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This the mf who stole money from a children's cancer charity


And, IIRC, when Daddy found out that they were using his properties to host the charity events for free, went berserk and **demanded that his kid's charity pay rent**. Fucking perverse.


And veterans charities


Holy shit, source?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/29/eric-trump-foundation-told-donors-money-went-to-kids-with-cancer-then-gave-to-different-causes/?sh=4d645a84a16f https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=1b4333fe6b4a https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/06/trump-organization-charged-eric-trumps-cancer-charity-golf-events.html


Oh my god *thats* what he looks like? I know Trump is his father but poor guy is ugly as shit.


Hey, hey, hey, stop that! Shit never did anything to you.


Shit didn't do drugs all his life, he was just born different.. Eric-shaped, but not by choice.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/29/eric-trump-foundation-told-donors-money-went-to-kids-with-cancer-then-gave-to-different-causes/ Edit: For all the reasons Eric Trump is a piece of shit, this one is light work.


It's weird how much nicer Forbes got about this story over the course of 23 days.


I'd change the narrative if someone paid me enough... Wait did I just expose the entire US?


The Eric Trump Foundation shifted money intended to go to cancer patients to the Trumps' businesses, according to Forbes. But go on about Hunter’s photos.


Can you believe HE WAS WITH A HOOKER and took photos? What kind of person does that?! Taking personal photos and then storing them on a private device???


Which is hilarious to get butthurt about when orange clown literally just got convicted for things involving sex and monetary exchanges. The thing about it that kills me the most is that his son isn't the president. Yeah it's not a good look ***for his son.*** Good thing ***his son*** isn't **POTUS**.


Imagine the stuff you'd find on Eric Trumps laptop


Meanwhile, Jared Kushner is doing billions of dollars in business with the Saudis. Right now. Hunter maybe was on the board of an energy company in Ukraine? At this point I’m not even sure if that ever happened or not. But on a global scale Saudi Arabia is bigger and more influential than Ukraine.


But Hilary’s emails! /s


*no evidence found involving emails* BUTTERY MAILS! REEEEE


Excuse me, but the term is “buttery males.” Thank you.


The way the Republicans talk about them the pictures on Hunter's laptop were of every single girl Epstein ever raped and vacation photos with Osama bin Laden.


And then mtg parading the photos around on large posters like it's some damning evidence.


Raping a hooker and paying her thousands to not tell anyone? I sleep Taking pictures of a hooker you paid for? Real shit


Republicans take offense to consent.


I can't believe these clowns are STILL talking about Hunter Bidens laptop


It's amazing how clean Biden is.  This is what republicans have. Some dick pics. That's it.


It's not even the right Biden. I've been waiting for years for them to figure this out. But, alas....


what's funny is it's actually not illegal to have pictures of hookers.


Is having pictures of hookers a crime?


No, no it is not.


If that’s his thing then hey more power to him. It’s not criminal. I have a friend with pictures of dogs and another with pictures of kittens. As long as it’s not criminal who cares.


I took a picture of my cat sleeping and my phone gallery alerted me I had over 100 similar photos already. Don't judge me, phone.


I took a picture of my weiner and my picture AI told me "no content identified, try using zoom" So much about phones judging people.


At first I thought you meant your weiner dog and then I was thinking "huh that makes sense, they don't look much like dogs" But then I felt silly


AI just isn’t there yet. It’s the “Hot Dog” app from *Silicon Valley*.


So relatable


Except “hunter’s laptop” was a hard drive fabricated by Russian PsyOps by hacking hunter’s phone for the republicans. Passing an hard drive around with fabricated illegal stuff mixed with hacked data. Who was going to hand in that hot potato, and try to sell it as totally “hunter’s”. Meanwhile these clowns are passing around a hard drive to Jack-off, like teenagers passing their uncles dirty magazines. Who knows to which computers did Marjorie Taylor Greene connect this compromised hard. 🙈


I have a friend with pictures of hookers dressed in cat outfits. Your move.


Better than cats dressed as hookers.


Million dollar calendar idea located


Considering how many pornstars work as escorts and their movies are essentially ads for the stuff they're willing to do, nearly every man has pictures of hookers on their hard drive.


In fact, photographing a prostitute is one way to sway the entire act toward legal. It’s not a crime to pay somebody to be in pornographic material.


Thank God. Family photos with my sister would be a real problem otherwise.


Can you imagine if I had to burn all those photos of your sister? I'd be there all summer!


But he has pictures of his private parts! He should get the death penalty


I'm *really* glad you clarified this.... I was just holding those pictures for a friend...


Those pictures are illegal. We’re going to have to take you downtown.


No! It was for a friend!!!!


Good. I'm not fit for jail.


You'd be surprised how low the bar is to become a pretty girl in jail


And Hunter aint a politician either.






Biden didn't convict Trump either. The picture basically doesn't have a single true statement.


No. And his dad so far this year has been proven in court to have raped a woman and paid a pornstar for sex while his wife was recovering from a pregnancy.


Trump seems to have a thing for having sex with other women while a wife recovers from having a child. He did the same thing when Tiffany was born.


He didn't pay a pornstar for sex, he paid a pornstar hush money to not talk about her having sex with him during a Presidential election. He had sex with her under the guise going out to dinner with her to talk about making her a guest on the Apprentice, and then instead of going to dinner pressured her into having sex by standing in his underwear between her and the door to his hotel room and telling her "This is the only way you're getting out of the trailer park."


That's not quite right either. The billionaire owner of a tabloid, as a favor to Trump, purchased the exclusive rights to the story from the pornstar, with the specific intention of _not_ ever publishing the story, and thereby preventing anyone else from publishing it. Trump's lawyer then compensated the billionaire out of his own personal funds. Trump then compensated the lawyer with campaign funds, and created documents stating the payment was for legal services related to the campaign. It's that last step that made it a felony.


That's the complete opposite of what happened. Election spending is regulated in the USA. There are loopholes (see every SuperPAC), but generally if a candidate wants to personally direct spending money on a campaign expense, they need to use campaign funds which are limited by law to a certain limit per citizen donating, can't be foreign money, etc. The purpose of which is to limit the influence one rich person could have on the election. Rich people donate to SuperPACs to bypass this in practice, but the distinction is that SuperPACs can not directly co-ordinate with the candidate. So the crime was that legally this expense was done with the purpose of influencing the election, and thus legally was a campaign expense directed by the candidate. Meaning it *needs* to be attributed to those campaign funds with strict limits that Trump can't refill on his own. Trump didn't want to do that so created the whole reimbursement payment chain to bypass labeling it as an election expense, which was illegal.


The felony conviction for election interference is worth noting as well. 


I sure hope not. Last time I went to Vegas, dudes on the street were essentially giving out fistfuls of what can only be described as hooker trading cards.


Holy crap! I got a Babe Ruth rookie card!


Well, Ruth Baby, but close enough…


Eric has pictures of his step mom, also a hooker, on his laptop.


So true. Every photo of the former first lady Trump is a picture of a hooker.


Says a lot about Eric though, that having pictures of someone is supposed to be illegal… mmm, methinks someone should have a look at Eric’s computer.


No, he's just afraid one of them is the Russian peeing on his dad


Him saying that sounds like a little kid doing whataboutism.


Only if you're Jack the Ripper.


Only in Texas


If it is then Trump's wedding album is going to get him in more trouble


Biden convicts Trump?? It should be renamed from fox news to something like fox conspiracy theories.


Came here to question why Fox seems to think the President of the United States is somehow a part of the Judicial branch but you beat me to it.


He also sets the prices for Opec and your local grocery store. For being so sleepy, he's an awful busy man.


It's shroedingers politician. The enemy is at the same time strong and weak.


It's classic fascist rhetoric, your enemy is weak and strong.


Yup, literally using propaganda to paint Biden as a god emporer that is *personally* pursuing Trump to bring his demise. But he’s also a senile old man that can’t speak straight and can’t remember what he ate 5 minutes ago? Fucking pick one


They'll pick whichever one serves the current moments narrative. They can switch him between both within the same conversation.


I saw him raising the prices at my local store, marked up tomatoes 120% and added the "I did that" sticker himself. The man is a menace.


https://preview.redd.it/609umnovaw3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abebadfd8f81559f6010b32117cfd672fb001d4 A menace huh? Heh, for someone who eats so many tomatoes you're big on malarkey. Tell you what Jack, I'll let you off easy, I'll only raise the prices to 150%. But don't let me catch you calling me a menace again.


https://preview.redd.it/bzsmf0fkax3d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd008a19507564594e5174863791079fe650a78b POV: Your name is Corn-Pop and you’re up to no good


USA is pumping more oil now than in history, and more than any other country ever. And yet Biden is causing gas prices to go up. You can't reason with these MAGA idiots.




Clearly you fail to think that they actually have a brain not just fox on repeat in their heads.


If I had to be responsible for all the stuff they say Biden is responsible for, I’d be sleepy too. Dude must only have time for a few quick cat naps with everything they say he does.


I get so peeved every time I see his wrinkly ass up on the ladder at my local gas station raising the prices on the sign.


This is what blows my mind about the maga freaks. To them, Biden is both a mastermind conspirator who manipulates all levels of government to do his bidding, while also being sleepy Joe that can barely get dressed in the morning.


Because trump said so, that’s why duh! Everything he says is true right? He could tell his followers he eats his shit cause it’s healthy, and they would start eating their own shit. We would see twitter posts later turned into memes about people eating their own shit cause it’s so good, and own the dems and libs and all, we follow trump no matter what and blah blah. Anywho, seriously, 767 million wasn’t enough to get fox to stop their shit, or get them pulled off the air? It’s one thing to not be happy or support the news you are reporting on, it’s another to blatantly air false narratives and lies. Unless of course you are known to not be an actual source of real news, or a satirical publication. I mean, they aren’t a source of real news(at least political, most else I find fine, just always with a grain of salt) but sadly too many people believe they are telling the truth.


Poop is food, believe me, folks. Beautiful, delicious, warm food. Some say poop is the most food of all food because it's made of one hundred percent food. A lot of people are saying this. The corrupt, lying democrats don't want you to eat poop because they don't believe in food made out of food. Never fight uphill me boys.


Nah, he wouldn't say he eats his shit because shit is healthy so everyone should eat their own. He would say he eats his shit because *his* shit is healthy and people should buy some. Only $79.99 a log!


State judicial system too. President has basically 0 direct influence over what they do.


Thats what cracks me up. Biden literally could not even pardon him for his crimes if he WANTED to as its a state case lol


They are lying to their viewers hoping to get some **underdog sympathy vote for Trump**. *Vote for me, I'm a loser.... Trump.*


That seems like the level of misinformation you should get in trouble for. Biden had nothing to do with the conviction and they know that.


In a decent world, it would be.


This was tried before. Fox just said they're not news, they're entertainment. It's ridiculous, but here we are.


... Just because of that being labeled as a news program should be a protected title. I mean if we need to ban kinder eggs so people don't accidentally eat massive plastic capsules, then surely Fox News can get a "not real news" or "entertainment programming" disclaimer


Then there should be a mandatory warning label that says so, just like cigarette cartons.


World? A decent country is all you need, because this is literally against the law in any other civilised country. But in the US they can just argue that they aren't news but entertainment... Its hilarious from an outside perspective.


Misinformation implies they are repeating wrong information by mistake. This is disinformation; they know it's wrong and they're doing it with intent.


I've thought it for a few years now but if someone were to ask me, 'How do we even begin to heal this country?' Dismantling far-right propaganda or figuring out how to create legislation to put a halt to this kind of intentional disinformation would be at the top of the list. I don't care if Fox calls itself 'entertainment not news' in a court of law. They sit at news desks and act like news anchors. They use news style graphics and sfx. You don't get to do all this and put on a legitimate front and then claim entertainment or parody behind closed doors. The kind of viewership Fox News has should come with a level or responsibility beyond just, 'free speech, we can say whatever we want!' You hold power and influence. You've cultivated this fear and hostility towards half the country. They incite stochastic terrorism without so much as a second thought. And these lies get blasted in practically every public space in this country? Nah, fuck that. Shut them down and lock these traitors up. If I cannot walk into a crowded theater and start yelling it is on fire and inciting a bunch of panic. Then Fox News should not be allowed to get away with doing the national equivalent of that.


Nah this is actually like super concerning to me. It's not some conspiracy theory; it's intentional, because it paints Biden as some lunatic who's going around holding kangaroo courts and locking up his political opponents. It delegitimizes the convictions and falsely creates a precedent that ruling with a hammer and crushing your enemies is the norm.


I'm running out of fingers and toes to keep track of how long I've been troubled about their delegitimization of institutions...


Also they don't actually show him smirking. Just him walking away.


Can you imagine Trump's endless gloating if the situation were reversed? These people are exhausting.


Crooked Joe was convicted like a dog!


New York should honestly raid the Fox News building and toss their execute leadership in jail for the lies they are telling to the public of New York State.


BuT iT's JuSt EnTeRtAiNmEnT !!! FrEe SpEaCh !!! Like seriously, everything they say is borderline libelous. Why can't anything be done? It's clearly obvious what it is they're doing


I know you meant executive leadership, but I'm okay with executing them too


Yeah that is just a straight up lie. No wonder our democracy is crumbling. Half the voters see headlines like that every day and believe it.


Republicans and Fox News are bought and paid for by traitors. They are the scum of America.


What they're doing is extremely dangerous and will be a key part of the history lesson of this era.


That's very dangerous talk. Blaming Biden for Trump being convicted is the same as when Trump said the FBI had orders to kill him when they searched his place. It riles up the MAGA crowd and gives them a target. Even Garland spoke out about that and you know how "hands-off" he is. It's just begging for some idiots to commit acts of terrorism.


That's what I was thinking. Were they watching the same trial? I thought the judge's name was Merchan, not Biden.


The judge didn't convict either. It was the jury of 12 randomly chosen regular people that Trump's legal team approved of before the trial started.


Are there no media standards or laws in the US?? This type of blatant disinformation should lead to a heavy fine.


No, not really. Cable news is a special animal that is immune from things like truthiness and such.


Insane. Does Rupert Murdoch actually want dead bodies lining the streets? What an absolute travesty.


I’m firmly in the “every accusation is a confession” camp at this point.  Someone should ask Trump to explain in detail, step by step, HOW it’s Biden’s fault.  Because I guarantee those will be the methods he used to abuse his power during his presidency, and we should probably look into it.  I’d bet dollars to donuts he tried to get Hilary Clinton charged (but ran into a problem when it turns out there was no actual crime).  But maybe there were other political opponents or even random people on twitter that he went after for revenge.  The only way to get the truth out of trump is to get him to accuse other people of doing the shit he actually did, it’s how narcissists operate… they bury the truth so deep in their subconscious that the only way for it to come out is if they get to be the victim in an imaginary scenario.


“Biden convicts trump” These disingenuous fucking people are going to kill this ~250 year old experiment all to satisfy and fellate an 80 year old narcissistic, conman, felon. Holy shit I can’t believe this is how it all ends.


That's always going to be the rub. They did it all for a guy that is like what you would get if you ordered a strong charismatic leader on Wish.


"Mum! Can we get Churchill?" "We already have Churchill at home."


Even if you ignore the facts and accept that Biden did this as president, then you run up against Trumps argument that a president has immunity to do things so, by their own logic Biden doing this is legal. I mean, seriously? The only logic gate they have is our guy or not.


My ex, who went full on QAnon/MAGA, looked me in the eye, just before the end of us, and said, "Logic is only one way to view the world." These people explicit deny logic, because it's a tool of the elite/the Deep State/ Libruhls/THEM.


I’m curious to know what they think the other way(s) to view the world are.


>The reason they aren't more bothered by Q constantly getting things wrong, by the extreme inconsistencies and outright contradictions, and by the claims that are just materially wrong, is because it gives them power over others who are bound by something as weak and flimsy as reality. They claim to be against corruption while hanging their hopes on an openly corrupt man. And that naked hypocrisy is the point. They will effortlessly carve out an exception because it makes them feel exceptional. They engage in blatant hypocrisy as an act of domination, adhering to something demonstrably untrue out of spite. They believe power belongs to those with the greatest will to take it, and what greater sign of will than the ability to override truth? Their will is a hammer they use to beat reality itself into a shape of their choosing—a simple world where reality is exactly what it looks like through their eyes, devoid of complexity and change, where they are right and their enemies are silent. They are trying to build a flat earth. - [In Search of a Flat Earth](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44)




And it’s literally because millions of Americans bought into the most obvious con artist to ever con


Dude that's what's mental. It's sooooo obvious, the most obvious grift of all time. And if you start calling out the obvious lies, they just go "what you love Biden???" Like no, I don't love politicians, I think he's on the right side of most issues and not a lunatic that tried to overthrow democracy.


I don’t think most of them had any interest in following politics before this guy showed up. They’d go out and vote, sure, but they had lives. They got interested because this entertaining guy insulted the people they disliked, and are completely unaware of how weird and fucked up it is to worship a politician.


"I do not worship him! I just believe everything he says is true, everything he does is for a good reason, and he's the only one who can save us."


This is fucking bonkers to me. What is the infatuation with this orange fool? He is a fucking disgrace. Even if he doesn't get elected again, this country will never be the same. This type of behavior is now not only commonplace, but incredibly popular.


Biden convicts Trump? It was a New York state criminal case. Fox "news" makes you ignorant, not informed.


They are all about states' rights until it goes against what they want. They are also against federal legislation unless it benefits their believes and wants. Funny how that works.


"Keeps" you ignorant. The people watching were already as dumb as a 4th coat of paint.


Pretty sure there was a study that showed Faux News viewers to be **less** informed than people who watch *zero* news.


Yep, back in 2012 [Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind research centre ran a study](http://publicmind.fdu.edu/2012/confirmed/final.pdf) which showed people who get their news from Fox are less informed than people who don't consume any news at all. They don't just know nothing, they know *less* than nothing, they're actively being misinformed. The thing is though, that same study also showed that people who get the majority of their news from Fox also watched other news networks as well, they weren't exclusively getting their news from conservative outlets. So they were being exposed to both factual information and conservative misinformation, and chose to believe the misinformation. In other words, it's not that watching Fox makes you stupid, it's that if you're stupid you watch Fox. Which happens to correlate nicely with the many different studies over the year that have shown conservatives have poorer cognitive abilities on average than non-conservatives.


That does it, I won’t be voting Hunter Biden for president this November.


I won't either, but I would. Of course I won't though... BUT I *WOULD*.


Pictures of hookers aren’t illegal.


But but… they were stored in a laptop!


Laptops aren't illegal


This is a hooker laptop!


No, but sharing someone’s Dick pics without their permission is illegal. Looking at you, Marjorie Taylor Greene for sharing Hunter Biden’s dick pics on the house floor


And yet, Hunter had the temerity to show up to testify


Yeah, if I remember right, they didn’t even have to subpoena him. You know, because he agreed to testify. Funny how that works.


Well when every has been shown your giant ding, you no longer feel obliged to sit down quietly. I laugh when Republicans only see the drug addict Hunter and forget he grew up in a politicians house, with a brother being groomed for president and has a fucking law degree.




Hunter Biden got to go down waterslides with hookers and all I got were these 110 subpoenas. Thanks Dad! 😡


I had a shitty dad too so I never got a laptop, hookers, blow or a monster dong.


Well, there’s still time to get three of the four!


You can get the 4th but either you are taking it, it will be plastic, or need a lot of surgery and drugs to get.


That seems like a lot to go through for a laptop, though…


Alienware unveils their new "Monster Dong" model.




Isn't that subject for libel/ slander/ defamation? That header is horribly wrong! To my understanding that's just plain out disinformation! Why are they being allowed to do this?


"No one is expected to take us seriously!"


They are branded as entertainment, not news.


Well no. They have *argued* that they are not news in court. They are **branded** as news. You can see it right on their bottom banner.


"Biden convicts Trump" wait what lmao. God their tears are delicious.


“…smirks.” Excellent. I hope he did. Dark Brandon strikes again!






That banner tho'. Biden convicts Trump then smirks. Fox is soooo fucking complicit in this fuckery we're living through.


Complicit? They're actively engaged in it.


Yeah, I could've sworn that a jury of 12 New Yorkers were who convicted him.


Ummmm....who's gonna tell Eric what his dad just got in trouble for?


Can they legally have that chyron up there saying “Biden convicts Trump” ???? Like I know it’s Fox News but that is such a grotesque lie


They operate under the same laws a satire channel would. Certainly looks like one if you had 0 context 


Didn't his dad actually sleep with hookers? Oh no, that assumes there was a consensual agreement. His dad raped little girls and porn stars.


Republicans: photos of hookers bad Also Republicans: paying a pornstar not bad


You can pay hookers to take their picture. But you can’t pay for a porn star’s silence during an election and claim it was a retainer.


The delicious irony of this is, if he had paid Stormy off with a personal check, none of this would have happened to him. But No-o-o-o, he had to cheat on his taxes, saving him about $36,000, he went down, and the IRS has evidence to start an audit. The Dildo Of Consequences is arriving particularly dry and unlubed today.


Again talking about Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden isn't president. Hunter Biden isn't an ex president. He's never held office. Never managed a family business while his dad was President. He's just a President's son being attacked the same way that Conservatives warned liberals not to attack Barron Trump.


*You know it's hard out here for a pimp. When he's trying to get this money for the rent. For the Cadillacs and gas money spent. Because a whole lot of mother fuckers talking shit.* [Oldie but a goodie.](https://youtu.be/_Cr0nP3k_p4?si=1KQ7dTj_SdAqbKoe) Eric is clown. He's a boy.


Oh wow, so you’re saying Hunter Biden has a small porn folder on his laptop? That sure is the same thing as a mountain of subpoenas


Do… do they not understand that most of us never get subpoenas for… anything?


"I would like you to do us a favor though." What was that, I wonder? >The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me. [**Read Trump’s phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky** Updated 4:41 AM EDT, Thu September 26, 2019](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call/index.html)


More concerning is the headline Biden convicts Trump… why doesn’t Biden Sue Fox for this crap Free speech is cool until it’s used like this


Am I the only one pissed about the blatant misinformation in the chyron? Like, I'm not surprised, because Fox, but how fucking dumb do you have to be to think Biden had any influence at all over what happened in a NY State Court? The US DoJ doesn't even have any role in the prosecution there. For the Federal cases, they also appointed an independent Special Prosecutor who is completely outside of the administration.


Man, sounds like maybe Hunter Biden shouldn't be running for president then. Anyway...


Yes. Biden is just 12 jurors in a trench coat and they’re just now finding out


Pictures of hookers? Really? That’s all he’s got? YOUR DAD HAD SEX WITH A PORN STAR WHILE YOUR STEPMOTHER WAS AT HOME NURSING YOUR NEWBORN BROTHER. And yet…there are trumpers at home nodding along…yup, that disgusting Hunter Biden!


I legit saw someone on Twitter say that it doesn't matter if the allegations are true or not, that it's between him, his wife, and God. That same person had post after post caring way too much about what other people were doing (celebrities, businesses, etc) that had no effect on them. They only apply that courtesy to the ones they like and everyone else gets the harshest of scrutiny


What’s their obsession with Hunter Biden’s fucking laptop? You’d think the fervor was over a Word doc filled with nuke codes but nah, it’s about dick pics and selfies with hookers.


It’s a way to pin a bad-look story on a Biden. If he took another name, say he was Robert Hunter (his real first name is Robert, he took his middle name from his mom, née Hunter) we wouldn’t see as much.


As a normal, every day citizen, I would be freaking the fuck out at 110 subpeonas. Do you know how much time off that is. My boss is going to lose his mind.


As long as the hookers aren't under the age of consent, who gives a fuck?


Hunter Biden had a laptop full of pictures of hookers? Yeah, and? And while we're on the subject why does Donald Fredo Trump Jr have a copy of all the files on that hard drive, why does Margie Greene have a copy of all the files on that hard drive?


Biden convicted Trump? That’s news to me! I thought he had a trial and was convicted by a jury of his peers.


How is Fox not getting sued for this too? The only thing they understand is lawsuits. It’s the only way to change their lying rat fuckery.


Biden convicts Trump? I thought the courts did that? What did Biden actually do? There is so much I don’t understand or know…


Eric is truely the dumbest Trump


Having pictures of legal age men or women (they never specify and I like to think Hunter is progressive enough not to judge) on your laptop is not illegal.


Pictures of hookers is not against the law so what would you like us to charge him with dumbass?


Daddy will never love you, Eric.


I'd like to remind folks that hiring hookers in certain countries isn't actually illegal... and from what I understood the place hunter got said hookers were, indeed, Legal. Also if Eric Trump wants us to believe he's never hired an Escort before? Bull. Shit.


Last time I checked pictures of hookers aren’t illegal… unlike embezzlement


Can’t Fox News be sued for that title as slander? President’s aren’t part of the judicial system, let alone a state judicial system. If I contact a lawyer can we get $700 million like last time?


As a European, I don’t understand how it’s even remotely legal in America to have a broadcast licence as a news organisation and broadcast something so demonstrably false as “Biden Convicts Trump”. How does this not fall afoul of legislation around journalistic and broadcasting ethics and integrity?