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Serious question: is there even a good paying job out there anymore? Seems like the whole tech field is saturated and you can no longer just teach yourself coding like back in the day (companies want more than that), in trades your super won't sign off on your certification/quals or whatever to get your ticket cause they need people to do the low paying grunt work, people in the military getting second and third jobs cause they're not paying enough for the cost of living either. Like dafuk am I supposed to do then? This is like that joke on how I should've bought a house when it was affordable instead of worrying about the 3rd grade.


[“Don’t scab for the bosses, don’t listen to their lies! Us poor folks haven’t got a chance, unless we organize.”](https://youtu.be/1XKMwWZVpPE?si=ZuYhoYBaGQ0-QyMw)


I think you hit the head on the nail. The system doesn’t work if the top is always “I gotta get mine.” It takes, or at least feels, a sacrifice to make the system work. Someone has to belief and say “I have enough.” to leave room for others to grow. This whole I need grunts mentality is a big part of the problem. They believe they will lose if they create competitors so instead want slaves. If you make room for people to thrive, then it will multiply, and there is room for enough. It just means they have to continuously work to stay relevant versus just coast at work after a certain point. Apprenticeship is an amazing concept, and should be embraced. But it rely’s on trust, the people at the top will progress people based on merit and not personal interest. That is the big flaw, because money and power corrupts, so the higher they go, the more they care about personal gain and sustaining it. There has to be an answer to rebalance it. The problem is those who will lose something will fight it and have the resources to fight it. It will be hard sadly.


Thankful that OP felt compelled to argue explicitly that no one, old or young, deserves this, because I suspect there are some Reddit subs where they would argue that if this happens to a Boomer, it is deserved.


Oh for sure. I see a lot of “Jobism” in subs nowadays as well where people think some jobs don’t deserve to pay a living wage which is ludicrous


Ironically it's all the jobs that keep them alive because they can't cook or clean themselves.


Sometimes literally. Home care aides that cook and clean for disabled people pay astonishingly little.


That generational divide has been encouraged to sow disunity on issues affecting the entire working class. It's an old trick. Same one that is used to divide people along ethnic/religious/gender lines.


And the Boomers fell for it decades ago as they continue to vote for politicians who fuck over younger generations in every single election regardless of party. You can't say "it's the capitalists" and then neglect this picture https://imgur.com/a/eNmdlI1 or the people who voted for them. Boomers did this shit.


Some boomers, but not all. Unfortunately, people with the worst things to say are often the loudest.


_Almost all_ boomers.


The average demographic for cable news viewership is in the mid 60s, so on average, older people probably get more of their news from TV, which leads to stronger influence of propaganda, since televised news is owned by only a handful of corporations.


Glad we agree.


Well, to be fair, I do think there are some people that deserve it, but I would still be discusted with any socioty that allowed that to be the case.


As we all know here on Reddit, all Boomers are in a vast global and staggeringly evil conspiracy


Exactly - not all boomer aged people are the same. Especially people coming already from low income households etc.


I don't argue anyone deserves this, I do argue this experience is hardly the median for Boomers. They enjoyed decades of wages which went much farther towards education and housing which should have resulted in an easier time getting a home paid off. At 62 years old this person has medicare and a social security payment of $874 a month. How was she not able to make that work? That's a much better experience than any generation after them is getting. So if Boomers can recognize _she_ can't make it work why don't they recognize every generation afterwards can't either? Why do they keep voting in trash that fucks over every generation after them regardless of party. https://imgur.com/a/eNmdlI1 It's difficult for me to find sympathy when a Boomer begins to suffer from their own generation's bullshit.


It's amazing to me that we have a system that recognizes a woman who literally cannot afford a house as "making too much to qualify for affordable housing".


62 is post boomer age


Yeah, it's after the end of the baby boomer generation as defined, and being someone on the end of a 20 year generation is a whole lot different than the start in terms of opportunity.