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One word to rule them all 💍


same, i saw a hologram solo danjin video and was instantly bricked up. also the game respecting your time and not demanding you to grind infinite daily and weekly shit is nice. the fact that you can log on, do stuff for 10 minutes and be done is really nice and when you feel like it you can farm echos. other problem would be not having too much stuff outside of that and when youre done exploring the map you sit on your cheeks waiting for next content.


Isn't it same as genshin then.. It usually takes 8-10 mins for me to do dailies. And logout.. Dayum u talking about echoes, I still can't fking get those crit pc for my yinlin/ calcharo of tempest mephis/ thundering mephis, I keep getting def pcs. Ig they still need to fix it, it's a lot of waste of time.. I can't even farm those in tacet fields 🥲


Peak gameplay🙏


May the God of combat bless us all


Yep. Just one word. Thats it.


Because it's a open world gacha like Genshin. Yes, that's the reason. I was looking for a second Genshin to play when actual Genshin don't have enough content to do/is in dry patches.


Same and also I hope for a competitor for genshin


when honkai released they improved the game with needed QoL. and that was "just" internal competition. i hope we see a similar outcome on genshin. Wuwa is nice and fun, but the setting "postapocalyptic, semi futuristic, musiccentered" is definitly not mine


The main city reminds me a lot of PSO2 NGS's ngl. Different layout of course and not as futuristic, but that's just the vibe.


Yep same... I didn't expect ww to turn into my main gacha though 😳 It was barely on my radar, and I didn't think much of it til my friends started talking about it the week it launched. Now it's my favorite :D


It‘s so funny to me when people complain WuWa’s too similar to Genshin and hence can’t make it big when Genshin’s great but mostly dry and there’s not a lot of Genshins on the market to begin with lol I also wanted another open world anime action game, if my gf hadn‘t reminded me I would‘ve forgotten about WuWa though…


There's no other Gacha Openworld like Genshin. Wuwa is the second. There are hundreds of copys of other gacha genres but this one really needed more competition. Azur Promillia is the third. Maybe Arknight endfield but the gameplay looks different.


Tower of Fantasy was second, but I guess people don't want to talk about that...


I don't count it as it was more of an MMORPG than a singleplayer openworld rpg experience. But your right it's an openworld gacha.


I actually didn't even hear about Tower of Fantasy until after WuWa launched. Was it any good?


It was terrible. Bugs above bugs, no good character stories, people bugged donations and many got for free what supposed to cost thousands, Chest opening timings(you found chests, but you can open t in 3 days). No wonder there are only 400 people playing now. It felt cheap in every aspect.


It was okay. the exploration and combat were fun, and the game was fairly generous with pulls. The story just never hooked me though.


Tbh it had a rough start. I think their map design has been really good especially with the new area they released recently and the combat is really fun but overall it still has a really unpolished feel to it. The story isn’t anything to write home about and chara stories are kinda meh tbh. I played it from day 1 until the release of wuwa where I finally quit. I think I probably would’ve kept playing if wuwa wasn’t a thing because I did meet a lot of great people in tof. 


I liked it for a while. It's still running but i guess no one is playing. I heard some roumors they are thinking to rework it a bit and relaunch it under a new name or something like that.


nah that was the reboot server but at the end the game is still on the main server and everyone is playing there. It seems the game is going the snowbreak route. Honestly tof should have been a mmorpg and not a gacha.


Played the dogshit out of TOF and was a whale. It was very fun. Nice to talk and hang out with other ppl. IT IS and will be p2w although many hate to say this


Happy cake day!




You’re welcome! :)


Same dude


Same dude ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Same here too


Same, the "problem" is that stuff like infinite stamina while running as long as you are not targeted or running up walls or echo farming for at least perfect main stats\* etc have kinda ruined Genshin for me lol ^(\*Like seriously, I have been farming artifacts for Alhaitham for 3 weeks now and there are still 2 out of 5 artifacts where I haven't even gotten the correct main stat yet, yet alone substats)




This, I don't see enough people from PGR. Heck I've been following Wuwa since it's announcement back like 2 years ago because I used to play a lot of PGR and followed Kuro games.


The PGR subreddit went crickets when this game released, and my guild didn’t make its weekly target for the first time in years.  And also my GM hasn’t logged into PGR since WuWa released. So yeah I think there’s more than a few PGR players.


I'm not saying they don't exist. Rather we aren't a vocal bunch and so we don't make our presence known.


whenever there's a pgr meme or reference it gets upvoted to heavens (as they should). there just isn't a reason for a pgr player to announce themselves unprompted lol


PGR player here :)


Hello there fellow commandant


Same. As Ms.Vera's dog, thought I'll give Wuwa a try. Now I'm Ms.Yinlin's dog too, woof.




Nice profile bro


Pretty much this. I still think PGR had a more interesting setting but I think WuWa has potential. I like Kuro.


Your just like me lol, was hoping Wuwa was gonna go with the pgr distopian future vibe with a broken civilization. While it's kinda there. It also isn't.


same, was waiting for wuwa to release a long time ago and planned to switch from pgr to wuwa to replace genshin, especially when genshin kinda fucked up a character for me (rip dehya you will forever be in my heart)


Same. PGR has some amazing combat, and hands down some of the best writing of any gacha out there (though unfortunately, you have to sit through a lot - namely the first eight chapters - to get there). It's also pretty hilarious seeing all the parallels. Lucia / the goddess, Roland / Scar, Vera / Yinlin, and even though they aren't visually similar, Chixia certainly evokes a bit of Lee Palefire.


Still waiting for Selena and Bianca!


Same. Pgr's combat is really fun and the thought of that combat being in an open world game sounded really good.


Because it’s genshin with fun combat and somewhat edgier aesthetics. I’m a simple man.


Genshin combat is fun. WuWa is better but Genshin's is good too


I find both of the combat systems about equal. Both are simultaneously more complex and more simple than the other. I like both games alot, im mainly playing WuWa because nothing is going on in Genshin until Emilie releases. And when there's nothing going on in WuWa, I'll main Genshin.


pretty much what i did for 1.0 wuwa. fully cleared everything, then finally went to genshin when i had nothing else in wuwa. when i finish 1.1 stuff i'm going back to genshin. it's funny seeing the genshin vs wuwa wars when you play and enjoy both


We get the new summer area before Emilie releases


As a 1.0 genshin player I hard disagree. Genshin combat is literally ult skill swap x4 no dodging no parry no brain needed. Furthermore the elemental system limits what characters u can play together much more than wuwa.


For me, the more fast paced and snappier combat of WuWa is better than Genshin's. Also, almost everything feels more impactful, rather than Genshin's enemies feeling like they flop around more. It might just be me tho.


I don’t think it’s that Genshin combat is good, but more that it’s satisfying to do elemental reactions. Tons of vibrant colors, great sound effects, and very easy to do.


I don't see how those are mutually exclusive The fact that elemental reactions are satisfying is what makes genshin combat fun. They are both true


Fundamentally they are different. The combat in Wuwa is engaging because there is more room for combos, timed dodges, parry, and more aggressive enemies. Compared to Genshin where the enjoyment just comes from having flashy effects on the screen until everything dies. Neither are bad, just different.


My main issue with Genshin's combat system is the lack of a dodge function. It's very difficult to get out of the way of enemy attacks when you need to run and use stamina to avoid them, especially in cases of enemies that do a lot of attacks in a relitivly short amount of time.


I have realised that after playing both (I’m UL50 on Wuwa and AR60 on Genshin) Genshin has relatively simple mechanics and is easy to understand and execute combos and synergy, but has very shallow one dimensional combat. Use burst, skill, burst skill, skill burst, use main dps burst/skill, spam until it runs out and repeat. Yes it’s can be more complex to get optimal damage, but realistically every single team operates like this with more or less leeway depending on the team. It’s great for newer players and it’s definitely very “brain switched off” combat for nearly every enemy and boss except for Abyss. Wuwa, on the other hand, has engaging and interesting combat even against grunt enemies, has smaller teams and is designed in such a way that every character in your team needs to do damage to allow for intro/outro skills and echo skills etc etc. You can fight way higher level enemies easily just by dodging and parrying, and every combat encounter feels like something out of an anime fight scene. Equally you can choose to be switched off and just spam one strong dps to kill everything. There is that choice in Wuwa, but Genshin combat feels almost rock/paper/scissors. You have the element to counter, you have the shield and the healer, and you win the fight


For me, it was a realization I made after playing one of Hoyo's other games, specifically Honkai Impact 3rd. HI3's combat focuses on the flow of the battle, with some of the mechanics it shares with wuwa being the dodge mechanic, the intro and outro attacks, and even the zoom in firing mechanic for some ranged characters(though with HI3 there is an added aspect of enemies having a dot, or multiple dots depending on the enemy, that when hit will deal extra damage). I guess this is just a long-winded way of saying Wuwa's combat feels more like HI3'S than Genshin's.


i'll give any combat points to genshin solely because im not wasting time fighting the camera in that game






Genshin pulled me back into games like this. I love the open world exploration, the characters, and just experiencing the lore of the world. WuWa is a beautiful world just like Teyvat. I love the Asian inspirations it has as well. That is my jam so in some ways it’s hitting different than Genshin. I didn’t think I’d get hooked. But now that Jinhsi is here, I’m in.


Same for me too. I like open world RPGs more than other genre and Genshin ticked most of my checklists so the game got me hooked than any other games. Now WuWa also becomes favourite, well I like genshin more so WuWa is kinda secondary to me so I playing it after I did my things with genshin. I am not combat enthusiasts so I prefer genshin's combat mechanics, though I like the Aesthetics and many features which is a upgrade of genshin's in WuWa.


I know a lot of people will praise WuWa for its combat which is well deserved. The game is a blast to play. But so is Genshin. Combat in Genshin may be less action oriented but that doesn’t make it inferior to WuWa. One is not better than the other in that respect at least imo. It’s too very different approaches to it and I still find Genshin very fun to play and I’ve been playing it for 3 years.


Initially it was just for combat since genshin didn't satisfy that itch, but now I am interested in story, animation, exploration and character designs as well


This. At first I was like ‘Ewww not another Genshin, I’m done with these games’ then I saw the combat and got hooked instantly. I had a lot of fun playing but it felt like I was playing Palworld. After playing and skipping much of the beginning story, it slowly grew on me, and with each new story/quest I got more and more into it. now it feels like we’re about to hit some insane levels of anime designs, music and story plot, and I’m all for it🤓




Parry & dodge system make combat more fun. Only complain for now they need improve pistol characters mechanics


I saw Yinlin. I pulled for Yinlin and her weapon. I thought that I could die a happy man now. Then I saw Jinhsi and Changli. Now I want to pull for them both. I got Jinhsi and now saving for Changli guarantee. I guess I will be stuck in this cycle until Kuro decides to stop releasing waifus.


pray for this man, he wont make out for a while. All jokes aside, im in the same boat X_X


Same yinlin was the only reason i started playing the game


Jiyan, Calcharo and beautiful open world.


Calcharo might be my new favorite character in any game ever. His design is so good, and his regular attack combo is so cool looking. I’m obsessed with the way it ends, when he’s in his pose and then tosses his sword away. I think I might be weebing more over this guy than any of the female characters.


I can't imagine he's not inspired by Sephiroth, lol.


freaking love how he shears the earth with a backwards motion after sticking his greatsword into it, and of course the liberation attacks are all great as well. For some reason his final slash in liberation mode feels different from all the other similar Vergil-like attacks in other games, feels more brutal.




People be like “This game will destroy Genshin” when me out here “Wo second Genshin!”. Why hate on one another when you can just enjoy both. The reason I played is because it’s a similar style of game to Genshin which is a game I loved. Even tho the story wasn’t as strong as Genshin I still stick around because I really like the combat system.


Tribalism is a human disease as old as we have existed


Yeah being able to play both is great cuz either one can fill in for the downtime in patches of the other, it's a win-win for us players and I do hope more people will be able to see it that way in future


Yeah if you're sticking with genshin as your #1, you should root for wuwa. The devs are derivative guys. GI was a homage mix up of anime and BotW, with gatcha. Wuwa is a homage to GI with a manhwa/manhua aesthetic, and more lean to combat than team comps. So, you hope they each at least copy some of the best parts of the other. Like, say matching wuwa's 24 hour stamina cap. That should have been done years ago but suddenly happened around wuwa's launch. Or wuwa effectively matching the store discounts, taking into account the difference between a month like genshin and a 6 week patch. Competition is good for all of us.


>Yeah if you're sticking with genshin as your #1, you should root for wuwa. I think ppl also overthink this #1 game thing, if X game has a new patch we play X, if Y has a new patch we play Y. Thats how simple it is. When GI has nothing going rn, and wuwa gets a new map, new event, new character ofc wuwa is my #1. When GI drops a new region and/or an archon quest with some long waited character then GI is my #1.


People suffer from Genshin burnout/sunk cost fallacy and to feel better they prefer to talk badly about Genshin or the game that is being compared to Genshin


I was tired of Genshin and I saw Yinlin ultimate


The setting, I don't know if people remember about this https://youtu.be/ailNfTDeQ0k?si=MmUkTgwWDenzfEje. Well this sole trailer convinced me to play and I knew that the game would be great. A little bit disappointed by the fact that they made it more colored to please the masses, even if it meant allowing them to reach more players. The blacks and grays really emphasized the post apo atmosphere, Technical Test was amazing for that and red/white Crownless was too. However, Mt. Firmament, more than the base areas we had at launch, made me confident into thinking that the game is on the right track. Let's wait for 1.2 and 1.3 though So setting is the main reason, then combat, characters, open world obviously


Back then I was just looking forward to playing an open world game which has combat similar to PGR. So when I saw that video I was beyond hyped.


PGR. The main reason I play this game is because PGR was so good that I wanted to see how Kuro was gonna make their own open world game. Was not dissapointed at all to say the least.


I watched PGR gameplay and it was awesome and then I heard they were doing an open world game like Genshin and I was hooked immediately. I was expecting the same feeling I got when Genshin launched and WuWa did not disappoint.




Just want to play another game to keep me entertained while genshin is still getting ready for the next arc


Ngl after Wuwa it's hard to go back to Genshin.


Genshin just feels old after Wuwa man, also their blind & dead developer act does not help.




Because of my abusive relationship with genshin


I play it for the combat, I'm a big fan of DMC, Sekiro and souls games. So when i see the combat, i just hop in, the story and overworld is the nice extra side dish for me too.


I wanted a game there has more "Intense" gameplay than genshin. And as i heard of "dodge counter" and "parries" the game was legit just what i was looking for .


I prefer sci-fi over fantasy, so it's far more alluring to me than Genshin. That being said I love industrial revolution period more than anything so if entire game was like Fontaine it could be even better than either of those. Anno 1800 my beloved, never leave me. If only that game had bigger islands.




I play/played Honkai, PGR and Genshin, with PGR i liked the orientation towards a more "challenging" combat but didnt like the ping system, i abandoned Honkai after finishing part 1, and with Genshin i have a lot of problems xD, so i was hoping for a competitor/similar game that dont have some of that problems.




To play during genshin downtime


I liked Genshin, but there was nothing to do there anymore. That's why I switched to WuWa. This game has what I was missing in Genshin.


Tried Genshin in the beginning of this year but the unskippable trivial dialogue was way too much for me. I did enjoy the core gameplay though and WuWa was a godsend for releasing like a few months later.


WuWa saved my life. I was stranded in the Arctic. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation. Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw. I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location. I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life.


I play PGR sooo i had to play this too with how good pgr is


It's summer


Saw this gacha on a random youtube video when i discovered punishing gray raven. I liked the idea of genshin but i couldnt stand its gameplay and gacha. Specifically the stamina consumption during world exploration and that i got characters for which the upgrade materials where locked in later zones. I tried it multiple times but ended up frustrated in a couple days. Wuwa solved those issues and combat is awesome. So far they gifted so many pulls that aside if later on more are harder/easier to get, i already got pretty decent teams to challenge everything. Taking the game casually for an hour or two a day and having a blast.


More booba


At first I was hesitant to play it since I thought it was similar to Genshin, but when I played it a couple weeks after it released I noticed a few things: No stamina use during running. That was great when running through areas. You only use it during gliding and wall running Every character, no matter 4 star or 5 star, has an ultimate animation when casted. Even when you enter in a fight, they show you the attacking animation, which is nice. Dailies doesn't make you do like 4 a day. In Wuthering you only do one a day and be done with. Oh yeah, boss fights are actually fun despite getting your ass beat.


I got tired of Mihoyo failing to show any real appreciation to Genshin players, but still wanted to play an open world anime waifu/husbando game. When I saw Wuwa was coming out, I hopped on, and it was an immediate sell for me, Movement, and Combat are the primary things I like about Wuwa I enjoy open world games that let me play with movement. Genshin gives you legit zero options for fun movement, and combat is just ult spam which gets stale really fuckin fast, and the grind for artifacts was killing me. Wuwa gives me fun movement, rewarding skill based combat, and these devs are generous to there players, and actually know how to show appreciation. So much so that unlike with Genshin(completely f2p), I actually spent money, and got a couple months of Lunite subs to support Kuro, may even addpioneer podcast if they can keep up a steady pace of imporving the game




Wanted to experience genshin again for the first time.


I'm a fan of PGR which Kuro also did and honestly was bored of genshin and wanted something else. It being by Kuro and my having played PGR for a few years meant that in all honesty I wouldn't he disappointed with the game overall. Sure it was a rough start. I won't deny but even then I still trust in the devs because I've seen that they can deliver


Had long been fed up with Genshins bs. So then when i saw that this game was genshin but just alot better and alot less insanely time consuming I signed myself up pretty quickly.


Combat and the amazing animations. Also love the male rover, Baizhi, and Aalto. I'm hoping that they balance the ratio between male and female characters. If it's mostly female characters I will probably bail. I enjoy playing both genders.


Mainly the extremely good graphics on PC and story in combination with the combat.


I started because I saw Changli, but stayed for Jinhsi


To pass time until ZZZ comes out.


ayyoo zzz fellow waiters


Zzz looks to arcade for me to enjoy


+, same




I like Genshin (when it has new content), and this game is more Genshin, while being better in some aspects (combat, character models, movement) and worse in others (story, UI). >since Kuro is generous (unlike genshin) This is questionable. Kuro was very generous with apologems in 1.0, but when it comes to what you get from dailies and new content, it looks to be basically the same as Genshin.


I think they were referencing their other game pgr. PGR has a MUCH better over all gacha system then wuwa or genshin and gives out alot so like, ya.


Have you not seen the rewards they gave on this 1.1 patch? I think those rewards are a lot


I finished all quests and explored the new area to 100%, and what I got out of it seems to be in line with what I'd get from a Genshin update like 4.8.


there's more gifts events coming


The rewards is wayy better than GI IMO. You can talk to the shipping guys on the map and help them do some task like kill monster or collect lost package which takes like 30 seconds and then another 10 seconds of dialogue and they give you 10 gems every single time!


Free stuff. As long as they keep being generous im in.


Chang li




I saw scar and rover interacting and was so interested by the possibility of rover joining the evil team that i just had to find out wtf was happening




I liked Jiyan's design and I was unhappy with Genshin.


Phrolova, dont ask.


It’s an open-world rpg with character designs that I actually like. While genshin/hsr are nice games, I’m not a fan of the too saturated and too busy character designs.


I wanted a Genshin-like gacha game with better combat. Thankfully Wuwa delivers in spades


I didn't care about wuwa at all, I was very displeased by genshin and I had stopped playing for a while by the time wuwa released. I was bored and decided to download it, the fact that it took almost everything people wanted from genshin and implemented it, the amount of rewards they give, that was a big thing but the thing that made me want to stay the most is that it's simply more fun than genshin. Both combat and exploration are faster, smoother and more rewarding.




I was fucking bored of genshin.


Unironically, it was Scar—and funnily enough, it wasn’t even in a thirsty way; I saw some clips from the previous CBTs, where they showcased the cutscenes with Scar and his role as well as the connection he had with Rover genuinely intrigued me. I played the game solely to see that through. Now he’s totally won my heart and I can’t wait to see him again and hope that the mystery of it all is followed up 🫡


I saw Scar and thought he was hot.


For me, it's mostly because it's new, the combat is fun, more f2p friendly and the devs actually listen to feedback. There's also the fact kuro isn't afraid to give out free stuff because they know it'll build a more loyal fanbase and they'll make a profit out of it anyway like how wuwa topped genshin's revenue when Yinlin's banner dropped.


It’s what I wanted Genshin to be.


Genshin was pissing me off by wasting my time on dailies and other stuff.


was looking for a genshin like game with actual ability to dodge and parry because not being able to do an actual dodge in genshin always annoyed me


Wanted to not be 3 years behind in a gacha game


I like to at least try then, the initial thrill of a gacha is always interesting, will I get lucky will I not? 😅 Combat seemed nice as well but... With no good co-op or pvp I'll eventually get tired and be gone.




Because it's the developer that creates PGR


Honestly at first, I tried it because I wanted another genshin, something to play while genshin is in its downtime but the game didn't capture my attention when it comes to stuff I care about(story, world design, exploration, character designs, etc...) so I was pretty disapointed. And while yes, the combat is awesome and the qol and free pulls are cool and all, it's just not what I care about. I wanted to keep playing until at least 1.3 or 1.4 but honestly idk at this point, I don't feel like playing wuwa right now.


I like open world games


I like the small intricacies it has with it's combat compared to Genshin and that's why I played and stayed in it. The combat in genshin is quite restricted in comparison, such as the switching alone feels better in Wuthering Waves. There are alot of small techs as such in Wuthering Waves that make it feel more expressive whereas Genshin is kind of stuck into one thing. What I mean is like characters in Genshin doesn't feel complete when used standalone and relies heavily on synergies, like unless Kazuha is c6 then you cant use him anywhere else other than being a support since his basic attack is basically useless at c0. Whereas in WuWa, Yinlin's kit feels complete and can be used as sub DPS or Main DPS, and this is the case for every character in the game where you can use them on what they're good at but you can also carry on with using them as their own damage dealer since physical element isn't a thing here. Like there are ways around it in Genshin to remedy those problems, if I want to use Kazuha's basic attack then I can use c6 Benett but the game has been out for years now and they rarely bring out characters that provide elemental infusion where as in WuWa you can expect characters to be already elementally infused. Small things like that are big to me, there are more reasons why I played and stayed with WuWa but its gonna be a whole essay when I carry on with this.


Scar. That’s all.


Because the better genshin i have already got burn out of genshin and i found it becoming very clunky and repetitive to play since year ago and now finally new gacha open world with new beginning, new compact, new story, new character designs and athletics, new fun way to farm relics, new world designs and events it's just everything i have been wishing for and I'm very grateful for being able to be part of such a great community like wuwa community unlike genshin one which is very toxic in my opinion judging from the time i spent with them


Hate to be that guy but WuWa community is not much better. You can understand the things just by knowing Reddit has to block the words like "_____ could never, ____ pickers, sh__ls". And YouTube has it even worse. Every gacha have their own toxic fanbase, not just genshin.


Is Genshin… But better…


I wanted an action game, so wuwa came at the right time and with it being Kuro and I have played PGR, combat didnt really disappoint me.


Unreal engine 4 as an anime game The combat like nier automata All the qol features genshin never had. The story was surprisingly good and easy to digest (for me at least). Sea servers. Also praying for low male to female ratio of playable characters like pgr


Because it looked like "genshin if the devs actually gave a shit".


I suffered a lot of pain at the hands of genshin and now this game is kind of the same while treating me much, much better.


to watch Genshin players complain (im one myself )


I can focus on exploration and skip any annoying meaningless dialog. I like GI exploration overall, unless I interact with another npc for 5 min space button clicker. I like reading books, but can't force myself to read stories for 10 y/o childrens.


Genshin this, genshin that. YO seriously, where my PGR et al players at. Who love combat and wanted an open world game with cool combat mechanics. I think we the minority here but that's alright, the 2 year wait has paid off!!!


Because i hate genshin




Open world with better combat than Genshin, skip button, no more climbing. Genshin/HSR writing is so bad I literally fall asleep, they waste hours watching talking heads.






Jianxin. If she wasn't a character, I don't think I would be playing this game long-term


For some fresh air


Animations and cutscenes


Combat, exploration movement, characters are cool.


At first I learnt about it around 2 years ago iirc correctly and thought it seemed fun. I was tired of the gacha games I was playing at the time (Genshin and HI3) and so I was looking for something new. Oddly enough though I ended up playing because of PGR. When I learnt that WuWa isn't going to release anytime soon I started PGR and I had so much fun with the game and such a great experience with the way Kuro handled issues that I became all the more excited for release.


My friend wanted to play it and asked if I was going to, so I did


I play either one depending on which one has a dry patch if i'm done with genshin -> play wuwa if done with wuwa -> play genshin if done with both play star rail I enjoy both games as the difference in combat keeps things fresh


I liked the hologram bosses, i wanted a game with boss mechanics, dodges and timing.


I don't know


Combat is addicting


I was bored and was waiting for ff14 dawntrail update, saw this anime esq game with nice character models, and a friend was saying he was ognna try it so I did too, turns out I fell inlove with the game I'd I've been playing the game since.


I'll cheat: 1) Taoqi 2) Gameplay (Fluid, requires skill, satisfying)


- Me see Technical Test Trailer - Me see Old Chun - Me play


Yinlin. and expecting same quality in world design+music but its lackin in latter


I like open world gacha games and Tower of Fantasy disappointed me and i like to have games in rotation where i have things too do


Cuz Kuro was developing it, and I really enjoyed PGR so I was all in.


The dancing tortoise 🐢. That's the only reason I started it :)


1. combat, looked really fun 2. design, i really like jiyan's look for example


I used to spend thousands on Dokkan battle on the phone and the only reason i stopped is because i went 99% phoneless, was desperate for another Gacha and I never got into Genshin or Honkai on my PC. This game hooked me instantly


It's Jiyan. Because he looks similar to Xiao and Imbibitor Lunae.


Yinlin's burst made me play


The generous start was very nice. Being able to get 2 5 stars of our choice was a huge bonus. BUT THE BIGGEST PART is the combat. It’s too satisfying. I like playing with EVERY 4 star character, and sometimes I summon random Pokémon just for fun (I want the exploding ICE Cube man). It’s crazy. Kudos to the great combat, I main Yuanwu.


It is Genshin Impact 2