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Hmmm... FDNY may have forgotten that while its members and other First Responders were dying in the towers, Trump was bragging - incorrectly - that he now had the tallest building in New York. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-trump-tallest-building-manhattan-b2164420.html


He also claimed to help clear rubble at the Twin Towers as well as hiring over 100 people to help. There is [no evidence ](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-donald-trump-help-clear-rubble-9-11-1869542) to support either claim. If I was a New York Fire Fighter I'd take that as a giant insult.


Plus his family under the trump organization stole money from a Cancer trust # Trump family ‘disallowed’ from operating charities in New York? No. ***UPDATE, Nov. 7, 2019:*** *New York Attorney General Letitia James on Nov. 7, 2019,* [*announced*](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/ag-james-secures-court-order-against-donald-j-trump-trump-children-and-trump) *that the New York Supreme Court ordered President Donald J. Trump to pay $2 million in damages "for improperly using charitable assets to intervene in the 2016 presidential primaries and further his own political interests."* *As part of the settlement, other stipulations in the lawsuit were resolved, including one related to the Trump family’s involvement with charities. The settlement required mandatory training for the three elder Trump children and imposed restrictions on Donald J. Trump should he join another charity as director.*  *Any charity for which Trump serves as a director must have a majority of independent directors (meaning no one in his inner-circle). Also, it must engage counsel with expertise in New York not-for-profit law. And it has to use the services of an accounting firm to monitor and audit the organization’s grants and expenses. If Trump starts a new charity, that charity must also comply with those requirements and report to the New York Attorney General for five years. The settlement includes a "total ban on any self-dealing," as the lawsuit had charged that Trump repeatedly used his foundation's money for his own personal, business, and political interests.* *The settlement, however, does not ban the Trump family from operating a charity in New York, as this original Facebook post claimed. Our ruling on this statement remains unchanged.* *What follows is the original post:* A pending lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his three eldest children seeks to prevent them from temporarily being involved in charities in New York. But a Facebook post takes it further by claiming that the family has already been "disallowed." That hasn’t happened. "The Trump family was disallowed from operating any charity in the State of New York because they stole from a kids cancer charity. A kids cancer charity. A kids cancer charity," said the Oct. 8 [Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10220088222215730&set=a.10210301269948040&type=3&theater) that’s been shared more than 43,000 times.


He lives in a make-believe world. Whatever he wants to believe he creates in his sick mind, boasts about it, and convinces himself and other people that it’s actually true.


You mean as a Fire Fighter New York


He meant as a New Fire York Fighter


As a New Yorker this seriously infuriates me. Every NYFD that has posed with him for photo ops should be ashamed of themselves but I doubt it because Fox News told then Trump is their hero as they watched from their home in Long Island


Also its democrats that support their union and its democrats that fought, for years, against the GOP for that 9/11 first responder bill to pass. Its incredible to me how much the right-wing has taken over blue-collar union government jobs. The "destroy the government and unions and pensions" crowd are government union workers depending on a pension to retire. Everything about conservatism is a maddening hypocrisy. Literally the group that pushes out non-stop "shrink the government, cut all funding, cut social security, kill the pension system" stuff has supporters who depend on all of that to literally survive. I dont think the democrats are perfect, but I can't imagine being a union pensioned government worker and thinking voting GOP is in my interests. I'm sure they are voting GOP for....reasons.


John Stewart fought so hard for them and this is how they repay him.


Well, their idol Ronald Reagan was the head of the Actors Union and a Career Politician and he is basically the definition of anti-government and anti-unions. And somehow got a fucking airport named after him. It’s really incredible. Like if they named a Jewish Community Center after Hitler.


Isn’t grew up in the Midwest. The two most reviled characters to basic conservatives were always the “Hollywood/Californian actors” and the “New York/Wall Street elites.” I still don’t understand how those two exact characters are the two most beloved presidents by conservatives. Mind boggling.


An airport named after the guy who sent scabs in while Air Traffic Controllers were on strike. If you want to mark a single point in time where the middle class was destroyed, that is the most obvious point to mark. From that point on union membership declined and that directly led to the wealth gap increasing dramatically and never getting better.


Don't forget he signed the nation's strictest gun control bill at the time while he was governor - of Commiefornia! - and granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants while president. Fascist authoritarian-follower assholes are hypocritical pieces of shit, is what I'm saying.


He only signed that bill because black folks showed up to the State Capital with rifles.


Indeed. And there's a very important lesson in that.


Let's not forget Reagan vetoed a farm bill that likely cost many farmers their livelihood and some of them their actual lives and then in another piece of shit move pealed back protections for farmers.


The only union the GOP supports is the one that protects authority figures who kill citizens. Wonder why that is?


Tallest building in Lower Manhattan. Which still wasn't true, his building hadn't been the tallest in Lower Manhattan since 1932.


His (Trump) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of U.S. history was really limited. It's really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn't even understand the concept for why we're talking about this," Tillerson said in a lengthy interview with Foreign Policy.


Gettysburg, wow. Like, Gettysburg was such Gettysburg.


Frederick Douglass and I were talking about it last week.


he had tears in his eyes when he said, "Mr. Trump...."


"please save us Mr. Trump, the Union is coming"


Big Confederate and Union men, strong Confederate and Union men…with tear in their eyes…they said, Mr. President…it wasn’t about slavery. Many people said it, fine people on both sides…


In the airport


That was the Continental Army before their glorious defeat of Cornwallis of Yorktown. Keep up!


I didn’t know “facts” mattered. You ruined my joke!


Nah, IIRC all of our Revolutionary era airports were still up and running during the Covfefe War


Trump would never say this, we all know that trump hates unions and doesn’t understand the difference between the two.


“Do you see me, Honoring the honorable, I’m so honorable in that way, Honorific I’d say, but I wouldn’t say that because I’m too humble, humbleable you could say in an honorable way. Yes Uber honorably humble….”


“They tried to say it was about states rights and I said wow, we all know which state was right, I mean don’t we folks?”


Getty Images. Such a huge archive of Gettysburg photos. And in 4K. The best Getty, Getty Images.


Remember on 1/6 how many people thought the q shaman guy's name was Getty Images because ot was watermarked on all the pictures?


Stupidity has no limits.




Unfortunately no


I would have loved to have served in Gettysburg's, or that war thing, but my bone spurs, my bone spurs, great bone spurs. People come up to me, all the time, and tell me, Mr. President, you have the best bone spurs. Gettysburg.


I come to Getty Images, to look, and to watch.


Never fight up hill me boys!


Trump said if he was President the South would have won in a landslide bigly, because he gets great ratings in the South...😁


*9/11 what an unbelievable day that was. 9/11. What an unbelievable―I mean, it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways.* *The statement of Osama Bin Laden―who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor―‘Never fly planes, me boys, never fly planes.’ They were flying planes. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great generals, and they were flying. ‘Never fly planes, me boys!’ But it was too late.*


No. This can’t be real. Please


[Not quite.](https://youtu.be/pq4xSuiueUc?si=XImZCTb1OS2oZ5TB)


Oh.. . .. 😐😑🫡⚰️


Ugh. This is the first one ever that has stumped me. Did....Did he really say this? Because I don't remember it but that sounds exactly like him.


[Not quite.](https://youtu.be/pq4xSuiueUc?si=XImZCTb1OS2oZ5TB)


Just like his favorite verse in the Bible. Smh lol


He said general Lee said "don't fight uphill me boys"? Was he Irish? And wasn't he the exact person who told them to fight uphill?


Yes, very much no, and 100% yes.


A lot of people come to me and talk about Gettysburg.


Grown men come up to me crying about Gettysburg. They're grateful to me.


Big strong guys. With tears in their eyes.


Beautiful men in their grey uniforms.


It sure was a war. One of the war-iest wars ever to war. People at the time were like, "Wow, it's such a war. A beautiful and amazing thing." People with tears streaming down faces, "Such a big war, like no one's seen before.". (That's all I can bear to write, sorry.)


Don’t forget, though he was helping Pull civilians out of the rubble side-by-side with the fire department 🤣 you know, those guys WTF THIS IS CRAZY TO ME ! 🤣😂🤣


On 7/11.


At a 7/11.


Near Bedminster NJ


That was HIS 9/11


It’s hard to have a conversation with someone who is only concerned about himself. If the situation doesn’t benefit him in some form or fashion, he really doesn’t give a shit.


…thought he’d pay JP Getty a visit in Gettysburg but couldn’t find the mansion…


He should’ve googled the address


It’s terrifying that he was already president and could be again. What the actual fuck?


All those years in NYC, and he doesn't know it is FDNY?


and I do it on purpose, I said NYFD, the Fake News says, "Donald Trump doesn't know it's FDNY," I said I know more than you could even figure out, and I came in, "Sir, Sir, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. President, Sir," I said you're welcome General, it's not a problem, and I look and there's these guys, they must be 6 foot 7, 300 pounds of solid muscle, better looking than even Brad Pitt, and they come up to me and I take one look and they're crying, they have tears here, tears there, tears all over the place, I said why are you crying, they said, "now that we've met you Sir, we can finally die happy in War," I said that's nice, and if you're gonna do that, you gotta make sure you vote Trump first, that's all I'm saying, you could be down in a Trench, you're in a Battlefield, you've got Bullets raining down, you still say, "where's my Vote, I have to fill out the little square for President Trump," because I've won our Military every time I've ran, the Military went 100% for Trump, there's not a single vote in there for Biden I can tell you that already, and so you take the number, you add, you say, "take the very large number of people in there, take the people overseas and the other people who could vote if they were here, and you take the number, you say, "wow, that's a big number," and then all of those votes automatically go for Trump, it's very simple, we don't need to wait months and years to get every last tiny ballot that may be coming from Overseas, one gets stuck behind a Toilet at the Station, and then they find it 7 months later and they mail it in and then they say, "we finally got the Last Vote and we can now decide the Election," I said it's a Total Phony Thing that they're doing


This was so realistic, it made me want to barf. 


Not one period. One, looonnnnggg sentence. Well done!


A Pickle for the Knowing Ones? Lol


It's actually a bit too coherent.


Not enough superlatives either.


Not realistic enough! It was missing the first letter of every word capitalized, as well as punctuation errors


Also, Trump would’ve called Biden Obama.


I just gave them their upvote after a few sentences. I just can't


It was so realistic I couldn’t read the whole thing


I should not have read that before breakfast.


Reading this, I was hearing the orange moron. I hate that my brain is capable of that.


Your brain is also capable of translating into Goofy's voice in real time. Add hyucks to taste.


I read this again, and it hits different when goofy speaks about war. 🪖


HorseLooseInHospital for president 🙌


TrumpingAI should be a thing. Like a self-help tool.


Jesus christ that is horrifyingly accurate.


Do we like electric cars?


It's like there's a horse... loose in the hospital. I have no idea what will happen next!


Great username


Right 😂🤣😂 at some point I am sure he would’ve least seen it on a sweatshirt or something 🤣


Yeah, he must have seen FDNY on helmets and equipment, trucks when he was helping out at ground zero on 9/11.


Was that before or after he stormed an airport during the American revolutionary war?


Ahhh Gettysburg, WOW, beautiful Gettysburg, WOW, some are even calling it Gettysville. A lot of beautiful things happened here, really big, HUGE things, teary eyed men keep coming up and telling me, Gettysburg, WOW, Gettysburg!


Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill!


You beat me to it! ![gif](giphy|JPltrymEMV0reRy2QB|downsized)


Never fight uphill, me boys! ![gif](giphy|oZ6ZAY7zlL8Ph2zfjB)


Let us never forget the Bowling Green Massacre…those brave men and woman, so many lives lost, a true tragedy


Nah, it was after he single-handedly stormed the beach at Normandy and won a decisive victory over the Vietcong forces.


When he rammed the ramparts!


Only when the ramparts are underage....


Right 🤣


He prefers guys that don't die in fires


Only *suckers and losers* fight fires.......


He knew before he's fucking senile now


I live in Canada and I know that..


He's *really* leaning into it....


God dam that guy next to him must be 8 foot tall at least


One of the people in this photo is Baron’s father.


I thought Von Shitzinpanz was Baron's father.


Explains the royal name and not at all that he named his son after his fake identity, John Baron, that he used to call newspapers to say he was awesome. Nope. Not at all.


Really? He did this? Source?




Bahahahaha 😭🤣 I didn’t even notice I was so stunned 🤣😂🤣🫶


I know him. He's under 6'3" so how can Trump be that height yet shorter? LOL


Can someone measure the angle of his leg lean?


Hard to tell, but according to my smallest protractor it's coming in roughly 15 degrees off a true 90. Unfortunately his pant leg isn't straight.


Looks normal when you consider the weight of the load in his diapers, and that his skull is mostly hollow.


Get your Protractor




He is standing at a 45°. The longer I look, the more it looks like he's in one of those tilted fun houses.


Leaning tower of felonies




This is EXACTLY what I thought of


If he gets re-elected, he'll stand at a 47°.


This guy angles.


It’s weird right 🤣🤣


Leaning can be a sign of Alzheimer’s because the part of the brain that controls balance is affected by the disease.


Could also be lifts in his shoes??


A little from Column A , a little from Column B


He’s still shorter than the other guy too!


That's that yung Frontotemporal dementia.


This is an Idiot


Village Idiot


Metropolis idiot


Universal idiot


Idiot King.


his supporters are idiotic. trump is winning the grift game.


Same guy who bragged about his building being taller after the towers came down. Is anyone really surprised at his level of narcissism and stupidity at this point?


Trump is so short! Look at that picture. Couldn't be an inch over 5'10"


I’ve seen him in person at a 9/11 memorial event. He was dwarfed by everyone around him. I was chatting with people nearby and he came over to introduce himself. He extended his hand and in my uncle’s memory I pulled my hand back through my hair. It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.


FDNY chief is a trumper. Gross 🤢 isn't the fire department a socialist program? Maybe they only save Republicans from fires to own the libs. Chief should be ashamed of himself for letting vonshitsinpants near the station.


A lot of firefighters are Trump fans. They're unionized public employees, two groups that Republicans hate, but I guess they've fallen into the macho "patriot" thing.


I work for the United States Postal Service. We are a government organization made up of union labor. The amount of my colleagues that support Trump is mind-boggling. He has disparaged the Postal Service, he has attacked mail-in ballots, and the man he appointed Postmaster General is decimating the institution. He thinks government is incapable and as much of it should be privatized as possible. That's not to mention that he and his ilk despise unions and want to weaken them wherever possible. He is about the last person you should support if your paycheck depends on government and unions, but still he has an alarming amount of support among the rank and file.


I’m so pro union I’m a recruiter for my union, but the police union is nothing but an organization to empower bullies. The shit every other union gets for asking for cost of living raises, and these assholes get protected for literally killing people. Signed, unionized public employee


I can’t speak for the chief’s motives, but the FDNY, and any other similar organization, should make efforts to remain politically neutral. If Trump wants a tour, they should give him a tour. If Biden wants a tour, they should give him a tour.


Yet another example of 6'2 being horseshit




https://preview.redd.it/g1nct2b0g5yc1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40f83809fa6cbee29a46ea4bf2a06f47783b5e7 As is this.


His supporters only see photoshopped pics of him shirtless with abs and an AR-15 while riding a bald eagle.


Never forget the great American hero- the bald eagle that tried to warn us years ago by attacking this dipshit.


Is it dementia or is it the heels that try (and fail) to bring him up to match that 6’1 guy to the left? 🤔 Why not both? Both is good.


There’s no way to sugarcoat it. The man is an imbecile. He’s stuck in a cult de sac of his own stupidity. We are all dumber for having to be subjected to his freeform verbal diarrhea and pretend it deserves any kind of respect.


Trump's postural leaning is showing again, a serious sign of dementia according to the National Library of Medicine. # Postural instability in cognitively impaired elderly during forward and backward body leans [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6642884/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6642884/)


He really does lean forward quite a bit when standing.


The leaning forward again. Frontotemporal dementia.


Too late.




Standing firm like the Leaning tower of Pisa.


Look at that short bitch 6’4 my ass haha


I have to admit that \*I\* didn't realize this and might have assumed it was like NYPD. Of course, I've never lived in New York for my entire adult life and have no aspirations toward being president...


Kennedy had more brains on November 23 than trump has.


Brave man on the left there, what with the enclosed space and Trump’s trumping “UK English slang expression: To Trump: Verb. To break wind from the anus, to 'fart'. E.g."There's a disgusting smell in here. Has someone trumped?" Noun. 1. An act of breaking wind. 2)The resulting smell of having broke wind from the anus, a 'fart'. (www.peevish.co.uk/slang)”


That firefighter must be 6' 9" tall because he's got a good four or five inches on Don the Con and his elevator shoes.


Go back and look at what Trump said after seeing the Twin Towers fall. That will tell you everything you need to know about him.


Don't forget that 9/11 was significant to trump. It meant that he now had the tallest building in Manhattan!! After lying that he was at ground zero. These firefighters need reminding of this.


"It's NYFD. It's always been. Just like NYPD. It's NYPD so it's NYFD. You're all fake news."




Wow! If Trump is 6’3” that other dude is HUGE. Truly a meeting of titans. Just wow. Gettysburg…


Is that firefighter 7 ft tall?


Plus that must be a monster of a firefighter, the way he towers over Trump.


The biggest, manliest male fireman


He is from another dimension of the Spiderverse.


Redrum, redrum! Fucking Dexter Room.


He is such a queen. Can't even compliment or pay tribute correctly. Our country is dumber every day this guy perpetuates his bullshit. Wake up, America.


We can see that frontal lobe dementia lean going on in this pic.


Dude really has a forward lean. He looks like he could fall over any second.


Wow, the guy on the left must be gigantic. tRump is at least 6'3", right?


And 215 pounds.


Poor guy, back on the wall as hard as he can, with tilted stank monter leaning at him.


He's really trying to Homer in the hedge that wall.


FDNY. You moron.


Isn't that the newest show on Fox: NYFD Red.


He was visiting 9/11 Memorial. Nice try.


This is how you know for sure it's Trump posting lol. Also these staged photos are beyond stupid. Wow you visited them congrats election over now!


Get Trump his Sharpie. If he gets elected, FDNY is getting changed to NYFD.


U can clearly see he’s wearing his heels 😂


Trump is an ignorant fascist. Pass it on.


He looks short in this photo


He hates everyone… it’s just a TV show to him


Fuck that hurt to read. Like holy shit this orange turd lived in NYC for so long and doesn’t know that it’s FDNY? What the fuck?


Penguin body.


Donald Trump is a New Yorker the way a goldfish in a fishbowl in a Manhattan townhouse is a New Yorker.


Why would anyone want this piece of shit traitor to visit them?


New York Fuck Donald?


Leaning much?


How tall is that fireman? We need to know!


Is he doing a Micheal Jackson move?


Can someone tell me why it is that way ?


First- it’s FDNY and secondly His height


Seems some in the FDNY like to have their face slapped and the memories of those lost on 911 as well. Shame on them.


Why do you think he got smoked in 2016 from NYC voters? They know him, they have seen him up close for decades, and they know how full of shit he is. He didn't crack 10% among Manhattan voters in the general election


His leaning looks like the guy from the minion movies the boss the minion prase and love


His AGMA base should be proud!