• By -


Best decision when I started the game blindly without watching any story from Beta. The game bring me so much of a surprise factor from character design to gameplay. Hope to stay and play this game to see how it grow in the future.


Happy Cake Dayy >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


These pops are so fun!!!


Hahaha popoppopopo opps


Same my guy. Well said. Aaaannd... Happy cake day.


I dropped Honkai Impact to try WuWa and I’m not regretting it. Despite the performance issues at the beginning which I’ll be honest almost made me let it go, I’m so glad I stuck with it. The game is so good and it has all the things I love about Genshin plus this really awesome Wuxia vibe that I *love*.


same i dropped that game years ago. and I'm satisfied that WuWa is playable on steam deck. i love the world design. btw I'm still playing genshin(might take a break if klee banner is not announced)


I absolutely love it 9/10 If they'd fix the performance issues it'd be a 10/10 for me personally


That's good to hear, have you played any prior gacha games before WuWa?


Yes yes ofc I played Genshin, star rail and some other mobile gacha games like Bleach brave souls and Ninja voltage and Wuwa is just a breath of fresh air especially since it has everything I want in a Gacha game so I can quit the other games and focus on only one (That also leads to being able to do all the sports I want/ going to the gym more often)


Great to hear a gacha game could make you more healthy 😂


Best experience I had with Gacha asides from Genshin and HSR. Gonna stick around


As much as i love the game, it is a 7/10 for me up to this point. Exploration,character designs,art direction, story,combat and difficulty (tactical hologram) is really great and hit the right spots. However, optimization is just simply not there and it takes the fun out of the game, sometimes a hotfix fixes it, the other time it breaks it. Tower of adv is just straight up bad, not because the enemies are just sponges, targetting and them running to brazil is really janky. Lastly the power level difference between 4* resonators, most of them are just badly designed kits with bad numbers and incoherent traits while the others are straight up meta and their kits actually make sense.


I was building Aalto. Don't get me wrong, dude's fun. Hell, I would argue even more fun than the 5 stars. But what the hell does his kit wants??? His forte prioritised basic attack and mid air attack, yet his inherent skill give a boost to aimed attack. His sequences all plays into his forte and basic attack, but his last sequence make use of aimed attack. You want to move fast and control the field, yet you need to stop to aim at the enemy. His ult is a stationary gate. You use it for 5 seconds, and then you dashed to another position, rendering it useless. I think the dev wanted to give the players the freedom of choosing how to play him. However, his stats are dogshit so the more sacrifice you make, the more he loses. Right now I'm using him as a sub dps and some sort of 'horse' for me to get to enemies faster with my Rover. I got pretty decent dps I think, with 800 per mist bullet with underleveled echoes.


Well yeah he is the prime example to my point beside couple others. Even tho i hyper invested in him because he is fun, i just can’t overlook how his kit is all over the place and you just summed up everything that is wrong with it. I know that he is a ‘support’ simply because of his outro skill, but his entire kit says otherwise


I agree with most of your points, Aalto’s kit really is a mess. But I feel like the points about his playstyle are a bit off. Aalto’s main source of damage will be his midair attacks, not only is his fire rate higher than Chixia and Mortefi’s but his multiplier is much higher too. His mist dash gives him mobility but you don’t want to use it all the time. Rather, you want to use it to distance yourself from the enemy so that you can set up your gates and do damage from a safe distance. S3, his best sequence for main DPS gives him a 50% damage increase to midair and basic attacks when shooting through the gate, so you want to be setting up your mist as often as possible and spamming your midairs through it. When he ults you want to stay behind the gate, set up mists with his skill and N4, and deal as much damage with midair attacks as possible. By the way, if you attack while in mist dash Aalto will use his N3, which means you can N4 directly after to set up a mist gate. He also regenerates stamina with mist dash with his inherent skill so you can use it when you’re out of stamina from spamming midair attacks. If you use this strat he can actually deal some decent damage as an on field DPS (not as much as Chixia though).


As someone with Aalto on my main team: yeah I get you. Especially with the bonuses to his heavy attack, literally only use it for the exploration things where you have to shoot lol. I built him as the ultimate support to my Jiyan, as soon as that concerto is full Aalto is off the field. With echo’s focused on high energy regen, basic attack bonus and liberation bonus. I don’t even want to think about how to build him as a main DPS lmao.


And even despite using Aalto for the one job he's suited for (support for Jiyan), he is power crept in that department by Morty who is a also featured rate-up in Jiyan's banner. Aalto really has no place to call home currently with how discombobulated his kit is and lack of ideal setups.


Someone voiced the exact same thoughts as you but about Calcharo in his mains sub and how his sequences a weird. 


Really? I love Calcharo. I use the six strike thunder boss echo use his resonance skill to get his ultimate then just melt things.


I lost my 50/50 to my 2nd Calcharo copy, and seeing how he gets 3 skills but only 1 proc of his S1 over 2.5 cooldowns is absurd


The targeting system is such a downer. I've been impressed with how Kuro has leveled up the rest of the game, but the targeting boss is the hardest boss in the game.


There’s a targeting system?


Is it just me or sometimes, I just prefer the 4stars more, like I am using Sanhua more than Jiyan


I can’t speak for others, but despite having multiple 5* I mostly use aalto/Sanhua/baizhi in the overworld and in tower as well. Somehow i find their animations visually cleaner and fun to play :)


well I mean Jiyan's kit is very very basic. I think that was the entire point of his kit, make it as easy as possible to get into.


It’s crazy how Mortefi and Taoqi are the same rarity lmao


I wouldn’t say most of them have badly designed kits, only Aalto really stands out to me as having an incoherent kit. Most of the 4 stars that are doing poorly are supports/sub DPS that don’t have any main DPS character that can fully utilize their kit yet. Yuanwu is beginning to find a foothold with the release of Jinhsi, and I’m cooking a Yuanwu/Changli/Chixia team, we will see how that goes. Taoqi seems to be designed as a rejuvenation support judging by the tags they added in 1.1, but there isn’t a team yet that can make full use of her shielding and skill buff. The defense scaling characters also aren’t as good because we haven’t hit level 90 yet. Yangyang is really good as a solo carry in tower floors with lots of enemies, and her outro is weirdly good in some niche situations (e.g. S4 Chixia vs. Impermanence Heron). All the other 4 stars are decent at worst and S tier at best.


it's crazy to me that people think 4-star in this game is bad. Yes they will get more and more powercrept, but I really like more than half of the 4-star's kit, and I would level them up if resources weren't so limited.


Relapsing gatcha addict... I love it!! The combat is great, and the new area and story are really good. It also doesn't feel like I need to grind for an eternity to do one upgrade


It’s amazing, I played Genshin for so long and I have completely stopped playing anything more than the bare minimum for Genshin (literally 10 minutes per day, I hardly even finish my resin). The combat is so addicting in WW, just going around farming echoes is fun because of the combat. And when you do get the perfect Echo roll, it feels rewarding like getting a brand new character early. Many other things like generosity, exploration, puzzle complexity, gameplay features like ease of movement and not to mention graphics are really amazing. I also like the music (it is good but Genshin is a better in music and story than WW). Overall, I will be playing WW for years to come. The quality of the game makes me want to invest in it my time and money (as a low spender). I play on PC so the whole optimization thing doesn’t bother me (although Kuro really should get on that and fix it asap).


I do really like WuWa. And I would really like to play it in the future, too. However since the new Update came live, it's only been very laggy on my phone and a lot stuttering + Fps drops. So I really do hope they will fix it soon. Because otherwise I'm forced to uninstall the game 😔. Edit: Btw I'm already playing 4 other Gacha games, which are Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Punishing Gray Raven and Reverse 1999. But I will quit Genshin soon for Zenless Zone Zero because Genshin is getting kinda boring for me lol.


Damn that's a part time job


Wuwa is the first Gacha I seriously played. I came from Lost Ark and am big on skill expression, so top tier combat was a must for me and Wuwa delivered. I could write a whole essay TLDR Wuwa is a gacha to my personal tastes and preferences and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. That being said, I also ended up getting into HSR and man, between those two games my heart is full. Lost Ark isn’t a gacha but that’s what I ended up dropping.


2nd gacha after a long time, the first being kof all stars lol. Gameplay, worldbuilding, and character designs hooked me in. Also, it'll only get better as time goes on.


It's a 7.5/10 for me. It's building momentum with 1.1, so I hope it keeps up with the same pace. They just need to stay cooking with the story and the exploration. The combat is just fine. Right now, It needs another engaging endgame mode and some optimization fixes. Other than that, it's in a good spot.


game honestly feels super good, I keep hearing about the new optimizations being terrible, but honestly the reverse happened to me this patch so I've only liked the game more since 1.1. Also from what I've heard story gets a lot better and from what little I've seen of Act 7 it looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better then the snorefest of Act 1-6. Also gameplay is bussing goddamn.


Game is a 10/10 Gameplay due to lag/optimization brings it down to 8/10 for me. It seems you need to finnick with computer resolution to get it to run smoothly, even if you have the beefiest most expensive graphics card.


1.1 bumped it into solid 8-8.5 for me. This is the first Cacha I've started playing at launch so I'm finally seeing the roughness off the beginning, but I'm optimistic and hyped for more!


wuwa got a promotion from me from side chick to wife. i only check my other one (genshin) to complete dailies for now while i wait for 5.0


Loving it all the way. 8/10 for 1.0 due to the lackluster story until Scar shows up. 1.1 gives me even more fun than some of my fav games like Monster Hunter. The gameplay is superb. Dropped Genshin, no regrets.


It's fine. I enjoy the exploration and puzzles. Mt Firmament is a big improvement. I'll decide before Christmas if I'm in for the long haul.


I actually would consider myself one of the lucky dude that’s playing the game. Till the day of release, I had 0 problems and bugs that would bother me except performance issues but oh well I was able to fix that as well while still enjoying the game on multiple aspects. I left GI purposely for wuwa and HSR which I didn’t expect but it was getting kinda boring plus I was going to play an open world game similar to GI. And this version just takes wuwa on another level. I know some people are really harsh on different aspects like the story which doesn’t fit their taste, music being a bit bland and not really a great aspect of the game while in it there are multiple terms relating to sounds and music. I just find everything fine.


I like it, but not very much and I see myself will drop wuwa at some point. Players come and go, so I hope kuro will thrives with all these rocky start, cause high quality live service gachagame hard to maintain. 


The day it's released i started this game everything was going good no lag,no issues other then sometimes network issue but after 1.1 my game is laging but still this game is worth it (i am a mobile player)


It’s pretty good, I would’ve dropped it but the optimization has gotten much better pretty quickly (it does go up and down with the mini updates but overall it’s not bad). I really love the combat honestly, collecting echoes is also quite fun. The story has gotten much better and I like it a lot at this point, and many of the characters are really fun to play. I like the level 120 enemies and tactical holograms because they’re so challenging and feel better than the tower endgame content. Also getting guaranteed weapons is quite sweet.


The camera angles adjusting in battle kill it for me on mobile. It’s too difficult to figure out what’s going on in order to appropriately counter/dodge. I think they went full out on animations and beauty, but it gets so convoluted in my screen that I can’t tell what’s going on half the time. In theory animations and visual design I think it’s the best of all top mobile games, but in practice it struggles in comparison.


Yep, between Jinhsi and Jiyan my field is nothing but dragons and numbers. It looks fantastic, but also I get whacked by an unparryable attack out of nowhere because so many dragons and the game deciding to zoom my view in repeatedly


I give it a 7/10 I guess. Definitely liked 1.1 a lot more than the first 4 acts of 1.0 story wise I absolutely love the combat 🤭 I really can't live anymore without an actual dodge button in action games. 1.1 really has a beautiful new area (finally a snow area which isn't completely white in white) and I enjoyed exploring a lot. I really can't wait to see which areas are next. I dropped quite a few gacha games these past few months so I'm currently only playing the usual (Genshin and HSR, and definitely preferring HSR over Genshin, day one player for both).


Love it. It's the perfect game to play alongside Genshin. I personally think WuWa has at the very least leveled with Genshin in terms of Open world, bgm and char design. The game didn't interest me that much because I find that a lot of the launch game chars had the same sci-fi black sleek bodysuit template. Jinhsi and Changli were the reason I started to get invested into the game. Just contrast them against launch chars, and you'll see the diff real fast. Past few mths and next few mths are going to be one hell of a time. We had Clorinde, then Jinhsi and soon, Changli. What an absolute win.


>Past few mths and next few mths are going to be one hell of a time. We had Clorinde, then Jinhsi and soon, Changli. What an absolute win. I agree with this so much I'm so hyped for the upcoming months Genshin is gonna release Nathan soon and Wuwa is gonna get more Updates And with each game releasing new updates that means new characters to play with And also LOOOOORE!!! • There are some things I would disagree with you on your other statements like Character designs cuz I personally think Wuwa takes that cake and the BGM which I think goes to Genshin but other than that little nitpick I agree with everything you said


10/10 for me. I stopped Genshin, but only cause I bodied that game for the last 3 years. iPhone 13 has no issues running this game. Best game of the year so far for me.


quit genshin for it since this game is so much better in terms of gameplay. Sadly optimization and the game running like hot-ass half of the time prevents me from ever spending money on it, why would I spend money on a game that isn't guaranteed to even be playable


more importantly it's playable on steam deck. i really like this game. even though i don't play pgr that much.


Really good in the future it will prolly be better than genshin imp


honestly besides some bugs, it's so fun and honestly everything i want to see in a game like this. yeah there's issues but i'm not very picky and love everything about this game. definitely helps i have good luck- got yinlin 4 pulls after getting new standard character after 60 pity 50/50 loss, got jiyan signature at 6 pulls, won jinhsi 50/50 at 12 pity, etc love combat, love exploration, love environment and love the story, especially newer acts. easy 10/10, hoping kuro continues in this direction, and i'm not planning on dropping it -- also dropped hsr and genshin for wuwa, at least for now lol


Dropped HSR, I simply liked the freedom and interaction with wuthering waves more. Performance issues can be a downside, but I'll play it while I can as I do enjoy it. Eventually, I know I won't be able to play this game anymore but that's far into the future.


To be completely honest, other than the combat, I'm not really enjoying other aspects of the game. I gave it a 6.5 in 1.0 and after 1.1 I'll give it a 7 but it still isnt enough for me to stick around, I'll have my fun with it now but will probably drop it the moment it gets boring(or when Natlan comes out). I do hope kuro manages to thrive tho.


I'm enjoying it so far. Being a mobile game and a bit of an open beta is dragging it down.


At the moment it's 7-8 out of 10. It's definitely got potential to be higher, but the execution/implementation of mechanics and optimisation is ruining the gameplay experience for me. I play this game for its fast-paced combat and smooth exploration, and I hope that the devs know what strengths they have over their competitors and focus on improving those aspects in the future.


like a 4 or 5. 7 or 8 when it runs well. I dont care about the little bugs and errors that much, and i dont really care if a gacha has a bad story or whatever cause i usually skip it anyway. My issue is that it takes like nearly a half an hour just to get into the game, and then another 10-15 minutes to stop stuttering long enough for me to move freely. i could look past it for like a month but at this point its so annoying that by the time the game lets me play i feel like playing something else. if they can figure it out in 2 patches ill probably uninstall.


Well, I tried a lot of gacha games, genshin was the first, and I didn't stay too long... Wuwa is so good and pretty simple, music make me love the game.... waifu thing I didn't get yinlin, and I think that is very difficult to pull 5 stars characters or weapons. This is a gacha issue... maybe that drop should be higher, but they need the whales to keep developing, or at least reduce the 80 convennes to 40 convene to get a 5 star char


Hating it. Solely cause of the optimization. Story I've heard has gotten better in 1.1 but I can't play it cause it won't stop lagging. Characters are great but I can't play them since it won't stop stuttering. It was actually lagging less for me in 1.0. I had a weird camera bug but it was playable. Launched the game today to try it out and while the camera bug is gone my stutter is way worse. My calcharo started gliding across the ground lol. I'm above minimum req btw. Shame cause I had been following WuWa since the day this was announced.


After being jailed in genshin prison for 4 years finally I'm free. A game where I can relinquish my gacha addiction and super fun combat? Hell yeah. I tried to play genhsin few days ago. It was a nightmare. But I hope this game story can rival genshin story one day. I am deeply invested in genshin lore I hope this game can do the same for me. Voice acting, combat camera and music needs improvement. The most impressive thing about this game for me is animation and overall graphics/character design. Even my 1st time gacha player friend who plays AAA games all the time became impressed with its animation. Its really a game made for everyone. As for performance issues, this is the only major issue with this game. If kuro can't fix it, the game might die. It should be thier first priority now. I faced these issues at launch also. Then I moved it to ssd and that was the fix. But it shouldn't require someone to install game in ssd to run properly. I expect good things for this game and I hope it can deliver


6.5/10. It's ok. Could be higher if it wasn't so rushed/bugged and not so much of a copy of GI.


I'm hoping they find their own thing for the game after some patches so it can finally redeem itself from GI copy. I think when Genshin came it was called zelda botw copy,too.


From what I remember Genshin moved on quickly from that and became it's own thing So hopefully Wuwa can also move on as quickly as Genshin did


Started Gachas with Genshin Impact, and it was my main game for such a long time. I was AR60, and eventually was very completionist and got every single achievement and every region to 100%, I was loving the game and loving the dev team and what they did. Of course, that didn't last. I think many people here that wine about Genshin being better forget that the Hoyo execs themselves hate the game. Yae Miko was the first wake-up call for me. Something felt off about how they handled the situation, but when all was said and done, I thought nothing of it later. Then the TCG was added, which I thought was weird and a truly trash game mode but didn't really care as much until later when they continued to waste resources and dev time updating it every single patch. And then came Dehya. I whaled for Dehya because I liked the character and I was coped so hard for a buff, but I watched as that shitty ass company calously shut up and silenced their outraged fans and continued on like nothing happened. I never forgot that. I dropped the game for a while but eventually came back after a two patch hiatus since I still loved the genre and I am a sucker for open-worlds. Hoyo treated me like trash, so for the rest of my time on Genshin, I went back to being exclusively free-to-play like I was in year one. I remember playing Tower of Fantasy for a while at some point, stayed playing that game for quite a few updates and even whaled a C6, but eventually got bored with how outdone my C6 became around the time of the ocean update. Never played Star Rail, made by the same company and I thought turn-based was a straight downgrade. During that time, I never truly dropped Genshin. Fontaine was a cool storyline, the characters interesting, the open-world pretty fun to explore. But all the while, I still never forgot, and when I played other games that actually felt like they cared about their players, I felt more and more that I had to drop the game. Then Wuthering Waves came out. I barely paid attention to the Betas, and honestly wasn't having high hopes for the game. Boy, was I surprised when it released, and I experienced a game that had a way better combat system and already had many quality of life improvements that Genshin had failed to add for nearly four years. Sure, the stuttering was annoying, the English VAs kinda sucked so much it made me switch to Korean, and there were still some QoL mechanics that still needed to be added that Genshin had, but I was so ready to give this game a chance. I didn't truly drop Genshin during WuWa's 1.0, still thinking that I might stick around and check out Natlan since it's the region I've been waiting for since the start. Then 1.1 came out, and I saw that Kuro can compete with their storytelling, and Genshin was uninstalled and I was free. Like Destiny 2, I might keep up to date with the story through videos on YouTube or something, but I feel the same feeling as Destiny 2 gave me, that I just cannot play Genshin and enjoy it anymore. My friend group feels the same way. All that didn't drop Genshin for Star Rail ended up dropping it for Wuthering. Even if they never pulled on Dehya, even they can recognize when a Game doesn't care about their players... TL:DR: Genshin Impact treated me like trash, I'd rather give Wuthering Waves a chance than give another to a game that I've given too many.


When it comes to visuals and combat, I think this game is top tier. Even at the lowest settings on my PC, it is still a banger. I had to take a few screenshots during our battle with Jue. It’s potential is huge, and the previous installment was awesome(Abby is not annoying at all, Y’all just have Paimon Trauma!). The latest story installment for me was also great. They are introducing QOL updates little by little, and that’s a good sign. My last game couldn’t give a fuck about surveys and that’s what made me Quit(Genshin). Hoping they keep improving the game for the better.


I cant play so much because the bad optimization on mobile so im waiting for another patch to play the game as before so..


For now,i like it,the characters,exploration and combat are all amazing,tho i can see the game getting quite repetitive after a while,or out of content at some point,which is expected since at the end of the day it is still a gacha game after all I m not planing to quit anytime soon,but i can see my game time getting cut quite abit after i m done with the 1.1 content which should take around 3-4 days with my pace so overall a very solid 8/10 (tho i am from the group who **isnt** having any preformance issues)


1.1 update ruined game performance entirely for me, last update i got occasional stutters here and there but now the fps can't even reach 60 playing in new area. Disappointed but i hope it gets better performance wise


Great. At some point I was kind of losing interest and even missed dailies a couple of days (Firefly's banner was up in HSR), but then Jinhsi dropped and she reignited my love for the game


I'm loving the game, especially now that my performance has skyrocketed with 1.1 and I basically have 0 issues now. Movement and exploration are fantastic, combat is awesome and I'm excited for even more Hologram bosses to be added (like Crownless was). Definitely hope the game does well and sticks around, currently my favorite gacha, pls continue doing good Kuro 🙏


I enjoy the gameplay and character design. But I'm not feeling so much about the world design exploration and also the music is very forgettable, the sound effects feel also cheap. I like fighting mobs to loot their echo, it is a fun system. But when I don't have so much time in a day, it's hard for me to spend 1 hour or more to farm hard the echoes. And also even if I got plenty of good ones to upgrade, I'm lacking so much of echo exp material...


I just add more to my gacha games list… need to keep myself bz or else I seek shit stuff.


Been enjoying it beyond any gacha. Game esthetics is the best I've seen so far especially Mt. Firmament. Combat is at the top, character design is really good. New story is great too. The other parts I would say they're decent and get better on act 5 and 6 even though these two acts needed to be more refined in terms of text.  Don't really like the scarcity of mats like I've never liked it in HSR. Not pretending to have huge amounts of drops but just a little bit more then we get would benefit to players time and energy.  About optimization I've never had issues since launch, only tiny framedrops every hour of play. In 1.1 feels like it has improved a lot but they need to work because it's not on the levels it should be. 


I got 4 healing bonus in a row Jue and 1 Crit Rate while farming for Jinhsi 🙃. Game's still great tho


Love the game but it's like I'm playing at 1 fps here if I'm in a fight it's like I'm watching a slide show if I just most 1 inch it's like everything just drops it really turns me off from exploring because it's such a pain when the game runs this shit I know what I'm say here gets said a million and ten times so its like how is this not fixed yet.


Banner pulling Taoqi 4x was a blessing. As a f2p, so far lvl. 70 Taoqi with 4 (crit. Rate) 3 (havoc/def) 1 (def) echos and 4k hp, 51% crit. rate, 189% crit damage. Super fun gameplay supporting/reinforcing her with Verina and Sanhua.


I love the game, but I wish I could play it on my console since I don't own a PC.


im gonna get Ishmael soon so im excited


The main thing that hurts the game for me is the dodging/parrying part, particularly when enemies are obscured, out of camera, or have zero windup (looking at you Glacio Dreadmane). The sound prompt back in PGR wouldn't be that hard to implement here, and would really do wonders for a game that really wants to incentivize agility over facerolling everything with enough dps. Feels like shit when you get shotgunned to 0 because some mob in the back was winding up while perfectly hidden behind a dozen sfxs, a giant chasm guardian and a wonky camera that chooses the most inconvenient angle.


Had fun, great animation, love how expressive characters are with their face. But personally going to just play until sub is over and bp is completed before dropping the game, realized I'm just not into open world and 1.1 region scaling is making me not look forward to 1.2 and beyond. Doesn't help that I lost two 50 50 in a row.


Other than gameplay, game pretty much another Genshin to me but with more quality of life and less appeal. I login, dailies, bosses, exploration and logout. I'm pretty patient with their optimizations and bug fixing. Still can't charge shot with Mortefi properly and enemy area is too small, too many times I've experienced them running back and regen to full HP.


The target locking mechanism is so scary that I'm not even using it anymore because "holding" the middle mouse and removing the target locking is almost impossible. And the target locking itself aiming for the enemies behind me and not the enemy in front of me is really annoying. I really thought they'd fix this patch. It's wild that they didn't. Big loss there even if the 1.1 was brilliant in other aspects.


Combat 8.5/10 - I'd score it higher if they fix the auto aiming and camera issues Story 5.5/10 - Haven't finished the new story but the Jinzhou story quest is just bland, skipped most of it's latter part as I couldn't stand it. Characters 7/10 - Well designed but I feel like they're trying too hard to appeal to players. Especially the limited 5 stars. So 7/10 total rating from me, still a decent game but needs some improvements.


Well I've 100% the map and I'm just building characters and working on Tower/Holos so I'm pretty much on autopilot till the next patch like what I do with Genshin and HSR. 1.0 was rough but 1.1 makes me feel like Kuro can make WuWa succeed, either way while the game isn't what i was expecting it's a nice Genshin adjacent and so far I like it a lot. Looking forward to Geshu Lin release, I just hope I'm not in for another Dainsleif wait or even worse a La Singora incident.


I liked the game but now I can't play after the update. There's a lot of lag and my ping spikes up to 999.


I like it a lot actually. Once you know how to grind it’s not as torturous as before. Obviously more echo exp would be nice but otherwise I’m pretty satisfied grind wise. Visually it’s beautiful, the story has gotten better and the gameplay is fun. I’ll give it an 8/10 for now


optimization issues kill the game for me I just can't get immersed into the game at all


8/10 loving it so much and the only reason it's 8/10 is the lack of more permanant game modes. and regarding pc performance "issues", since day 1 of release i'm using rx 6900xt with r9 7900x on a 5120x1440 with no issues whatsoever. maxed out graphics and fsr is off with stable 60fps.


Enjoying it more now than in the beginning. I was super hyped for it but when it first was released I was a little disappointed. It felt very unoptimized for mobile and the colors were so dull which isn’t really my thing. The recent updates has made it a-lot better for me and I’ve caught myself actually wanting to play it (aside from just dailies).


1.1 blew me away and it blew me away HARD!! Music is finally getting , the storyline was just so awesome this time compared with the great visuals ,the frozen lake chamber was so awesome and then Jue was just magnificent i fucking took my time completing the story instead of rushing, at first jinhsi felt very boring pure type character but the story definitely does her more justice and flesh her out good ,i definitely felt her to be likable after the story ended. Small changli tryout there made me very anticipated for the future banner and finally the region is just beautifullly I am not a camera person and I was clicking photos of the village in the region from every angle!! Very cool ,I feel hopeful with this patch and even before that when they released the jinhsi character showcase video ,especially the animation department looks promising.


It’s amazing now, they finally fixed all the issues I had on mobile so I’m just chillin now


WuWa has probably my favorite design across all games (Jinhshi). She and Changli have crazy good animations and make me want to play the game. But… something is missing for me. I can’t bring myself to explore the open world and hunt down echoes. Combat feels a bit jank at times with the targeting. I typically play on mobile for convenience, but did not enjoy WuWa on mobile and now only play on PC. Sometimes I feel like there’s a lack of clarity in the game. The intro / outro system is cool, but I’m never really sure if I’m doing it right or which buffs are active. With characters like Sanhua, I’m not sure if I should bother exploding the ice; it often misses because the boss jumps away, and when it hits it doesn’t do any damage anyway. Is it generating some sort of energy, or is it just a DPS loss? I could probably do some Googling and figure out the answer, but don’t have the will to do so…. Maybe another factor is that in the back of my mind I know for certain I want to keep playing HSR, and that I’m 100% going to play ZZZ, and that I probably don’t have it in me to learn the intricacies of WuWa. I’m typically a pretty mix-max type of player but with WuWa I might just take it extremely casually, and just sign in and explode things with my Jinshi now and then, but not really worry about the Tower of Adversity or doing dailies every day.


I like it and dropped another game for it, but I KNOW the combat camera is gonna make me quit eventually, shit is infuriating sometimes.


I am loving the game, it is my favorite gacha to play right now.


I love wuwa. It's the first gacha i am really into. I tried genshin when it was new and have fast let it down. I tried honkai star rail and let it down when it became boring. Here i don t know it s maybe the gameplay but even just walking around for farm monsters boses and even just the exploration for chests i love it. Ive been quite lucky for the moment with the free money they give. And i really really love the fight systems, the styles of the characters. The story of basic game was mid but the first expansion 1.1 is a great story. For me wuwa is a 9.5/10 The only black point for me it s the daily ressources for can farm. But it s like that in others gachas i think.


It's awesome, 8/10. I'd give it a 10/10 but just the performance issues keep it from that score (doesn't help that my PC can barely run Chrome sometimes :/.)


I give it a 8/10 it does crash if I play for too long lol. Overall I enjoyed the new story it was so good. I did drop Genshin (burn out idk if Nathlan will bring me over) for WuWa.




Added it to my S tier gacha list of WuWa, HSR, and prime grand cross


Well, dropped it when 1.1 dropped since its still unplable for me and I cant be bothered anymore at this point. Gonna give Zen Zero a try when it comes out next Thursday, and maybe ill pop back in when they got their fucking optimization finally figured out one day. 


I have a 3060 laptop , it sometimes stutters . On my friends desktop who has top tier PC ( 4090 + 14900K ) It does not stutter at all, he gets constant 120 fps . ( Fps unlock + max settings ) Does that mean the game needs higher specs ??


I enjoy it a lot so far, but right now once I get scar and camellya and am able to clear tower consistently, I can see the game feeling very stale, so I do hope they add soke more endgame content soon


Game works as well as before update on PC Game runs better on mobile New area is great Jinhsi came home All good Didn’t really drop any games for it since I have stopped playing Genshin before WW even dropped


After getting Boothill and Firefly in Star Rail, I don't really see a need for the upcoming Jade, so I find myself playing Star Rail less and less. Again, on the Genhsin side of things, after getting Arlecchino and Clorinde, I don't see a need for Sigewinne or the upcoming Emile, I also find myself playing Genshin less and less. Aether Gazer has been on the back burner for a while now especially since there is no PC client and emulators aren't really doing it for me. ZZZ is coming out in few days, I feel like I will at the very least load it up to see how I like it. I am absolutely loving WuWa so far even with the minor gripes I may have with the game that I'm choosing it over Star Rail and Genshin at the moment. I am loving Yinlin and Jinhsi right now, I am excited for the future of this game.


dare i say could get to genshin level depending on how good the future content is


Would give it solid 8. I enjoy it quite a lot.


Combat is 10/10, story is solid, it’s not a hoyo story but it’s solid. Gacha feels like there really isn’t a lot of pulls, and the 4 stars feel super weak compared to 5 stars, weapons included. Overall having fun though.


Game good. Camera bad.


It's been very fun, the scenarios, gameplay, characters and the world itself are amazing, the only problem I have is with the story, it leaves so many gaps or seems completely rushed, I would give a solid 4/10. Automatically loses 5 points because it's a gacha and gacha sucks fuck gacha games yeah I just lost Jinshi 50/50 on high pity I'm very salt right now I need a shoulder to cry on or a punching bag


It’s a solid 9/10 it would be 10/10 if I would stop losing my 50/50 ist the second time now and I’m going insane


Amazing game, I would give it a 10/10, I completely love it. The only problem I’ve had is the battery drain. No other issue or bug on my end.


Fun little game to play while while I want to relax. After replaying DD2 and Elden Ring I finally realised that doing exploration for the sake of exploration IS content. So I'm just enjoying my time running around collecting chests. Also realised that I can increase my enjoyment of the game by not playing it all the time. I started playing wuwa for like 30m-1h before I return to real videogames, and it feels like the sweetspot for me.


It's just ok.




Honestly, I find it way too hard. Now let me say, this is 100% a skill issue, but compared to Genshin and to soom extent Star Rail, this game is really hard. The puzzles are actually fun, which is a nice change of pace, but the combat is crippling difficult, especially on a laptop. I basically can't parry, and only dodge if I'm lucky, and things in combat go way too fast for my slow ass. So yeah, I love so much about the game, Scar especially, it if there was EVER a game that needed an optional easy mode, it's this one. 8/10


I'm personally loving WuWa. I would probably rate it around an 8/10 for now. Also playing HSR and have done so religiously since launch (haven't missed a day). Thankfully HSR is VERY low effort since I can auto everything, so it works great as a side game. I'll add ZZZ to the mix when it launches. In terms of prio, I'm looking at something like WuWa > ZZZ (if it's fun) > HSR. Now, if the game could just make me win my 50/50's rather than lose all of them.


I can barely play it on my IPhone 13. It gets too hot and stutters occasionally.


I love it but after the update it crushes every five minutes someone please tell me what to do or if they'll fix it


I played, got lucky (got Jiyan S2R1), fought against the hologram monkey, got qte to narnia while almost killing it. Deleted the game after and hoped it gets better. 2 days ago downloaded the game, it crashed, so i deleted it again. They really need to fix the optimization issues and the pulls they give for compensation wont do it for me anymore if I cant even enjoy the game.


I'm playing it in the exact same way I play Genshin. 100% exploration, clearing ToA once per rotation (currently at 18/30 crests, UL49), achievements hunting, spend my waveplates on character mats & tacit fields, log out. 8/10.


Gameplay and design: it's so sick Story: 1.1 is way better than 1.0, could've developed more tho but it's great improvement Area and exploration: the designs are really pretty and the maps are cool Voice acting/ sound: they need to change yangyang's VA or give her a new direction to try on. The voice acting is bland and boring, I can't feel any emotions from them. This is the only compliant I have. They need better directions


The world building is pretty good, love the aesthetic all around. The story is honestly growing on me quite a bit and I look forward to seeing what they cook up in the future. Combat is some of the best action combat for cross-platform gaming especially when compared to competitors like GI or the upcoming ZZZ. The main issues are the optimization and just general jank stuff like camera going to the moon when you're fighting or the glitchy cruisewing hologram mini games where you don't pick up the coin half the time if you're trying to speed run. And I'll never defend their choice of going with the genshin style gacha with a soft and hard pity, but will commend them for making the weapons guaranteed. All in all I'll probably continue playing for a long time as I enjoy this game way more than genshin and as long as you don't try to pull for every unit the gacha system is tolerable.


7/10 didn't like the majority of 1.0 story, got a lot better in 1.1. exploration & related QoLs are great. really appreciate them not locking any weapon/skill mats behind particular days of the week. tacit fields/bosses are enough for my echo farming. don't like the combat as much i hoped, still prefer genshin for it. character roster is still small so hopefully I get to see a character whose combat really wows me. huge power level difference between 4 star and 5 star weapons, caught me off-guard after using exclusively 4 star weapons in Genshin for 3 years xD


I cannot thank the devs enough for the infinite sprint out of combat and the much improved climbing over games like genshin. That alone made me stay with this game I shit you not.


i think once they fix the optimization issues and keep improving the story/music/EN va, the game has a lot of potential. the combat and the traversal are great, the visuals are gorgeous... i think what brings down the game a lot is the bugs/issues that a lot of ppl experience. some want to play the game but the constant issues really take away from their enjoyment of the game which is understandable. i think optimizing the game should be their main priority bc i already see some improvement in the voice acting, music and story in the 1.1 patch. i think a lot of things with the game are "only time will tell" but i personally have hope for the game bc if the devs keep listening to their player base and continuously work on improving it, i see a bright future for it.


I really love it, but I wish items that heal/buff characters didnt require a cooldown :p


Gacha games don't last long for me because once I experienced what the game has to offer, I moved on. I don't want to farm the same boss a dozen times. This is my last adventure. Chixia vs Scar Lightbane + Nightmare form https://youtu.be/k-JuGLJffjk


1.1 was a huge success for me. They are heading in the right direction. I don't care if they are pulling some things from GI, as long as it is only to set a foundation from which they can springboard into their own space. I play like 5 other gachas and FF14 and I won't drop them for WuWa but WuWa does take more of my time than the other gachas. I think the success of 1.1 and the acknowledgement of their writing now will hopefully boost morale in the department. I'm excited to see where we go in the next few story patches. However, they still stand on a slippery slope. They don't need to do anything too crazy right now, but by 1.5 there needs to be some shift away from Hoyo's shadow.


I wish the story would move away from Rover being the "main character" that everything cruxes and revolves around so we can see the world by itself. I want character quests where we play as the characters in their own story, but I know because of self insert rules, that will never happen.


Combat and gameplay is good. I actually find it way more enjoyable to traverse the world than Genshin/HSR. Significantly less jank feeling than Tower of fantasy. Biggest complaint for me is that voice acting/recording/post processing is a bit lacking. Some parts felt like a recorded voice over was slapped on top of a cutscene with no additional work..


I dropped gachas early this year. Later i started to go deep into pgr, but dropped it for wuwa. I regret it a little, because pgr is exactly what i want combat wise, but i didn't like the stages. I'd love to see some combat styles from pgr in wuwa.. but time will tell. I have to say, i was too bad for pgr's late game, but i still had a blast with it. Wuwa is my main game and i'm having a blast. It is a game and has its flaws like every other, but i just have fun. Like the story (second half) and the 1.1 part was awesome. The characters are also really well designed and the gameplay is very fun too. I'll maybe go for a second gacha, but it depends on how i'll like zzzero


The game feels so good, it's exactly what I wanted genshin to be like. That's coming from someone who dropped genshin early, tried to get back in recently-ish and found it very boring, the movement just feels right and the combat reminds me a bit of nier automata, and since this is Kuro I hope there is a collab with them like in pgr (biiiig copium)


Jianxin saved this game for me. Way too button mashy otherwise.


It would be better without the echo rng. Especially for the level 3's. There's a chance to even DROP it then it's off element. Level it up, it's trash, now it's another two days of nothing. It would be better to make the excess echoes into exp but they're literally sitting there taking space


I am liking this game alot because my gacha luck in this game is so far very good.


I do like it quite a bit so far, but I am feeling that the game is not quite as generous as it was painting itself to be, patch to patch. Don't get me wrong, 1.0 and launch were very generous, but I'm a bit concerned with how many guaranteed characters we can get a patch, especially when new 4*s aren't being introduced. I'll still still hold my judgment, but it doesn't feel much more generous than, for example, Honkai Star Rail.


7/10. Fun to play and progress while I wait for Natlan. If it keeps improving like 1.1 does I imagine I'll keep playing for a bit.


I don’t play it because there isn’t controller support on mobile, or a console release. I’ve had it since launch but I don’t plan to fully play it until one of those two things happen. I will however, grind and make sure I can get Changli, THEN I’ll quit until later


I used to play HSR and Genshin before that. I missed the real time combat after playing HSR, and I'm never going back to Paimon. Wuwa so far is a 8.5 out of 10. I like Wuwa's graphics, lip syncing, hero talking for himself, some of the character designs(not the child-like ones), and the deeper combat. The concerning parts are the story is a bit weak, some of the story is bit verbose, some voice acting is bad, Verina and Encore look too young, too much of the landscape looks depressing, could use better humor, the UI takes up more space than needed, no 120 fps mode, and each character could use some extra attack commands. Also, I'm not sure if I like using echoes; it just feels like an extra button I'm forced to use, not fun, maybe they would be better as a passive unit or an automatic one. My hopes are a bit higher with Kuro than with Mihoyo. Zenless Zone Zero might have me quit, but I'm not a fan of that games art direction, so I doubt it.


Would be 10/10 if there wasn’t an impossible to beat Spectro lion roaming around the beaches of Mt.Firmament that frustrates me to no end.


Personally, everything good about the game is overshadowed by the performance issues. Its really hard to appreciate everything good and great about the game if the game isnt working.


So far I love it but I have 2 issues. First - there is a lack of ways to get standard wishes. I was lucky enough to get Verina on my chosen banner in the first 10 pull but it feels like I stopped getting standard wishes. I'm trying to wish on the weapon banner now (chose the rectifier from lvl 45 chest) cause I want the sword for my Sanhua but it's brutal out here. Second - Echo EXP. Now listen, I'm no hardcore player but the amount of Echo EXP it takes to level them up is crazy. I've managed to build Verina, Sanhua and Jinhsi with decent Echoes, decent. My Jinhsi still has a lot of basic/heavy attack bonuses I need to change and also get more crit rate. My Sanhua is also in dire need for crit rate. I have the Echoes - I don't have the Echo EXP materials. I don't get why we can't use the 5\* Echoes to level other echoes up? I don't wanna exchange 5 echoes to get a new echo, I wanna use the trash +0 echos to upgrade my good ones lol. I'm not really convinced to do the Tacet Fields cause I already have like 100+ echoes for every set, I don't wanna farm more of them to get EXP.


Trash. Ive only spent 600 dollars and ive hit UL 50. Ask me again when i hit UL 60. 


Love love loveeeeee the game for the most part. However, right now there's not much in terms of endgame activities. They should focus more on that, and like having some type of wave mode similar to the limited event we had, but make it more randomized and reset bi-weekly. Even if it has limited reward, I would definitely stick around more. Patch 1.1 has been good but I've gone through the new map in 2 days, not gonna have much to do after that.


Great game the translations on some skills are terrible though like seriously, other then that the game could use better performance but there's no Paimon so I will continue to play daily


I really wanted to like it, but trying to play it actually made me realize how old and inferior my gaming device is...for now I'm dropping the game, but maybe I'll be back once I get myself a better PC


Great game but too much lag


Pretty fun, but I won’t invest anything into it until it gets controller support or a console release


Enjoying it so much. The traversal, combat and characters are my favorite part. Though, in this patch, don't know if it's me, or the game gets very laggy. Even force closes itself a few times. And for those about to say it's network, I've tried different games on my phone and they ran smoothly.


im loving the game so far, but optimization especially on mobile needs to improve


Playing wuwa and genshin. I think I rolled decently well which is a big factor in why I kept playing. Exploration is pretty good, definitely upgrade on movement and gadgets, combat is okay to pretty good, I would like more elemental depth rather than outro/intro spam and it would be better if the camera wasn't absolute dogshit. Story is pretty mid so far, more bearable than the worst parts of genshin though. 1.1 was good, I'll keep playing for the time being as f2p, but I can see artifact maintenence hell in the future soon, so who knows.


It's fine, but I'm not sure if I keep playing it after ZZZ release. Combat becomes old really fast. TOA is garbage design for end game content with such combat, and holograms are just 1 time deal. Story is pretty bad. Side quests are even worse. Game went into daily routine mode way too fast.


I've been loving the combat and exploration. The story has been pretty weak, though. I did just start the 1.1 expansion, though and it has already been a massive improvement! Specifically, Changli's VA has been amazing and the deeper we go into Mt. Firmament, the more invested I am.


I'm enjoying it, especially after the 1.1 update. But it's definitely my first "Will drop" game on my list. I like HSR's game world better and I'm too invested in GI's world to drop it. And if ZZZ is any good, WuWa will unfortunately be on the chopping block for me. But I hope that WiWa continues to improve and those that enjoy it stuck with it.


Already planning to drop Genshin since I heard of Wuwa, spent all my gems on Arle and the rest of it on Furina (got her and she's lv 40) but I haven't been logging in ever since. I really like how comfortable and the fun Wuwa offers, at first I was still doing dailies but I haven't been logging in for 4 days now.


It's meh. Combat is nice, the game model is tried and true and works. Character models and skills are fun and enemies have a good variety. Gacha system has made good improvements over hoyo games, but still not as F2P friendly as a game like HSR. Storyline is absolute ass imo. Disjointed story points making you feel like you missed whole chapters, an annoying paimon clone sidekick, mediocre va in English, MC is basically heralded as god/world savior instantly with no explanation. Makes me just wanna skip it all to just get rewards and unlock events asap. Optimization is bad, that's obv. Echoes leveling is badly designed and tedious if you wanna truly minmax. So yea, overall meh. I play for fun Combat and the hopes that they'll fix Optimization and echoes so that as I can just skip a shit story and enjoy the rest of the game


6/10 for me. Game is fun enough as a collectathon, especially when I hadn't filled out the databank yet. However, I'm essentially 2-3 months into the game after starting in CBT2. And now without the specter of an account reset looming overhead I've been pushing harder to reach end game content and in the process am finding the combat system is starting to show its cracks. Its also been difficult to maintain emotional investment in most of the characters despite not skipping any of the story.


I'm enjoying it a ton and see myself playing it for a while. I even like the 4stars but don't have resources to build them. Currently running Aalto and he's super fun. And well I'm pretty bad at dodge and parry mechanics just cause my reaction time is a bit slow, so Aalto's taunt mist double is REALLY useful in both small mob and boss fights. (Except those little Plant jerks with the laser beams, they ignore Aalto's double almost completely for some reason ) It does a rather decent job of aggroing even Jue. Also plan to build the electro dude with the hat, I forget his name but he's really fun to play and in his infused state, he attacks so fast that he essentially auto parry's a lot of bosses. I also play genshin and tower of fantasy. And when I log back into Genshin it's painful not being able to effortless run up mountains lol Although ToF still holds the crown for me for overworld travel speed (can literally fly around there with some weapons :p )


Love it so far but the story just needs a little bit more oompf too it at least for me. Still early though Imma let them cook since from time to time I do see some cool scenes. NGL I wish they kept some of the story stuff from the beta it looked cooler there, crownless actually looked like a menace and yangyang and chixia had more personality it seems.


Right now i couldn't fully clear toa so that is frustrating. I hope it doesn't go pay to win route. The holograms are a nice touch as long as you can dodge and attack at the right time boss would go down with no diminished rewards. The story is a huge mess. Like the old thunder uncle last minute joining the avengers fight in the first episode is cheesy. Most of the lines are cheesy. Some characters have super bad english voice acting. Like female rover and baizhi. The cheesy scenes contradict the darker tone/pallete of the world. I love the additional performance improvements they did in 1.1, like turning off bloom. Wish they had option to turn off shiny water as well. And options for lighting. I hope they keep doing optimizations until the game runs buttery smooth on potato pc's. I hope they have more unique takes on the game, and not just copy off genshin entirely. Will play until azur promila comes out and decide which to stick with.


it's been more than a month since i played genshin and that was my only gacha game before, i have never played with my C3 Neuvillette since WuWa drop


I really want to like it but on my computer it lags so badly (also after the update i cant even get my computer to open it, also i am missing 6gb of ram from minimum system requirements so it makes kinda sense its just frustrating) and on my ipad i can not go 5 minutes without it crashing. The only time i can play the game in peace is when i use my girlfriends ipad. That aside, i do love the character designs and animations are nice, and when im not dealing with performance issues the combat is really nice


i reaally like it!... wish i had more time to play


Aside from Echo farming (and man is this hell), I'm starting to think I might drop another gacha game to make room.


10/10 for me I love the new area and the story. My only problem is getting a Jue with Crit Damage mainstat has been brutal 😅 19 Jues and all crit rate or Defense 🥲


It's ok. The first quest was boring up until scar showed up, but the second one was fun all the way through. I like how distinct and unique every single character mechanic is from the others, and I like the fighting mechanics. Not a big fan of the echo system to build your character, but that's purely out of laziness lol. My only issue is playing on mobile. It lags so much it even hinders my co-op experience, and my phone can take big games like genshin or sky no problem. Downloading it on my computer is out of the question because it can't even take genshin. Optimization HAS improved just a little over time, enough for my pint to not shoot to 999 every time I teleport. Or if it does, it goes back after a second, instead of having to wait half a minute for the game to settle before moving again after teleporting. And the camera while fighting is a pain to say it lightly


Patch 1.1 was such a leap in standards that I cant even recall how bad the 1.0 tutorial area dialogue is.


**Gameplay mechanics: 8/10** -You can still end up stuck on some invisible walls. Not a big deal, but a little annoying to run up a big cliff and you don't parkour over. -There's simultaneously too much and not enough stuff on the hotkeys. Especially for the gadgets. It's a little clunky to tab and select, even though it's Spider-Man 98% of the time. Maybe keep the Spider-Man on T locked and have the others at 6-0? -The random LOOK AT THIS EMPTY SPOT thing the camera likes to do. Please fix this. **Combat: 9.5/10** One of the biggest draws to the game. Targeting is a little weird sometimes, but not detrimental. I wish the elements did a little bit more. They're essentially just flavour text as is. **Music: 6/10** Serviceable, but nothing really remarkable. The starting screen theme is the only one I remember. **Performance: 3/10** The big one. This is what will make or break the game. Some people have no problems, some can't go 12 seconds without a ping spike to 999 and a crash. **Gacha system: 10/10** Perfect. Don't change anything. Other games take notes. **Aesthetics: 8/10** World and characters look great. Although, personally, I do think some of the character designs look a little too similar. Danjin/Taoqi/Changli look like a Pokemon evolution line. Yangyang, Baizhi, and Jianxin embody the "all Asians look the same" stereotype. In comparison, they look like NPCs to main characters like Verina and Jiyan. On the flipside, it's nice that the NPCs aren't just 50 shades of palette swap. **Story/Lore: 5/10** I'm still only in Act 1 (just got to the scene where we capture scar with Jinshi) but it really hasn't captured me yet. I maintain that the story would have benefited immensely if it stayed closer to what we saw from Beta. Right now, the tone doesn't match the post-apocalyptic world we're in. The land is riddled with smoking craters, barren wastelands, ruins, desolation, roving bandits, mutants, etc. But it doesn't *feel* like it. Overall, lots of potential. What it does well, it does amazingly. Where it falters, it's just plain bad. I really want this game to succeed, and it's still very early. Just don't screw it up.


7/10. Gotta dock some point for sloppy 1.0 writing. Also the skill requirements can be absurdly high for some comps (like yinlin calcharo) which my noob ass can't ever hope to execute properly. But aside from that, things are pretty great. Exploration, world building, map design, and character design are all superbly well done. But, if I can just judge the game with 1.1 alone and ignore the whole 1.0 stuff, easily 9/10. The level of polish 1.1 have is just way above 1.0. writing suddenly gets much better, animation in dialogue gets much more intricate, and improvements from 1.0 really helps a lot. Kuro definitely nailed it for 1.1.


when i play/think about wuwa i feel sad. i’m not sure if i like it


Loving it. 8.5/10 for me so far. Performance issues, targeting, and other things keep it from being higher but the story has improved, Jinhsi is super fun and fine, and Changli is coming soon. I’ll def keep playing for awhile


I actually dropped genshin. The combat and exploration is just so much better in wuwa.


This game is competing with Shadow of the Erdtree for my time, it really is that good to me


combat and character design pretty good. exploration, world, story, colors, events and rewards are pretty below average. for now I'll stay for a while but hoping some of these get better in the future. I REALLY wanna experience this combat with more polish.


Enjoying it. Yinlin is a blast to play


Oh it's a banger but recently when I go to the echo screen it seems like my echoes are blurred? And idk the character screen's colour tone seems much more softer


Not enjoying the bad optimization


I’m really enjoying the combat which is why I played in the first place. I don’t really care for the story that much but that can change. My biggest annoyances rn is that the UI is glitching a bit sometimes (like when I scroll down the weapons list, the icons are flickering white lines and stuff, and once while looking at the skill trees of each of my resonators each of them was replaced by a Calcharo torso no matter which resonator I switched to), optimization, the camera being weird, and there is some glitch where an overworld enemy would be 2 feet away from their spawn point and still run back and reset their health


I think it's fun and has a good story to go along with it! It'd technical and challenging to with some of the fights as well and seems to have a little bit of something for everyone! As long as they keep up with innovative ideas and hear out the player base, then I think they'll be up there with the others for a long time!


Id have many good things to say about it if its actually playable again. 1.1 is a mobile disaster


Somewhere in the range of 7-8 / 10 I nearly quit from all the yapping in the final mission of 1.0. The downsides: There's too much stuff that halts gameplay. Either to show the player something obvious, or unnecessary dialog. This has become better with the new questline in 1.1 but generally I feel the skip button isn't even enough; that's how bad it is. Without the skip button it'd be unplayable for me. Lots of people mention optimization. I've never had issues here, even with the game on my hard drive but it's something to mention. The camera can be finicky tho. One thing that bugs me a lot is the enemies distance to lose aggro. They may heal and walk away mid fight if you move to far. Very disappointing when knocking things off a ledge and they just teleport back at full hp. I wish some puzzles were more difficult. There were only a few where I thought 'hey an actual challenge' and enjoyed the puzzle. Most of them are too straight forward hold the players hand kind of thing. I really like the wall running. I felt a lot of parts of the map don't allow it, where there's something sticking out near the top of the ledge that block your climb. This could be improved a bit in some areas of the map. I think this was much better in the new map area. And yea. Maybe just more fun end game content. The game can add more stuff for coop, currently there isn't really a reason to do coop except farm things like flowers. More combat challenges that actually require 2 ppl from the added difficulty would be neat. Not really a downside but I hope they don't make new characters too over powered. The 1.1 questline felt like they were trying as hard as possible to push the sales of the new characters. Still a good fun game I'd say. For a mobile especially (granted I play on PC mostly). Character building and strategies will be great as they add more. I really like the intro/outro/forte circuit skill design.


It's nice the story is long but okay long the mascot didn't treat me like 5 years old with hard time understanding the situation... Although just like early pgr i had hard time to connect to the game character in combat. Im not talking internet. Sometime i just hard to feel in control of character using touchscreen probably because i used to buttons(i cant use pc). I need to lock in every time there's combat.


Dropped genshin after 4 years 2 weeks before this game's release. Wont look back again in exception of developing plot. Still curious to its story. But for the meantime, this is the grind for me


My only issue is always the gacha, they give us many gifts but if your Lucky you have the character in the 50/50 with few pulls, after that you need the weapon to do at least proper damage. I hope they lower the pity to 50 pulls, the 4 stars weapons in the banners are mostly trash


As a Genshin player, I can't help but compare the two. I'm happy that Rover is not absolute garbage, as I like female Rover design. The exploration feels so much better because of better stamina + wall running + jump dashing. Combat takes a while to get into, but more rewarding. There are still room for improvement, particularly with echos. I feel like this is the current limiting factor for me, as echo exp and mats are hard to come by. I hope we can just feed lvl 0 echos for exp, that will make it a better experience. Overall, I'm happy enough that I think this will be my main game for now until Genshin comes up with new stuff.


I'm absolutely loving it. It almost feels like Kuro went back through the history of all of my complaints and criticisms about Genshin, and said "let's make a game for exactly this guy", and that's Wuthering Waves. I haven't dropped any other gachas for it, but Nikke is on the chopping block for sure (I unironically enjoy the story, but it has the worst daily chore grind of any gacha I've played besides Genshin... May just have to watch story on YT or something. I'm also not a fan of the art style aside from a few characters).