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Scott Cunningham. Best place to start. Edit: I deal with my religious relatives by saying I enjoy learning about other cultures and that I think god would appreciate my curiosity.


Seconding Scott Cunningham, his Living Wicca series is amazing. If you're worried about them finding/seeing physical copies, there are ebook versions as well!


I wanted to add to this chain since they've already given some great book recommendations--check out Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft and The Witch's Bible by the Farrars, too!  Penczak's Temple of Witchcraft books are on the recommended reading list for my coven, but tread cautiously--he likes to make claims of scientific fact that are spurious. Good meditation exercises, though.  Have fun!!


> How do i start? A mommy you and a daddy you, who love each other very much.. ;) Being more serious, for me the place to start in Wicca is spending time experiencing nature, listening to its sounds, watching the leaves on the trees blowing in the wind, the burbling of a brook etc. and falling in love with it. For me, the Gods and Goddesses are culturally conditioned metaphors for aspects of nature, so once you have a strong reverence for nature a path forward will present itself.


There's a Wiki for this sub that can help you start exploring different topics. My advice is to take it slow, and try not to compare it to Christianity - Wicca is a decentralized religion, so there are no formal authority figures, sacred texts, or formalized rituals. There are, however, established traditions (mostly related to pagan practices in England and other germanic/European cultures), which you can use as inspiration until you find your path. There are also forums for Christian witches (who may not be Wiccan, but there's a lot of overlap) who can help you find your balance between where you came from and where you want to go. I'm not a Christian, so can't recommend a specific subreddit, but r/witchcraft may be able to help. Have fun!


Doing a bit of research into Wicca and what path you want to take is always a good place to start. If you are concerned about your family and their reaction to your learning, ebooks are a good way to keep things private. Scott Cunningham is a great author for a Solitary. Learning to find the feeling and connection without using any tools is also a good place to begin and keep it private, as is working in nature. If there are any local witchcraft/pagan shops, you'll likely find people to connect with there who may give you advice and direction.


Get a book on wicca . I suggest reading books by Raymond buckland and Scott Cunningham


I suggest you pick up Wicca: A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. It’s a very good book and very resourceful. Also do some research about being a Wiccan. There is a website you can also look up, it’s called Circle Sanctuary and was founded by Rev. Selena Fox. Once a year during the summer solstice there is a camping event called Pagan Spirit Gathering and I’ve been attending there since 2002. It’s a wonderful event and I made lifelong friends. The website is https://www.circlesanctuary.org and I hope this helps. Take care and blessed be.