• By -


Having an ultimate in your skill just hits different.


Danjin ran so Jinshi could sprint.




Scarlet prefuse




Prepare thyself


Thy end is now










Haha! Welcome to Kuro Games and their multi-tiered skills and ults.


God, I know Jinhsi's powerful and all but the amount of layers on Changli's kit had me googoo gaga, I intentionally restarted my hame just so I could keep trying her out, her moveset is fucking glorious


You'll prolly have more opportunities to play with her on july 7th (I think?) when that roguelike mode returns. She'll probably be a trial character there, unless they didn't have time to add her. edit: july 4th, not 7th


OH RIGHT! I love Illusive Realm I wasted so much time there


You did not waste any time at all in there my friend


If you loved it then it wasn't wasted lol


It's gonna come back on July 4th




Probably not actually.... just like you couldnt trial Yinlin, only Jiyan cause his banner was already there


Thats so cool. Gotta love them for that


She's an orbital laser cannon. And everything that's not dead after that get's roasted by dragon lightning. Ah and she uses "the force" to throw a broadblade around as if it's weightless. 10/10 would pull again.


I was really surprise when I know she use broadblade. Like, she's the eleganto-vibe character, why give her the heavy weapon. Then Kuro doesn't disappoint me with the most elegant swings I've ever seen a heavy weapon character do.


They 100% made her a broadblade user just so she could float on the sword and I respect them for it


That small scene was just so satisfying lol


But in Wuxia they float on a Jian (Chinese straightsword). Broadswords are generally considered barbaric weapons.


You're so right, it really is graceful!


somehow really enjoying the bounce back after plunge atk lol


It's honestly kinda weird, though. None of the Broadblade DPSes really feel like Broadblade DPSes. Like in Genshin, the Claymore attack patterns are way slower than, say, Jiyan or Jinhsi.


Yeah, like I said, it's not expected from a heavy weapon dps to be like Jiyan or Jinhsi. They are supposed to be slow, but heavy hits, with impactful skillset. But here, we have Kuro saying: Fuck the rules, we make our own rules. But I appreciate them for that, both Jiyan and Jinhsi are very well designed characters.


2 of the best designed characters from Gacha games in the past couple months, if I'm being honest. Especially their gameplay kits.


reading this comment makes me sad il never have her in a sci-fi look cus...id fucking love a charachter that casualy oribitals in this game. Like himeko but in practical combat attire. ultra sad


It was revealed in 1.1 that it's believed Sentinels come from "another star." Though maybe that's a red-herring. Still. It's not totally out of the question we'll take a sci fi turn in some patch X.0 Game is already hella sci-fi too. The waypoints were supposedly put up by Black Shores, which seem to have more tech-advanced stuff going on, so maybe if we ever visit em you'll get your sci-fi fix.


i hold out hope thely reveal later the resonance is just another timelines punishing (hence why so many of the creatures look heteromorphy) and we end up getting much more sci-fi stuff influence from there. im down for mystic looking stuff to still be a thing i just want it to be more balanced


judging by the rumors floating around, one of the next characters will have a laser gun. And if Lee Hyperreal from PGR is anything to go by, you're in for a treat.


Plotti from Tower of Fantasy has what you are looking for. Her normal weapon is a sci-fi looking arm canon/megabuster. Her skill has her fly overhead and carpet bomb everything while techno music plays. But her discharge (ultimate attack) fires a big orbital canon.


your makeing me miss my gunner from MS2 lol


She’s so fun. Like I’ve literally just been roaming the map and killing things because she’s so fun to use. Mine is lvl 60 with her signature weapon and a full spectro set that’s not fully leveled and she’s cleaning up.


Not to mention the story added so much to her for me, making her canonically OP


shes very good but one thing i hate is how good her animations are. if you are fighting crownless, the animations get so hectic and over the top that the boss simply hides inside the mess and you cant see what theyre doing


This. Can't beat his V version just because 75% of his attacks I can't even see. Wish we have setting to turn off animations during holograms.


Try turning bloom off.


Gave Spectro Rover all Jinshin's echos, lvl up little bit and beat him after 4-5 tries 💀


Tbh having an S6 5 star unit goes really really hard


Spectro Rover is the S6 5star we needed lol


Visual noise could be a problem in the future, as the tendency is the animation to get more and more flashy


gonna completely honest my preference might not be a popular one but i would take that problem any time if it means over the top animations. ideally there would be a f14 setting where you can adjust the level of spectacle. nuke my frames if it means over the top stuff


Nuke my frames Kuro daddy, stutter my framerate gacha father.


Thats why you should learn to dodge based off of vibes. On a serious note, knowing when to turn down the pressure is i think part of the skill curve. Been playing Jiyan vs Crownless and it was a humbling experience. I had to avoid "maximizing" my ult and stop attacking when Im not sure what hes doing or going to do. I stop attacking when he stops attacking and I memorized the follow up string based on the first attack so its just a matter of dodging based on memory.


I literally swapped to. S.Rover, kept my Havoc Set, and fought him canon style. Beat Diff IV but gonna need Spectro set for Diff V+ S.Rover is so clean for fighting him.


SRover is notable for having some of the most generous parry windows on her attacks, so that's why it feels easier.


Crownless really doesn’t have good parry windows and most of the attacks aren’t parryable, you’ve just got to dodge and keep timing the dodges.


Nah, didn't parry once. Crownless Holo gives bonus damage for dodge-attacks and he will continue his attack chains if he is parried. It's just less visual noise than Jinhsi or Jiyan.


Her E is a one time "teleport behind u nothin personnel kid" button during her incarnation but before basic 4. It helps a lot in non-multi-target situations. In multi-target I think it requires an unnatural amount of artificial behavior like kiting and stagger-stepping to group mobs, but even then certain mobs like to spread out of your fov. She also keeps her incarnation for quite a long time (relative to how long it takes to b1-4 and E) and her basic doesn't reset even if you swap off her during incarnation, so when in doubt, just swap and come back when the boss isn't losing his shit.


I don't even know what's happening. I just press buttons and it swaps to a clip of the Death Star blowing up Alderaan.


what about the droid attack on the wookies?


To oversimplify things, every four basic attacks lets you use an evolved version of her skill. She’ll eventually get horns and start to walk on the air for the last set of four, and using the skill after that = Jinhsi Orbital Railcannon (→↑↓↓→)


You left out the most important part. The forte gauge turns the Orbital Rail Gun into the Death Star.


Very smooth rotation and satisfying animations. The damage is great. My Calcharo won’t see Yinlin and Verina ever again.


**Insert sad chibi Calcharo**


Bro took away the mans family 💀


Nah, Calcharo can still have with his wife since I pair Jinhsi with Spectro Rover. The child still stays with us though so sucks to be them getting stuck with the local monk instead


Spectro rover isn't really that great a partner fr Jinhsi tbh, she doesn't actually offer much for her.


Don't really care about Meta, S Rover's Spectro Res Down is enough Jinhsi support synergy for me


You took his wife and kid away from him T_T


I sadly feel the same way. Jinshi feels more natural in Yinlin team than Calcharo


Yeah I think I’ll bench Calcharo permanently. Man’s just way too clunky compared to Jinhsi and they both do well with the same team.


stay where you are, dont use me again when you need to fight against spectro res characters


That's where Yinlin comes into play.


Clunky? Bro feels incredible to me lol


They both are the same kinda of clunky tho


Mine will stay with him. I’m using Jinshi with Baizhi and Yuanwu (he’s great and for some reason works better than her with Yinlin in the tower)


Trueee i kinda wish i used the selector for verina instead


My jinhsi has long white hair, white lashes but deals electro damage 😨


Mine turned into a plant


Mine uses qi


Now we know where the Jué electro powers from the boss fight went. Calcharo is evil Jinhsi


My first jinhsi was a furry and immediately got benched


she feels really great to play. her moveset and damage is so satisfying, and I’m in love with her animations. don’t regret pulling for her at all. I’m using the new boss echo, and a 43311 spectro set, with her signature weapon as well.




Jinshin impact


John si na impact


There's an achievement in this patch called Bing Chilling.


Where? I can’t see it


That's because its time is now.


Loool I’m glad someone got the reference


It's so hilarious that in roughly 90% of the posts here, the names are misspelled lmao


I got her and her weapon. I regret nothing.


She's fun but she needs a team


This, she need to rotate out for that plus dmg


hopefully 1.2 has some support characters so i dont have to invest in 4 stars


I mean the 4 stars aren't bad. You have yuan wu and Mortefi. Yinlin is definitely better. And I think yuan wu and yinlin are better together


i was thinking more along the lines of healers. baizhi is solid but the fact that shes just a straight downgrade from verina sucks


I'm rocking a jinshi yinlin baizhi team. It is awesome. Went with baizhi over verina as she is ice and has coordinated attacks on her ult takes a few attacks with both Yinlin and Baizhi's coordinated attacks up to fill the incandecense bar. Don't sleep on the team. As an added bonus at S5 Baizhi gives you a resurrect and 100 percent HP refill for that unfortunate hologram mishap.


if you put yinlin and yuanwu together you're gonna miss out on an extra stack of incandescence because of the two sharing the same element btw


She feels very nice to play for a few reasons: 1. not ult reliant, so great experience in overworld exploration, but ult also does dmg so u have a reason to use it 2. being able to float mid air and having a dash on her skill lets her dodge some attacks and helps with exploration too 3. both her skill and ult offers aoe burst dmg which is both satisfying and practical in end game content 4. Very smooth attack animations unlike Calcharo which imo is a very smart design choice. For exmae in genshin many ppl won’t pull for claymore (broadsword equivalent kind of) characters due to their heavy and clunky animations 5. Arguably best animations so far. Can’t believe they powercrept jiyan’s dragon so quickly my man’s dragon suddenly looks like a 480 roblox cutout (no hate I have jiyan myself)


It dont matter in genshin cause the only claymore animation you would ever see are Eula and Diluc anyways (i dunno about dehya lmao)


I m loving her kit,she deals so much damage and she does it with style,animations,VFX and visuals are top tier (imo) She might feel abit heavy to use at first but i m sure i ll get used to her fairly long animations with time,overall amazing character,i m glad i saved up my astrites for a copy of her and her weapon (the weapon also looks sick lol),i aint gonna be switching mains anytime soon




I'm back in 2008 let's go


Jue-dos used "HYPER BEAM" it was very effective!


Jinhsi seems to be on the strongest in her nation in terms of lore, and in gameplay she is equally strong.


She has insane grouping on her Basic Attack 3. Its basically like Yangyang's E suction but without any cooldown so you can just spam it away against light enemies.


Absolute nuke. But being a skill and teammate reliant doesn't feel comfortable in exploration, I'd rather stick with normal attack reliant units in that alone. Besides that, she's amazing in all ways and satisfying, animations are clean, and she's extremly pretty.a


Very fun and very strong. Her not being reliant on her ult means shes also fun to explore with.


Didn't get her still


Jinhsi's Motto: Woe, Jué be upon ye! ^(Especially if you have it's echo as well.)


Reyquaza use hyper beam !


Jinshin impact 😱😱😱


Nahh I already quit Jinshin tho


I'm more inclined to pull for a character if they are very good in world exploration and can create interesting synergies with my current faves (Aalto, Yuanwu). Her very short 3-second cooldown dash from reso skill could instantly obliterate ores. She also have access to a 3-cost echo (lightcrusher) that's very convenient in open world. Aesthetically, her combat animations are smooth as hell. She ticks off all the boxes I really look for in a character. So no regrets using my guaranteed pull on her and her weapon.


She can walk in the air


Used her for a day and there comes a point where it's animation hell. Now I understand why some people prefer minimal animations.


NGL never thought she would bench Calcharo in my main team. Will use him for electro bonus ToA, and events and im glad i didnt pull for Lustrous Razor thinking I needed more DPS


Jinshin? Damn, that's the first I've seen. Can't wait for people to just call her Genshin next. I can see Jinshi, but Jinshin?


Pre 1.1 : I like yinlin and changli so even if they are sub dps i will insist on playing them like a main dps. Post 1.1 : Yea sub dps can never compete against main dps unless you are like s6 vs s0.


Yinlin actually deals very respectable damage, you just don't notice it because it's constant regular smaller numbers. Like her enhanced mark deals as much damage (think it's more actually) than Jinhsi's ult, you just never see it. Her ult deals a nice chunk as well and whenever she goes in she's dealing somewhat respectable damage too.


I thought changli was a main dps.


She is. People are just reading on Outro skills & call it a day. Everything in her kit screams main dps with her outro skill as the only exception. Danjin is on the same boat.


People need to realise her outro is literally a BONUS to her kit, not her entire PURPOSE as it allows you to swap into another Fusion DPS to unload their kit while waiting for her own cooldowns.


She is main dps, she just has a support outro buff (Lol i've talked about her beingsupport and gotten so much push back, she's definitely main dps, damage to Jinhsi is comparable at RC0, jinhsi pulls 15% ahead in RC6


Changli is main dps. Even kuro has listed the main dps icon on her in the trail


which is sad cuz changli and yinlin have absolutely amazing character designs


it isnt true. yinlin absolutely does compare in terms of dmg,she just deals it off-field and not in a single istance


Spent all my savings to get her and her weapon. No regrets. Destroys everything.


*which includes my wallet


Was planning on saving for Changli but realized how op Jinshi is, she’s very easy to play and does big burst damage. Decided to pull her and lost the 50/50 to lion boy, now I’m working towards pulling for her again very slowly. Relying on exploration, monthly pass and dailies.


Very fun and strong to play (haven't managed to get her weapon yet tho) even underleveled, but I'm having a few issues with visual clutter and her flashy animations.


I go Bababababababa BAAAM LAZOORR, oh you’re not dead? HAVE MY ULT


Off topic but why tf is everyone getting her name wrong?? 😭


Amazing story, been waiting to get her ever since that meeting back in 1.0. Elegant, beautiful, cute, hot. Super happy to have her and her weapon. Her animations and voicelines during combat are really good. I don't have maxed out units/world rank and still building my units so not much to say about my damage, but her rotations are pretty tight if you wanna max her damage per rotation (she can hit 3 nukes every rotation). But since she's a character that wants to be min maxed- team building/experimentation is more important to Jinhsi than any character so far and I kinda enjoy that. Echoes- just the spectro damage set with Jue instead of Aix. Didn't go for copies of her. She needs more teammates/newer units to complement her kit since the current units struggle a bit to maximize her kit so there's room for more damage out of her. Yuanwu/Mortefi/Yinlin/Verina are the best options for her but none are perfect (less damage/reliant on sequence and er/more fieldtime and less buffs/same element). Ideally, Jinhsi wants a unit with less field time, full uptime on coordinated attacks, good buffs, different element. Jinhsi/Yinlin/Verina is probably the best Jinhsi comp right now and Jinhsi does fill up Yinlin's forte circuit faster with her rapid outro triggering for less field time on Yinlin. She is still yet to hit her peak potential in the game. Overall tho, pretty happy with my madam magistrate and she feels super strong and fun to use.


Her damage is nuts, but I've only got a few hours on her as I didn't prefarm. I did my rotation with Yinlin/Verina to set up the coordinated attacks, and then popped her skill with the animation on a boss when it was at 50% health and it just fell over, I was very surprised. Only potential worry is that her damage without building up her stacks / coordinated attacks isn't nearly as strong, and with how fast things die in the overworld for me, I think the ramp up could be an issue. Of course, the ramp up shouldn't be an issue on actual difficult content so it's probably not a big deal.


I personally don’t want to get her ( I need scar ) but my God she seems so fun, basically having 2 ults is so amazing and her animations are sooo gooddd. Another reason im not pulling is because i have Jiyan and calcharo and they both use broadblade 😔


It's a good reason to pull her if you have calcharo and jiyan, they can all share the same weapon.


For some reason I’d hate that lmaoo maybe I’m just weird


Im still confused how her skill stacks work? Like she gets stacks when allies use their skills?


Forte builds when you damage or defeat an enemy. Both from Jinshi's attacks and any off field coordinated attacks you might have going like from Yinlin for example. More forte stacks (game calls it incandescence) equals more damage. At S2 if she stays off field for 4 seconds she gets all 50 incandescence when she comes back on.


Out of combat, not off field. Thats an importance difference


She gains stacks from any character doing damage with the following rules. 1 stack for most forms of damage. 3 second cool down (each element has an independent cool down). 3 stacks for coordinated attacks (Yinlin, Baizhi, Yuanwu, Mortefi, Verina), also with element dependent 3 second cool down. You can reduce both the above cool downs to 1 second by using Jinhsi's outro. So use her outro with coordinated attack characters to maximize forte gain.


I like that you can use her ulti mid-air. Mihoyo would never


Having Jinhsi is really giving me archon vibes. In genshin, having an archon in your team improved QOL so much and Jinhsi feels the same. Walk up to a mob and clear them in an instant. Echo farming has never been easier.


i love her but the overly stylish animation and camera feel more like gimping your own game than jiyan does, i almost wish I waited with pulling


Based from the trial, looks like she have a mini ult every 3-4 secs and a nuke ult.. They said she needs premium members like Yinlin and Verina but I think Eunwa and a support can sub until more units drops and looks like she can even solo contents atm


every battle it's like i'm witnessing kino : it's amazins 💙


Not going to lie the power creep on this game is making me concerned. I whaled at the start with Jiyan/Yinlin/Calcharo S6R5. But I have stopped spending since Jinhsi came out. The immediate power creep wiping the floor on all existing characters feels pretty concerning. There's nothing to indicate that the next character won't wipe Jinhsi off the damage ceiling.


im just afraid characters will be powercrept beyond any reason. not just by pure damage output, but enormous aoe and ease of parrying, when a normal attack consists from 9000 micro ticks of damage.


One of the most confusing kit descriptions yet. Someone claimed to have done 100k+ damage with her nuke. I thought “cap.” Then I did 100k+ with her nuke with a fairly lazy build. So there’s that. Ideally you want S2 just for the convenience of entering every fight with full incandescence, but she’s already fantastic without it.


S2 is mostly only good for overworld farming, and even then most enemies will die to an unstacked skill. I think it's not worth.


Pros: Very beautiful animations, really high numbers, character feels smooth, and model is very pretty. Cons (purely subjective): Very mediocre gameplay, not much variety in combos, animation can get too much with the effects in some boss fights, a lot of dmg locked behind signature weapon.


She’s fun I got her lvl 70 with one 4* star weapon that has crit rate, didn’t pull her weapon and she c0 Got full spectro set with jue Damage for me is ok, don’t have the crazy echoes everyone has giving them 200+ crit dmg and like 70% crit rate having here do 6 digit damage But yea I’d say she’s good def worth it imo


Went hard on her s1 + sig, 70%cr and 275% dmg 1850 atk (almost full talents unlocked but missing the skills,forte etc (5/6/7/5/6) , with yinlin and verina, btw 220k to 330ish, she literally need an ult + e skill and can kill a UL 50 boss, (except that ugly mourning aix and Jué). I finished the new map with her, and she destroyed the 2 lvl 120 elites for the event, very fast, she is so much fun. But now I'm broke with shells, exp echos, mats. Rip


She's doing ok with my crap build. Just watch iwilltolose do a 0 second clear Hologram 6 with s6r5 make me want to skip everyone and save everything for her in the rerun.


Losing my 50/50 and exploring everything 100% just for her... 😭 I dont know skipping or getting Changli...


No regrets getting her & sig weapon. Obliterating enemies.


Off topic, but is anyone using the standard 5 star broadblade on her? Is it a good weapon for her to use? Thinking to either pick the sword or broadblade from the 5 star selector box..


My Jinhsi is not even done yet she deals 100k+ with maxed forte


The strongest character as of now Also she doesn't take much field time which is also a plus because i like quick swap playstyle


I got pretty lucky with the echoes, didn't expect to hit for 140k so casually tho. So far she is fun and I only need to practice dodging with her since I get lost on the moment and forget about it but on the damage side she is above my expectation. 5p Spectro 70/220 1600 atk with the BP weapon and hoping to get her signature.


Finally got her to a usable state, her Traces need some TLC but she's ripping it up, and that's with an underleveled S1 Helios Cleaver.


Absolutely Loving her play style and quite surprised she doesn't have the concerto efficiency tag. Jinshi made Spectro Rover playable again as a sub-dps that sweet -20% Spectro res just goes bonkers with her plus they have fast rotations add Jianxin to the mix and Jinshi just deals 100-150k damage on Tier 2 Skill and Ult. Her rotations with S. Rover is also quick I stunned locked the heron in TOA for like 10 seconds from rover outro and ult.


Got her early yesterday, starting to build up her today, so far I like her and was fun in the trial.


Pros: big damage without much investment, cool rotation. Cons: Visual noise is so over the top that I struggle using her in holograms and tower since I can't even see the enemy. If they're an elite or boss that doesn't stagger, they can just kill my ass while I'm lasering.


Spam that dragon like crazy.. my opinion in a nutshell (if anyone actually cares)


My main has Yinlin (and signature weapon) maxed and is waiting for Changli. My alt has Jiyan and yesterday I got Jinhsi and her signature weapon. Too bad I couldn't have Jinhsi and Yinlin on the same account lol they would've made the perfect synergy team. I like seeing bosses get melted away by some redhead by just casually sitting and playing with her hair, but big dragon nuke puke works as well I guess. I was genuinely surprised how she one shot that biker gang boss with a fully stacked hyperbeam. Poor guy didn't even get a chance to leave his motorcycle. Level 70 + signature weapon, S0, maxed skills, and pretty decent echoes. I used at least 30 of those golden cube waveplate thingies just to raise her, and get a working 43311 Spectro set with a crit rate Jué lol


is she useable without her sign weapon or Jiyans weapon? what is her max dmg without it?


I don't know why my first thought was Genshin, and then after reading the body text next character I thought of was Jiangxin, lol.


Those stack thing make me turn off to pull for her.. Plus i dont have yinlin.. Morteffi not optimal teammate.. I wait for changli


Ten outta ten, highly recommend. Everybody.


I am so broke so i am going for her weapon for my calcharo and will pull for changli since she seems to be more support sub dps like yinlin for my encore


I like her short and simple rotation compared that to my Calcharo, his rotation is just cringe lol


i have reached 88k with minimum build, i literally only have Jue lvl 24 and the rest of my echoes are lvl 0 but she's lvl 80 and at least 5 lvl in skill tree


I played her and Changli in that one Story Beat for several minutes (by resetting the enemy) and I feel Changli's playstyle much more.


I'm spent. Lost 50/50 to Jianxin, got her at 140 pulls. Idk if i can get her weapon, 30 pulls now and still nothing. But i'm loving her so far, benched Jiyan for her. Her movement is amazing, and her second phase is fun specially fighting annoying mobs, you just hover on top of them and they can't reach you lol. After your 4 attack combo, you just nuke them. Rinse and repeat.




I really like the way she walks in the air. The way she walks down invisible steps after certain mid-air attacks is nice. I always watch the full animation when that happens. Her attacks look really nice and cinematic. Whenever time stops when breaking or defeating an enemy, the still looks really cool. She's strong and it feels nice having access to most of her kit just from using her skill. The amount of variations is awesome and the cooldown is low. Her Ultimate looks awesome. She's great for breaking rocks too.


I am so happy I got lucky on her banner I knew I'd love her kit but was planning on going for changli for the vfx+waifu. Jinshi deals so much damage and is apart of my fav element. Only draw back is her sub dps and support options rn she's fighting my jiyan for mortefi and sadly my sanhua that I put a lot of effort in to be with encore is being benched since my Jinshi does more dmg than encore due to the sig. Once she gets a good sub dps and possibly a different element follow up healer (verina isn't optimal and baizhu doesn't fully work for some reason that I can't remember).


She's really nice, with swift rotations and very swappy playstyle. Feeling pretty good. I'm running 4-3-3-1-1 5pc spectro with mourning aix as my 4cost (my aix is kinda cracked and i didn't get the new echo of a comparable quality yet). She's s0 with her sig, 67/255 crits, 1800 atk. One gripe I have with her is very heavy visual effects, can easily obstruct what enemy is doing, but it's not really exclusive to Jinhsi, a lot of other characters are like this. Overall I'm enjoying her a lot.


Soo many pulls so much nothingness


It sums up like this: "As I walk through the valley, in the shadows of death; I don't swap to sub-dps, for I will nuke them myself"


I hit 100k with her yesterday lmao. Pulverizing the enemies with a few hits but her animations dont make it boring at all. If they ramp up the animations of future characters like this my wallet is in serious danger Oh yeah and her animation after she casts her skill "ult" when she steps down from the air as if there were stairs? Absolute perfection.


I got lucky and hace her S1 too, Now saving for weapon. Currently using her with 3 star broadblade and with bazhi and yuanwu (Mortefi and verina are with Jiyan). She's very good as dps as well as animation wise.


Big damage,smooth gameplay, pretty,elegant




Gameplay-wise? I love her. Her abilities ebb and flow so smoothly, everyone else on the roster (even Changli) look like they're moving as if they're a powerpoint presentation. Her abilities are also great, despite how rigid it is, but I guess it fits into her character. She's also great due to her Unity ability, which can open a lot of possibilities for future characters while she still maintains her burst-DPS role. Character-wise, despite not having a character-story yet (or will she?), I find her amazing. A strong woman with a resolve to protect her people, even if it means her own demise. A lot of people say she's too bland, but I disagree. She embodies Jinzhou and its people. Build-wise, I'm still looking at options, but I'm quite interested in the Jinhsi, Yuanwu, Verina team. Since Mortefi is already tied to Jiyan, I wouldn't want to separate them.


The only thing I don't like is her skills her too flashy even with low special effect settings. It's really difficult to keep track o thef enemy movement especially when you fighting diff 5/6 mephis or crownless.


I spent all i have to get 1 copy of her. So far, she feels great. Huge damage, fun and looks cool to play. I play Calcharo mostly so I need a bit more time to adjust to flashier animations as she goes all over the place. Will I regret not saving it for Changli or maybe Camellya? We'll have to see.


Fuck her she took my jinshi away


I already got her and her sign, should i go for her r1 or r0 is fine


My favorite thing about her gameplay is the buildup when charging her incandescence


My only problem with her is that I cannot see anything when I use jue echo + skill 2. That leads me getting hit. Don’t like that one bit.


I got her on the first try so im feeling pretty good, didnt ascend her yet enough times so im not using her but the luck man