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“When you say convicted felon it reveals …” … you believe in the rule of law. There. Fixed it.


You may have fixed their wording but you can’t fix stupid


There's not a pill you can take. There's not a class you can go to. Stupid is fo-eva.


I mean....there ARE pills they could take to end their stupidity forever.....it's just highly frowned upon to suggest it


Hey now. They're just the kind of person who wants to make the trains run on time.


I was actually surprised how many people I had to explain that joke too.




True, ya cant fix stupid, but the red hats sure make it easier to identify.


Honestly, it doesn't even reveal that much. Someone could believe that Trump was unfairly prosecuted for a crime he didn't commit, but anyone with any sort of connection to reality has to acknowledge that he is a convicted felon. That's just simple objective reality. Trump was convicted of multiple felonies. Denying that immediately sends you to flat-earther levels of crazy.


I like this. 1's and 0's . Binary. Everything is reduced to Ones and Zeroes. Truth over Fiction


Exactly, There are some things where people can have a difference of opinion, but there are other things where it's just a statement of fact. 2 + 2 = 4. The sun rises in the east. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. These are confirmable facts: you don't get to decide whether or not you "believe" them.


I believe this is what KellyAnne Conway meant when she used the phrase "alternative facts"


yeah...unfortunately, they clearly DO get to decide whether to believe basic objective reality or not. I mean...their entire ethos now is predicated on a whole bunch of fantasy ideas that are not based in reality. Of special note is basic definitions of words. They have a real problem with that one.


A real American!


Trumpians "do not compute". Bring out the IT team.


and you have succinctly identified the problem.


It's such a weirdly formed sentence it made me wonder if they were a foreign operator. 


Da, comrade, da.


“Democrat” sounds awfully like “Democracy.” Maybe they’re just a fan of……..democracy?!


... You live in an objective reality.


And reality has a well-known liberal bias.


Not even the rule of law in this case, simply objective reality. You can think it was unfair but it happened. It is a verifiable fact.


“When you say convicted felon it reveals you are stating facts I don’t like.” - MAGA


Something something LAW AND ORDER, am I right?


"When you say convicted felon it reveals..." ... That you're capable of reading and following current events. Obviously you can't possibly be Republican.


Believe in the rule of law = Democrat


It means you’re a realist and don’t live in some fucked up cultist fantasy world.


MAGA have really, actually, literally lost all concept of facts and reality. Edit: it *is* nice to see that there is at least some faction of republicans who realize the truth and don't want to vote for the convicted felon.


Agreed. And since when does forming any type of consensus around public policy mean it’s a form of “communism”? Either you read the bill and agree with it or you don’t read it. These republicans must have a guilty conscience about some of the bills they’ve passed in the past.


We started out with "Alternative Facts", they now live in an Alternate Reality.


I wish the moderate conservative would break off from the GOP who are filled with ultra-right wing nut jobs.


I wish republicans would go back to kicking conservatives out of the party and become a functioning opposition again.


We have. https://lincolnproject.us/


The Lincoln project does good work but is it going to be an actual 3rd party? I guess I never understood what the end game with the project was


I’m pretty sure it’s to defeat MAGA.


I think it moved the needle just a little bit in 2020. It is a place for orphaned moderate conservatives to organize.


We’ll see if that edit holds true in November.


You can’t lose something you never had though, can you?


"Only a Democrat would talk with facts"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


For real, this reminds me of my ex girlfriend who would drunkenly start fights over nothing and then rage at me for trying to use logic to solve the phantom problem of the week. After the breakup caused her to examine her behavior, she revealed that she came from a family where arguments are won with volume rather than facts or actual rightness. I’m pretty sure the USA is going to collapse because of a preponderance of shitty family dynamics.


The boomers fucking ruined this country.


That's why we need P25!/s So Moms can take us to school, pick us uo, make dinner, and work the night shift! Also/s but true story of lower-middle class. Too much money for help, not enough to run the ac except for "special occasions" like visitors. Signed, windows open in FL is the first circle of hell above the poverty line.


>a family where arguments are won with volume rather than facts or actual rightness. Meanwhile, in the real world, raising your voice to drown out your opponent pretty much means you **KNOW** your argument is shit and you've lost. You're just not mature enough to take the L and admit you were wrong... I know she's your ex, but I hope that introspection helped her grow beyond her upbringing and into a better person.




for some reason this makes me unreasonably mad


"When you say convicted felon it means you're a Democrat"? So, democrats are honest? Checkmate MAGA 😎


Twitter and FB are filled with Bots, and most of the time it’s bot vs bot. Folks need to stop taking baits on SM and just move on. These outrageous takes on SM are generated to get negative engagements. We are literally witnessing social engineering, powered by Bots working for folks with vested interest (Govs/Politicians).


Ragebaiting works, sadly. In the same vein that the sentiment is "There's no such thing as bad press coverage". Getting outraged and responding to the (obvious) bait STILL gets you to engage, meaning they're making money off of your engangement with the bait...


They picked 12 common citizens off the street. You and I and everybody that that lives up and down our street were on that jury. The jury delivered a verdict. Now Trump and the GOP want to say we don’t care what the common electorate says and we’ll just do whatever we want. That’s scary folks. When push comes to shove, the GOP couldn’t care less what the citizens think.


But according to Trump, Biden/Soros paid a bunch of Democrats to lie to get on the jury just to convict him.


And one of the jurors was a MAGA who used to get news from truth social.


Pretty much sums up Jan 6! Are we surprised by MAGA today?


I thought they were the party of law and order?


That is only when it applies to POC, not themselves.


Well don't you know the average American commits 3 felonies a day so it's really not a big deal....Unless the felony is being black in public which means straight to the prison industrial complex for you.


Funny the party of “facts over feelings” sure did a backflip denying the fact that he’s a convicted felon and they don’t *feel* like it should be so.


It's what makes people like this quite literally impossible to converse with. Because the only real sane and rational response is, "Well - is it or is it not a matter of fact that he was convicted of felonies by a court of law? It is. That has nothing to do with my party affiliation." And there is no reply you could get that would indicate reality or the significance of that reality had penetrated the mind of the person you are talking to in the slightest.


I don’t even try to talk to Trumpers, let alone MAGA or Q. It’s a waste of breath. I’ll talk to the minority of conservatives that still hold true to actual conservative values. I still disagree on most points but at least they’re willing to have a meaningful conversation. And every now and then an agreement on an issue. But I literally cannot with a Trump voter…


When you say convicted felon it’s shows you know how to read and understand


If you even knew the dictionary definition of communist you would know that Biden is not a communist.


So you think Republicans have dictionaries?


That's the only thing left in their libraries besides the Bible.


Not that they've read that, either.


if you think that joe biden is a 'commie', you are definitely maga. If you think trump is a felon, you are just someone that doesn't deny objective reality.


Can't reason with a cult. Just vote them out, let em whine and they can fuck off


I'm not saying this to discourage voting. Definitely, go vote and vote these assholes out. But the last time we voted them out, January 6th happened. I don't want to even imagine what they'd try to do when Trump loses *again*


Yeah, but that was also under a president who wanted it to happen and didn't give enough security on purpose. Next time, you can bet the national guard will be there on time.


Maga are the absolute uncontested champions of participating in cancel culture. They have systemically and methodically routed all opposition to trump and in doing so have demolished any semblance of reasonable politics. But non maga Republicans have brought this on themselves, from the beginnings of the tea party and their vitriolic hatred of the nations first black president, they waded into the deep end and drowned their party in the process. Non maga Republicans have a LONG LONG LONG way to prove that they will heel to democracy and show themselves as genuine representatives that have their constituents in mind. I hope that one day we see folks like Mitt Romney as being the outlier and not the acception, but I'm afraid we may never see that again in our lifetime.


In the end, the rats will eat each other...


iM nOt MaGa! - doesn't know what communism is. Sure jan.


The right has no dignity left. They have to fall over themselves every week to defend a rapist felon who doesn’t give 2 shits about them.


Biden and commie friends? Uhm.. Trump is more "commie" friendly then any other president, ever. Putin agrees. He is a good footstool.


30+ yr registered R in Floriduh. I will never vote MAGA Q. I haven't changed affiliation, yet. I never voted Party Lines, just fell for the trickle down. I'm voting straight blue in November!


I used to be an independent but after stating id never vote for trump I automatically qualified as democrat, devil worshiper, groomer, child trafficker, liberal etc. probably the worst I became is vaxxed. How can you not love the new GQP.


It is like when you leave a cult and they retaliate you and drive by your house every day.


Stating facts has always been a democrat thing. You’ll never see a republican do that.


To refer to “Biden’s commie tyrant regime” and also say “I’m not MAGA” is oxymoronic


As long as I have to choose between fascists and liberals, then I will hold my nose and vote for the liberals. When our system of self-governance is safe, then I will resume arguing with the liberals over policy.


How about if I don't say "convicted felon" and instead I say, "Severely and dangerously mentally ill old man who is a real life Greg Stillson from Stephen King's The Dead Zone and who wants to bring Vladimir Putin's Russia to the United States of America?" Woukd that be better?


when you use the laugh-cry emoji in a serious political discussion, it reveals that you are the type of idiot that the founding fathers were afraid of when they created the representational system.


I miss when blue check marks meant something better


Coco there has a US flag and a female profile photo to try to convince people they are from the US, and not a male Russian troll.


When you say a fact you've outed yourself as non-MAGA


Maga has gone beyond drinking the Kool-Aid and just snorting the powder instead.


Interesting to see that maga trying to fight both the traditional republican and democrats just to make a point.


I hope a lot of you Republicans feel this way and get these people out of your house!


“Only the Sith deals in absolutes. I’ll do what I must.”


I promise Coco is MAGA


Nah. But he gets his monthly salary from some Russian three-letter agency.


When you say convicted felon it reveals who you are??? He was LITERALLY convicted of 34 felonies! Saying convicted felon reveals you’re in touch with REALITY.


When someone says “I’m not…”. They are


I love it when I get surprise reaction from Trump drones when I mention I'm a former Trump supporter/MAGA cultist who's planning to vote Biden. They call me fake actor or undercover communist sent to divide and conquer 😆😂


Not admitting he's a convicted felon? Makes it obvious your in a cult and lack intelligence!


But he is a convicted felon. I bet he think's celery is blue.


You know, l wouldn't necessarily call myself a Democrat, I'm a Bernie guy. That being said, I vote with my heart. I don't care about money. I was surrounded by it growing up. A very wealthy suburb of Chicago. The wealthy people in America should be ashamed They have destroyed lives, that could have been saved. I deliver pizza to them I'm saying I know these people. They are so happy with their wealth. Very pleasant at the door. and I respect them. But they vote for a rapist felon Just, To have more.


People should chant that ... rapist felon.


We shouldn't need to. You should never respect anything that walks like a Trump, Talks like a Trump. Have some self-respect.


This is simple. Democrats are democrats. Liberal, Libertarian, whatever. Republicans are Republican. Conservative, Old-Fashioned, etc; MAGA.. is Fascist. They are neither Democrat nor Republican. They are simply Fascist.


It's almost as if they can't handle reality. If things don't conform to their warped fixations, then by golly, you're the bad guy!


I'm exGOP but I don't identify as a Dem and probably never will even though I have decided that I will never vote Republican again. Even though I am sick and tired of "the other guy's the devil" and "this election is the most important in the history of America" I will vote for Biden because I am certain that our democracy is really at stake (even though we are told this is the case in every single election). After this I am going back to voting 3rd party for the rest of my life even if the next election they tell me, "the other guy's the devil and if they win it will be the end of America". Then I will vote my conscience and say " Goodbye America ". I am getting old and I am really sick of this continuous garbage.


Thank you for being a decent human and doing the right thing for the country right now. I honestly have the highest respect for people like you and I feel bad. You don't have anyone to represent you and it's not right. Here's to hoping we make it through this Trump problem and have some better options for all of us next time around.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Sounds like "Shooter" McGavin when he says, "Yeah right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard..."


Those right wing chicks are the Karen corps of the MAGA army. Think SS but with boobs.


It's a cult


Liberal/leftist/democrat/any of their other flash card words = anyone who thinks trunp is capable of making a mistake.


I belong to a very old fraternal social club where the majority of members are old white men. I’ve joked with a few of the other members, and there are like 7 “liberals” that are members, the majority sway conservative. They aren’t voting for tRump. I actually overheard a conversation the other day about how this is the first election they are gonna vote Democrat ever.


“When you say convicted felon it reveals you’re a democrat”… Bold stance that speaking the truth means you are a democrat.


Calling Biden a commie is literally the dumbest thing ever. It is like calling a fish a horse. Literally no correlation.


Shit like “commie tyrant regime” is really getting under my skin. Just the absolute histrionics of these people. At this point I would have more respect for them if they just came out and said: “Hey, I hate poor people and people that don’t look like me or who speak a different language, and I especially hate people whose vision of love isn’t the same as mine. Also, I don’t want anyone to ever have any help from society, and I want women to be barefoot baby factories with no rights.” Because at least that would be *honest*.


“…commie tyrant regime…” Interesting how the Russian (former Commie and now authoritarian) supported party of the GOP rails against the philosophy that paid for their candidate. Idiots.


Not voting for Trump? Automatic patriot who actually cares about country and democracy.


When someone is convicted of a felony, you may refer to them as a convicted felon. Pretty neat


I mean, if someone said, “I’m a democrat but I’m voting for Trump,” they’d get some strong reactions.


Well, yeah, but there is a pretty big difference between those two. Trump is extreme even for a portion of the Republican party. The same can't be said of Biden. He isn't some raging, far-left socialist. So, it wouldn't make sense for someone that claims to be a Democrat to vote for Trump in the same way that it would for an "old-school" Republican to vote for Biden instead of Trump.


When did The Historically Studied communism go left?


lol, only Maga types would ever use the word commies.


I feel sorry for sane Republicans. All three of them deserve better. Just kidding. Sorry, fourth guy.


Comparing Biden to a communist. Fucking hell people are stupid. These fucks don't even realize that the left doesn't love Biden because he's too centrist. And they think he's a commie... Just lol


this was my take away too, they REALLY think democrats are left wing. meanwhile by international standards, Republicans and Democrats are BOTH right of the Overton window


If you call Biden a "commie tyrant" it reveals you absolutely are in fact maga.


Stating facts = Democrat


Trump is just saying the quiet parts out loud, all these so called principled Republicans really want is to not have to stand behind it in public anymore.


Being completely blind, delusional and oblivious to reality is a clear sign you're a Repugnantcan MAGA cultist.


Nope not says you understand how the law works.


When you have a problem with choosing loyalty to something other than a specific person, you are part of a cult, and your opinion should be discounted on a go-forward basis.


Maga and Republicans are like house Targaryen


Really this goes back to Rove. The polarization. Anything even remotely against us is 100% opposite spectrum of us. Demonize moderation.


Saying true things means you aren’t a republican.


I mean, that is what we call it when someone is found guilty of one or more felonies via a trial-by-jury.


Why the fuck are people aligning with parties. I vote for what I feel is right for my country. Even in my own country, I get a label because I agree with certain parties policies. It is soooooo fucked to worship politicians. Once you understand policies, you really no longer align with a party.


Like hamburger = automatic cannibal.. Burger is meat. Human is meat..


When reasonable republicans come out like this; and are attacked and shit on by MAGAS, it just brings those republicans even closer to the left. They can’t stop shooting themselves in the foot


My favorite thing is asking a Trump supporter or a republican in general if they know about project 2025. If they do, they mostly know about the stuff they like, nation wide abortion ban, national guard increase in the south for border security, etc. But if you ask then ask them how they feel about fascism they will either reveal that they are completely uneducated and don’t even know what it is or they’ve heard of it but can’t describe or understand it, or they are a literal Nazi and fully embrace fascism. The only logical alternative is that they are insane or completely ignorant, and if you point out that project 2025 lays the groundwork to install a fascist government and shit on the constitution (that they allegedly hold so dear) they either, completely deny that but cant back up their argument, or again are just a literal nazi who wants a christo nationalist fascist oligarch to run this country.


“When you say convicted felon it reveals you _live in reality_ “


Yes, because unlike you, we inhabit reality.


Ah, so lovely what unregulated social media has done for our society /s


MAGA: Librul cucks can’t handle the truth!!! Facts not feelings!!! Also MAGA: It hurts our feelings when you call Trump a convicted felon. We hate that fact and deny its existence in our reality.


When you say convicted felon it reveals you engage with reality instead of gullibly swallowing the bullshit you've been fed. Which means there's no way you could be a republican these days.


Classic Republicans. If you don't vote for who we like, you aren't one of us. I love that there are reasonable (I say lightly considering they probably voted for him the first time, not the second time, and definitely not the third time) Republicans who are legitimately upset that Trump demolished the "respect" the party had before him.


Closeted MAGAt, she realizes how shitty they are, yet she’s still trying to do PR for the orange felon.


“it reveals…” You watch the news, not Fox or other right wing propaganda.


Voting for Trump = automatic cult member.


The “light” is not too “bright” tonight…🤔


"i am a classic republican, MAGA is a dumpster fire" MAGA: "Nuh uh!" and prossedes burning dumpster... i'll say this: trump knows little but he knows his KKKult members ![gif](giphy|X3nnss8PAj5aU|downsized)


Y’all might want to consider that Trump’s also a serial rapist, a serial liar, is guilty of corruption and is strongly suspected of committing treason, too… just to mention a few other things in the rules of law for a convicted felon.


Wow, I can't believe that the commie tyrant here is the one actually fighting back against Russia.


The great philosopher Ron "Tater Salad" White once said, "You can't fix stupid."


Coco with the blue tick and the American flag. Definitely a russian bot.


Genuinely sounds a lot like people in a cult bashing other people who saw a reason and got out, not even being hyperbolic it genuinely feels that way with mega at this point


i title this piece, "conversation with a cult member" coco is cuckoo for dictatorship


When you say "convicted felon" means you called in sick when they were handing out the Kool-Aid.


I would hate myself if I was that stupid.


"When you say convicted felon it reveals that you are a democrat" I guess....because you are telling the truth?


"When you convicted felon it reveals you are a democrat" Maga are totally detached from reality. I hear they only make up 35-40% and are just noisy. I hope so.


Personally, for a while now, I have seen that Republicans are not necessarily MAGA. MAGA on the other hand has co-opted the name Republican. The basic issue is MAGA should have formed its own party, but America is not ready yet for a three party system. So MAGA tries to take over the party and those Republicans who are afraid that they will no longer win unless they retain the MAGA nut jobs play along. It would have been better if the party had denounced MAGA and let them run on there own. It might have taken years to get the party back to a healthy state but now.....


Yep, it's true. Once you start citing facts, you're not welcome in MAGAland anymore.


Ok CoCO.....


MAGAts can only comprehend that there are two teams at the sporting event they call politics. To them, it's not about values or agendas or economics or anything. It's about their team winning and the other team losing. It doesn't matter what the team captain does or how they behave. It only matters that they are THEIR team and they are willing to do anything to support their team. Anyone who doesn't is clearly working for the other team because there are only two teams and the game is zero-sum just like any other sportsball game. This is also why they want to hurt people who don't agree with them. To them, hurting the other team is how their team gets ahead because, again, they see it as a zero-sum situation. The more the other team hurts, the more their team wins by.