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Batista should be 1a in this


100% he abandoned his friend once he found out he's homophobic (it was Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao). Batista should 100% be in the post.


Yeah, his mom is either a lesbian or bisexual if I’m not mistaken


I think he has two moms.


I believe he also covered a tattoo they both had


Yup. Respect to Batista for real.


Finn looks high af in that pic.


As he should


Jim Cornette being progressive is still shocking to me lol. He seems like such a stereotypical conservative Maybe that's what having a goth wife does to a man 🖤


Cornette is the odd case of progressive for his age and industry, I don't expect him to hold any leftist ideas (aka nothing more than liberal). But him just verbaly assaulting anyone who likes Donald Trump is peak promo


I think he holds some, iirc he has said he is annoyed there was no wrestlers union and has talked about how there should be healthcare for all if I'm not mistaken.


Wasn’t he interviewed at one point by the young Turks? I may be wayyyy off base on that, but I thought I remember him talking about that. He’s pretty progressive in his views.


Yes, he’s rather progressive. You are correct about the Turks interview, and as of a couple years ago at least, he has [described himself as a democratic socialist](https://x.com/TheJimCornette/status/942503165781532672).


You are correct. I think that was over a decade ago too.


No shit. I’ll have to start listening to him. Honestly thought he would be ultra MAGA so never paid attention to him


He fucking hates trump. His promos on him and the MAGA crowd going back even to the first election are vicious. Holds similar views about right-wingers in his state politics. He definitely has some politically-incorrect sensibilities and jokes, though, so doesn't fit the liberal stereotype.


A lot of people out there throw accusations his way, which I had never heard until after I started listening to his clips, solely as a lover of wrestling history and because I was a big fan of his work. When they say wild things about him I go "no he's not" cause I've actually listened to a lot of his clips before hearing the criticism. If anyone thinks he's right wing need to listen to just one episode of his show to know better. Currently his obsession is taking care of a family of wild baby birds who nested in his garage, he's not some ogre. Funny things is that the people who accuse him of being a right wing racist, are people who support actual right wingers like Jericho.


He makes some stereotype jokes that a man of his age is probably ignorant to and people love calling him a racist based on those.


Reminds me of my dad like I've said. He'll tell a joke and we're all like "not cool old man" and he'll calibrate and stop telling that joke. He's not racist just old, and it's not like he doubles down. He accepts his fuck and gets better.


I do enjoy Cornette, but he definitely is ignorant when it comes to certain things, especially Japanese people. It's hard to blanket label him a racist because if you listen to him, you know he doesn't have issues with almost any race or ethnicity other than Asians, and most of it stems from how he views Japanese people.


I think even a lot of that is taken out of context. When he says “interchangeable Japanese wrestlers” he is saying that is pretty much their presentation on the show. “This guy is from New Japan” isn’t really a gimmick or anything to somebody who doesn’t follow the company. To people just tuning in on television, it doesn’t make a difference who it is from new Japan if that is the entirety of their presentation. I take it as a criticism of the presentation of them rather than them or their ethnicity.


I think he hates that style of wrestling so much he goes overboard on his criticism of the new Japan wrestlers to the point that it comes across as if he’s xenophobic about Japanese people.


Lol dude has some *extremely* regressive thoughts on women, Asian wrestling and a lot of Asian woman wrestlers at that. Should probably check into some of the things he's said before champing too hard for him.


That's another thing, when people take everything he says seriously when he's clearly joking and working you sensitive types. You all forget he's Jim Cornette, bad guy manager, that's his schtick, he loves pissing off people who don't bother to listen to context. Btw thinking that the women's wrestling division isn't up to the level of getting equal air time to men doesn't make him regressive on women, it makes him a realist. You don't complain about his view on women when he's praising and worshipping the fuck out of Rhea Ripley, damage control, Charlotte flair and Samantha Irvine.


He said some awful thing about Riho, Shida, and Emi


Are we talking about wrestlers here or children at a pageant? I forget cause so many fans want to coddle pro wrestlers now to the point where you can't call out a wrestler for being a fat ass who needs to get in shape, seeing as how they're well paid athletes. You can't call them out on how bad they suck, when they dress like idiots, when they look stupid, when they're out of shape, when they're doing shit they don't have the skill to do, when they need to gain mic skills or not talk, and so on.


Lol yeah he's just joking when he says Jade Cargill looks like Shelton Benjamin in a wig or skipping matches because he doesn't like Japanese women wrestlers or accusing multiple women of having slept their way to their position. Lol you guys can have your sexist shit talker all you want but it's pretty telling that you're weak defenses of him consist of denial and "it was just a prank bro!" Dudes a misogynist and just because that upsets you doesn't make it any less true.


Lol how many full episodes of his podcast have you listened to? Sounds like you heard the sound bites and made up your mind without any context. All I've heard him say is Jade Cargill is a specimen, a rookie with great prospects and even said she's like a female road warrior. But again, you only hear the sound bites without realizing he's playing you all who do that


I've heard him pretty much universally praise Asuka and Kairi and Iyo, all of which fit that demographic you just mentioned. The only Japanese women's wrestler I've heard him insult is Riho who, if we're being honest, is not that special to begin with.


You're being too kind, riho is absolutely God awful and deserves all the derision of her work. 


Btw the undertaker is MAGA which makes me sad. Also Jericho has donated like $50k to Trump, and Jericho's wife was at the January 6th insurrections


nothing wrong with liking Trump. leagues better than our current president 


Oh boy


Most of the time shit is taken wildly out of context to paint him in that light. I was convinced that he was as you pointed him out to be until I decided to check out the broader context of some shit that he’s said and found that there isn’t much to it. He can definitely be insensitive with some of the shit that he says, but people like to blow it up because he’s a prominent figure in the wrestling community and he dislikes a lot of stuff that the modern fan enjoys. Personally, I think he’s very insightful regarding wrestling and him saying something like “the hardly boys” to refer to the young bucks shouldn’t completely overshadow the very valid points he makes on shit.


[the cult of Cornette welcomes you with opens arms](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimCornette)


He shits on them regularly


It's the southern accent.


You are in for a treat, my friend not only does he hate the mega crowd But you have the pleasure of listening to a bunch of anti-conservative promos from the man himself they are art. I’m a little bit jealous of you.


It's a wrestling podcast so it really shouldn't matter who he votes for.


I choose with my time and money who/what I want to spend those things on


True, I doubt he's all for wrestlers having a union or anything like that, but it's nice to know he supports modern medicine, hates anything resembling MAGA, and calls out right-wing people like Kane for being a dumbass


He's pro wrestler unions and hates Hogan for fucking over Ventura's plan to start one. He's pretty socialist but despises Trump, just not as much as he hates Vince Russo.


lol at people calling anything short of right-wing anarcho capitalism "socialist"...


Lot of people calling anything short of socialism "right wing" these days too. He calls himself a socialist so that's what I'll call him.


He's nowhere close to being a socialist. Source: I am an actual socialist.


Yeah I’d say he’s more of a Berniecrat/demsoc.


Sure you are college kid with Lululemon hoodie and iPhone


I am a 38 year old man with a wife and two children.


Lol what a mess




I think he's for unions, but he can't imagining it happening in wrestling. So he sees it as a mute talking point


Please take this as informative, not judgmental. Mute (pronounced like there is a y before the u like cute): Silenced or lacking the ability to speak. Moot (pronounced without the y sound, like coot): Lacking in practical significance. In this case I think the second word is better fitting of the point you were trying to express.


Ah, thanks. Always wondered why it was pronounced different, now I know


I think he’s more of a leftist than people realize and his rant on Alex Jones is one of the best promos he ever cut


Oh man, got a link? I can imagine if Cornette was more in the political sphere he would clown people like Carlin used to do


Cornette is in a sort of unwinnable position where he's progressive, but not PC. This is the no man's land because the right hates you for being progressive and antifascist while the mouthy far-left minority trying to take over the entire left spectrum or set the rules for it see him as right wing. This is why he keeps getting called out as racist, misogynist, etc. Also many in the left that call him out as a right-winger do so only because of his accent and ignore the memo that he's more or lss more progressive than most lefties.


I feel his predicament as I can be similar, almost anarchistic/extreme left to the point that left wing college kids think I'm far right, mainly cause I'm not interested in divisive, small time bullshit and just want us to get this revolution over with already , let's get going here. His co host said something I agree with "lots of people who claim to be on the left are doing everything possible to push other people out of the left" like nobody is good enough, you can't even be an ally unless you agree with them over everything 100%


The issue with the left is that it oftentimes eats itself over minor divisions The right is more or less a monolithic voting bloc


Yes, no matter how progressive someone is there will always be someone more progressive to call them a racist / bigot / fascist


When I hear him, he sounds like someone who would call his mate a "fag" but would actually step in if he saw someone trying to beat up a gay man.


I am not American, but I kinda feel that progressive, but anti PC is the the majority of people. (especially being a millenial and growing up with Simpsons, Southpark, Jackass, Eminem etc.)


Actually WRONG. Right wing people do not hate people for having progressive views. Most right wing people have progressive views, but disagree with the extent to which lefties go to war over them. It is only left wingers who HATE those that disagree with them and make up names to call them. I like Trump and I can listen to Corny shit on him without thinking less of Corny. If anything I think he makes good points about Trump.


He's like the southern uncle who became liberal later in life. He brings the fire and energy of an old school conservative with the views of a socialist. That's also why he has those old southern uncle slip ups where his co host and others have to kinda be like "you can't say that anymore" but from what I've seen he learns and moves on, nobody is perfect. Kinda reminds me of my dad after my niece came out as trans and he became more liberal, and he had to swallow his beliefs and just learn about new things.


Socialists and liberals are two very different groups. Most socialists like to shit on liberals. 


These labels change like every year, I refuse to keep up


The greatest twist is Cornette being an atheist liberal and Russo being a Christian conservative. Fascinating how their personal lives differ so much from their professional lives.


He still says some out of pocket shit for a progressive


Cornette is intelligent.


It's so weird lol, like if you look back the guy would say and do crazy things for heat but in his politics he's incredibly progressive. He and Kenny Bolin are a pair if interesting guys


He's always seemed like a pretty classic dixiecrat to me


aight lets not go crazy here by praising Jim Cornette for being “progressive”


Progressive on morality and public policy Conservative on wrestling


Progressive, except for Japanese women (and sometimes men), and anyone in the Middle East. And sometimes women in general.


Yeah never mind the all Japan women's women he's praised like bull nakano 🙄.  He definitely has insulted Islam just like he has Christianity because he's anti religion.  And that makes me support him even more! 


You can even see kofi’s sunken chest through his shirt in this photo. What happened to my mans upper body?


What Big Show does to a man


He slapped Natalya too?!


Fuck the downvotes, I laughed about this


Me too. Take the upvote lol


Where's AJ ? He loves the gay community


Trying to find the edge of the Earth, probably.


The Gay Community!?


The ghey community


I thought ally was something you call a non LGBT person So why is Deville in there?


I guess you can be queer and also be an ally to trans folks maybe?


I thought Omega was also bisexual.


So you're telling me I've got a chance


With that attitude yes you do!


"There's a lot of "bi" things I am, but "lingual" is not one of 'em." - Papa H


Lol I remember this when it actually happened. He caught himself after and was like "wait a second, what the hell did I just say!?" Great stuff


There are folks who are homosexual, and anti-trans, sadly. So it seems fair that anyone can be an ally, if they land in support, right? Thinking in exclusionary terms isn't helpful.


A guy at my work is gay but will always say how trans people are mentally ill, and I keep having to remind him that less than 60 years ago he would have been seen as mentally ill and either thrown into jail or medically castrated for being gay here in the UK. Just let people live their lives happily if they aren't hurting people why be against their happiness.


Allies are on the same team or support that team. The title of the post presumes that everyone on this sub supports LGBTQ+


Dont forget about Sami cussing that one guy out that called him the F slur.


He is a practicing Muslim. He’s a nice dude that won’t hate on it, since he was raised in a western country. But a truly religious man won’t ever be an ally of lgbtq. Especially a Muslim, since we tend to take it a little more seriously. I know this is nothing people on reddit want to hear, but this is the reality.


This is true, there is a difference between being respectful and standing up to hate you see and being an ally.


he can be both, easy. relax.


I’m a Christian and I’m a staunch advocate for the LBGTQ+ community. Also, can you not respect the humanity of a person, even if they’re not living the way you wish them to live. I strongly disagree with Islam but I don’t wish any ill will upon you.


That pride-styled shirt that Finn's rocking is actually going hard


It was his main merch for a while, along with a Tron that said "Balor Club is for Everyone". He's front and center with his messaging - warms the heart!


Sure he came out wearing it at Mania 34


Kind of surprised all of new day didn't make it. You can't convince me that aren't all allies


They left out a bunch of valuable additions like Shayna and Piper who are both bi, and Nyla Rose


Gotta put Batista on there but I guess he would more in the Hollywood sphere now.


That's still insane to think, he was my fucking #1 wrestler when I started watching, him now probably being viewed as the "best" wrestler actor(Rock obviously is more famous and has made more money doing both and Cena has fantastic comedy ability but, and I am biased, I think Batista is better at acting than both)


Dave is 100% a better actor than the other two. Its not even a question at this point. It goes Batista>Cena>The Rock in terms of acting ability.


Allies until the Saudi checks clear lol


What is that photoshoot with Seth, Rene, Naomi and Kofi? Rainbow background to show support?


“Bisexual lighting”




This is true. I hate that whole movement (no I am not a homophob nor a transphob) and I would still take pictures with the rainbow flag if I was a celebrity and my job was on the line.


Why do you hate "that whole movement"?


Because they're a homofob/transfob


because the movement lost its purpose a long time ago and is now just an obnoxious mockery of what it used to represent. It became a marketing campaign for corporations and greedy hypocrites to use and take advantage of a group that's already fed up with everything. I'm saying this as a person who's queer.


Quick question, no wrong answer because I’m just curious. Sometimes when I’m watching. A movie or tv show, I’ll see a token gay person or gay couple. Sometimes, they’re main characters, which adds to the plot like will and grace, modern family, etc. In the last 5-6 years, I’ve noticed more of this. I’m not saying it’s a turn off for the show or movie, but typically they’re just a gay character for the sake of having a funny guy with a lisp. It doesn’t really do anything for the plot. Do you think the entertainment industry is simply placating the lbgtq audience, or liberals at large?


In my opinion, yeah. if their whole purpose is "Hey I'm gay best friend, and oh, did i forget to mention I'm gay!" then they completely missed the point of having a gay character. So unless they give them a good backstory and expand their character beyond their being just gay the they have a token diversity hire. An examples of a well written gay character is Captain Holt from B99. He has his own unique personality, he feels authentic as he has his own quirks, motivations, purpose and is not just one dimensional. Another good example is Leighton from sex lives of college girls. same as Holt, but her queerness is explored from time to time in a way that's relevant to the plot.


Another good one is Dane (Xelia Mendes-Jones) from the Fallout TV show. They're non-binary, but it's not addressed or made into a big thing. They're just themselves, Dane, a brotherhood scribe. At this time, it has nothing to do with the plot or anything, they're just a character who happens to be non-binary.


I have heard forever that I need to watch Brooklyn 99. I’ll get on it.


Both it is a problem and I do wish to see more meaningful representation and less stereotyping


So…it worked? The entire purpose was to get acceptance for gay folks. And now we have billion dollar corporations marketing to us almost like we’re regular normal people!


yeah catering to gay people like they're dumb people.


Or…completely valid consumers that deserve items and services that cater to them because they are profitable. Catering isn’t for dumb people it’s capitalism stop being simple.


except they're taking advantage of a group of minorities using the fact that they were opressed to sell you things and make a profit when you buy the same item but for a much higher price cause of its specific version that incorporates design that caters to queer people.


it's targeted marketing 101. make something with the cheapest possible material and sell it at a much higher price than its original counterpart but market it for a specific type of customers.


if you think gay people are valid to these companies, you're being delusional. They're just profits. they see the queer community as a cash cow.


Oof. Bad take. You're gonna wanna delete this.


You must be a cop, because EVERYONE LOVES THE ACCLAIMED


Not gonna lie. I thought Finn Balor was gay, all because of his WrestleMania 34 attire.


I wish! That man is 😍🔥😍


Trish Stratus should be included in this post as well!


Thank you, Trish


CM “you’re a goddamn queer” Punk. CM “You’re a homo” Punk.


Hell yeah. Rasslin is about as gay as any form of entertainment can be already.


I bet that idiot Bill Goldberg doesn't support LGBTQ rights.


Bret is that you?!?


Yes, it's me. Send me 500€ on PayPal if you want to support my return to WWE next week.


There's a lot of people that could be added to the list. Batista the most obvious name missing from this list given that his mother is part of the community and he stepped away from a friendship with someone who showed themselves to be homophobic. Chelsea Green paid homage to the community not that long ago with one of her wrestling gear and has spoken in support of the community. Trish Stratus partners with a Canadian non-profit that focuses on educating people on LGBTQ discrimination, racism and bullying at schools, workplaces, etc. The past couple of years she's sold a Pride shirt where all proceeds are donated to the non-profit organization. DDP and Torrie Wilson probably makes this list. Lita and Lillian Garcia definitely make this list. There's probably a lot more that can be added (of course, based off what people have said publicly).


What about Nash?


Piper Niven and Shayna Baszler are also bi, and obviously Nyla Rose is trans, so they all belong on the list as well


God bless you for the early morning chuckle.


Seeing Punk and Cody very openly support trans people really gives me a glimmer of hope for this world 🥹


B...but Cornette is a racist DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT THUMBNAIL?!




Lmao the Attitude Era fanboys aren’t gonna like this one


Jericho is…even though he voted for trump


Why is called ally? Friends are better... Or family?


I remember my first time watching Finn wrestle in that wrestlemania triple threat with Seth and Miz for the ic title and I kept calling him rainbow boy


Stone Cold should be here too, his rant about gay marriage is legendary lol


yay c: <3


Jesus pls hold me from commenting this sht


Surprised by cornette given some of the insults he's used but good for him if it's true. Still can't stand him but at least he isn't all bad if that's the case.


I’m sure this comment section will be very civil with no arguments at all




The majority of that article is Joey fuckin Ryan being offended. Not the win you think it is.


So what cornette said never happened then?


Bait post. They are all paid performers in the public eye so of course they show support. You will never know their actual true feelings. I’ve also never felt the need to publicly share my gender and sexuality with strangers on reddit.


Name checks out like a mf.




And this is a post including wrestlers and people in the wrestling business in it? If you’re not here for what you call garbage, then you can go to a post that actually has what you’re looking for.


Watches performance art in which oiled up beefcakes in their underwear grapple each other, then spews homophobic nonsense. I guess irony isn’t dead.


Seriously. I mean, wrestling is kinda gay. I also love wrestling and think it’s great


Then know your role, shut your mouth, and keep fucking scrolling. It doesn't matter what you're here for


You had the option to ignore it 🤷🏼


Rule 3.


“Trans kids”…lol ok


Mental illness is strong these days isn’t it?


Mental illness is strong these days isn’t it?




Don’t ever post this shit again it is woke propaganda


Stay mad 😂


It is funny how bothered you are by my comment


Nah, I'm just gonna let you be mad and stupid


I ain’t mad I just think this is ridiculous I am aloud to have an opinion and I am not being stupid because I don’t support this shit like you do


Can you define what woke is?


Woke is gay culture and it is being shoved down our throats


What is gay culture and how is it being shoved down our throats


Gay culture is people who are gay and have beliefs about being gay and people are forcing us to support them and like them and they don’t want us to have an opinion about them


What people?


People who are either gay or support it


And what is wrong with that?


There is nothing wrong with supporting it just don’t force others to support it


Who is forcing you?




Jim Cornette could have done a lot better. Independently wealthy, thin, not ugly, mildly famous


What is the whole "alllies" thing about? This is not a war. I had someone tell me while gaming that they don't agree with most of the beliefs as their gay friends, they still want to be a good "Alllie" like wtf.