like he can't read a big word on the teleprompter -- and shits himself.


that makes sense. i can't imagine a professional make up artist would just give up after only doing half the face.


> He does his own hair & make-up. And he hates himself, so that all tracks.


See also the hair in a can episode of Stephen Miller. That was straight up a middle finger from hair and makeup.


from some footage I see, I think he's using his event makeup in the day time - because in SOME of his videos where the light washes everyone's faces out, he looks pretty normal. but when you take that look into natural light...


The alternative is to admit he is a frail old man with issues of vanity. So instead he buried himself in the self image he's constructed and surrounds himself with those that prop him up.


He looks like a greasy gas station hotdog




Stick a fork in me Jerry....I'm done


After six hours we have to call ‘em wizard fingers


Donald "Wizard Fingers" Trump. The most vile double entendre


OMG I'm dying because it's so true


He looks like a Thanksgiving turkey that was left in the oven until Christmas.


At least these greasy gas station hotdogs have a taste, unlike this disgusting pig.


Dude looks like a baseball glove.


A baseball glove that you found in a muddy ditch after a housefire


And then shit on it


You look like an old catcher’s mitt!!


Who could love me?!


Jesus Christ. Is this a real untouched picture?


I found an article with the exact same picture uncropped. https://www.vox.com/politics/24035809/trump-iowa-frontrunner-january-6-insurrection-gop-primary-polls-results Doesn't really prove anything, but I was curious myself because this looks awful even for him. Just shit makeup or whatever it is he wears most likely.


I love that headline. >How Trump went from disgraced insurrectionist to Iowa caucus winner No Vox, he's still a disgraced insurrectionist, he just also happens to have won the Iowa caucus for the second time (out of three tries). A more accurate headline would be "Twice Impeached Insurrectionist Wins Iowa Republican Caucus with 5% of All Iowans Voting"


Here’s another photo of him from the same event. It appears this is legit: https://preview.redd.it/u07vfmur43dc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17c4df9ae4171c108619115b8227e544cb6c41d


That’s odd. I thought he didn’t like brown people. Maybe I was wrong about him after all. /s


It’s apparently a photo of his victory in the Iowa Caucus, which would explain the sweatiness. Anyone else remember when he won in 2016, and everyone in his camp started celebrating and shouting, but he was still as a stone? He did not want to win in 2016. The opposite is true now; he literally HAS to win to stay out of jail. Probably why he was sweating the results in Iowa so hard.


Yes, it does prove something because OP’s photo clearly has a byline, as shown jn your link. (It is the same, identical photo as what OP posted.) So we know a photographer who works for AFP shot it and a publication we’ve all heard of bought the rights to use it. That doesn’t mean its not photoshopped, but it does significantly decrease the odds. People with professional reputations at stake put this out in the world. Not some internet rando with a FB account. The world desperately needs more media literacy.


I saw video on the news of him making his speech in Iowa the other day (where I believe this shot is from) and he actually did look really sweaty and greasy and just plain shitty.




[AP Source from the same night](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/trump-pizza-png-65a45d1256dc7.png?resize=660:*)




how in the hell do his collars stay white?


Trump appeared to smear bronzer on Laura Loomer while greeting her yesterday https://www.threads.net/@regularjosepe/post/C2MD1uRocEZ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


That’s. Fucking. Disgusting.




If she had any shame, then she would be so embarrassed. Imagine having a picture like that of yourself existing out there. Just embracing some fat narcissist as his kraft mac & cheese tan smears all over your face like a mark of shame. She should be mortified.


> Laura Elizabeth Loomer (born May 21, 1993) is an American far-right[a] and anti-Muslim [b] conservative political activist, white nationalist,[c] conspiracy theorist[d] and internet personality. I cannot imagine being with Trump would mortify her, in any context


That picture is amazing lmao


They don’t.


Right? Drop the setting spray recc, Don don, that grease paint is staying PUT.


Would this makeup job be illegal in Florida?


It’s a bit drag queen.


Insult to drag queens.


A queen who's mug looked like that would be Porkchopped so fast...


When does it become blackface?


He looks like he's a few shades away. Right now it's jaundice + face.


Maybe he got permanent breast milk jaundice from being a giant baby all the time. He probably sleeps under a billirubin lamp.


Fried chicken face.


Pork rind face.


He's reaching Ariana Grande levels! 


Gurl, u need to blend




For anyone who doesn’t know, that’s Rudy Giuliani in the dress. Seriously.


We’re truly in the weirdest timeline




big improvement thank you


Even if I remove everything I know about this man, and pretend like this is the first time I’m seeing the face of a nobody. I’d still say he looks like shit. Because damn dude, that does not look good or healthy.


Almost like a man whose entire life of lies and excess is being undone...


He's starting to legit look like the Emperor from Star Wars. Tangerine Palpatine is apt for him.


yeah but somehow Palpatine returned. So I hope he aint him


If a man sat down on a bench next to you, with this makeup on and started talking about how everyone is against him a rational person would want to keep their distance. But meanwhile 30+% of the American population looked at it and said ‘yes, you!’ To run the place


> with this makeup on *And smelling like shit. Don't forget, it's been reported that the man smells like literal feces.


The bullying is the point, I'm sure you know. As long as he lashes out at the "others", his in group will continue to vote for him, because they are all the -phobics, just like him. Fueled by hate. 


He looks like Papa John after he ate 40 pizzas in 30 days


Its cold all over the states, and this guy is sweating. LOL. Also, for someone who is so concerned about their appearance and looking alfa, why doesn't he have a professional MUA to put that shite bronzer on. This looks so bad.


Tries to be alfa, gets alfalfa HA


I really nailed that spelling didn't I.


It’s still miles above the spelling of these fucking crums by a landslide


A professional make up artist costs money. Trump is a cheapskate.




Wow he is sweating. No wonder he is shitting his pants, he is freaking out underneath all that bravado lmfao


TBF, I've had times when the diarrhea was so bad I was sweating. Or had to shit really bad and the nervousness of not being near a bathroom made me start sweating.


At a new year's party I was told Biden is too old. I said trump is just as old. Then I was informed it's a different old. They weren't kidding




He just pulled his head out of Putin's ass.


It looks like half of his wig stayed behind.


"He looks like Jesus" 51% of Republicans, apparently.


So then he’d be middle eastern?


No no. Supply Side Western American Jesus.




we can shut this thread down. this post has won.




Maybe tertiary syphilis has affected his perception of color.


It's most likely akin to body dysphoria. Much as some folks literally cannot see reality when they look in a mirror, TFG almost certainly thinks this makes him more attractive and sees his normal skin tone as somehow unattractive. Not that it excuses his behavior, but the guy is seriously mentally ill by any reasonable interpretation. His own niece, Mary Trump, who happens to be a qualified professional on such matters, has even said so.


Portrait of Dorian Orange.


Portrait of Annoying Orange


My god, he is grotesque. He looks like a burnt, oily baked potato.


So many funny replies but this one takes the cake 😂


He looks like he’s already been embalmed and made up


He looks like how people describe he smells.


He looks like Satan


Jesus! It's too early in the day for a horror show


put me right off my breakfast.


I knew an attorney that had a tanning bed in her home office because she was of the impression that a tan made her look more powerful in court. She is about the same age as Trump. I wonder if it is generational thing. Also last time I saw her skin looked like sun baked beef jerky.


A friend's mother moved to an east coast beach and spends *every day* out in the sun. Her skin color is \#844506. It looks really bad and her family have told her but she's convinced she looks great. She adds makeup like Mimi from the Drew Carey show. Cruises the tiki bars every afternoon thinking she's a cougar. Oh, and she's a Trump supporter.


Thank you for giving html/hex color, I'm color blinded and I can imagine color better when people give me these numbers.


God I hope you guys do the right thing and don't let this orange baffoon into the white house. I'm not an American but that 4 years of waking up every morning (we are 12 hours ahead of US time) thinking oh god I hope he didn't do anything crazy like starting ww3.


Look, there's about 65-70% of us who will do the right thing and 30-35% who think this guy is literal Jesus Fucking Christ and nothing we can say or do will change their minds. Unfortunately, that 30-35% live in areas where their votes are worth more due to our outdated Electoral College system of voting.


Not even the orange face paint can hide his character, every time he opens his mouth is just spews out...


He looks like a salarian from mass effect. Is this edited? People edit this shit a lot even though he already looks ridiculous


Is this an actual, undoctored photo? I can't tell any more with him.




A defining portrait of the sheer banality of evil. This fuck is a danger to the entire human race.


If not for the fact that he is an objectivly horrible human being I would be opposed to the idea of mocking an old, weak man's appearance


I thought conservatives didn't approve of men wearing makeup?


Why is this image so deep fried? He looks bad enough without cranking the contrast up


Can we find the guy that does his spray tan? Be hilarious if someone convinced him to give him a triple coat.


He does it himself! Its so no one knows he wears makeup.


So no one knows. Damn.


Looks like he ran out of self tanner and switched to feces


God he looks gross


He looks like he’s covered in Giuliani


He looks like he’s melting.


I would love someone on his staff to leak a photo of his shirt before it goes into the laundry. Then I'd ask his followers how they feel about him wearing makeup.


This is the 2nd pic I've seen that looks like he's lost weight, and im pretty confident he isn't trying, which is never a good scenario for an old timer.


It’s melting on his face.


Like with many popular Oscar Wilde quotes, this was spoken by a character who at the time was expressing the opposite of what Wilde himself actually believed.


this has to be photoshopped




The man is a cartoon, stripped of his power trying anything to get it back. Narcissist...


He looks like Kramer after he rubbed himself with butter and fell asleep in the sun


I hope with every iota of my being that Trump lives a long life...after a huge stroke leaves him in a wheelchair, unable to move and unable to communicate in any way, but with his brain perfectly intact. I hope that torture and horror befalls him, and he suffers through it unable to end it himself for at least a decade. Have a great day everybody!


Dude's an ugly piece of shit, but I wouldn't give a damn about any of that if he were a decent person. He's not a decent person. He's a spiteful egomaniacal bigoted conceited toddler in a man's suit who tried to overturn an election and incite a riot in the capitol. He has no redeeming actions or qualities. He wants to drive this country into the ground. The only thing worse than him is all the people who see this and think "yeah, this guy's the messiah sent by Jesus." Absolutely amazing how hateful americans have become in his presence.