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I fucking knew it. The guys sitting behind Dr. Fauci in that hearing making gross faces, leering and jeering. I wondered who they were and I'm not surprised someone like this was among them.


Same here, I wondered who they were, and why they were making those faces. Jeez


The bald guy was even worse. Literally cringing and shaking his head when Fauci said that the vaccine was safe and effective.


Idk, this kid was making pouty faces at Fauci as he was talking about receiving death threats...


Yup just absolute trash people. No wonder they support trump.


I would love to see his reaction to the Jan 6 conviction. I'm sure he was a "real" man about it.


From what I read he pulled similar childish behavior at his own trial.


Right I didn't know who it was but I was like that kid has a very punchable face. Now I know why.


There was another bald guy behind him also making faces and jeering at whatever Dr. Fauchi said. The bigger question is: who let them in?


Who INVITED them in?


https://preview.redd.it/3ttkuvnr1k4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e79fa21688f065ad1791c96b634a24287cb349a Yeah, that idiot seen over Fauci’s left shoulder. Was amazed at his stupidity, thinking he was making a statement by making faces and being, in general, the worst kind of human being.


This tells a larger story about the culture war the US faces. Facts and science mean nothing to maga. There is no learning or change possible. They are dug in, and even prison has no effect. Maga only has lies, hate, and stupidity to offer. This disgusting kid will cause people nothing but suffering and pain his whole life. And I'm pretty sure he's not unique.


They've turned american culture into middle school...


Middle school is more refined than this.


Hang out with middle schoolers. They are savage and specific. They say, “Lookit that high-wasted man over there. He got feminine hips!”


What are three other things about him?


That's the one thing I'm self conscious about!


I have a daughter currently in middle school and it’s…something.


You're only see a portion of it. There's a lot kids don't tell until they're adults.


they're intellectually 4 year olds


That’s totally untrue. I spend a majority of my day with actual four-year-olds and they would never act like this. In fact, you can sit a four-year-old down and explain to them what they’ve been doing wrong and they’ll take that information in and change their behavior. It’s not that these people are acting like children, it’s that they’re willingly acting like fucking idiots.


Give middle schoolers more credit.


I wanna know why the fuck this douchbag and his friend were allowed to sit directly behind Fauchi for the hearing, perfectly set on both sides to make faces for the cameras. This is after they yelled at Fauchi in the hallway before the hearing. All I can think is some GOP congressperson set it up and whoever it was should be disciplined. Not that it will ever happen.


Hmmmmm, I wonder what neanderthal would have arranged their presence.


Jordan and Comer.


I was thinking it was Lady Sporkfoot of the great state of Georgia


Nah, anything going into that committee or Judiciary is always going through Jordan or Comer. They just let the idiots spout off because it takes heat off them. If they were sitting there it’s because Comer said they could.


Bleached blond bad built butch body…I’d also like to add in the oh so relevant spork foot condition 


No doubt the GOP encourages this. I mean you had several who did walk throughs the days before Jan 6th. None of those in Congress have been held accountable for encouraging and trying to overthrow the votes of the majority!


I agree with you and I think it's disgusting. Lots of these maga people are scum.


It’s obvious that it was purely meant to intimidate Fauci. What makes this different is that those two are mentally unstable and the threat is real that at any moment they go unhinged. Whoever is behind them coming deserves the most severe punishment.


I’m sure some Congress person gave them permission to attend and sit directly behind Fauci


My thoughts exactly.


Why do you think a primary gop platform right now is attacking our education system?


Only for the unwashed masses. They still do everything they can to get their own kids into Ivy League schools.


Siri, play "Fortunate Son" by Creedence


Well they need more idiots to vote for them while they sit in ivory towers.


And Alito and Thomas are in that category too.


You are right. And if you grew up in the religious, 'chip-on-our-shoulders- environment that I did (Mormons) you likely heard that college is bad (unless it is BYU) and you heard resentment from those who did not go further than high school about those who did. It is a massive sub-population in the USA that is anti-education and the only reason that I ever heard was college creates atheists (because gaining an education wakes you up to the absurd controlling tales, fables and lies told to keep you in the praying and paying subservient crowd waiting for Jesus to return and save you from all the educated satan worshippers).


Doubt he is a repeat offender. /s


He clearly learned his lesson. /s


A reformed man /s


Get outta here Susan Collins!


Susan Collins enters the room: "Does anyone need any advice?"


It's time for Guantanamo Bay 2: Electric Boogaloo


The only consolation being that they're *miserable*.


They are happiest that way though.


people saying this is a maga problem are missing the forest for the trees. this didn't start in 2015, this has been an issue since the country began, America has a major white supremacy, patriarchal, anti queer problem, and those ignorant fools have been fighting against civil rights every step of the way and will GLADLY take them back the moment they get the chance. today they're maga, before they were klanners, citizen council members, segregationists and more terms I likely don't even know the solution is proper education and making the flaws of America abundantly clear so they can be properly fixed, changes to the electoral system so we aren't constantly in a choice between the most evil guy people could find and someone who were stuck with cause we don't want the evil guy, also punishing people socialliy and individually for siding with racist, sexists, anti queer douchebags, make it known we wont allow ourselves or other groups to be intimidated by some people who are under the false assumption that the Constitution only applies to them war is a terrible thing with no winners but gun sellers and shouldn't be seen as a proper solution here and what we now call maga has been here long before any of us and focusing on taking down maga is just gonna result in a new name for the same thing


>the solution is proper education and making the flaws of America abundantly clear so they can be properly fixed, And that's why Red States keep pushing to give public education funds to private schools-it's no coincidence that the majority are Church-affiliated. They've been trying to break the public education system for a LONG time.


At my land grant university, it was ALWAYS amazing to see what a total bunch of idiots the private school kids were, compared to the rest of us. War Eagle!


Hello fellow Alabamian




>to see what a total bunch of idiots the private school kids were, Who somehow still step into cushy well-paid jobs and positions of power...


they tried moving public school funding to private universities when it became clear SCOTUS would eventually rule that segregation is unconstitutional to be clear, they've been attempting this pre integration


War mentality also continues for generations after. We're still in the shadow of the Civil War.


Indeed. It's less prominent than it was back when I was in school 50 years ago... back then? the "N" word was common, and the prevailing attitude in the south was... we might be POOR... but we're GOOD CHRISTIANS and we're NOT black." 50 years pushed the class warfare and color discrimination under the surface until MAGA came along with the NEW buzz words. It's now "Illegals" and "Libruls" that get most of the perjorative nonsense. (with illegal and librul being code for "not white, or not actively calling themselves "christian")


We can’t convince them of anything so just be cordial. They can’t be reasoned with. They’re being cocooned, just the others. It’s a cult we will never understand unless we were in a cult.


I've been in a cult 0/10 don't recommend


As a leader or as a follower?


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader. -Creed


I can understand why it can't happen yet, but at the right time, MAGA needs to be classified as an extremist group and not a legitimate political movement.


MAGA illness has to be thoroughly and systematically eradicated in its entirety for this country to have any chance of recovering. It will take at least a generation for this to happen. In the meantime, it needs to be made clear that this backwards thinking has no place in America. There is no rehabilitation for these people.


Sigh. Yeah.


And this maybe the dominant culture after November


I keep seeing people on social media claiming to be critical thinkers but they refuse to look at any sources provided that counters their own opinions. They think "critical thinking" means "Don't be a sheep and go with the general consensus be a rebel and just believe in fringe theories that cannot be proven."


>and even prison has no effect I sort of think the opposite. I think that, if there's a sizeable and strong MAGA presence in the prison, like, as in gangs or even MAGA prison guards.... prisoners would be encouraged to bond further in their weird MAGA beliefs and community Like, I imagine that this chap (or other MAGA prisoners) have 2 options when they go to prison. If they lean into the MAGA shite, they could be part of an already established group and have some relative security, and possibly even lording it over others Or, if they try to renounce that MAGA shite... or even back away a little bit, they'd be at best far more isolated and insecure, or at worse seen as a traitor by the MAGA people and have a very bad time of it


At this point they wont turn back or say they were wrong. They are, and have always been, afraid of looking stupid. Which is what this is all about. Insecure hogs with no formal education scrambling to something to latch onto. Always trying to be the one who breaks the story wide open, or exposes the truth. Except everyone else is wayyyy ahead of hogs, just by attending school as a child. The hogs cant pick up on when some one is being transparent and a scumbag, because they are also transparent scumbags.


So how do we cut this cancer out? Facts and science can’t reach them. They refuse to take anything as truth other than what Trump, one of his puppets or right wing propaganda says. So they are walled off, unreasonable and violent. The fuck do we do aside from out vote them forever?


'Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' -Isaac Asimov


https://preview.redd.it/6ke6jfr0ah4d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5456a20047c138a03cefb610091a9570e87b372b CPAC 2022


I mean, this dude does have a tiny, inbred, Charlie Kirk face


Didn’t MTG invite two of the J6 assholes to attend, this guy was one of them.


I am sure she also instructed him to make his stupid facial expressions. That B6 is really the worst of the worst human feces


I hope "B6" sticks


So, umm.... What the hell is "B6"? I'm sure it's a reference to "J6", but IDK what it means... Just googled it. Are you perhaps referring to [vitamin B6](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-vitamin-b6/art-20363468)? 😝😝


“Bleach blonde bad built butch body.”


SB6 Sporkfoot bleach blonde bad built butch body


I only saw it here on Reddit earlier today. This is the second time. We need to get it on t-shirts (Well, you guys in the US do. I'm in the UK so it won't really be effective. But I fully support it)


[Rep Crockett is way ahead of you.](https://onerockin.com/product/the-b6-clapback-collection-by-jasmine-crockett-shirt/?utm_source=GPS&utm_medium=2023&utm_campaign=ROAS&utm_term=Ads&gad_source=1) I’m not sure about international shipping though.


Genius! 😂 Thanks!


Are they ever going to nail her for the pipe bombs left on January 5th?


How is this ambulatory nutsack allowed back in the Capitol? This has three-toes written all over it.


No doubt this is the work of Sporkfoot 🔱


Need some country bluegrass singer to make a "Ballad of Sporkfork" song roasting her ass.


Bit rough using Gemini but you could probably get this or ChatGPT to build it and a reasonable facsimile of Hank Williams to sing it: (Verse 1) Peaches growin' dusty down in Georgia heat, where Marjorie was raised Hair like bleached straw, body built like a wrestler in a daze Always had a chip on her shoulder, a fire in her eye But nothin' sparked her fury like the day the children died (Chorus) They call her Spork Foot Marjorie, meaner than a rattlesnake Spittin' venom on the airwaves, for goodness sake Harassed victims, made a meme, a real political disgrace Led the insurrectionists, with a scowl upon her face (Verse 2) Came up from the bottom, clawed her way to DC's halls Shouted lies and outrage, answered no one's calls Built a platform on anger, a foundation made of spite Divided folks like biscuits, wrong from wrong, and black from white


Why are these people just massive, massive pieces of shit. Not enough going on in their lives or not enough attention from his parent's while growing up? Got picked on in high school and is now carrying a chip on their shoulder? I want to treat them like they treat others. Fucking irritating losers.


im personally very interested in sociology and psychology and i find people like this and other regressive sorts very interesting. like, i want to understand their minds. i can usually see myself in others different from myself – how certain experiences could lead me to a similar place as them. but people like this guy and other terrible people, i don't think any experience could ever lead me to end up like that. and i find them so so interesting. but also i think they're a drain on society and a stain on humanity.


Paradox of Tolerance, you're probably familiar. These guys can't live in society and they expect peqce


You and I could probably talk for days about this. We think similarly.


Same here.


I used to be that fascinated with suicidal people for the same curious reasons. Curiosity, empathy and determination almost made me lose my life.


Safe bet they learned it from their parents.


Outrage addiction. The combination of anger-induced endorphins and the cover of constant victimhood so you never have to consider your own wrongdoings is both mentally and physically addictive.  My brother has been like this all his life. He picks (verbal) fights over trivial things because he craves the high he gets from being angry. And when he's (inevitably) shouted down or those he's antagonizing walk dismiss him and walk away, he gets to feel both persecuted and superior. The best way to drive him nuts is to simply ask him why he cares about this issue that impacts him in absolutely no way. He has no answer and freaks out, going directly to personal attacks. I haven't spoken to him in years. It's just too exhausting.n


I would have to guess that the conditions of his probation at minimum include some form of, "Don't go back into the building where you did the crime". Also why the fuck does he look like a slightly melting Ken doll, what an creepy motherfucker.


the ugliness from the inside is showing on the outside too


He's a typical inbred magat. They all have weird faces.


Usually it’s a travel restriction without permission. So unless he lives in DC, he might be in violation with evidence plastered all over social media.


Perhaps it’s unless he is invited. Someone is using him to their advantage and they probably made sure this was legal so they can recruit others.


Sounds about MTG to me


He's got the face of a dude I wouldn't trust leaving my drink unattended around.


Or a young son.


This is more than just witness intimidation. These guys (the bald guy to his left has made overt threats of doxxing members of the deep state in order to kill them) are undoubtedly doing this to boost their profiles and rankings within the wider MAGA movement. These are America's brownshirts. And you can bet it was coordinated, almost certainly with Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Another loser looking for a spotlight. Bunch of delusional jackasses.


my god that is a punchable face if i ever saw one


I thought it was rittenhouse at first.


He looks so inbred


He thinks he's so fucking clever


Dude 100% sent those threats.


History of contempt of court. Triple his sentence.


Smug little prick, looks like anyway.


Dr. Fauci is a gem, while this piece of shit is what he looks = NOTHING! - Wikipedia: "**Anthony Stephen Fauci** ([/ˈfaʊtʃi/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English) [*FOW-chee*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Pronunciation_respelling_key);[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci#cite_note-5) born December 24, 1940) is an American [physician-scientist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physician-scientist) and [immunologist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunologist) who served as the director of the [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Institute_of_Allergy_and_Infectious_Diseases) (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the [chief medical advisor to the president](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Medical_Advisor_to_the_President) from 2021 to 2022.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci#cite_note-NYT-20221210-6) Fauci was one of the world's most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals from 1983 to 2002.[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci#cite_note-NIAID-7)[^(\[8\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci#cite_note-8) In 2008, President [George W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush) awarded him the [Presidential Medal of Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom), the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the [AIDS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDS) relief program [PEPFAR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President%27s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief).[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci#cite_note-9)"


Do these losers have nothing better to do?


They peaked in freshman year of highschool, so no.


Pretty sure they peaked in elementary school.


How tf is he allowed anywhere near those places. He’s a fucking terrorist domestic variety.


That’s a great question now isn’t it


Why is he free to attend this hearing when he was sentenced to 3½ years in January!


Cuz he's white and Republican.


Who let him in?


Why is he free to attend this hearing when he was sentenced to 3½ years in January!


He’s already out.


What a loser


The cult sickness just can’t be shaken even after prison time. It’s inherent in their nature to be so weak minded and unable to self reflect.


Hopefully this appearance will remind the IRS they still need to go after this little shit after he constantly bragged on Twitter that he never paid taxes from his business.


Got damn that's a punchable face...


That’s one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


How was he even able to get in the room? How is he free on Monday… does he have a job?


I can’t stand these people


Who invited him?


That is what I want to know. He should never be allowed there.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKA5VvETwKlM8uc|downsized) IM BRANDON FELLOWS


[Smug Asshole. Give him a shout out.](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560101154175&mibextid=LQQJ4d)


Just reported him to Facebook for harassment and bullying. I doubt it'll get much attention on its own, but if enough other people do it, we just might get the little shit flushed down the commode.


Trump is a Magician...he magically pulled every hateful, ignorant, selfish bully under a single banner, the MAGA cult


Now, watch democracy _disappear_! **APPLAUSE**


Why was he even there?


How was he able to be in there? What GOP terrorist invited him and the guy next to him?


Marge. Probably.


I was wondering who all the smug assholes in the back behind Faucci were, everytime clip I saw of him talking had this smug dunce and the rest of the audience around shaking thier head no and acting like Faucci was bullshitting


So he was not successfully rehabilitated


If your culture revolves around your leaders encouraging you to send death threats to people you might be on the wrong side of the moral argument.


I knew this dude irl. Fucking lol.


I am so sorry. But if you have any embarrassing (for him) tales to tell, I'm all ears.


The face reeks dumshist


Goddamn I hate these kinds of people so much. They should all be serving decades in prison if not longer.


why on earth did we give these traitors such light sentences????


Ya can see the crazy




Is it just the photo or is his face really that asymmetric? It's like someone took a size 7 head and stuck the left side of a size 4 face and the right side of a size 6 face on it and shoved it in a wish.com box and shipped it out. Why are these people so fucked up?


How he passed security is my main question.


Prison has no reform and reeducation purposes in the US


What the fuck was he doing n the building?


Fuck me, that chode’s got a MASSIVELY punchable fucking face.


Backpfeifengesicht. Plain and simple.




Brandon is a psychopath's name. my 2 cents.


I’ve never met one that’s not been a total POS, that’s for sure.


They don't check to see if the people entering the building to attend hearings are actual domestic terrorists?


Fucking scumbags, the lot of them…… these assholes make me ashamed of my own country’s citizens….


This dude was definitely in the special ed “alternative curriculum” classes in high school.


This is the thing. We have to stand up against these MAGA bullies, take a punch and press fucking charges! 🤨


Interrupting a senate preceding , lock him up , but doj just laughs


Idk how he didn’t get a charge for intimidating the witnesses


What a fuckin chud


Poster child for the Trump effect. If Trump continues to thrive, this guy thrives. And I find that so hard to tolerate.


Entitlement is honed and perfected in middle and high school. The cruelty that’s displayed is normalized. Parents, teachers, and admin. More often punish the victims of the entitled, than the bullies themselves. The reason they use the victim to punish, is just because they are easier to control. Many bullies like this kid, continue the entitlement as adults, their cruelty and antisocial behaviors effecting a much bigger population than public education. I’ve asked public school administrators to send the parents of a bully to chaperone their bully, and sit beside their bully in class. Amazing how a bullies parents blame the teacher. Victims of bullying carry their scars, mentally and physical in silence, and to the grave. Parents stand up to bully kids, go to school with your victims. Sit with pride, and keep your mouth shut. Bullies of all ages are uniting in the biggest fascist movement ever seen, in the republic of the United States. Many bullies paid income is for cruelty against humanity, and or animals.


Hol’ up. Where are the Fauci hearing taking place? Because if they’re anywhere near the Capitol Building, why is this fuckwit traitor not banned for life? I guess I never thought about it, because I thought that would be a given if they were actually convicted for anything to do with J6. Shouldn’t it be? Or am I the crazy one here?


JFC.....I just do NOT get it. Ok....so the Trumpettes want to go after Biden and anyone working in the legal field who is working on convicting Diaper Don... it's not right, but at least it makes a little bit of sense. They want to protect their idol and punish people who try to hurt him. That's logical. But WTF is it that they STILL have against Fauci? The man is a doctor who was trying to do what he felt was necessary to protect people from a disease that we never encountered before and was killing people. All he was doing was trying to limit the suffering and dying. It's not like he was doing it because he was getting some kind of money making kickbacks from somebody. Even if he wasn't 100% right with all the info he gave out or with his suggested instructions on how to limit the spread, he wasn't out to hurt people in any way. Why....WHY would anyone feel the need to terrorize this man for doing his job and doing it as best as he felt he could? Now even 2+ years after the worst of it is over? This is one of the biggest reasons I have no respect for people who support Trump. Fuck..... they just can't get over shit and move on.


I might be out of the loop here. What was he in prison for in the first place?


Breaking into the capitol. He also earned some extra time in prison for pretty extreme contempt at his trial.


That extra time didn’t teach him what it was supposed to teach him. Probably not the fault of the prison, and more due to his being unteachable.


He was sentenced in Feb. He barely served any time after sentencing, justice system is a joke.


I might be out of the loop here, but why is a convicted felon allowed into a hearing with Fauci?


J6 defendant with prison time, probably assaulting Capitol police.


Nice guy.


I'm not crazy... You're the one who's crazy.... You're driving me crazy...


He’s mentally deficient.


It really is amazing how fucking vile there piece of shit people are.


Foot soldier of stupidity


Lock him back up!!


He looks infinitely punchable.


He’s fucked in the brain criminally. Send him back


He looks exactly as expected. Smug and entitled. I like the cowardice in the second picture. He’s such a big brave boy and he needs his little disguise in case he hurts his little feeling.


Let them out themselves. It will make it easier when we have to Sherman on these assholes.


They are low mentation adjustment disorder wastes of oxygen.


Shocking. It's almost like he learned nothing from prison and still is a garbage human being.


Why does he look like he could play a young Dolf Lundgren.


That's a very punchable face you have there, young sir. Would sure be a shame if something happened to it.


All it took was I was about 9 years of Trump to convince half of America to take swim in the Trump cesspool.


I bet this guy gets punched in the face a lot


Am I the only one who saw his name and thought it was Brian Fellows. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q89rKlSJNhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q89rKlSJNhs)

